Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 598: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (11)!

"Mr. Su..."

When the number of phone calls in the fund business operation department of 'Yuhang Investment' company was overwhelming, its operations manager Yu Xiaobing hurriedly reported to Su Yu: "The news that our company's 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product has been approved by the regulatory authorities. As soon as it was leaked to the market, the number of calls from our operations department exploded. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

A lot of investors have called us to ask when our new fund products can be subscribed and whether they can make an appointment to subscribe in advance. Mr. Su, do you think we can set up an appointment plan to invest in our fund products first? Retain high-net-worth customers with purchase intentions.

After all, in the current market, despite the hot market performance.

The investor groups outside the market have increased their willingness to invest in funds, and at the same time, many potential fund investor groups have also been added.

However, according to recent news.

In the domestic asset management industry, many industry institutions, whether they are public funds or private equity funds, are increasing their efforts to promote and expand new products, or use the previous main fund products to invest frantically in publicity and competition. Over-the-counter high-net-worth client groups.

At this time, if we don’t make some proactive plans to retain people.

These investors are afraid that they will be quickly attracted by other institutions in the industry and switch to other fund products. "

Although at present, the company has gained quite a reputation in the industry and has gained the trust of many investors both inside and outside the market, so it is relatively easy to win over customers.

But faced with a fundraising scale of 30 billion yuan.

As the company's fund business operations manager, Yu Xiaobing is still under great pressure.

Therefore, in the face of these high-net-worth investors who called the company's fund business operation department and strongly requested to pre-order, he really didn't want to let any of them go.

After all, these are investors who truly have the ability to subscribe for large amounts and fully trust the company!

You know, before this, when he had not joined the 'Yuhang Investment' company, these people, one by one... But they all required him to get connections everywhere and shamelessly go to eat and drink with others to negotiate. 'Value customers'! He felt distressed in his heart if he let someone go.

"First set up an appointment subscription plan?" Su Yu heard Yu Xiaobing's words, thought for a moment, and responded, "It's not impossible, but how to set up an appointment subscription? With so many people, you can't let your fund business Operations Department, please register one by one?"

Yu Xiaobing chuckled and said: "I have an idea about this.

When our company launched the ‘Yuhang No. 3’ fund, didn’t we sign an agreement with the ‘Oriental Fortune Website’? Now many fund institutions in the industry have begun to develop online user ports, and have begun to fully cooperate with many financial information platforms and stock trading platforms, as well as banks and brokerage platforms.

We can also give this path a try.

Although our private equity fund products cannot be publicly promoted like public equity funds when raising funds.

But as long as our company is not promoting it internally and external partners are promoting it themselves, then it has nothing to do with us. Moreover... with our company's current reputation in the domestic financial circle, what we announce and promote is actually no different.

I think this round...

We give most of the shares to network user ports.

Only a small portion of the shares will be left offline for those customer groups who are not yet accustomed to using online channels to subscribe.

At present, I have contacted several cooperation platforms, and they are also preparing to provide us with new fund products and new subscription entrances. I think we can make reservations for subscription through these forms.

Of course, I still have to think about the specific plan. "

"Okay!" Su Yu smiled and nodded, "You can contact Mr. Zheng of Oriental Fortune directly and let the technical staff of their platform connect with you directly and give our fund a network port for reservation subscription.

But at the same time……"

Su Yu paused and then said: "As for offline investors' appointment registration, you must also keep registration records. Again, although we must keep pace with the times and take advantage of the port traffic advantage of the current mobile Internet , but the previous traditional solutions cannot be lost.

The fund product "Yuhang No. 4" has always been an important new product for our company.

I don't want anything to go wrong during the subscription process. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Su!" Yu Xiaobing responded with a smile, "I will do my best to prepare for this, and I will try to make the noise bigger."

Su Yu pondered for a moment and said: "Just step up preparations online and offline at the same time. As for making the noise bigger... There is no need for this. Our company is currently in the domestic financial market and the entire asset management business circle. Inside, the attention is already very high.

In this case, we will continue to deliberately promote and continue to sway on the cusp of the storm.

It is very likely that some people will target you.

This is not a good thing for the development of our company, especially at this critical juncture when new fund products are being prepared for issuance.

As the saying goes, the more you are on the cusp of the storm, the more calm and low-key you must be.

After all, at the cusp of the storm, the entire industry's institutional groups and even countless investor groups are basically focusing on our company at this stage.

Under the spotlight, once you make a small mistake, it will be magnified infinitely.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, we must strictly abide by the relevant regulations, and at the same time try to be kind to others, behave in a low-key manner, and do things in a low-key manner. "

"Okay!" Yu Xiaobing thought for a while and felt that being on the cusp of the storm was indeed not a good thing. He couldn't help but nodded and remembered Su Yu's advice just now.

And after the two discussed it...

On the second working day, ‘Oriental Fortune’ added an advance reservation channel for the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund on both the company’s web page and mobile client.

And when this reservation subscription channel is opened.

In less than 12 hours, on the Internet, the number of people who made reservations to subscribe on the Oriental Fortune website alone reached nearly 50,000.

You must know that in order to successfully make an appointment to subscribe for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, you need a capital threshold of 1 million, and even under such a high capital threshold, there is also an endless stream of investors who have made an appointment to subscribe in advance. Absolutely.

"Damn it, 'Yuhang Investment' company has already gained so much momentum in the current domestic financial management industry. I didn't expect that they would still build momentum when they released the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product. I really don't think so. Catch all the high-net-worth customer groups with fund investment intentions inside and outside the market, hey...will this still allow people to live?"

After seeing the "Yuhang No. 4" fund product and the online reservation portal, nearly 50,000 people had made reservations in less than 12 hours. In the internal communication groups of major institutions in the industry, many fund managers were enthused. His eyes were red with envy.

“Isn’t this increase in the number of people who have made reservations so explosive?”

"The 'Yu Hang Group' is really...siphoning market funds on the market, and also siphoning market funds off the market. It simply doesn't give similar small institutions like us a way to survive."

"Hey, I originally thought that I could develop new products first and avoid the launch of the new fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series', but I didn't expect... now I have a hit."

"With 'Yuhang No. 4', a fund with a volume of 30 billion, attracting these high-net-worth customer groups outside the market, at this time, non-'Yuhang Series' and 'Anzhao Series' funds want to attract customers. It’s extremely difficult!”

"No, yesterday the head of our company's fund sales department responded that he had already negotiated investment intentions with several high-net-worth clients. Unexpectedly, when people saw the news that the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund was about to be listed, he changed his mind in an instant. Hexagram, it means there is a cash flow problem and we are temporarily unable to invest in our company’s fund products. Who doesn’t know what’s going on?”

"Hey, I feel that the overwhelming publicity from major institutions has made our entire fund industry active. Now... everyone has made wedding clothes for the institution 'Yuhang Investment'."

"No, at this moment, I am afraid that many new fund products will collide with the launch date of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund, and the institutions are already itching with hatred, right?"

"Hey, even if I hate it so much, there's nothing I can do about it!"

"Indeed, Christians vote with their feet. We really have nothing to do. We can't tie them up and force them to invest, right?"

"The main reason is that the performance of the fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' has been so explosive, which has instantly raised the expectations of the citizens to a very high position. Now that there are fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' that can be subscribed and selected. , people will naturally not consider our fund products with slightly poor performance.”

"According to the people outside the market, the competition for the fund product 'Yuhang 4' is fierce. The fund siphoning effect of the 'Yuhang Series' fund outside the market is more serious than that on the market. Moreover, 'Yuhang 4' The fund's proposed fundraising size of 30 billion should also exceed market expectations, right?"

"Yes! Everyone didn't expect that the newly launched fund product of 'Yuhang Investment' company has such a high amount of funds raised."

"According to the current number of reservation subscriptions and the Internet's interest in this fund product, even if this is a private equity fund product with a very high threshold, even if it is 30 billion in size, it cannot stop the 'Japanese Disc' happened!"

"No way? This is a 30 billion scale private equity fund product of this level. If you want a 'sun disk', it would be too scary."

"Looking at the strength of the movement and the number of people who have made reservations for subscriptions, if the fund 'Yuhang No. 4' is launched, it is really possible that it will become a 'Japanese disk'."

"It's really awesome! The popularity and momentum."

"Isn't it said that private equity fund products are not allowed to be publicized on a large scale? For the company 'Yuhang Investment', doing this... is a violation, right?"

"What the Oriental Fortune website does has nothing to do with the 'Yuhang Investment' company."

"I have learned that 'Yuhang Investment' company has not done any internal advertising for this new fund product that is about to be launched. I heard that its fund promotion department has zero internal approval status for the investment in promotional materials. .”

"Oh my God! How could his company have such popularity across the Internet without publicity?"

"No way, this is the 'Yu Hang Group'! The annual performance beats all fund products and all asset management institutions in the industry. As long as they are industry personnel or citizens who are interested in fund investment, who wouldn't pay attention? And it's just With this kind of heated discussion among investor groups both inside and outside the market, does the 'Yu Hang Group' still need advertising?"

"It exploded, it exploded."

"It feels like some of the records in our industry will be refreshed by the 'Yuhang Investment' company."

"With the launch of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, it is bound to be refreshed. The only suspense at present is how long it will take for the 30 billion quota to be used by the majority of Christian groups after it is officially launched. It’s all gone, I will definitely take less than 24 hours.”

"After this fund product is launched, the asset management scale of 'Yuhang Investment' will go straight to 100 billion, right?"

"Well, if you include the asset management scale of the 'Anzhao Fund' company that this institution just acquired, with the listing of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund, the scale of 100 billion is really about the same."

"Hey, in our country, even among the public fund companies, there are not many companies with a scale of 100 billion!"

"That's why Mr. Su seems so awesome!"

"In one breath, the scale of listing is 30 billion, which basically means that all the off-site 'high-net-worth customer investment groups' are directly eliminated. It will be even more difficult to carry out subsequent business."

"Hey, let's focus on performance. Now I understand that only performance is the real foundation."

"Who doesn't want to achieve performance? The key is... performance cannot be achieved just by wanting to do it!"

Accompanied by a series of discussions in major asset management business groups in the industry about ‘Yuhang Investment Company’ and ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund products, as well as the eyes of the main managers of major asset management companies, there are extremely envious eyes...

It was exactly 24 hours after the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund released the entrance to the online reservation subscription channel.

The number of reservation subscriptions across the entire network has exceeded 100,000.

At the same time, offline, the salesmen of the fund operation department of the 'Yuhang Investment' company worked overtime to register the number of offline reservation subscriptions, which also reached more than 2,000.

The ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product has madly attracted the attention of off-market investors.

It shocked countless people in the industry, and also caused countless people with assets worth tens of millions across the country to gather funds, make reservations for subscriptions through various channels, and wait eagerly for the fund to be officially listed.

On the market, the Shanghai Stock Index began to stop near the 2550 point, and was digested by sideways fluctuations.

However, even if the Shanghai Stock Index has temporarily stopped, the market's capital activity continues to break through, and the turnover of the two cities has begun to reach the 300 billion mark again, attracting more and more off-site retail investors. , further accelerating entry into the market under the effect of making money in the market.

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