Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 611 Crazy market trends!

Under the influence of this extreme surge of emotions, as well as expectations, confidence and other factors.

In the next two weeks, the market has been centered around the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'. The main line of conceptual themes is used for hype.

As a result, these mainline stocks have gone through a round without fear of any correction.

At the same time, the funds taken over by the market are also extremely strong and the main market is rising.

In this stage.

Funds from other traditional main lines of the market have been further absorbed by these core main lines; most of the incremental funds that have poured in from outside the market have been absorbed by these core main lines; as well as various institutional groups and retail investors inside and outside the market Countless investor groups, such as investment groups and hot money groups, are also increasing their positions and pursuing long positions in these main areas.

It can be said that the ultimate money-making effect brought about by these major main areas.

It has made the entire investor group inside and outside the market jealous and enthusiastic.

Of course, under the in-depth interpretation of this ultimate money-making effect, the Shanghai Stock Index continued to break through rapidly, from close to 2,600 points to a maximum of 2,850 points, an increase of nearly 10%. At the same time, the turnover of the two cities broke through and stabilized at 3,500 points. In the billion range, the balance of financing and financing has also reached the active range of 800 billion.

"Haha, just follow the main line of the market. I've made so much money in the past two weeks."

Faced with the extremely hot trend of continuous profit-making in the market, as well as the popular main line vowing not to pull back, and the strong and ever-strong breakthrough trend, some market investors lamented.

"Same, 25% profit in two weeks, haha... Mr. Su is indeed the god of the market. The concept stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Group' have an abnormally strong trend in the market."

"This is the truest portrayal of Hengqiang, a market powerhouse!"

"What the hell, before I knew it, the Shanghai Stock Index was over 2,800 points."

"Look, this month, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has two main lines: 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', as well as the main lines of concepts such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" Under his leadership, we will definitely launch an attack on 3,000 points!”

"Hey, wait and see when the Shanghai Stock Index hits 3,000 points."

"I still remember the last time the Shanghai Stock Index hit 3,000 points, it was in 2009."

"After 5 years, it feels like everything is back again!"

"This round of comprehensive breakthroughs in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is basically due to the main line of 'big infrastructure'."

"As I said before, in the entire market, only the main line of 'big infrastructure' can drive the market and gather popularity and main funds."

"Fortunately, in the past two weeks, when the main line of 'big infrastructure' made a further breakthrough, I adjusted my position, otherwise... the market would still be completely negative at this moment."

"It is wise to adjust positions decisively early."

"Indeed, you still have to keep up with the core lines of the market to make money!"

"After all, even if the market turnover is rising step by step, overall, the funds flowing into the main lines of other markets are still very limited. Judging from the fundamental logic of market investment, only places where main funds gather on a large scale can There will be an ultimate money-making effect.”

"I agree, there is really too much money gathered in the 'big infrastructure' line."

"The main funds are all rebalancing and increasing their positions in the 'big infrastructure' sector. So, can the market on the main line of 'big infrastructure' not rise?"

"Embrace the main line of 'big infrastructure' early and make money early."

"Hey, I feel that the curtain of the market's 'big bull market' will definitely be opened by the main line of 'big infrastructure'."

"Soon, is it soon?"

"If the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continues to be strong and accelerates to break through 3,000 points, then it will basically be possible to determine the macro trend of the market and enter the bull market stage."

"I think we can now conclude that the market has entered a bull market."

"Whether it's a bull market or not, I'm concerned about whether the 'big infrastructure' line can still rise."

“Nonsense, there’s no need to ask, it’s definitely going to go up!”

"The core stocks of the market, such as 'Huaguo Baosteel, Huaguo Construction, and Poly Real Estate,' have not yet doubled their gains from the bottom. Is this a sign of the end of the main line market? Obviously not... If it follows a three-wave trend, If you look at it, the current main line of 'big infrastructure' is just a wave of growth at best."

"I agree, it does look like a wave of ascendance."

"Based on the current market analysis, is there any main line of market investment in the entire market that is more cost-effective and has more hype potential than the main line of 'big infrastructure'? There is not at all, this time, we will not continue to embrace the 'big infrastructure' What else can we do with this main line?”

"The investment logic of 'big infrastructure' is of a level rarely seen in history. In short... the current main line has only just stepped out of the previous extreme valuation pit. The real expected response has not yet begun. It's still the same sentence. …At present, for the main line of ‘big infrastructure’, all correction opportunities are excellent buying opportunities.”

"I didn't believe it before, but now... I completely believe that the main line of 'big infrastructure' will definitely continue to rise."

"Where is this? The monthly trend has just begun."

"Anyway, I will follow Mr. Su's orders. As long as the 'Yuhang Group' is still locking up positions on the 'Big Infrastructure' line, then I will continue to hold shares."

"Wow, this trend is so exciting. I am making money every day."

"I feel like there is no need to wait for a correction to increase positions. It will only go higher and higher. If you have the money, just grab the corresponding core concept stocks in the main line of 'big infrastructure' and fight for them upwards."

"I agree, I just wanted to wait for the pullback to increase my position, but... I missed the opportunity until now."

"Hey, the same thing."

"The main force doesn't give them a chance at all. As long as the core stocks in the main line of 'Big Infrastructure' and the core stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Group' are open high and move high almost every day, or open flat and move high, it is rare to have a downward correction. At that time, in short...the market capital's pursuit of these tickets was really hot."

"Don't think about cheap chips. If you hesitate for one second, you will lose one second of profit."

"Anyway, I didn't wait for the so-called callback buying point and increased my positions all the way. Hehe... To be honest, this wave of profits is really equivalent to the losses of the previous two or three years. In one wave, the losses of the previous two or three years have been wiped out. I got them all back, so happy, so happy!"

"Damn, I'm so jealous!"

"If there is an investment opportunity with market certainty, then you have to take a heavy position."

"I am extremely confident about the future trend of the main line of 'big infrastructure'. Not only my own funds, but also my financing leverage has been fully extended."

"You are so strong, you dare to raise funds."

"On the main line of 'big infrastructure', there is definitely a lot of financing to buy. Looking at the market balance of financing and financing, I dare say that in the past two months, the market financing balance has increased from more than 680 billion to more than 8,100 Billion, most of the incremental financing of more than 100 billion has gone into the core line of 'big infrastructure'."

"Absolutely, that's true."

"Who would have thought that the 'big infrastructure' line could explode like this before? The market has generally doubled! In the market performance in recent years, it is really rare."

"If everyone thought about it, the 'big infrastructure' line would never come out at all."

"Yes, fortunately, various investment institutions on and off the market have significantly reduced their holdings in the direction of infrastructure construction in the past two years, compressed the valuation of the direction of infrastructure construction to the extreme, and shouted that these are sunset industries with no investment value, which has given the entire 'big world' The outbreak of the main line of infrastructure has created a sufficient gap in expectations, otherwise the market for the line of 'big infrastructure' would not have exploded so rapidly."

"The main thing is that the country has issued the macroeconomic strategic plan of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', which has completely opened up the external market and enabled the traditional infrastructure industry to have industry expansion and new explosive power. Without this macroeconomic Strategic planning is the underlying logic of investment. I don’t think the main trend of ‘big infrastructure’ will explode so quickly and be pursued by so many major market funds.”

"There is also the main merger and acquisition policy of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', which is also very important for changing the investment logic of the entire 'big infrastructure'. With the support of this macro policy, many overcapacities, low production efficiency, and facilities The production capacity with backward equipment can be eliminated in this way. At the same time, large enterprises also have enough motivation and ability to reasonably merge small enterprises of the same type, complete the integration of industry resources, and quickly clear out the internal problems within the industry. Excess production capacity has caused cycle reversal in many traditional industries."

"In short, no matter which way you look at it, the 'big infrastructure' line is destined to explode in all directions because of the right time, location, and people."

"Now, after this period of fundraising, the weight of institutions' positions in this main investment line should have climbed up, right?"

"Looking at the institutional position data disclosed in the market, the current position weight of institutions on the 'big infrastructure' line has not reached a high level, and is still hovering at a low level. The main reason is the market explosion of the 'big infrastructure' line. It has grown very rapidly, and at the same time, in the upward trend of more than two months, there have been rare times of continuous correction, which has led to institutional groups who want to continue to increase their positions but have not found a good buying point."

"Haha... Can I say that this group of organizations deserve it?"

"How did you sell off at the time, and how do you continue to pursue the position and buy it back now? This time... Mr. Su has simply controlled most of the domestic institutional groups."

"No, otherwise how can we say Mr. Su is a market legend?"

"If the holdings of institutions in the main line of 'big infrastructure' are still relatively low, then it is certain... that the 'big infrastructure' line will definitely rise in the future."

"Everyone is locking up their positions and not selling, let the institutions pursue the positions and lift the sedans!"

"There are institutional groups that continue to pursue the warehouse and lift the sedan. This feeling... is simply so refreshing."

"I haven't made money so happily in a long time. Thank you to the market, thank you to Mr. Su..."

In the extremely hot market discussion, it is also the moment when the majority of investors are extremely excited and their trading operations have fully shifted to radical strategies.

At this moment, the main fund trading room of the 'Yuhang Investment' company is amidst the hot market transactions.

Su Yu stared at the trading tables of the two markets that had entered the last hour of the trading session, and asked Zhang Guobing with a smile: "Guobing, how are the results of the position building in the securities direction of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product now?"

Zhang Guobing took a look at the background data of the fund's main control computer and responded: "After these two weeks of continuous increase in positions, our trading team has targeted the 'securities' and 'Internet finance' sectors, as well as some banks and insurance companies during this stage. To increase the position of the sector target, more than 13 billion chips have been purchased, and the overall position level has almost reached half.

Among them, our positions in the stocks of core securities companies such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatai Securities, Huatong Securities...' have a chip size of more than 1 billion. Especially for the stock of Huaxin Securities, our current position The chips have reached 3.3 billion.

Of course, target stocks such as China Commercial Bank, Huatong Bank, China Commercial Bank, China Pacific Insurance, Ping An Group, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics... etc. also have relatively large single-share positions, basically around 500 million. above scale.

Moreover, for these target stocks we have established positions.

During this period, the market's core market trends are still centered on the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'. ' and other conceptual themes are unfolding.

The core main funds in other markets rarely converge to the main areas where we build positions. As a result, during the continuous process of building positions, the cost of building positions does not fluctuate greatly. "

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded slightly, quite satisfied with the result of opening a position, and reminded, "When opening a position, remember not to buy too much, and keep in mind the 5% position red line. Don't accidentally reach the level of Card lines, this can be detrimental to the operation of our fund."

The ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund products have a total volume of 30 billion.

With this amount of funds, if you focus on building positions in certain stocks, it is very likely that you will accidentally touch the holding line, so... Su Yu must be reminded of this.

In case, when opening a position, the holding line is touched.

Then their position building seats will be forced to be exposed, and their corresponding position building stocks will probably be snapped up by other major funds in the market or investor groups in an instant.

This was not the result Su Yu wanted to see.

Zhang Guobing smiled and responded: "Don't worry, Mr. Su, I remember this red line of holdings. Our current chips on single stock positions still have a certain amount of space from the holding line."

"That's good!" Su Yu nodded slightly.

Then, he turned to the trading heads responsible for the first three main funds of the 'Yu Hang Series' and asked: "What about you, how is the result of reducing your positions?"

Liu Yuan responded first: "After these two weeks of operations, we have basically completed the exit of fringe concept stocks and weak concept stocks on the main line of the market, 'big infrastructure', according to the reduction strategy formulated by you, Master." , at the same time, the overall position level of the 'Yuhang No. 3' fund product has dropped to about 60%."

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