Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 602: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (15)!

"Hey, are there any big events happening in Yuhang recently, or is there a large-scale summit event?"

On Yuhang Street, two young girls were shopping in the business district near the 'Yuhang Investment' company. One of them looked at the obviously larger flow of people and the obviously more luxury cars on the road, feeling a little confused. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Another thought for a while and responded: "No, right? I haven't heard of any large-scale summit activities!"

"Then why are there so many luxury cars in this circle?" asked the girl who spoke before.

As for those who have similar questions to the two of them, with the 'Yuhang Investment' company as the core, within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, many people who usually do not pay attention to finance, nor are they senior stock investors or fundamental citizens, feel the difference in their surroundings at this moment. Normally, I felt a significant increase in the flow of people and vehicles.

Of course, the surrounding five-star hotels, as well as high-end and mid-range hotel operators, as well as workers, feel it deeply.

"It's strange. There don't seem to be any large-scale commercial activities recently. Why are all the guest rooms in our hotel full, and... all the people who come here are people with status and status." A five-star hotel At the front desk of the housekeeping department, two staff members were chatting with each other. One staff member asked, "Isn't this phenomenon too abnormal?"

Another staff member responded: "I heard that not only our hotel, but several hotels around us are in the same situation as our hotel. And have you noticed that many people have booked rooms only until August 25th? It should be like this One day, there was something important that brought all these rich people together here, right?"

"What's going on? Can so many rich people gather together?" The staff member who spoke before was confused.

"I've heard about it." Besides the two of them, another staff member participated in the discussion and said, "I heard that it seems to be a fund company in the financial city near us, issuing new fund products or something. These rich people They all fly here from all over the country to grab this company’s fund products.”

"Fund?" The staff member who spoke before was stunned, "I have bought it too, do I need to grab it? Last time I went to the bank counter, the bank staff tried to sell it to me for a long time, but I always felt it was unreliable, so I didn't buy it. "

"I don't understand either." The person who broke the news said, "But when I was cleaning the guest room, I heard two guests talk about it like this. It seems that they robbed... something called the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund. With so many people coming all the way, it should be difficult to grab it, right?"

"'Yuhang No. 4' fund?" The staff member who spoke before still didn't quite understand what it meant. "What does it mean? Do funds still need to be divided into good and bad?"

"We must distinguish good from bad. Otherwise, why would some people make money by buying funds, while others lose money by buying funds?" Among the three, a staff member who had a little knowledge of fund products responded, "A few years ago, I just heard from my friend that her husband made a lot of money buying funds, so fund products that can make money must not be easy to buy, and they must be snatched up, right?"

"A fund product that allows these rich people to come all the way to grab it must be a good thing." The staff member who spoke before thought about it and suggested, "How about we go and buy some too? Oh, by the way... …What’s the name of the fund company you just mentioned? It should not be far from us, right?”

The staff member who previously broke the news replied: "It seems to be a company called 'Yuhang Investment'. It is not far from our place. In the Financial City, it is just across the street from our hotel."

"Haha, are you the only ones... going to grab a share of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product?" Hearing a few people gathering here to discuss gossip, the manager, who is the head of the housekeeping department, couldn't help but walked over. Hearing the topics discussed by several people, I couldn't help but strike a blow and said, "Do you know what the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product is?"

Several staff members all shook their heads, expressing their incomprehension.

"Manager, can you tell us?" one of the most curious staff members said.

In the entire housekeeping department, the manager in front of them has the highest academic qualifications, with a bachelor's degree. However, they didn't even go to a serious university, so naturally they don't know what is going on in the financial and fund circles.

When the manager saw that everyone was looking at him, and that everyone had more or less admiration in their eyes, the vanity in his heart was instantly greatly satisfied, and he said with a smile: "I'm telling you, 'Yuhang 4 The No. 1 fund is a private equity fund product, which is fundamentally different from the fund products you can buy directly in banks."

"What are private equity fund products?" an employee asked.

The manager thought for a while and replied simply and rudely: "It means that if you want to buy private equity fund products, the personal capital threshold must be at least 1 million, while those public fund products purchased from banks do not require a capital threshold."

"One million!" The employee who asked before immediately exclaimed.

The manager chuckled and said, "That's why I guys, even if I give you a chance to grab it, you can't reach the threshold!"

"No wonder the people who can buy it are all rich people." An employee sighed with emotion.

"In addition to this, does the 'Yuhang No. 4' Fund need anything special?" Another employee asked, "To be able to attract so many rich people to grab it, it should be more than just the 1 million capital threshold, right? ?”

The manager responded: "Of course it's not that simple. So many rich people flock to it and travel thousands of miles to grab it. Naturally, it's a fund product that allows them to make a lot of money. That's why they do such crazy things. .”

"You can certainly make money, but how much can you make?" An employee asked, "If I buy a fund product worth 1 million, how much money can I make in the future?"

The manager responded: "I heard that there was once a person who bought the 'Yuhang Series' fund product and made more than 3 billion."

"How much?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"More than 3 billion." The manager repeated.

No one had much idea about this number. One of them paused and asked, "Is this amount of money enough to buy our entire hotel?"

The manager replied: "It's enough to buy 40 hotels like ours."

"Forty hotels like ours?" Now everyone had an idea, and they were extremely shocked.

"You can make so much money, no wonder you want to rob it!" An employee murmured, "If I want to have 1 million, then I will go to the door of this company to guard this fund product."

"First of all, you must have 1 million." The manager said.

"Hey..." All the employees sighed inwardly when they thought of this.

It is indeed too easy for rich people to make money.

They work so hard that they can earn at most three to four thousand yuan a month, while others only need to move their fingers, invest some money, and buy a fund product to earn money that they cannot earn in several lifetimes.

The manager saw that everyone seemed to be quite shocked. After thinking about it, he swallowed some of his reprimanding words as soon as they came to his lips. He coughed lightly and said, "Okay, one day at a time, stop thinking about these things." Yes, no, if you work hard, life will always get better and better.”

Rich people have their own ways of living, and ordinary people have their own ways of living.

The employees nodded, and seeing the manager's eyes becoming more and more severe, they all turned around and left in a hurry, going back to their respective tasks.

After all, the funds the manager mentioned were too far away from them.

In addition to these visible and felt effects...

The impact of the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company and the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product on the entire Yuhang City, as well as on banking institutions, financial institutions, and the business community, is also continuing to deepen and ferment.

Among them, there are some investors who are qualified to subscribe for the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product.

In order to collect more money to subscribe for the "Yuhang No. 4" fund product, I basically tried every means, including borrowing from institutional structures, borrowing money from acquaintances, etc., to name a few.

Among them, the credit loan business areas of various banks.

Since 'Yuhang Investment' company announced the official subscription date for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, the business volume has begun to skyrocket.

Among them, the business department of a branch of Huashang Bank in Yuhang.

"Xiao Cui, your business volume has increased dramatically in recent days, right?" A credit loan salesman looked at his companion with a smile and asked.

The salesperson named Xiaocui nodded and responded: "Sister Yi, I see that your incoming orders in the past few days have exceeded 30, and the quotas applied by customers are not small. What's going on? There are so many It’s impossible for all high-net-worth clients to be short of money during this period of time, right?”

This past week.

The amount of business she handled was more than usual in several months.

Moreover, the people she found were basically high-net-worth clients she had accumulated, which shocked her and was difficult to understand.

The salesperson whom she called 'Sister Yi' chuckled lightly. It was obvious that she was in a good mood. She lowered her voice and said to Xiaocui: "You don't know this, right? I heard that a large-scale store in Yuhang The fund company will issue a fund product on August 25, and the reason why the customers who come to us for business are so concentrated is because they want to raise money to subscribe for this fund."

"Borrow money to subscribe for a fund?" Xiaocui found it a little difficult to understand. "Our bank also sells funds. It seems that you don't make much money by buying funds. These bosses and high-net-worth customers don't think they can Invest all your cash flow into doing such a high-risk thing, right?”

Sister Yi laughed contemptuously and said: "How can the fund products sold by our branch be compared with the fund products issued by this company? Do you think these bosses are stupid? They are not issued by this company. You can make a lot of money just by buying these fund products.”

"What fund product is so awesome?" Xiao Cui asked.

"Have you heard of the 'Yuhang Investment' company?" Sister Yi asked.

Xiaocui thought for a while and then responded: "I seem to have some impression. What's wrong with this company?"

Sister Yi said: "Are you stupid? This company is a fund company that can make a lot of money. I heard that for the several fund products they currently operate, if you buy them, you can double your profits ten times in one year. Ten times. Profit... What kind of business can make ten times a year! Do you think the bosses... can't they rush to buy like crazy? Can they not raise and borrow money to buy like crazy at this juncture? If I had 1 million, I would be able to grab. If I want to raise the threshold, why should I work? I just squat in front of this company. No matter it’s shameless or whatever... I always have to snap up some fund shares."

"Ten times a year..." Xiaocui was shocked, "Sister Yi, are you kidding me?"

Sister Yi said: "Am I kidding? I am speaking conservatively. I heard one of my clients say that last year he had a friend who subscribed for the first fund product issued by the company 'Yuhang Investment' and only invested in 1 million, now in one year, I have earned 28 million."

"This profit... is scary!" Xiao Cui responded.

Sister Yi sighed: "If it wasn't so scary, how could there be so many bosses who have gone crazy to do business with us in the past few days? Several of my friends in other branches also said that their business volume has skyrocketed in the past few days, hehe... Thinking about it this way, this 'Yuhang Investment' company can be regarded as a disguised form of business promotion for us."

"No, this is too scary." Xiaocui said, "In one year, the return on investment is 28 times, which is not so fast. If it is true, the profit data of this 'Yuhang Investment' is too exaggerated. Bar?"

"No..." Sister Yi said enviously.

"Eh...I remembered it." Xiaocui was startled and said suddenly, "Didn't I hear that Xinling's boyfriend from the sales department of our branch works at the company 'Yuhang Investment'? Oh, yes... ...Yes, it is the 'Yuhang Investment' company. I remember during the Chinese New Year last year, Xinling showed off to us, saying that her boyfriend had only been in the company for less than half a year, and he had received a year-end bonus of 120,000 yuan. Compared with Our annual salary is more.”

"Is it true? Xinling's boyfriend works at Yuhang Investment Company?" Sister Yi's eyes lit up instantly.

Xiaocui thought about it carefully, nodded firmly, and responded: "That's right!"

"I heard that this company has very strict recruitment requirements. Basically, if you don't graduate from a top-notch school, you won't be able to get in." Sister Yi said, "But I heard that the treatment of employees in this company is really bad. Hey ...Let’s find Xinling first. If she can ask her boyfriend for help and reserve a portion of the fund shares, we may be able to make a lot of money by contacting the previous customers who wanted this fund product.”

"Isn't this... bad?" Xiao Cui responded.

Sister Yi didn't have so many worries as she did, and said: "Oh, this is also a way for us to build customer relationships, and you know about the 'Yuhang Series' fund products, now, in the over-the-counter share transfer market, the premium How high is the rate? As long as we have connections and can get a share, even if it is a pre-order share, with a small premium, many customers will definitely beg us."

"But Xinling said that her boyfriend is just an ordinary employee of the 'Yuhang Investment' company." Xiaocui said, "It should be difficult to pass the internal rules and reserve part of the fund shares, right?"

"Don't worry about it for now." Sister Yi said, "You have to give something a try..."

After saying that, she took Xiao Cui and went to find another salesperson named "Xin Ling".

As for the 'Yuhang Investment' company and the series of impacts of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund products, it has had a series of impacts on the entire domestic financial community, fund circles, and even other walks of life and various industry circles. With the official subscription The time is getting closer and closer, it is still fermenting deeply, and its impact is becoming more and more far-reaching.

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