Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 624 The market changes rapidly!

"The sentiment expectations for the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have not weakened much!"

Seeing the intense and consistent discussions on relevant stock discussion platforms on the entire Internet, inside the main fund trading room of Yuhang Investment Company at this moment, Li Meng was quite surprised and said: "Moreover, these core themes today, The intraday trend turned from divergence to consensus, which is simply unexpected. Look at this situation... In tomorrow's market, these core main lines will continue to be pursued and speculated by a large number of funds both on and off the market. .”

"The vast investor group in the market, under the induction of inertial thinking, will not act as long as the money-making effect of the popular market main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' does not decline significantly and the money-losing effect is not obvious. Take the initiative to take over other main-line sectors where the effect of losing money at low prices is more obvious." Su Yu heard Li Meng's surprised words, smiled, and responded, "Chasing the rise and killing the fall is a common operating mode of retail investors, 'infrastructure', The popular main lines of the market, 'military industry', have been going on for so long, and even if the current internal chip structure is fragmented, the market will not end all at once."

"But it's hard to open up much space, right?" Li Meng continued.

Su Yu nodded and responded: "This is natural, and as these major main lines are unable to further expand their space, when the money-making effects of these major core main lines decrease step by step, then there will definitely be more and more The funds flow out of these core main lines to find other main line sectors that have more hype value and investment value and can more easily condense market speculation sentiment.

In short, we are at this time.

Just keep the previous strategy. If there is a suitable opportunity at the high level in the session, reduce your position. If there is a suitable opportunity for a sudden kill at the low level in the session, then make appropriate use of the reduced position to increase the chips of the main line of 'Big Finance'. Don't be anxious and keep a normal attitude.

The core main lines of the market, "infrastructure" and "military industry," can be regarded as establishing an adjustment platform.

I'm afraid it will also be in shock for a long time.

We have plenty of opportunities to slowly adjust positions and sort out the position structure. "

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded. She didn't have any different opinions on Su Yu's investment strategy and trading strategy. She just pondered for a moment about when the next main line of the market would be formed, or There is still a lot of worry about whether there will be other main lines in the market that will first break out of a sustained upward market trend before the "big financial" line emerges, siphoning market funds.

After all, if before ‘big finance’ comes out, there are other main lines that have siphoned off market funds in advance.

Then, it will be more difficult for the 'big finance' line to gather market attention and gather a huge flow of funds in a short period of time.

So, she pondered for a moment and couldn't help but continue: "Mr. Su, in today's market performance, the financial groups in the market have actually tried more than one direction, including 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance'. In the main line area of ​​​​large and low levels, there were once signs of the gathering of main funds.

I'm thinking...these major main storyline expectations are actually there.

If the macro-level policy benefits of the 'big finance' line come too late, and funds first form relatively consistent expectations in the main line areas of 'big consumption' and 'technological growth', then from 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' The funds withdrawn from these popular main lines are bound to be siphoned off by these two main line areas.

In this way, wait until the "big finance" line has the logic and opportunity to explode.

I am afraid that in the market, the amount of funds undertaken has also been significantly reduced, and it is difficult to raise this trillion-level main line to produce a sustained money-making effect! "

Su Yu responded with a smile: "This worry is completely unnecessary. The main trend of the market is not so easy to condense and create. Judging from the current time point, 'technological growth', 'big consumption', 'big finance' 'Of these three low core main line directions, only the 'big financial' main line direction has signs of rapid expansion in expectations and rapid reversal of industry fundamentals.

The other two major low-level main line areas, whether it is the main line of 'technological growth'.

It’s still the main line of ‘big consumption’.

Although future expectations are not bad in the context of continued macroeconomic recovery.

However, the changes in its fundamentals and the corresponding expected changes are not so rapid and appear relatively mild.

In this way, without the support of rapidly changing expectations and industry fundamentals, it is basically unrealistic for funds to speculate on these two main lines and attempt to create these two main lines of market trends.

After all, there is no solid investment logic and hype logic to support it.

Pure conceptual speculation cannot last for a long time and continue to create upward trend space.

Therefore, we don't have to worry about the two main market lines of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' in the subsequent changes in market conditions. They will seize active funds in the market and restrict the explosion of the main line of 'big finance', because there is no basic investment logic and hype. Logical support, then these two main lines are trees without roots,"

"I agree with what Mr. Su said." After listening to Su Yu's analysis, Zhang Guobing nodded and said, "No matter how the market goes in the short term, with the fermentation of market sentiment and the changes in the views of capital groups on and off the market, 'infrastructure', The money-making effect of these popular investment main lines, 'military industry', will definitely become weaker and weaker.

At the same time, there will be more and more funds that agree with the market’s ‘high-low switching’.

Moreover, on the whole, it is true that only the main line field of 'big finance' has the expected power to reverse the fundamentals of the industry and achieve a full-scale performance explosion.

No matter how the market adjusts in the short term in terms of the overall market structure.

The final consensus expectations and the real breakthrough direction of the capital group will always turn to the main line of 'big finance'. "

"I think so too." Zhao Lijun smiled and said.

Wang Can pondered for a moment and said: "After the decline of the core main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', the probability of the main line of the market changing to 'big finance' is naturally high probability, but this line, what Is there an opportunity for an explosion?"

Liu Yuan thought for a while and responded: "This should depend on the market's macro monetary policy. When will there be signs of change? It feels like there is no major positive stimulus from the macro side, and the market's self-regulation of market trends alone,' On the financial line, it is still difficult to quickly gather the sentiment and expectations of market investors, and it is also difficult to make the broad financial groups on and off the market converge in this direction.

And before there is a major positive in the market macro.

I feel that with the size of our institution’s funds, we cannot buck the trend, forcefully pull this main line, and create a sustained money-making effect. "

For the trillion-level market, the main line market broke out.

This cannot be said to be brought about by the inducement and guidance of a certain main force of funds. It must be supported by favorable macroeconomic policies and the entire market can form a substantial synergy.

Just like the previous outbreak of core main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Without the support of strong expectations of favorable substantive policies such as 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', and 'Securitization of Military Assets' from a macro perspective, their institutions alone would be able to bring this out. It is basically impossible to have a main line market trend.

After all, there is no consistent expectation and no market synergy.

Even if a main force fund is forced to support the company, it is difficult to attract other main funds to continue to undertake it, let alone to allow many similar institutions in the industry to continue to support the company and further expand the continuous profit-making effect on the main line.

"Yes!" Su Yu heard Liu Yuan's answer and nodded, "Indeed, when the market can fully break through the 'big financial' line and get out of the continuous explosive market trend, it depends on the macro-level monetary policy. When will there be a clear reversal?

Of course, according to our analysis.

Monetary policy changes at the macro level should not take too long.

After all, next, the market will face the National Day, followed by the key node of the last quarter's economic growth breakthrough. At the same time, signs of external macroeconomic changes are also more obvious. Global central banks are relaxing and delaying the pace of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. Under such circumstances, there is also an obvious tendency to change monetary policy.

In this case, the central bank will surely follow quickly.

At most, the central bank should take action within two months.

At this point in two months, the market is about to finish the third quarter, and it is almost the time when the market starts to speculate on the third quarter performance forecast.

Analyze and consider from this direction.

The 'Securities' sector is the vanguard of the performance explosion and the industry sector that directly benefits from changes in monetary policy.

Once the opportunity for an outbreak arrives, the stock prices of the corresponding securities companies will definitely be the first to reverse.

Therefore, in the past two months, our main investment and trading purpose is not to increase the net profit value, but to reasonably adjust the structure of the holding chips.

This is to seize the opportunity for the subsequent development of the main market trends. "

After hearing Su Yu's insights on the market and explanation of current investment strategies and trading strategies, everyone in the trading room nodded, saying they understood.

As within Yuhang Investment Company, the main fund trading departments have further sorted out the subsequent investment plans and trading plans.

In the evening, external markets continued to rebound.

At the same time, in the continuous rebound, the sharp decline of the previous two days has been fully recovered, making the US stock market, which has been fluctuating at high levels, once again form a relatively stable trend situation despite being shaky.

And when the external market trend formed a counter-backing situation to the decline in the previous two days.

The next day, the entire market also opened higher under the influence of external market trends.

In particular, several core main lines of the market, such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", opened sharply higher today after adjustments were made during yesterday's intraday trading and the divergence further turned to consensus. Many core stocks, as well as leading concept stocks, opened sharply higher at the moment of opening. That is, it once again hit a new rebound high and a new annual high.

Facing a comprehensively higher market.

The vast investor groups inside and outside the market are once again in high spirits and have entered a white-hot stage of long-selling.

However, in such a high-opening market, after the time officially entered the continuous bidding trading period, the extremely strong "infrastructure", "military industry" and other popular main line areas of the market, a number of core component stocks, and concept leading stocks suddenly exploded. After the volume rose for a while, it fell into a situation where selling increased sharply, selling pressure continued, and the selling force became heavier and heavier, gradually exceeding the buying power.

And under the influence of this kind of buying and selling volume, the trading volume can gradually become unbalanced.

The trend of these popular component stocks and concept leading stocks was further reversed, and there was a comprehensive diving trend of rising and falling.

And this time diving.

Compared with yesterday's diving trend in the market, it is more rapid and urgent, and the amount released is also greater.

Then, when these popular mainline stocks dived from high levels one after another, the selling power continued to increase, the internal chip structure was further dispersed, and the market divergence became wider and wider.

Such as "technological growth", "big consumption", "big finance" and other low-level main areas.

Once again, it received attention and increased positions from many major funds in the market.

Just like yesterday, the main funds pouring into the low-level main fields of 'tech growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' still have huge differences in the direction of attack and the direction of increasing their positions, making these few In the major main line area, while continuing to absorb the main funds, it is still unable to achieve a sustained money-making effect and cannot condense the market's relatively consistent emotional expectations and hype enthusiasm.

Eventually, the rotation in market sectors accelerated.

Adjustments to the market's popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are also accelerating, and the market divergence is widening.

Closing time at 3 p.m.

In the absence of negative attacks from inside or outside the market, the Shanghai Stock Index opened nearly 75% higher and ended up closing down by nearly 1 point. At the same time, when the Shanghai Stock Index closed sharply lower, the stocks of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' ' and other popular mainline stocks in several major markets have also weakened across the board, forming an obvious adjustment trend.

And stocks in the fields of ‘technology growth’, ‘big consumption’ and ‘big finance’.

In today's sharp decline in the market, it has actually strengthened, forming a generally small upward trend in the red market, which also further clarifies the market's "high-low switching" pattern.

Faced with such closing results and morphological trends of the market.

Countless investor groups, especially retail investors, inside and outside the entire market, are surprised and confused.

Everyone never expected that today's market trend would be like this, and at the same time, they couldn't figure it out...

Obviously yesterday, stocks in the core main areas of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have completed intraday adjustments and re-formed the consistency of emotions and funds. Why is it that today when there is no negative news in the peripheral market and news, Instead, it plummeted?

"Damn it, today's market trend is simply poisonous, right?"

When the majority of retail investors are wondering and aggrieved, feeling that the main financial group on the market that dominates the market trend is simply sick and smashing the market for no reason, some people among the retail investors gathered on the online stock discussion platform are cursing in their hearts. : "What the hell, some unscrupulous main players keep smashing the market regardless of weather or rain. They are simply sick. With such a good market sentiment and atmosphere, if you don't move up, you have no idea what these guys are thinking?"

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