Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 610: Listed companies that are taking advantage of the hot spots!

However, as the market selling of these fringe concept stocks increases. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

In these major market investment main lines, under the support of extremely hot emotions and expectations, the increasing number of selling orders has not been able to suppress the stock price, causing the corresponding stocks to show a clear downward trend.

And this also gives the same positive signal in disguise to the vast group of retail investors who are chasing this in the market.

Let everyone think that this is just a situation where the stock is stuck in the market after encountering an important pressure level during the upward stage, or it is just a flight of floating chips such as short- and medium-term profits. They do not realize the risk of the stock price peaking in the short-term and medium-term, and they do not realize it. To their own pursuit, risk and interest rate ratios have been completely deformed.

Finally, under the continued heavy volume in the late trading of the market.

When the market closes at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Shanghai Stock Index continued to set new highs in this round of rebound and new highs for the year, reaching the 2690 point mark, which is basically one step away from 2700 points.

The industry sectors and concept sectors corresponding to the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which are highly sought after and optimistic by the vast majority of investor groups in the market, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', and Maritime Silk Road ', 'Reform and Reorganization of State-owned Enterprises', several major conceptual themes related to industry sectors and concept sectors, and a number of concept stocks corresponding to these popular main themes, whether they are core concept stocks or related marginal concept stocks, are all Refreshing new rebound highs and new annual highs, forming a crazy trend of collective breakthroughs.

Faced with such a market closing situation.

The majority of investors, both inside and outside the market, are extremely excited and happy.

The group of investors who hold stocks in this area are showing off their accounts and asking each other how much you earn and how much he earns? It seems that everyone is making money and no one is losing money.

Outside the market, there is a group of potential investors who have not yet had time to enter the market.

After everyone saw the red-hot accounts posted by these people and the hugely profitable trading accounts, they all became jealous and regretted not paying attention to the market earlier.

The others are not investor groups holding the core main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

After comparing their own sluggish account performance with the other party's rapidly rising account profits, they all sighed and regretted not adjusting their positions earlier, and followed the core market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

Especially after many investor groups that have been pursuing high positions and continuing to increase their positions in core market lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have also made huge profits in recent days.

Whether it is the group of potential investors outside the market who have not yet entered the market, the group of investors who hold positions in other main investment lines on the market, or the group of investors who hold other main lines of investment and are still deeply involved, they are all jealous in their hearts. My belief began to waver, and I thought about adjusting positions as soon as possible, or raising funds to enter the market to pursue core main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and make up for the profits that were missed before.

At this time, almost no one is discussing in detail the high-level correction risks hidden in the core main lines of the market such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", and no one feels that the investment risks of these core main lines of the market are gradually condensing.

Everyone only thinks that the market can still rise, and the future prospects of these core main lines are still very good.

I only feel that the concept stocks in these major main directions still have high room for speculation and investment value. I even think that all the stocks in the entire "big infrastructure" field are on the "New Era Road and the Maritime Silk Road". With the support of macroeconomic strategic policies, there is room for imagination to go global, so its value should be revalued.

"Wow, even the large-cap stock of Huaguo Baosteel almost hit the daily limit today. The market is so powerful."

"Huaguo Baosteel is a core value stock under the macroeconomic strategic policy of the 'New Era, Maritime Silk Road'. Look, the sharp rise of 'Huaguo Baosteel' today is just the starting point of a market trend."

"Haha, who would have thought that a few months ago, the trend of the 'steel' sector, which countless institutions in the market called garbage, would completely reverse. In the past few months, the trend of 'steel', 'real estate', and 'construction' has completely reversed. Driving the carriage is really a wild ride, and the rise is really exciting.”

"The logic of the expectation of overcapacity has been obviously reversed after the external demand space opened up."

"Previously, the valuations of the stocks in these sectors were suppressed too much. What is rising now is just the restoration of valuations. The real big market trend expected by the story of the real 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' is still to come. Firmly Holding shares and firmly increasing positions, I feel that these core main lines still have huge room for follow-up.”

"Rise, in one word, means rise! Looking at the market, funds are still pouring in. Needless to say, it will definitely continue to rise in the future."

"Where is this? The core mainline stocks are generally only doubled. How can I put it, with such a historical mainline market, the mainline stocks have to start at five times the market. Continue to buy, continue to lock in positions... take the big profits. , still behind."

"The strong will always be strong, and the strong will always be strong! The market really doesn't deceive me. Fortunately, after the Shanghai stock index broke through 2,500 points, I decisively adjusted my position from the main line of 'technological growth', otherwise... this would have been completely Not to mention shorting the market conditions, I’m afraid we will suffer a lot of losses.”

"Damn it, the 'big infrastructure' line is really ridiculously strong!"

"Hey, at the macro level, too many positive things have been released, can the trend not be strong?"

"Judging from the market's breakthrough trend in the past two months, there is no doubt that only the 'big infrastructure' line is the soul of the market."

"Facts have proven that only the line of 'big infrastructure' can lead the index and the entire market to break through."

"Damn, my holding experience has been terrible these past few months after holding LeTV. Hey, the index keeps rising, and I'm still losing money. I won't say any more. I will definitely cut my position tomorrow and pursue 'Big Infrastructure' ”

"Have you read the market information? The main institutional groups in the market are also desperately adjusting their positions in the direction of 'big infrastructure'!"

"Nonsense, that's for sure. Institutions are actually the worst thieves."

"Previously, when 'big infrastructure' was at a low level, the overall holdings of these institutional groups were already very low. Now, the 'big infrastructure' line has become the absolute core investment main line of the market, and future expectations are rising in the 'new Under the macroeconomic strategy of "The Road of the Times and the Maritime Silk Road", it has also been completely reversed, and the positions of institutional groups will definitely follow, which should be expected."

"Damn it, the institutional community is also scrambling for funds?"

"There is definitely a rush to raise funds. Look at how many fund products targeting the main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'new infrastructure' have been launched in the fund market in the past month?"

“It feels like there are at least hundreds of billions of funds waiting to enter the market for the main line of ‘big infrastructure’ outside the market!”

"It is estimated to be more than 100 billion."

“Damn it, the ‘big infrastructure’ line feels like it’s going to explode!”

"It must be exploded. Look at the line of 'big infrastructure'. After the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2,500 points, the trend of the entire market sentiment became hotter. There was basically no correction, and the volume can continue to rise. The funds to take over the market are rising every day. They are emerging one after another. With this kind of trend, is there any other trend that doesn’t explode?”

"I feel that the line of 'big infrastructure' can set off a big bull market!"

“If there is a ‘big bull market’, the line of ‘big infrastructure’ will definitely be the main line among the main lines in the bull market!”

"Buy, buy, buy..."

"And after the launch of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund yesterday, the 30 billion capital volume, according to Mr. Su's investment style, is estimated to be invested in the main line of 'big infrastructure'. This is another 30 billion The increase!”

"The main investment line of 'big infrastructure' was originally discovered by Mr. Su, right?"

"Yes, yes, it was dug out by Mr. Su."

"Then what else can you say? In one sentence, just follow Mr. Su and continue to increase positions and buy."

"Needless to say, the 'big infrastructure' line is definitely the most profitable main line of investment this year. I feel that the investment opportunities in this big main line will be better than last year's hype about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and 'Technology Growth' Much bigger.”

"Nonsense, it must be much bigger. How big is the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'? How big is the 'Technology Growth'? The current main line of 'big infrastructure' is on the 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' Under Lu's macroeconomic strategic plan, nearly 1,000 stocks have been involved in the entire market. The hype of the leading concept has continued one after another. The main funds from all parties are deeply involved. Under this form of trend, its high space is simply impossible. Imagine.”

"Damn it, your analysis really opened your eyes!"

"Pattern, pattern is the most important thing. Look at Mr. Su. Since the 'big infrastructure' line was discovered, tens of billions of funds have been locked up to this day. We must learn from Mr. Su's big pattern. "

"Haha, I still remember that at that time, the main funds of all parties in the market were divided in the direction of the main line of 'big infrastructure' and the main line of 'technological growth' in the market. I didn't expect... Now these big market institutions are passively supporting Mr. Su. Well, I have to say, Mr. Su is truly a legend in the market."

"If it were not a legend, how could the issuance of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund have such great momentum?"

"Hey, I just don't have that much money, otherwise..."

"I won't say it anymore. In fact, I can make money by following Mr. Su in the field. Although I don't have that much money and can't subscribe to the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series', in the past six months, I have been following Mr. Su all the way. On the main line of the market, 'big infrastructure', we have also made almost five times the profit."

"Damn it, 5 times in half a year? Are you so aggressive just following the trend?"

"It's not surprising. I heard that in the two main market trends of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and 'Technology Growth' last year, some people followed Mr. Su's lead and made several times their profits."

"Hey, jealousy makes people jealous! We will continue to pursue the main line of 'big infrastructure' tomorrow."

"I feel that the main line of 'big infrastructure', this wave, will have to bring the Shanghai Stock Index to 3,000 points before there will be any adjustment."

"Remember, any adjustment in the core line of 'big infrastructure' is an absolute buying opportunity."

"Yes, yes, judging from the market trends in the past two months, any opportunity for adjustment is indeed a buying opportunity."

"Let those investors who hold non-'big infrastructure' main lines be tough, everyone, watch... I am not saying that other non-'big infrastructure' main line sectors in the subsequent market will definitely be sucked by the 'big infrastructure' main line. "

"Hey, this is for sure. There are other investment main lines in the entire market. Are there any such strong and sustained money-making effects as the 'big infrastructure' main line? No, not one!"

"Funds tend to seek benefits and avoid disadvantages. As the 'big infrastructure' continues to surge, active funds from all parties pouring into the market, as well as investors holding positions in other mainline sectors with sluggish performance, will definitely not be able to help themselves and continue to pour in.' The main line of "big infrastructure construction" is to take over the market and rush to buy chips."

"Haha, I'm waiting for those investors who hold positions in other main lines to continue chasing at high levels and give me a lift."

"Did you see that the balance of financing in the two cities has increased sharply again, and for core stocks in the direction of 'big infrastructure', as long as there is a financing target, the financing balance has skyrocketed."

“There is no doubt that funds are still pouring into the main line of ‘big infrastructure’.”

"Continue to pursue, continue to pursue positions... This is the most certain investment opportunity this year!"

In the midst of everyone's extremely crazy and fiery emotional interpretation of the main market line of "big infrastructure", as well as extremely optimistic analysis of future expectations.

There are also countless investment institutions and many brokerage analysis institutions throughout the market.

As well as financial media, online financial influencers, and well-known stock commentators, they also sang the bull market and shouted that "big infrastructure" core value stocks will usher in the "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" macroeconomic strategic plan. New investment opportunities will come, and at the same time, there will also be a revaluation of values.

Some of them have nothing to do with the two main industry lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", as well as the "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road", and "reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises". Listed companies have also begun to envy and envy the corresponding stock price trends supported by these core main concepts.

And under this kind of jealousy and hot eyes.

At night, there were many shameless listed companies.

One after another, they began to issue announcements, or stated that they also have the concept of "infrastructure" in certain project investments and business development, and are also participating in and actively cooperating with the construction of the "New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road", or pointed out that In its own ownership structure, there are also state-owned holdings, or it means that its business dealings have a very close cooperative relationship with the corresponding popular mainline stock companies.

In short, all parties hope that their company's stock will rise sharply.

In other words, companies that are very good at market value management and care about the company's stock price performance.

Or there are small and medium-sized listed companies whose major shareholders have the idea of ​​reducing their holdings in the near future.

With jealousy and enthusiasm, in order to make the company's stock price rise sharply and thereby obtain the benefits of the rising stock price, they have begun to think of ways to speculate on hot concepts without blind corners, and go to the main lines of 'infrastructure', 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road", "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" and other popular core conceptual themes are explored in an attempt to get involved in these hot spots, attracting other major active funds in the market to follow suit and speculate.

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