Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 595: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (8)!

"Although the dawn of a bull market has suddenly appeared, in order to completely take the shape of a bull market and form the entire market's expectations for a bull market, we still need to continue to observe and see the subsequent transformation of the market." Zhang Jianping said, "And From the direction of the regulators, there must be a major benefit to further stimulate the market."

Lao Liu smiled and said: "Do you think it will happen?"

Zhang Jianping responded: "If nothing else happens, there will definitely be a flame. The flame of market sentiment and confidence has finally ignited. At this time, if there is no good news and the furnace is left to cool down, isn't that the regulators are stupid? You know... they also hope to have a comprehensive bull market to change the market's financing environment and reverse the entire stock market ecology.

After all, only when the market financing environment eases can the amount of active funds in the market increase.

So, there is still ground for the implementation of market macro-plans such as the subsequent registration system. Otherwise... the market has been in a sluggish bear market and a volatile market. How can these macro-plans be implemented?

So, at this stage.

No matter which aspect the regulators consider, they will release good news appropriately to stimulate the market and induce a bull market situation in the market.

In this general context, in fact, companies such as the ‘Yu Hang Group’ and other major financial institutions.

For regulators, it happens to be a sharp blade that can be fully utilized and even encouraged and supported in disguise.


Stock trading still requires more consideration from the top-level design direction.

All in all, the domestic A-share market is inseparable from the extremely important market factor of macroeconomic policy control. When we make market transactions and speculate in stocks, we should follow this direction in order to get twice the result with half the effort. "

"Yes!" Lao Liu nodded and responded, "I agree. In fact, when it comes to market trends, the joint resonance of emotions, investment confidence, future expectations, policy macro-control directions, and top-level design directions is the real market trend. Momentum trend direction.

Many people know that when investing, you must follow market trends.

But the vast majority of investors don’t really understand what is a ‘market trend’? "

Zhang Jianping nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Indeed, investors who are obsessed with the K-line often think that the bull trend or the short trend presented by the K-line is the 'market trend'. However, this is only the most one-sided thing. The real The market trend, as you said, is the final expected direction formed by the joint resonance of various factors, rather than the local trend direction on the K-line chart.

If you blindly pay attention to the surface of the disk and ignore the things outside the disk, it is obvious that you are blind and miss the mountain! "

"Haha...that makes sense!" Lao Liu laughed loudly and said.

While the two were briefly talking, the market trading time had passed 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to surge upward, breaking through the 2550 point, while the ChiNext Index also followed the trend and rose due to the continued performance of 'Internet Finance'. There were nearly 2,000 stocks participating in transactions in the two cities, and there were still more than 1,400 stocks, maintaining a stable The red market status and the market's money-making effect can be described as overwhelming.

At the same time, the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', have continued to explode, forming an obvious Under the main uptrend, the traditional main investment sectors of 'finance', 'consumption' and 'cyclical' are also continuing to absorb the main funds, forming a clear rebound trend.

Moreover, the core weights and white horse blue-chip stocks of the two cities have seriously lagged behind the trend of the broader market.

At this stage, an obvious compensatory upward trend also began to appear.

Overall, the market no longer has a seesaw effect. The entire market has formed a sustained general rise situation with relatively sufficient incremental funds continuing to enter the market.

Of course, the market is generally rising.

However, the main line of the core market still revolves around the two major industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as several major conceptual themes such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' The main line is unfolding, and it is also developing in depth with this as the core.

At a time when the market is generally rising, the money-making effect is becoming more and more profound and intense.

The entire market is gathered in major online stock trading platform forums, as well as retail investor groups in various stock investment communities and post bars.

The discussion on the topic is becoming more and more intense and heated.

"Isn't the trend of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Series' concept stocks holdings too strong?"

"It's not just the conceptual sector where Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' holds positions, it's the entire market, with the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' All concept sectors related to the main themes of "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" are trending very strongly."

"This is the main line of market investment, the market trend of Shenglang! Before... it was just a fermentation of the market."

"Haha, indeed, it's been rising all the way and never looking back."

“The market conditions for the main lines of investment in these markets are obviously accelerating.”

“It feels like from the moment Mr. Su’s ‘Yu Hang Group’ announced the net worth, it was like a switch on the market was completely turned on, causing the entire market to explode, completely out of control.”

"That's right, and... look at the turnover of the two cities, it's really increased a lot compared to before!"

"Quantity leads to market trends. This quantity can change, which shows that the market has a breakthrough trend, which is quite healthy."

"According to this market trend, the space above 2,500 points is really completely open."

"Before the subsequent index reaches 3,000 points, there won't be much resistance, right? As long as the market follows this stage and there are no extreme negatives, 3,000 points will probably be reached."

"The situation is bigger, what about 3,000 points! Is 5,000 points okay?"

"Niubi, are you going to see 5,000 points now?"

"Let's take it one step at a time. It's a bull market or something. When the market comes out, it's called a bull market. If it doesn't come out, it's still a volatile market. It's just that the range of the shock is wider."

"Haha, that makes sense..."

"Anyway, for now, just follow Mr. Su's instructions."

"But now, the position of Mr. Su's stock holdings is a bit high compared to the level of the entire market! Can I continue to buy it?"

"Don't you understand the path of the strong to everlasting strength?"

"Indeed, although Mr. Su's position in the constituent stocks is not low compared to the level of the entire market, it is still in the two major industry main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime The main themes of the "Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" continue to be interpreted, and the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence are still recovering and skyrocketing. No surprise, these tickets will still be It should still be a high probability event for the market’s leading stocks to continue to lead the market.”

"I agree, if you ask me, if you want to buy stocks, you should buy the leader."

"Only leading brands have premium value."

"Only leading stocks have sufficient liquidity, popularity and sentiment."

"Let's see, the market's follow-up volume and mainline market will definitely deepen and climb further. Those who are afraid of heights now...are all poor people."

"In fact, if the market can continue to maintain this hot state, don't pursue Mr. Su's position concept stocks, and buy stocks in the fields of 'big finance', 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous metals, oil cycle' with relatively low positions, etc. It’s also good for these stocks to make up for the gains at low levels.”

"But these low-weighted stocks in traditional fields, whether in terms of expectations, attention, or speculation, are worse than the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt,' 'New Era Road,' The Maritime Silk Road and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises are a large number of main areas. If the market volume can no longer continue to surge, there will not be so much incremental funds overflowing from the core main lines and flowing to these areas. If there is a lack of expectations for the main-line sectors, then the trends of individual stocks in these main-line sectors may be in a weak direction and continue to slump."

"Yes, expectations, emotions, and attention are indeed the strongest driving forces for stock price increases."

"Without these things, the stock price fluctuations will have no autonomy. They can only follow the trend of the market and fluctuate in accordance with the direction of the market trend."

"The strongest defense is to take the initiative to attack. When we speculate in stocks, we must speculate in the strongest main lines and the strongest individual stocks."

"There is no doubt that the stocks held by Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' are currently the strongest hot spots and main lines in the market."

“Given Mr. Su’s influence on the market, Mr. Su’s ‘Yuhang Series’ concept stocks can already be regarded as a separate main line of market investment.”

"Yes, yes, it is safest to rely on Mr. Su's 'Yuhang System' concept for stock trading."

"Facts have proved that only by following Mr. Su can you have meat to eat."

"However, Mr. Su's positions are in the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" The volume and current profits are very generous. At this time, I am not afraid of chasing positions. I am afraid that if Mr. Su sells to take profits, it will be in trouble. By then, the basic investment logic of this main line of investment will probably It has been hugely affected. After all, tens of billions of funds have been poured out, plus some funds that follow the trend and smash the market. Whether the market can bear it is a huge question."

"The expectations and investment logic of the two main industry lines of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', are At is far from the time to cash out. A position of Mr. Su's size should not be sold in the short term. Furthermore...compared to Mr. Su's position size of tens of billions, our small amount of funds , as long as Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat shows signs of continuous sales on the Dragon and Tiger list, we can sell it at any time. As the saying goes, 'a small boat can easily turn around', what are you afraid of?"

"Indeed, we have small funds, so we naturally have to take advantage of our small funds."

"I just look at whether the incremental funds in the market are still increasing, and whether the market sentiment and money-making effect continue to deepen. As long as these indicators and factors do not go bad, no matter how the market fluctuates, I will not Pessimistic, but at this time... just one word, 'do' will do!"

With numerous retail investor groups across the network, extremely hot topic discussions and market analysis are ongoing.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the two cities ushered in the closing time.

After a day of fluctuating rises, the Shanghai Stock Index finally closed up by 31%, with the index closing at around 2570 points. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also closed higher simultaneously, but only by an intraday increase. Compared with the Shanghai Stock Index, There is a slight difference, which makes the market show a pattern of "Shanghai is strong and Deep is weak".

In addition to index performance, the core main lines of the market and the performance of popular stocks.

The industry sectors and concept sectors are based on the two major industry lines of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. , still leading the market, and there is a clear trend of accelerating the rise.

There are other traditional main investment areas focusing on ‘big finance’, ‘big consumption’, and ‘non-ferrous metals and oil cycle’.

Against the backdrop of a significant recovery in market investment sentiment and investment confidence, as well as in the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'State-owned Enterprises The main themes of the reform and reorganization of state-owned enterprises continued to rise sharply. Under the spillover effect of many funds that were unwilling to pursue higher prices, they also ushered in a rebound trend to a certain extent, keeping up with the rise of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

As for the main line of the market, "technological growth", the trend is more divergent.

'Internet finance' continues to surge, and the 'smartphone industry chain' sector can basically keep up with the performance of the broader market, while the 'domestic software' and 'film and television media' sectors can only maintain sideways fluctuations. Obviously, the situation is not complete yet. Get out of the adjustment trend and usher in a new rising cycle.

And a number of popular concept stocks.

The main stocks that change hands at daily limit are except for new stocks and stocks that are good for resumption of trading.

It is mainly concentrated in the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main conceptual areas of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. And like 'Chengfei Technology', which has soared 3 or 4 times in the early stage, it continues to rise today, closing the daily limit of new highs, attracting a large number of investors in the market, as well as the main funds of all parties, to chase and grab madly. Raise money.

Facing the closing situation of the two cities.

The investor group in the entire market is very excited and excited.

At the same time, many potential investor groups outside the market began to pay attention to the market due to the market's continued hot money-making effect and soaring emotional effects.

On the other side, there are the core and main institutional groups in the market.

Seeing that the market volume has continued to remain above 280 billion, and the financing balances of the two cities have also begun to skyrocket, expectations of the market's "continued bullishness" have arisen in my mind. At this time, the relevant asset management department, It plans to launch more fund products, take advantage of the hot market, further seize market investors, expand the scale of institutional asset management, and thereby quickly seize more core mainline chips in the market and seize corresponding profits.

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