Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 596: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (9)!

As for the institutional groups, they plan to add new products and at the same time increase investment in publicity of fund products to attract more citizens and investors.

The products of the 'Anzhao Fund' series have been pushed to the forefront by the 'Yu Hang Series', a major market institution.

In today's market transactions, the net asset values ​​of various fund products continued to skyrocket.

Although the magnitude of the surge has obviously slowed down a lot compared to yesterday, a total of 1.5 billion in net asset value was also added in one day.

Let this company's fund products become a hot news topic in the industry after the market closes.

"Damn it, the net asset value of the 'Anzhao series' fund products has grown so crazy, right?" Seeing that the 'Anzhao series' fund products have made headlines in the industry again, among them, within the industry's asset management institutions , a fund manager was very shocked and said, "Is this still justified?"

"Damn, these fund products of the 'Anzhao Series' are robbing money!"

In the internal group of asset management institutions in the industry, someone quickly responded.

"The net asset value of the 'Anzhao Series' fund is growing much faster than the money grab. You know, this is a private equity fund product with a subscription threshold of 1 million and a one-year lock-in period. If the 'Anzhao Series' 'These fund products are public funds with no subscription threshold restrictions or lock-in period threshold restrictions. Is this a big deal? I'm afraid the net asset value has grown to 50 billion."

"The key is that industry media are still reporting on them, adding fuel to the fire of these fund products."

"Hey, the growth rate of this net worth is so envy that my back molars are broken."

"To be honest, in terms of industry performance rankings, the performance of fund products such as the 'Anzhao Series' is not very outstanding. They can be considered excellent at most."

"The net asset value of the current 'An Zhao Series' funds has soared. Is this a performance issue?"

"It's hard to understand why its net asset value has skyrocketed because of the 'Yu Hang Group'. Are these investors crazy now?"

“Maybe it’s not that the citizens and investors are crazy, but that we simply don’t understand this market.”

"Isn't this Yuhang Group organization too perverted? One acquisition announcement has almost brought an increase of more than 5 billion in asset management scale to the company 'Anzhao Fund'."

"Hey, 'Yuhang Investment' company fully acquired 'Anzhao Fund' company for 200 million. Looking at it now... this is a huge profit. After all, with the current asset management scale of 'Anzhao Fund', not counting all share of excess profits, but fund management fees have exceeded RMB 300 million a year.”

"It can't be calculated like this! Before 'Yuhang Investment' acquired 'Anzhao Fund', who was optimistic about this private equity fund company? And it was calculated based on the previous asset management scale and operation of 'Anzhao Fund', as well as the value of fixed assets , the purchase price of 200 million is already a premium to some extent, and I heard that 'Yuhang Investment' company used all cash in acquiring 'Anzhao Fund' company, which is even more rare."

"Seeing the current growth of asset management scale of 'Anzhao Fund', Mr. Wu of 'Oriental Group' is so angry, isn't it?"

"Mr. Wu did not lose money on the sale, so why are you angry? Does the current sharp increase in the asset management scale of 'Anzhao Fund' have anything to do with the 'Oriental Group'? Isn't it because of the 'Yuhang Group'? The number of mindless subscriptions by citizens who trust the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' has increased dramatically."

"Hey, the organization 'Yuhang Department' is now... the god of the market."

"There is no way. The basic citizens, hot money in the market, and retail investors are all chasing this main fund like crazy. Can they not be gods? Under the influence of so many follow-up funds, as long as this main fund appears, then... this stock Even if the stocks bought by funds are not supported by sufficient expectations, they will inevitably have a skyrocketing trend under this surge of emotions."

"However, this kind of chasing and following the trend effect should not last long, right?"

"Half a year ago, everyone thought it would not last long. However... the result is that in the past six months, the follow-up effect of various funds in the market on the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Series' has not only not diminished, but has become more and more intense. Now, many institutions in the industry have to follow suit and are forced to support this main force of funds."

"Hey, in essence, if this capital can continue to lead the market, everyone will continue to follow the trend and follow the market."

"As the volume of the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' becomes larger and larger, it will be difficult to lead the market in the future, right? After all, when its scale reaches 70 billion, 80 billion, or even more than 100 billion, I will If you don’t believe it, he can continue to do band operations and switch the main line of investment in the short and medium term.”

"I also don't believe that there is no fund in the industry with a scale of more than 50 billion that can maintain rapid growth in performance."

"There is a ceiling for the market's capital capacity. I feel that the performance growth of several major fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' should have reached its peak."

"It's hard to say that the market volume has been expanding rapidly recently. If the market volume can continue to rise and be stabilized at more than 300 billion in the future, then the performance ceiling of the 'Yu Hang Series' should still be invisible at present. It is not completely impossible to shift the main line of investment.”

"Is it difficult to maintain a stable market volume of more than 300 billion?"

"Based on the current market trend, it is entirely possible."

"If the energy can be maintained stably at more than 300 billion, then the market will continue to rise and develop into a bull market trend. There should be hope, right?"

"Totally promising!"

“This ‘bull market’ thing still needs macro-financial support.”

"According to the sharp rise in the net asset values ​​of several major fund products of 'Anzhao Fund' in the past two days, is there really still a lack of funds in terms of macro funds now?"

"You cannot judge the overall financial situation based on the sharp increase in the net asset value of 'Anzhao Fund'!"

"Yes, individual cases cannot represent the general situation. It depends on the specific situation of market capital and the fundraising results of newly issued fund products by many institutions in the industry."

"With the launch of new fund products at this time, the fundraising situation shouldn't be too bad, right?"

"It's hard to say. I feel that now, many investors would rather invest in P2P than in funds, especially stock fund products. However, fortunately, under the influence of the recent market breakthroughs, the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence have improved. According to the reply, if fund products are launched at this time, the overall situation should be much better than at the beginning of the year."

"Everyone, you have to hurry up and distribute the products quickly!"


"I heard that the company 'Yuhang Investment' is also preparing to issue new fund products, and has submitted an application to the regulators for preparation. We, our Magic City Zexi Investment Company, are also launching new funds. The product preparation application has been applied for, and as soon as these two giants come out... If you don't rush ahead, will private equity companies like us still have soup to drink? The high-net-worth customer groups in the market must not rush to invest in these two companies. Have you purchased fund products?”

"Hey, the current 'Yuhang system' is really siphoning funds both inside and outside the market. It's so annoying!"

"Indeed, it is because the main capital of the 'Yuhang Group' holds large-scale holdings of the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', Stocks in the main theme areas of the Maritime Silk Road's several major concepts have sucked up the liquidity of the entire 'technological growth' investment main line, and even the growth stocks of the small and medium-sized board and the GEM."

“The main force of ‘Yu Hang Sui’ now is really a vampire with a huge market!”

"But the area where this main force of capital is heavily invested is the main investment area where the market's short- and medium-term expectations are strongest in the future. I really don't want to follow it, but I have to follow it.'s very frustrating."

"No, don't follow. This fund has been attracting other active funds in the market to follow suit. As a result, there is no decent sustainable market in other weak main line areas. Follow the trend and support this fund. Now this fund is in the 'Infrastructure ', 'Military industry', as well as the 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and several major conceptual themes, are chips for profit. It is extremely rich. I am afraid that this main force of funds will suddenly stop taking profits and smash the market. When the huge amount of follow-up orders are hit, funds like us who follow the trend at high positions will have no time to escape even if they want to escape, hey..."

"There's no point complaining, it's better to grab time."

"Yes, yes, it's important to seize the time. You must not wait for the company 'Yuhang Investment' to issue new fund products at this juncture to attract OTC funds. Otherwise, by then, everyone will not even be able to drink the soup." Take a bite.”

"Damn it, Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' is planning to suck up all the high-net-worth investors' funds off the market in one go? The main fund of the 'Yuhang Department', plus there is no closing limit If the main funds of the 'Anzhao series' are really at full power, they can't siphon off 100 billion in off-market funds, right?"

"In this round, we must focus on the new fund products that 'Yuhang Investment' Company has reported to the regulators. How much money is it planning to raise?"

"I hope the amount of funds raised for this company's new fund products can be set slightly lower."

"It can't be very low, at least 10 billion."

“If it’s really 10 billion, that’s okay. What I’m afraid of is that there is no specific limit on the scale of fundraising, and that’s terrible.”

"Indeed, if there were no fund-raising restrictions, all high-net-worth over-the-counter customers would probably have to flock to the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series'."

"It can't be unlimited, right? After all, the size of the fund is too large, and the performance will be really difficult."

"Just watch, it's useless to say more now."

In the major internal groups of the institutional community, there are endless news of heated discussions. At the same time, many institutional asset management managers have been paying attention to the market news during the discussion, focusing on the private equity fund company 'Yuhang Investment'. All movement.

Of course, it's not just them.

After hearing rumors that the company ‘Yuhang Investment’ plans to report new fund products to regulators and plans to issue new funds.

Countless high-net-worth investment client groups with assets exceeding tens of millions of dollars outside the market have also turned their attention to this company. They have mobilized their own news channels and personal circles to collect first-hand information about the asset management business of 'Yuhang Investment'. Information, and have gathered cash, ready to snap up new fund products issued by 'Yuhang Investment' company.

After all, the performance of the first three "Yuhang Series" main funds serves as a benchmark.

The entire market, the investor groups on and off the market, have long admired the fund product operation management capabilities and investment capabilities of the asset management team of 'Yuhang Investment'. At the same time... they all know that as long as It is a fund product share of the 'Yu Hang Series', so if you don't buy it at a large premium through the over-the-counter share transfer market, then you will definitely make money if you buy it.

At this moment, inside Yuhang Investment Company.

After listening to the progress report of the company's fund operation department on the application for new fund products, Su Yu began to inspect the company's newly established trader training camp, which was less than a month old, accompanied by the department leaders, and followed this group of regular traders. Traders who are in training positions and have not passed the final real-time assessment will explain trading techniques.

And this group of traders also benefited a lot from this almost month-long real-time training.

No one expected that Yuhang Investment Company would actually provide real trading accounts to these people who do not have much market experience, allowing them to operate as they please while providing dedicated guidance.

Of course, everyone knows it.

After this kind of intensive training, it is estimated that few people can actually be selected to join the trading team of Yuhang Investment's main fund products.

But this training experience, and the understanding of market trading during this training period.

This is basically their intangible wealth in the future.

The purpose of Su Yu's opening of this training camp is also to screen out some available trader talents through this centralized screening model in the context of the bull market that is about to begin.

After all, considering the current development situation of the company.

What they mainly lack is not investment customers or asset management funds, but talent.

Especially after the new fund product is approved by the regulatory authorities, the company will add a new fund product with a volume of 30 billion.

If a 30 billion fund product is to be operated smoothly, it will require a large number of new trading teams. After all, even if he can formulate macro trading strategies, all these trading strategies still need people to execute them!

Just when Yuhang Investment stepped up the recruitment and training of traders, and at the same time applied for new fund products.

As the market conditions further heated up.

Applications for over-the-counter fund products and the launch of new fund products can be said to come one after another.

At the same time, the changes in the entire financial aspect of the market are also quite obvious.

The first is the overall market turnover. After the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 2,500 points, it has indeed generally maintained a level of more than 280 billion, and there is a trend of continued explosive growth.

Secondly, the market’s main institutions.

The net asset value of various public fund products and private equity funds has increased sharply overnight under the background that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has exceeded 2,500 points and the market conditions have become increasingly hot. This shows that some investors have begun to subscribe for funds. , investment funds come into the market.

Of course, in this.

The most obvious increase is naturally the main fund products of ‘Anzhao Fund’.

And when the net asset value of the main fund products of the 'Anzhao Series' continued to explode for many consecutive days, causing the fund company's asset management scale to break through from 10 billion to around 15 billion in a few trading days, as the general manager of the fund company Manager, Qin Qiuyue, considering the manpower problem of the company's trading team, finally had to close the fund share subscription channel after asking Su Yu for instructions, temporarily closed several major fund products, and no longer accepted investment. purchaser's subscription.

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