Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 597: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (10)!

At this time, the main fund products of the ‘Anzhao Series’ closed the fund share subscription channels and closed all markets.

Other private equity institutions, public equity institutions and other groups in the domestic asset management industry are advertising fund products on a large scale, investing heavily, and have begun to further exaggerate the money-making effect of the market, thereby attracting off-market investor groups. As well as potential Christian groups, they can subscribe for funds or enter the market for transactions.

At the same time, when institutional groups publicize and further induce market conditions.

Brokerage institutional analysts, financial influencers, and well-known stock commentators in the market have also begun to be more bullish on the market and continue to stimulate the market's bullish sentiment.

On the other hand, regulators are more or less cooperating with the market in terms of news.

And under the combined effect of changes in these market factors...

After the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2,500 points, it broke out of the six consecutive positive trends in one fell swoop and directly refreshed the rebound high point and the annual high point above 2,650 points. Then it began to take a slight rest, oscillating sideways to digest profits and this stage. Free up the holding plate chips.

And when the index goes out of six consecutive Yangs.

Generally speaking, the transaction volume of the two cities continues to remain at around 280 billion to 300 billion, maintaining an active trend.

Moreover, at this stage, the financing balances of the two cities also increased for the sixth consecutive time, approaching the 750 billion mark, and also reached the active line.

“The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has been positive for six consecutive days!”

Seeing that the Shanghai Stock Index once again hit a new rebound high and a new yearly high during the session, at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon on August 15, Yu Hang, inside the main fund trading room of Minghui Capital, He Hong stared at the market with emotion. : "It's been a long time since I've seen the index break through with such momentum. Now... the index has reached this point. The big box that has restricted the market for two or three years from 2000 to 2500 is considered a complete breakthrough, right?"

"Well!" Xu Zhongji, who was standing next to He Hong, pondered for a moment and responded with a smile, "It should be considered a complete breakthrough. However, after the index has risen for six consecutive times, in a short period of time, it may be possible again. It’s time to rest.”

He Hong nodded and said: "I agree, but according to the current market volume and average performance, even if the index is resting here, I'm afraid the adjustment will not be deep, and it will not go back to the 2500-point position again, right? And... In the market, the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main theme areas of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'road and sea road in the new era', are all related. The trend of the industry sector and concept sector is really strong, with continuous upward attacks and no correction at all.”

"Market expectations and funds are basically concentrated in these main directions." Xu Zhongji said, "In addition, the position weights of several major funds in the 'Yuhang Series' are also in this direction. Expectations, emotions, news, Macroeconomic policies...with the support of various factors, can the trend not be strong?


I feel that the two major industry main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main themes and concepts of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'new era road and maritime road', although the current trend is still very strong , and under the influence of a steady stream of incremental funds, it continues to siphon market funds, hitting new highs one after another.

However, the room for "expected difference" is obviously getting smaller and smaller.

At the same time, the profit chips accumulated internally are getting heavier and heavier.

For aggressive investors who continue to chase positions at high levels at this stage, the price/performance ratio is no longer high.

Of course, thanks to the continuous exceeding of expected market incremental funds entering the market, as well as the continued optimism of the 'Yu Hang Series', as well as the funds in other main areas of the market, the continuous exceeding of expected profit-making effects in these major main areas have guided Next, the results of continued concentration on these major main lines.

For the time being, there are no risks in these core market investment lines.

However, it is impossible for a tree to reach the sky.

When these major market trends rise and more and more funds are needed, exceeding the market's ability to absorb incremental funds, then the market's turning point will most likely come.

Now, I am worried that the Shanghai Stock Index is highly bound by these major main lines.

Once these main lines exhaust the hype and fall into an adjustment, then... the overall market trend will inevitably be greatly affected. "

He Hong heard Xu Zhongji's analysis, thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Xu, I think the market can perform well after continuing to introduce incremental funds from the sidelines and maintaining a volume of 280 billion and above. , with so many active funds on the market, the market will not be so fragile.

Moreover, I don’t know if Mr. Xu has noticed it.

Nowadays, the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main themes and concepts of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'new era road and sea road' are still the strongest in the market. However, many active funds are already relying on the core logic of these main lines to explore other investment main lines that can carry market conditions and form a switchable investment main line with these main lines.

For example, ‘big finance’ and ‘big consumption’ have also been going very strong recently.

Especially in the field of 'big finance', whether it is banks, securities, insurance in the traditional financial field, or the 'Internet finance' sector in which the 'Yu Hang Series' funds have positions, the current trend is obviously stronger than the broader market, and There is a trend of bottoming out of adjustment.

If the market can form new consistent expectations in the field of 'big finance'.

Then, the line of 'big finance' can form a main line rotation with the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and continue to support the upward trend of the market.


In the current market, with the continued rebound of the index and the further deepening of the relevant main line market.

In fact, everyone's expectations for the overall market trend are getting stronger and stronger. Mr. Xu, did you see that the calls for a 'bull market' in the entire market are getting stronger and stronger?

And as long as the calls and expectations of a ‘bull market’ are intensifying.

Then, the expectations of the 'big finance' line will continue to increase, and naturally more funds will be attracted to this big main line.

At the same time, due to the entire 'big finance' field, except for the 'internet finance' sector, valuations have been compressed to the limit in the market trends in the past two years, which has resulted in the valuation of this field being significantly lower than the market average. Water level, this shows that in this field, when the market's "bull market" expectations are getting stronger and stronger, there is a valuation base at the bottom and unlimited imagination space for expectations at the top.

There’s also the whole ‘big finance’ thread.

It can also be combined with the main concepts and themes of the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. After all, 90% of the stocks in the 'big financial' field can They are all state-owned holdings and are also expected to be restructured.

As long as the two can be combined and the market's overall 'bull market' expectations are increasing.

Then I think there is no need to be pessimistic about the subsequent development of the market. "

After hearing He Hong's analysis and views on the market, Xu Zhongji thought about it for a moment, but he agreed with it in his heart. He chuckled and said, "It makes sense to hear what you said."

"Even, I'm thinking..." He Hong paused for a while and then said, "Didn't I hear that 'Yuhang Investment' company plans to issue a new main fund product? Now they are in 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' The positions in the two major industry main lines, as well as the main theme areas of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'new era road and sea road' are already very heavy.

If they discover new fund products, they should not focus on the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'new era road and maritime road' These are the main themes and concepts, right?

Even we can see that these main lines are currently a feast for stockholders, rather than a good time to continue chasing and building positions. I believe that Mr. Su from the 'Yu Hang Department' can definitely see this too. .

In this way, the main areas of investment in the new funds they issue must be in other directions.

In the entire market, the main line that can carry tens of billions of huge funds and has certain future expectations should be the only main line of 'big finance', right? "

"Hey, you said's quite possible!" Xu Zhongji was surprised, "Then it seems that the line of 'big finance' is indeed worth noting."

He Hong nodded and said: "Mr. Xu, since the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 2,500 points, in the past few trading days, the list of funds newly reported to the regulators by the industry has skyrocketed. I feel that the entire market The investment trend has indeed completely changed.

Maybe, this round, the "bull market" that many people in the market are calling will really come.

At this time, is it necessary for us to invest in publicity for our main fund products and seize the high-net-worth customer groups who are interested in investing outside the market? Is it necessary to quickly apply for new funds and quickly expand the scale of our institution’s asset management at this critical moment?

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, you will not panic in your heart.

At present, our organization's main positions are also in the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the major themes and concepts of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'new era road and maritime road' In the main line field, and when these major main line market conditions have not finished.

We are also unable to withdraw funds to lay out the current "big finance" with high profit and loss performance.

And, if the bull market really comes...

We don’t have enough funds in our hands to compete for chips, and we can only be anxious as we watch the market continue to make rapid breakthroughs!

Therefore, I think it doesn’t matter whether this ‘bull market’ can come true or not.

At this time, it is still necessary for us to prepare in advance, issue new fund products, and prepare part of the funds to prepare for greater investment opportunities in the market. "

"If you have food in your hands, you won't panic in your heart. This makes sense!" Xu Zhongji nodded slightly and responded, "For those of us asset managers who rely on market transactions for a living, funds are indeed what we need. Food, and only by keeping funds in hand at all times, can we make precise arrangements in time when opportunities come, so as not to despair.

Okay, your suggestion is very good.

After the market closes today, I will discuss with Mr. Liao to formulate the follow-up fund operation strategy and prepare some "food" in our hands. "

He had never thought about the 'Yu Hang Department' as the main source of funds before.

The specific motivations and purposes for acquiring a wholly-owned subsidiary of ‘Anzhao Fund’ at this time, as well as the proposed issuance of a new fund.

Now, after being reminded by He Hong, he thought carefully and suddenly realized that the organization 'Yuhang Investment', especially Mr. Su of the 'Yuhang Department', although he had not publicly said a word to the market, a series of This move is enough to show that the other party is firmly optimistic about the market outlook, and also believes that the market's "bull market" expectations are getting stronger and stronger, and it is very likely to form a "big bull market" trend.

At the same time, there is a high probability that the other party is also optimistic about the main investment line of ‘big finance’.

That being the case...

Then he has to speed up his pace, prepare funds, get ahead of the opponent, and make a large-scale layout.

In other words, we once again collaborated with Mr. Su from the "Yu Hang Group", following the two main industry lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", as well as "reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises", "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road", After the main theme concepts of "Sea Road", we will create the core main line of "big finance", so as to drive the market to a comprehensive bull market and further capture the market's excess profits.

"Okay!" He Hong nodded in response.

Seeing that Xu Zhongji fully accepted his suggestion, he was very happy inside.

And as the two discussed the market and the company's development...

The market trading time has been fixed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

I saw that the Shanghai Stock Index closed up again, fixed at 49 points, up 65%. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also closed in the red. With the indexes closing in full, the two major industries of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' The main line, as well as the main themes and concepts of 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'New Era Road and Maritime Road', are still the most solid core main lines in the market, gathering a large number of active financial groups in the market .

After the market closed, the index faced six consecutive positive trends.

The vast investor groups inside and outside the market are all very excited.

And also after the market closed on this day, the approval document submitted by the 'Yuhang Investment' company to the regulatory authorities for the establishment of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product has been quickly reviewed and approved by the regulatory authorities, and the approved 'Yuhang 4' fund product The No. 1 fund product has also become the first ultra-large private equity fund product in the industry that plans to raise 30 billion non-publicly.

Hear the news that the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund was approved.

The entire domestic financial community, and even high-net-worth individuals from other walks of life, as long as they are interested in investing, have begun to collect cash at this moment. Through personal connections, they have contacted the staff of the fund operation department within 'Yuhang Investment' as soon as possible. , want to reserve shares of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund in advance.

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