Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 623: Increasingly strong bull expectations!

Faced with such a closing situation, retail investors who firmly hold positions, or firmly take on chips in the core main lines of the market such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", are excited and excited. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

There are many retail investors who hold positions in other main lines of the market, and most of them are locked up in other main lines of the market.

My heart is still quite depressed.

At the same time, under this situation, the original confidence and belief of the investor groups who continue to be short of the market or are trapped in the main lines of other markets are also continuing to be shaken, driving them to move their positions to 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' Wait for the core main line of the market to come up.

Of course, in this continuous change of market sentiment.

Today, we are taking the lead in advance, selling chips in the core main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' at high levels, and switching to main funds in the main line areas such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' at low levels in the market, and Many major financial groups who tried to test these major low-level main lines and tried to create a "high-low switching" trend change in the market felt quite depressed when faced with such a closing situation.

"'Infrastructure', 'Military Industry' and other popular main lines in the market have recovered almost all of their intraday losses at the close today. I really didn't expect...the trend of these popular main lines is so resilient. It is clear that the internal chip structure has been loosened. , the capacity has been increased so much, but it just can’t fall.”

After the market closes, there will be a brief review by various institutions.

At this moment, in the main fund trading room of Yanjing Yihe Capital Company, the trading team leader Gao Xiang continued with regret: "With such strong resilience and such strong ability to take over the market, I feel that our large-scale reduction of positions today is still a bit too much." Be anxious, the market's 'high-low switching' trend pattern will not be easily completed as long as the popular core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are not dead."

"What you said makes sense." Chen Yihe, the fund manager and general manager next to Gao Xiang, nodded slightly and responded, "However, it is also a fact that the internal chip structures of the core and popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are loose. It is also a fact that the market divergence has become larger. Although the market carrying power of these popular core main lines has not significantly declined, it is basically unrealistic to continue to create a certain space for improvement under such a large gap.

At this time, we are reducing our positions in the popular main lines of the market such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Nothing wrong with that either.

It's just that when following the main line of the market's low level, I was indeed a little too anxious.

Looking at the intraday trend of the market today, a lot of funds are moving in different directions. After several attempts, the results failed to stimulate the corresponding market sentiment and the consistent combined efforts of funds. This shows that other low main lines in the market are taking over the market. The time for market switching is not yet mature!

When we followed the low-level main line of 'technological growth', we were indeed too anxious.

According to the current market sentiment, it is still focused on the core and popular main lines of the market, namely 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

The line of ‘technological growth’ requires momentum.

In a short period of time, without the strong stimulation of macro news, or the better-than-expected performance of some core stocks, it may be difficult to attract market investment sentiment and speculation sentiment, converge in this direction, and condense a sustained money-making effect. and continued upward trend.

Fortunately, the main line of 'technological growth' has been seriously lagging behind the market for several months.

Although, in the current market, the majority of investor groups, as well as many major financial groups, do not have consistent expectations in this direction, and at the same time, market capital groups are entrenched in the current popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which has also led to other At low market levels, the amount of mainline funds is seriously insufficient.

However, fortunately, this main line of ‘technological growth’ has been adjusted for one consecutive quarter.

Valuation risks have been fully released and have become relatively reasonable. Compared with popular mainline stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that continue to surge, they are already somewhat undervalued.

Such factors come together.

This means that even though the timing of our high-low switch is not right and the time to intervene in the low-level main line of 'technological growth' is too early and too early, we will not suffer any excessive losses and retracement risks. At most It's just a loss of some of the emotional premium in the fishtail stage of the core main lines of the major markets, namely 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

As long as our overall macro strategy is in place, there is no problem.

So, in terms of timing, even if it is a little bit close, the impact will not be big, so don’t worry too much. "

After listening to Chen Yihe's words, Gao Xiang felt a little better, but he thought for a moment and then said: "Even so, it is easy to sell but difficult to buy back. We followed the idea of ​​'high-low switching' prematurely." After the position adjustment, we lost the bargaining chips in the core main line areas of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Next, we can only stick to the idea of ​​'switching high and low'."

When the amount of funds is too large, it becomes increasingly difficult to switch trading strategies.

In other words, once you make a mistake, even if you wake up, it will be difficult to adjust the position in time to give feedback. Often, after making a mistake, you can only make up for it through other strategies.

This is also the case with many fund products in the industry.

Often after catching a wave of main line market, once the main line market trend ends.

It is either difficult for them to react in time, and their net value will fall back with the reversal of the main line market trend and a sharp retracement, or they will miss the second half of profits after adjusting positions prematurely, and then lose all their profits on other main lines. The profit was lost. In short... with a huge amount of capital, it is very, very difficult to flexibly move and switch. Often, operations are either too long ahead of the market, or too long behind the market.

"There is nothing we can do about this," Chen Yihe said. "Now that the trading strategy has been implemented, we can only make expectations in an optimistic direction."

Gao Xiang nodded, and said with some concern: "Mr. Chen, I'm thinking that the current hot topics in the major markets of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' will not be able to open up new areas after the market divergence continues to increase. Under the situation of space, it should be relatively certain that the market will make a main line switch of 'high-low switch'.

It's just... what should we do if the main line of the market's "high-low switch" is not the main line of "technological growth" that we intervened in advance? "

"Isn't it the main field of 'technological growth'?" Chen Yihe heard Gao Xiang's concerns, thought about it carefully for a moment, and responded, "This probability should be extremely small. After all, when it comes to 'infrastructure' and 'military industry,' When the money-making effects of several current core main lines of the market gradually decrease and profit-making selling pressure continues to become more and more intense, funds generally flee from these core main lines.

Looking at the entire market, it seems that only the main line of "technological growth" that has been fully adjusted can take over the market. Only in this main line direction can future expectations be more certain, right? Other low market main lines are always inferior in terms of future expectations and certainty.

Also, based on the past historical performance of the market, once the main board falls into adjustment.

The market trends of large-cap stocks will inevitably shift to the market trends of small- and medium-cap growth stocks.

Therefore, if the market really undergoes a 'high-low switch', it is indeed highly likely that the main market trend will shift to the line of 'technological growth'.

Of course, expectations are expectations, and the actual market trend is the actual trend.

The best we can do when investing is to formulate investment and trading strategies based on the development of market trends with a high probability, so as to seek market profits with a high probability. It is impossible to say that it is certain.

If the actual development of the market does not match our expectations.

That is to say, the money-making effect of popular main lines in the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' has gradually weakened, and profit-making funds in these fields have increasingly fled, thus intervening in the low main lines of the market. However, the low main lines involved are not the 'technology' we expected. When growing up the main line...

What we can do is only after the market trend becomes clear.

Make corrections and comprehensively adjust investment strategies and trading strategies.

It's just that the current market changes and trend changes, although slightly beyond our planned expectations, are not completely deviated from our planned expectations.

Although our position adjustment strategy was somewhat ahead of the market changes.

However, the substantive changes in the market are just lagging behind and have not deviated from the scope of the plan.

In this case, at this time, we don’t need to worry about things that may not necessarily happen in the market. The most important thing is to do the present well! "

"Okay!" Gao Xiang nodded and said, "Then we will implement the current investment strategy and trading strategy, try our best to control the retracement and positions, and wait for the market to fail in the popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. The upward space will be opened up, and the market's 'high-low switch' will occur after the money-making effect is gradually lost."

Chen Yihe nodded slightly, seeing that Gao Xiang already understood the pros and cons of such a position adjustment, he said no more.

As the two of them focused on the market, they reviewed the thoughts and hidden worries and risks of the fund's overall position adjustment strategy and trading strategy changes.

Unknowingly, the time has moved to about 5:30 pm.

The dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced.

I saw that after the violent fluctuations during the day, a total of 49 stocks were on the list today. Same... Among the stocks on the list, the two major industries of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are still the main lines, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New Popular stocks and concept leading stocks in several core conceptual themes such as "Times Road", "Maritime Silk Road", "Reform and Reorganization of Central Enterprises and State-owned Enterprises", etc., and hot money from all walks of life active on the Dragon and Tiger List are also mainly concentrated in these main themes. field.

"Institutions are net selling, while hot money taking over is still strong."

After reading the data on the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, among the retail investors who gathered on major online stock discussion platforms, the discussion on the Dragon and Tiger Lists has increased significantly.

"I didn't expect that it was institutions that smashed the market today. Are these guys crazy? If these institutions didn't smash the market today, maybe the Shanghai Stock Index would have another bullish line with heavy volume, and it would have reached the 2900 point long ago."

"Fortunately, in terms of the data performance of the entire Dragon and Tiger List, funds still show a net buying status."

"The main hot money seats are also very active."

“The only drawback is that Mr. Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ seat still hasn’t appeared. I feel like Mr. Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ seat hasn’t appeared for almost a quarter, right?”

"Well, it has been more than a quarter, but now Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat has basically coincided with the trading seats of the 'Yu Hang Series' main funds, although Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat no longer appears in It is on the Dragon and Tiger list, but based on the position data and net worth performance occasionally released by the 'Yu Hang Group', we can still know Mr. Su's exact positions and the main direction of the market that he is optimistic about."

"Indeed, it's just that the holding data and net worth performance of several major funds of the 'Yu Hang Series' have been disclosed not long ago. Now these major fund products have entered a fully closed operation stage again, and it is difficult to continue to detect them. Ah, but... I estimate that Mr. Su's core holdings must still be in the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"It's okay to use recent data as a reference. Anyway, the fund products under Mr. Su's management are so large that if you want to adjust positions, you will definitely not be able to escape the data from the Dragon and Tiger List. Moreover, many companies will soon have their third quarter reports. It has been announced, and from the third-quarter report data released by many companies with known Yuhang stock holdings, we can also find out from the side whether Mr. Su continues to hold these stocks."

"Haha, it makes sense, indeed... we should be able to see it after waiting for the third quarter report."

"The third quarter report must be in October or November, right? I think from the position data of 'Anzhao Fund' acquired by Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Investment' company, we can also learn something about Mr. Su's market conditions. idea."

"Isn't this possible? Fund managers are all different."

"It still has some reference value."

"But at present, the holding weights of several major fund products under 'Anzhao Fund' in a series of popular main fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are not high, and the net value performance of the fund products they manage is also low. It is sparse and ordinary, and cannot be compared with the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series'."

"Eh... when did the main fund products of Anzhao Fund Company transfer their positions so much to the 'big financial' field? I remember looking at their positions before, the focus was still on 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' Waiting for the core main line areas of the market?”

"'Big Finance'? Are you mistaken? Can the rubbish sector 'Big Finance' rise?"

"Hey, I can't understand it. I don't think it has any reference."

"This level of position adjustment is indeed difficult to understand, but fortunately, these main fund products of 'Anzhao Fund', after absorbing a large wave of investors, closed the subscription and redemption channels in time, and became We need a fully closed-run fund product, otherwise, with their level of position adjustment, investors would probably be scolded.”

"I'm afraid many people are already scolding me in their hearts, right?"

"Hey, don't analyze this or that. At present, according to the market trend, there is no need to worry about the market conditions of the core main lines of the major markets such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Just hold the position with peace of mind. There will definitely be more in the future. There’s a big wave of profits.”

"The trends in the past two days have proven that the core main lines of the market, 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', cannot fall at all."

"If it can't go down, it can only go up!"

"Haha, I agree... So I increased my position again today. Fortunately, I increased my position at a low price during the session. Otherwise, I would probably have to chase the price higher tomorrow."

Everyone is continuing to discuss the data of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings.

Although we have seen that institutions, which are the main capital groups at the core of the market, have taken profits out of the market on a large scale, at the moment when the hot money speculation hot spots are pushing the concept leading stocks to further gather emotions and create new connecting space upwards, everyone's The emotional expression is still extremely high-pitched and exciting.

At this time, very few investors have realized that the adjustment risks are becoming more and more obvious in the main areas such as "infrastructure" and "military industry".

Of course, even a very small number of investors have put forward corresponding risk views on online stock forums.

The next moment, it will be collectively besieged by a group of bullish investors.

For a time, the entire network and relevant stock discussion platforms were filled with voices that were bullish on core market trends such as "infrastructure" and "military industry."

The consensus expectations of bulls are reflected in the sharp amplitude of these core main lines for two consecutive days.

Not only did it not weaken, but it became more and more intense!

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