Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 603: ‘Yuhang No. 4’ Fund Issuance!

Just as this influence is becoming more and more profound, countless investors and potential off-site investor groups, both inside and outside the market, are paying more and more attention to the online and offline discussions about the issuance of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product. Related topics, when the discussion becomes more and more heated and intense.

The official launch day of the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product is coming on August 25.

On this day, at around 5 o'clock in the morning, the sky was not completely bright yet. The parking lot around the building where the 'Yuhang Investment' company was located was already crowded with countless luxury cars, and many well-known local wealthy businessmen, as well as those from other places. Wealthy businessmen, as well as high-end business people, have also crowded outside the door of 'Yuhang Investment' company.

Even many investor groups who have called to reserve fund shares before.

At this moment, they were worried and worried that they would not be able to subscribe for a share of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, so they rushed to the door of the 'Yuhang Investment' company as soon as possible.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, when the sky is completely bright.

Hundreds of people were already crowded at the entrance of the company where 'Yuhang Investment' is located, as well as in the corridors and elevators.

This phenomenon shocked the building’s property management, as well as countless financial institutions around the Financial City, as well as industry practitioners.

It was 7 o'clock in the morning, when Su Yu had just gotten up.

The entrance of the 'Yuhang Investment' company has been crowded with investors who came in droves.

At this time, the building property management office was afraid of a stampede and had to organize an emergency team to maintain order around the building.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, traffic jams began to form within a 2-kilometer radius centered on 'Yuhang Investment', and countless luxury cars also gathered in this area.

At the same time, on the Internet.

The number of reservations for the subscription subscription channel on the Oriental Fortune website has officially exceeded 300,000, and the number of reservations for subscriptions across the entire network has reached 360,000.

At 8:30 in the morning, Su Yu walked through the traffic and arrived at the building where the company is located.

He was extremely shocked when he saw that the blockage had spread from upstairs to downstairs, and even several elevators in the building were beginning to maintain emergency order.

"Why are there so many people?" Su Yu stood at the door of the building where the company was located, wondering.

He was worried that the offline subscription site would be overcrowded, so this time, he put more than 90% of the fund shares online for subscription. However, he did not expect that the crowds flocking to the offline site would still be so exaggerated. , even making it impossible for him to squeeze to the door of the company.

"It seems that we still underestimated the enthusiasm of investors for our company's new fund." Behind Su Yu, Li Meng was also blocked at the elevator door of the building, and responded, "If we had known about this situation, we should have put the line The work of subscribing is placed in the outdoor financial plaza."

"I'm afraid it's too late to change it now." Su Yu smiled helplessly.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and called the directors of the company's fund operation department and administrative department to ask if they had arrived at the company.

Yu Xiaobing and Gao Wei replied that they had arrived at the company an hour early, but the entire company lounge was already crowded with people, and they could not start work for the time being. Moreover, they told Su Yu that the banking institutions that cooperated with the fund subscription work were working The team is also stuck on the road for a while, and it is estimated that they will not be able to reach the company for a while.

When Su Yu heard the news, he thought for a moment and asked Yu Xiaobing and Gao Wei to divert the investors who were pouring into the company.

Make use of the conference rooms, canteens, training rooms, long as they are large spaces that can be used by the company. Cooperate with the building's property management team to maintain good order and explain the rules and key points of the subscription to everyone. , and arrange the order of subscription.

"But Mr. Su, the bank working group should not be able to arrive at 9 o'clock." Yu Xiaobing responded after listening to Su Yu's instructions, and then said, "How about... we set the official subscription time, How about declining for half an hour? At 9:30, the online and offline subscription channels will be launched.

This gives the bank working group time to arrive at our company.

At the same time, we can also more easily arrange the investor groups that have poured into our company. "

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded and responded, "Then delay launching the online and offline subscription channels for half an hour. Remember, we must maintain good order and divert people."

"Understood!" Yu Xiaobing nodded, and then went to work.

Later, when Su Yu finally squeezed into the elevator and arrived inside the company, he was surrounded by countless investors who came to him.

Everyone gathered around him and talked about their demands.

For a moment, Su Yu couldn't hear what they were saying at all. He could only feel countless flies buzzing in his ears, so much that his eardrums were about to be shattered.

At this time, on the Internet.

The Oriental Fortune website forum is a place where investors gather, and the topic is unprecedentedly hot.

And across the country, investors who had successfully made reservations online are now crowding in front of their computers, waiting for the time to subscribe.

At 9 a.m., Su Yu notified the Oriental Fortune website and other partners, saying that the subscription channel would be opened half an hour later.

At this time, rumors that the company 'Yuhang Investment' had been surrounded by a group of investors snapping up, causing the official subscription time for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product to be postponed, spread instantly, and even many people Photos from the scene have begun to crowd out Internet traffic and become a hot topic in domestic financial and fund circles.

"Damn it, it's so explosive. Is this a scene? It's so crowded!"

"No, I heard that Mr. Su of 'Yuhang Investment' company was blocked downstairs of the company early this morning and couldn't get to the company at all."

"Not only that, many employees of the 'Yuhang Investment' company were blocked outside and did not arrive at the company immediately. This is also the reason why the subscription time for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product had to be postponed. I can only say... this Fund products are really popular.”

“It feels like rich people all over the country are gathering near the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company!”

"Is this the charm of the 'Yuhang Series' Mr. Su? Rich people from all over the country are flocking with funds, begging to purchase the 'Yuhang Series' products managed by Mr. Su."

"It's not Mr. Su's charm, but the charm of wealth."

"Indeed, you must know that in the current market situation, as long as you buy the shares of the 'Yuhang Series' fund products, you will make money."

"According to the subscription situation of the previous 'Yuhang Series' fund product, as long as the subscription is successful and the share is obtained, a 10% to 15% premium can be earned when it is resold."

"In the entire fund market, the 'Yuhang Series' fund products are absolutely unique."

"If I have enough funds to subscribe, I would have queued up in front of the Yuhang Investment Company to see the net values ​​of the first three Yuhang Funds. I would not be stupid if I didn't grab them at this time. Really risk-free future with ten times the investment opportunities!”

"But this time the 30 billion share should not be more difficult to snap up than last time, right?"

"It's hard to say. The last time the 'Yuhang No. 3' fund product was released, there was no large-scale publicity. There were obviously far fewer people who knew about it than this time. Look at this time... As long as you know something about investment, Anyone who knows about stocks should have heard about the issuance of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, right?"

"Indeed, the scale has increased, and the number of people applying for the same has also increased a lot."

Amid heated discussions among many investor groups across the Internet...

At around 9:10, all the offline investors who had gathered at the 'Yuhang Investment' company were finally sorted out by the company's relevant staff and the building property management team who helped on their behalf, and were all arranged into conference rooms, lounges, etc. The company has prepared a relatively spacious place.

I only saw it today, early in the morning.

So far, the number of investors coming to the company has exceeded 1,500.

This far exceeded Su Yu’s previous predictions from the company’s fund operation department, and also far exceeded the expectations of other institutions in the industry.

Fortunately, after the company's office space was greatly expanded, it could barely accommodate so many people.

After sorting out and registering the number of people, the bank workers arrived at the company's activity room where offline subscriptions were planned to be carried out, and had already started making final preparations before the subscription.

At 9:20, Su Yu stood in the company's main control room for today's new fund issuance, listening to the reports of supervisors, as well as various online and offline emergencies, solving them immediately, and also communicating with all partners. , make final preparations for subscription.

At 9:25, under the debugging rehearsal of the professional network communications team, the network channels of China Unicom's various cooperative units were opened, and preparations for the purchase were completed.

At 9:28, the official subscription time for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product has entered the countdown. Under the spotlight, the staff at the offline subscription event have begun to maintain order, arrange people to line up, and sign the subscription contract, and this time... …What offline investors sign is also an online subscription contract, and paper versions are no longer available.

At 9:29, countless investors across the country who planned to subscribe for this fund product were already nervously in front of the computer, holding the mouse tightly with their fingers and staring intently at the line of 'Yuhang 4' Go to the subscription channel interface for fear of missing every minute and every second.

At 9:30, the A-share market officially entered a continuous call auction.

The ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product has also officially launched online and offline simultaneous subscription channels.

I saw that in the second when time passed 9:30, the entire network's online subscription channel interface for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, even though countless professional teams were already trying their best to maintain the smoothness of the network, and communication operations The provider has also given sufficient broadband permissions, but the entire interface is still obviously stuck.

Then, when the lag ends.

Countless investor subscription applications from all over the country began to pour into the back-end database, and the fund shares were increased by 100 million per second under the real-time calculation of the back-end main control computer.

Of course, this speed would be even more exaggerated if it were not limited by current network technology.

At the same time, at the offline subscription site, the first batch of investors who entered the subscription activity room had already signed the share subscription contract with the help of the staff and started paying for subscription.

At 9:40, when the subscription time for the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product opened, only 10 minutes had passed.

Its share size of 30 billion has been reduced by more than half.

At this time, I noticed that the sharp decline in fund shares was too rapid, and the offline subscription activities were proceeding slowly.

Su Yu was worried that the group of offline investors arriving today, who had come all the way to the company and spent a lot of effort, might not be able to subscribe for fund shares in the end. He couldn't help but let the technical staff control the computer on the backend of the fund. The share rights of 2 billion are locked in advance.

When the technical staff received Su Yu's instructions, they partially locked the remaining fund shares.

Next, 9:50.

The entire 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product share has been consumed to nearly half again, and the remaining fund share size is less than 10 billion.

When the time reached 10 o'clock, the remaining share of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product was less than 5 billion.

When the real-time feedback on the size of the remaining fund shares on the Oriental Fortune website was presented to the majority of Christian investors who subscribed, everyone began to become more and more panicked.

At the same moment, a large number of offline investors poured into the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company.

I am also paying attention to information updates on the Internet.

When everyone knew that the remaining shares were not much, many people began to panic and kept asking the staff of Yuhang Investment Company.

Until the staff told everyone that the offline subscription share and the online subscription share are separate.

We will ensure that everyone who comes today can subscribe for fund shares within the prescribed range, and everyone's mood has just stabilized again.

At 10:15, it was less than an hour before the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product went on sale.

The subscription shares released online have been snapped up by investors from all over the country. At the same time, at the offline subscription event, more than half of the shares were subscribed.

"Mr. Su, the online shares have been sold out, and at the offline subscription site, if we still receive customers at this time, I am afraid that the remaining fund shares will not be enough for everyone to subscribe." Yu Xiaobing immediately reported to Su Yu , "In order to ensure that the investors who enter the company have enough shares to subscribe, we have to close the customer reception channel at this time."

Su Yu thought for a moment, nodded and responded: "Okay, close the customer stage channel!"

Although he had fully anticipated the popularity of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund issuance, when it actually happened, it still far exceeded his psychological expectations.

Now, for them.

It’s not that I’m afraid that no one will subscribe for the fund products being issued, but that there are too many people coming, and it’s hard to place them there, and it’s hard to persuade them to leave.

However, no matter how hard it is to persuade him to quit, he still has to do it.

Yu Xiaobing received Su Yu's order. The next moment, he issued work instructions to the staff of the company's fund operation department, asking them not to let anyone into the company again, and quickly arranged for people to arrive at the main building of the company's building. At the door, follow-up customers who have not made an appointment in advance will be advised to leave.

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