Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 622: The main line of the recovering market!

As the two discussed and analyzed.

Over the course of market trading, low-level mainline sectors that failed to gather popularity, such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance', gradually continued to lose blood, while 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' The main line of the industry, as well as the corresponding concept sections that are hyped around the main concepts of the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'.

The power of profit-taking selling on the market is seen in the entire market, and other main lines have never been able to gather popularity.

Moreover, the capital flow in the market is active and has begun to flow back to these core lines.

Then he hesitated to continue locking up positions, and the power of profit-taking selling weakened.

When the selling force gathered on the market weakened, coupled with the return of active funds on the market, the entire 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' industry-related sectors, as well as those surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, and Maritime Silk Road', The corresponding concept sections of the main lines of speculation on several major concepts such as "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" were in the late market stage, that is, in the last hour of market trading time.

It began to accelerate its recovery and further recovered the intraday decline from the previous dive.

"Haha, what am I talking about? If it falls, it will rise again. In the entire market, except for the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there is no sector that can gather popularity and have a sustained profit-making effect. Funds are not available. With the hype surrounding these core themes, what else can be speculated on?”

With the overall recovery of the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" in the late trading.

At this moment, among the large group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform, there are still investors who are still holding positions and stick to the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" and can't help but laugh and sigh.

"The strong will always be strong! The market will never bully me."

"Damn it, the core main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' are so damn strong, and they really can't fall. I originally thought I'd wait for this batch of stocks to plummet in late trading, so I could buy the bottom at a low level. Yes, I didn’t expect...this gradually pulled me back again, ugh...another missed opportunity."

"At this time, it has not recovered from the early highs and fell back to the intraday losses, so it can still be bought, right?"

"The main market lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' are obviously not finished. For these core main lines of the market, you can buy at any time."

"Hey, the recent money-making effect of the market is really good."

"This is really good. I'm afraid it's only limited to the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'? Stocks in other main line areas of the market have basically not risen much in the past few months, seriously lagging behind the broader market, especially 'technology' Stocks in the growth' main line field have not only not grown during the successive breakthroughs of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, but have also fallen slightly in the past few months."

"Although the money-making effect is limited to the core market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', compared with the market trend in the first half of the year, it is already much better, especially in the past few months, as long as we pursue 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' 'These core main lines, basically no matter when they intervene, they will not trick anyone."

"Haha, it's true, these core main lines basically don't trick anyone."

"No matter how high you buy it, you can make money by unwinding it."

“Isn’t this the charm of the market’s core line?”

"Based on the trends of core stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the past few months, I truly understand what it means to follow the trend and what it means to be strong and strong."

"Yes, in recent months, the popular themes of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have simply interpreted the market's concept of 'the strong will always be strong' to the extreme."

"Haha, I agree, so when it comes to stock trading, you still have to stick to the main line."

"The key is not to hold on to it. For example, if you were seriously trapped by a weak main line stock in the past, and you bet all on the 'tech growth' main line, or the 'big finance' main line, your position holding experience in the past few months must have been It’s very bad. It’s very painful to watch the index keep rising but your own stock is motionless.”

"Hey, this...isn't it me you're talking about?"

"Fortunately, I made a profit a few days ago. After I made a profit, I fully invested in 'Fushun Special Steel', a leading stock in the main line that has both the concept of 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'nuclear power'. It has already gained close to 20%." The increase has finally made up for the loss of meat cutting."

"I am still lying on the main line of 'Big Finance', and my entire position is locked up by 'Huaxin Securities'. I don't know whether I should cut the flesh. The key is that cutting the flesh at this time is too painful."

"The main line of 'Big Finance' is still buying super large-cap stocks like 'Huaxin Securities'? What are you waiting for if you don't cut the flesh? It should have been cut long ago!"

"I also think it should have been cut long ago. The securities are obviously useless. What's more, what you bought is the super large-cap stocks in the securities."

"There are a lot of funds in the market today, and it's not like they haven't tried to pull over other main lines, but they can't gather popularity at all, so the funds have come back. At this time... we should follow the trend of funds and continue to buy and increase It is still reasonable for major stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to show an adjustment trend in the market."

"Market main lines such as 'Big Finance' and 'Technology Growth' have recently been pulled by many major funds in the market more than once, but they have never been able to achieve any profit-making effect. They often pull high today and fail tomorrow or in the following few days. On the first trading day, it fell completely back, which is completely a trap."

"Hey, it would be good to be able to fall another day. The key now is to cheat directly in the market."

"If other main lines of the market cannot gather popularity, it means that the trend of 'high-low switching' should be a false proposition, right? Under this situation, funds are picking up in 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and other major market hot main lines, and the main players of all parties continue to unite. Hype can definitely make these mainline core stocks reach new highs."

"I agree, if it can't fall, it will definitely continue to rise!"

"Looking at the popular main lines of the market such as 'military industry' and 'infrastructure', even if adjustments are made, they are usually completed within a day. Can you believe that the market has reached a peak? People who say that the market of these major main lines have reached a peak, let me say... …You really don’t understand the market at all.”

"People who are eager to 'switch high and low' and sell chips in the main line fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are now having their faces swollen, right?"

"Hey, these people who are not optimistic about it have their faces swollen by the market, not just once or twice."

“I just like to see people who are short on the core themes of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ lose money.”

"Haha, I like it too..."

"Continue to hold positions firmly. Anyway, as I said before, if I don't see Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat being sold on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger List, I won't sell it. No matter how the main force shakes the position, it can wash me out." Get off the bus unless the market continues to plummet and the index falls below 2,500 points."

"Market volume can keep rising. Under such circumstances, it is simply unrealistic for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to fall below 2,500 points."

"Let the main force smash it. They will have to buy back the chips they smashed."

"Haha, isn't that the case today? Those funds that were invested in the early trading failed to test the main lines of 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance'. It is certain that these funds will return tomorrow and pursue 'infrastructure' and 'big finance' at high levels." 'Military Industry' are the core mainline stocks in the market."

“I don’t know what these main funds, who think they are smart, are thinking of doing ‘high-low switching’ at this time?”

Amid heated discussions among many retail investor groups...

As the main capital group imagined by retail investors, such as the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yu is located.

Many hot money investors saw the trend of the market and returned to the core popular main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and once pulled out gains in the main areas of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' during the session. This After a while, it all fell back and returned to the starting point of the early trading. There was still some surprise in my eyes.

"Damn it, the funds that chose to 'switch high and low' today were all taken advantage of and failed."

In the group, some hot money lamented helplessly.

"Hey, what does this mean? Those who run in front may not have meat to eat, and they may not have meat to eat, and they may have to be beaten."

"The trials of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' funds have all failed. Does this mean that the market has not yet reached the time of 'high-low switching'? I feel that other market main lines, retail investors in the entire market, and other active funds , don’t buy it at all.”

"It should be obvious that the chips in the core markets of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are loosening, right?"

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with the strategy of choosing the 'high-low switch' market for trading. The mistake lies in the fact that the funds withdrawn from the popular main line areas of the market, such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', are rushing to grab profits." Running down, it’s basically in the low main line area, and there is no consistent expectation. This is the fundamental problem.”

"Indeed, some people are optimistic about the main line of 'big consumption', some are optimistic about the main line of 'technological growth', and some people focus on the main line of 'big finance'. Some people are also optimistic about the cycle reversal and oversold rebound of the 'ferrous cycle'. These main lines are originally low. It is expected to be much weaker than the core main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and military industry. However, the funding gap is still so wide. It will be a ghost if it can bring about a profit-making effect and attract large-scale intervention by followers. "

"So, if we can't pull up the market, funds have returned to the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry.'"

"Hey, in short, it is to create the core main line of the market and switch the main line market. This kind of strategic move to guide the market progress is really not something that can only be played by main funds. In the market, 9% of the main financial groups, let me say... They only have the ability to follow market trends, but not the ability to create market trends.”

"That's true, so I am self-aware and only follow the trend. I never make any moves to jump ahead and guide the direction of the market."

"If you want to complete the switch of market conditions, this ability is naturally not available to everyone. With so many people in our group... I'm afraid only Mr. Su can do it, right?"

"That's necessary. In the past few months, the main line of 'technological growth' compared with the differences between the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', how Mr. Su created the market, that is comparable to a classic battle. "

"The key is that other major funds in the market rarely have the courage of Mr. Su with tens of billions of dollars to pull the deal!"

"It's not just a matter of simply pulling the market, but you also need to have a thorough understanding of the market trends and possible news trends on the market macro level. Although Mr. Su is very courageous, he must have known before he made up his mind. It is also predicted with high probability that the market's main line investment style will be biased towards the main board. At the same time, the macroeconomic strategic plan of 'New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road' will be favorable, and stimulus measures will be introduced simultaneously. In other words... In fact, Mr. Su He is also operating in accordance with the market trend. All his trading behaviors and the pattern created by the main market trend are essentially based on the market trend."

“Indeed, it’s just a matter of combining market news, policies, fundamentals, emotions... these things, and guiding the market at the right time to form consistent market expectations in a certain direction. It’s really too difficult. Difficult."

"If it wasn't difficult, how could Mr. Su be a legend that everyone admires in the market?"

"Hey, I can only envy someone like Mr. Su."

"Hey, let's not talk about this anymore, let's just watch the market."

"Today's market situation has reached this position, and there is nothing much to say. Let's rely on the core market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' for market trading and speculation. Since a lot of funds for switching have returned, then tomorrow, After adjustment, the trend of the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' will definitely not be much worse."

"Well, indeed, you can do it at the end of the day."

Everyone in the group found that the market was unable to switch between high and low, and the capital group turned back to the core market lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" on a large scale.

In the last half hour of trading at the end of the day.

Hot money has also begun to become more active. Many core concept leaders in the fields of "infrastructure" and "military industry" that suffered heavy losses in early trading have further taken over and relayed by hot money, and have risen rapidly, and many of them revolve around the "Asia-European economy". Leading concept stocks that have been hyped with concepts such as 'On the Road to a New Era, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', under the relay of hot money, once again set new intraday highs and went straight to the daily limit.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing time.

With an intraday amplitude of more than 3%, the Shanghai Composite Index ended up slightly higher by 11%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index ended at a flat position.

Popular main lines in the two cities, as well as the performance of concept sectors and industry sectors.

After violent fluctuations, the corresponding core main concept sector and industry sector indexes of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' still closed at a high level, ranking at the top of the growth lists of industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities, while 'Technology Growth' and 'Big Consumption' , the concept sector and industry sector indexes in the main line field of 'big finance' almost simultaneously went out of the A-type trend during the session and continued to perform relatively weakly.

Of course, in the process of the obvious amplification of the amplitude of the market trends in the two cities.

The transaction volume of the two cities also continued to show an enlarging trend, with a total of 9.1 billion transactions during the day, continuing to set a new high for this year's market transaction volume.

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