Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 594: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (7)!

In the evening, the U.S. stock market also closed higher one after another, further catalyzing market sentiment.

Over the weekend, good news from regulators also came one after another, directly adding fuel to the hot market.

Then, when the time arrived on Monday, August 11, the Shanghai Stock Index continued to open higher and move higher, and the main lines of market investment were the two major industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', "Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" are the core, and continue to spread to other traditional industry sectors and other investment main lines.

At the same time, the main line of ‘technological growth’, led by the small and medium-sized boards and the GEM, continues to see a rebound.

Among them, the stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Series' announced last Friday have been specially sorted out by major trading platforms into a 'Yu Hang Series Concept Stock' section. At the beginning of the opening, this concept section was criticized by the market. With the unanimous support of all major active funds in the market, all component stocks opened significantly higher, and it was a concept sector that directly led the market higher after the market officially opened.

"Damn it, is this market crazy?"

Seeing that after the index broke through 2,500 points, it continued to open higher and move higher without any correction at all. In the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yue belongs, some group members exclaimed: "It's terrifying that this amount can explode, and 'infrastructure' , 'Military Industry', the two major industry main lines, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' and several core conceptual main lines. This trend... is too strong? Not only are concept stocks moving, but heavyweight stocks are also directly increasing in volume, with no sign of any correction at all.”

"Mr. Su's influence on the market is truly terrifying! It's almost explosive."

"It's mainly about the two major industry main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the expectations of the main conceptual lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', okay? Mr. Su is also following the general trend of the market in his layout."

"Indeed, the main lines of investment in these core markets have a steady stream of benefits."

“This shows that the regulators also want the market to go bullish!”

"Looking at it this feels like Mr. Su has clearly become a sharp blade in the hands of regulators to stimulate market conditions."

"You could say the same thing."

"The 2,500-point pressure level of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has been substantially broken through. The follow-up space...can at least see 3,000 points, right?"

"Whether the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can reach 3,000 points still depends on the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" The market performance of the main line of big core concepts and themes, right?”

"How do I feel about the market trends of the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main lines of core concepts such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" , at this time... we just started to ascend to the main level?"

"I also have this feeling."

"However, the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main conceptual themes of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', are obviously progressing. When I joined Shenglang, I felt that the main trend of the market was still moving deeper. Today, the two lines of 'Big Finance' and 'Big Consumption', as well as the 'Internet Finance' sector, are doing very well!"

"Funding spillover effect, this is normal."

"It's not just the spillover effect of funds from the main line. I feel that the overall market expectations are also changing."

"Yes, it feels like the bullish power in the market has already formed a crushing situation against the short-selling power."

"I feel that the pace of the market's 'bull market' seems to be getting closer and closer. At the same time, a series of changes such as the market's quantitative energy explosion, investment sentiment, investment confidence, etc., seem to be transitioning from quantitative changes to qualitative changes."

"Bull market? seems like we need to take another look, right?"

"The structure of the 'bull market' has definitely not yet completely emerged, but I think...the market's expectations in this regard have gradually begun to become stronger, and if there are expectations, there will be market prices, so I think 'big In the financial direction, there are probably great investment and trading opportunities in the market outlook."

"'Big Finance'? The valuation is low enough, but the macro perspective doesn't seem to be very good."

"Indeed, banks should not have any performance expectations this year due to internal balance sheet adjustments, and in terms of macroeconomics, there are still great uncertainties in economic recovery. It should be difficult for banks to have any big performance. On the contrary, securities ... This sector is further accelerating the entry of potential investors outside the market, or with the explosion of 'mobile Internet', with the popularity of smartphones and mobile devices, and the increase in investor groups, there may still be a certain amount of investment, Speculative trading opportunities.”

"I think so too. After all, the current valuation of the 'securities' sector is indeed very low."

"What has more potential should be the 'Internet finance' stocks that are biased towards 'securities' and 'banking' businesses? Stocks such as 'Great Wisdom, Oriental Fortune, and Flush' can see big trends in the trends visible to the naked eye. Funds are still flowing into these stocks in a steady stream."

"If the market's 'bull market' expectations become stronger and stronger, the potential explosion potential of 'securities' and the entire 'big financial' sector will definitely become greater and greater. There is no doubt about this."

"I agree, so I feel it is necessary to plan this aspect in advance."

"But 'securities' and even the entire 'big finance' main line field are basically weighted large-cap stocks. It seems that it is not easy to participate."

“You can participate in certain concept stocks in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector.”

"Anyway, if 'big finance' wants to move, the 'Internet finance' sector should also move, and Mr. Su currently holds a lot of positions in this sector."

"I think that, not only in the fields of 'big finance' and 'Internet finance', in the market, as long as there are sectors that are strongly related to 'bull market expectations', at this stage, they should be able to participate in the layout, and judging from the market trend In terms of volume and energy performance, the profit-loss ratio is not bad.”

"Yes, it is obvious that the line of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' will continue to deepen."

"In the 'military industry' line, it feels like there is still a chance, right?"

"The main line of 'big infrastructure', in the context of the two major macroeconomic strategic plans of the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and the 'New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road', currently... there are still huge opportunities, at least There are already many signs of recovery in this field.”

"In the direction of 'technological growth', many second-quarter results have reached the previous market expectations, and after more than a month of adjustment, they should also have certain investment opportunities, right? I feel that this field is also There is a need to make up for the increase!”

"In short...there are obviously many market opportunities at present."

"As long as the market can generally maintain a capacity of more than 250 billion, then in the short term, all market main lines can be done."

"Before the Shanghai Stock Index hits the 3,000-point mark, the market conditions...should not be too bad."

"However, we still have to pay attention to the specific position changes of several major fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by President Su."

"Indeed, after the preliminary layout, the main fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by President Su are in the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', and Maritime Silk Road. ', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', the profits in the main areas of these core concepts are already quite generous, and there should be a certain need to make profits and stop profits."

"But after the net worth of the 'Yu Hang Series' was announced this time, I don't know when the next net worth will be announced?"

"So, we have to pay attention to the recent data of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. Let's see how Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat is doing on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking."

"I feel that not only the specific position rebalancing performance of the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su should be paid attention to, but also the main fund products of the asset management company 'Anzhao Fund' need to be paid attention to at all times. After all, this company is currently It has been fully acquired by 'Yuhang Investment Company', and the subsequent positions and investment strategies of 'Anzhao Fund' will probably be linked to the main fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by Mr. Su."

"It seems right to think in this direction!"

"If the asset management company 'Anzhao Fund' has any signs of adjusting or reducing positions, it will also reflect the movement of some of the 'Yu Hang Series' fund products managed by President Su."

"By the way, the net asset value of the 'Anzhao' fund managed by Mr. Qin is still skyrocketing, right?"

"Yes, it's still rising sharply."

"Do you think you can still buy the current 'Anzhao series' fund products? If you think you can buy them, I will set aside two to three million and give them a try."

"Although the 'Anzhao series' fund products are not the 'Yuhang series' fund products managed by Mr. Su, if the two have strong linkage in investment strategies and trading strategies in the future, I think I will buy 'Anzhao series'. The difference between buying a fund product of the Yuhang family and buying a fund product of the Yuhang family is not very big."

"I agree. It is precisely for this reason that the net asset value of the 'Anzhao Series' fund products has skyrocketed recently, right?"

"Mom, so...can I snap up some?"

"While Mr. Qin of the 'Anzhao Department' has not closed the subscription channel, hurry up and grab it."

With the rapid refresh of messages in the group and the collision of everyone's opinions...

The market conditions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, as well as the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main lines of core concepts such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', also It continues to make a strong upward breakthrough.

And when the trading time reaches the afternoon.

A number of heavyweight stocks have once again increased their volume, and the market's funding capabilities have shown to be extremely strong.

"Haha, Lao Zhang, you have made a lot of money this time!"

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the market transactions were fierce, in Yuhang, in a private villa with an elegant environment, Lao Liu, who was seated at the market's top hot money 'Liuyuan Avenue', looked at the market trend of continuous breakthroughs and sipped his lips with a smile. Taking a sip of tea, he said to Zhang Jianping who was sitting next to him: "The check from China Railway Construction, which we have heavily invested in, is in the main lines of the two major industries of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in this round, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New The main line market prices of several core concepts and themes such as "Times Road", "Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" have exploded. In just over a month, they have risen by almost 50%. I have to say... your market judgment ability , it’s really strong!”

Zhang Jianping didn't seem to be too surprised by the current market performance, and the look on his face didn't change much. He laughed and said: "Old Liu, just watch, the market conditions are here... but it has just begun. .”

"Have you just started?" Lao Liu was stunned.

Zhang Jianping nodded and continued: "As soon as the Shanghai Stock Index broke the 2,500-point shackles, the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence completely recovered. In this case...the huge group of potential investors outside the market will only accelerate their investment." The market will take over the market conditions, and the main rise of the market... naturally has just begun."

"You mean...the market's 'bull market' is coming soon, right?" Lao Liu came to his senses.

Zhang Jianping said: "It's not that it's almost here, but it's already on the way to a 'bull market'. You haven't noticed the market's financial situation, emotional situation, and the expectations of the majority of investors, including major institutional groups. Comparing Has there been a significant change from two months ago?”

"Yeah!" Lao Liu nodded and responded, "There seems to be such a trace."

"It's not just these!" Zhang Jianping said, "As for the regulators, even though market investment sentiment and investment sentiment have obviously recovered, they are still releasing benefits to the market, and it is currently foreseeable that the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' The opening of the financing will also bring a wave of incremental funds to the market. At the same time... the balance of financing and financing in the market has also been in a state of rapid increase recently. This shows that the off-site investor groups are indeed quickly following the trend and entering the market.

It also explains that the index is here...

Although it has risen rapidly, the foundation is still solid, and the market's capital capacity is actually stronger than you and I expected.

Moreover, with the funds of the ‘Yu Hang Group’, it will strongly stimulate the market at this juncture.

I feel that before the Shanghai Stock Index touches the pressure mark of 3,000 points, it should be difficult to stop and make a decent adjustment. Of course, it is still unclear how the Shanghai Stock Index will move after it approaches 3,000 points.

But currently, it can be clearly felt that the market is still in a strong breakthrough trend.

It is indeed still a good time to make money! "

Lao Liu pondered for a moment and said: "If the market mainly rises this time and the height is around 3,000 points, then the index still has nearly 20% room. As a leading stock, there is still room for follow-up... at least 40%. Haha... In this wave, it seems that we are going to make up for all the market losses last year and the year before last. The bull market... has finally seen the light of day again after six years of decline!"

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