Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 632 The height of the connecting board is continuously refreshed!

Just as Xu Xiang expected.

With the direction of market sentiment and the active capital groups in the market, they are once again converging on the popular main line areas of the market such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

And today’s main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ have once again achieved the ultimate money-making effect.

Coupled with the check of ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’, market attention and discussion continued to soar.

The next day, Thursday, October 23rd.

Stimulated by the good rebound trend in the external market trend, it is also reflected in the more or less positive reactions from the market's macro news.

The two cities continued to generally open higher, and the "Blue Stone Reload" also opened directly higher to about 7%.

Faced with this opening situation...

The broad group of investors inside and outside the market have seen that the main market sectors such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the stocks that made money yesterday, have maintained their money-making effect today and achieved positive feedback. At the same time, 'Blue Stone Heavy Industry' This check is still reaching new highs, further condensing the market's hype sentiment.

For a time, everyone's expectations and optimism skyrocketed again.

The number of capital groups that firmly hold positions in popular main lines of the market such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" and actively participate in high-level concept stocks in the market, as well as many popular stocks, is also increasing.

"The check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' was opened at around 7 points, which is a bit beyond expectations!"

Amid the positive market sentiment feedback, some hot money groups in Yuhang, where Su Yu is located, expressed emotion.

“With the intensity of the opening, I feel that the ‘Blue Stone Reload’ check will most likely continue to hit the daily limit today and continue to set new market heights!”

"I didn't expect that after the check was opened, the trend would become stronger and stronger."

"The check of 'Blue Stone Reload' has probably been the stock with the largest change in market expectations over the years. Who would have thought that this check could generate such a large number of shares and create such incredible hype? High space?"

"The market attention and discussion of this check should be the highest this year, right?"

"Well, obviously yes!"

"Yesterday, this check also led to the rebound of popular main lines in the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Now, the investment sentiment and speculation sentiment in the entire market have further increased, and it is obviously easier to speculate and make orders. There is no doubt that today's The probability of the check being blocked is at least 70%.”

"The key is not today, it needs to be a substantial premium tomorrow, or it will be listed on the market tomorrow."

"As long as the market hype doesn't subside, I think this check can continue to rise. And looking at the call auction trend of this check just now, there is a lot of funds on the market to take over."

"The core concept leading stocks in the two cities, which have huge money-making effects and unprecedented popularity and discussion, are basically the joint efforts of the entire market capital. I think in the current market, the popular main lines of the market, such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', We have just seen signs of exiting the second wave of the main uptrend. At this time, the risk of continuing to speculate on the 'Blue Stone Reload' check is still quite low."

"Leaders like this usually don't die suddenly. When this node is involved, the profit and loss ratio is still very appropriate."

"As long as this check can drive the market and sectors such as 'military industry' and 'nuclear power', I think it will not be able to move the market at all." Let's talk about it! �

"Just keep following the trend, that's what I think..."

"Last week, when this check was first opened, I intervened, took two boards, and left when the three boards diverged. Unexpectedly, after the divergence, the market trend of this check turned to the same direction again. , now that we have stepped out of the back of the board, the space has almost doubled.”

"This shows that for leading concept stocks like this, only the sky is the end!"

"After the market opens, continue to pursue long positions on this check. The so-called strong will always be strong. Under the current emotional effect of this check, and when the overall market volume performance is obviously still rising, and risk appetite is still rising, Continue walking up two more boards, and there will obviously be no problem.”

"Actually, if you are afraid of heights, you can still take advantage of the ultimate profit-making effect and high connecting board space of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' to continue to trade stocks in the 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' sectors. As long as 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is still If it can set a new intraday high, then correspondingly, some conceptual core stocks and probabilistic leading stocks in the fields of 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' will also have positive market feedback trends, and there will also be strong main funds to undertake arbitrage. .”

"This is a relatively suitable method."

"But currently, some popular stocks with similar concepts and industries to 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' have a high opening range today, such as China Airlines Optoelectronics, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Aerospace Development, Hongdu Aviation... these Tickets are basically opened at about 3% higher. I think chasing these tickets is actually less cost-effective than chasing 'Blue Stone Reload', and it doesn't have the certainty of a check like 'Blue Stone Reload'. Ah, after all, these tickets, in essence, the trend in recent days, their strength and weakness, basically fluctuate with the 'Blue Stone Reload'."

"I also think it would be more satisfying to chase the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'."

"Let's see first. Let's see if the check for 'Blue Stone Reload' can be sealed in seconds after it is opened, and whether the volume can be kept stable without the possibility of a huge increase in volume."

"Yes, its stock price has reached this point. If it opens high and moves low, or if there is an extreme increase in volume, it cannot go up."

"Agree, let's see when the market opens!"

“What about the main core concept stocks of ‘Technology Growth’, ‘Big Consumption’, and ‘Big Finance’? Hasn’t everyone looked at them?”

"Investors in the market have focused their attention on the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the popular main lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" After coming up, there should be no market in the low-level main line area at the moment.”

"Actually, there is another direction where there is obvious speculation about long opportunities?"

"Which direction?"

"The direction of sub-new stocks! The check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has such an extreme profit-making effect, it must be the direction of 'sub-new stocks', someone is placing orders."

"Haha, that makes sense. The direction of sub-new stocks is indeed worth noting."

"You can actually try out the new stocks that have recently been listed on the market to see if they have the power to follow the trend. If they do, it can completely induce a wave of market fluctuations."

"Well, in general, the market's risk appetite has increased significantly."

"It's not just an improvement, it's an explosion."

"Yesterday, the financing balance of the two cities soared by nearly 5 billion. Looking at the current financing balance of the two cities, can the market hype explode? The entire market, liquidity has obviously become abundant."

"With such a high market risk appetite, in fact, no matter how you do it or which direction you aim, it should be quite profitable."

"Yes, I feel that after more than a month of sideways fluctuations in the market, the strong money-making effect has basically come out again."

"Haha, I hope I can make more money this year."

"There are many big guys in the group. Their funds have increased several times this year, right?"

"No, except for Mr. Su, of course."

"I feel that in the next two months of this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely reach 3,000 points, opening up the bull market space."

"I also feel this way, mainly because the market volume and the balance of financing and financing have exceeded everyone's expectations. At the same time, market investment sentiment and investment confidence have basically fully recovered at this time."

"Actively do the trading. Anyway, I plan to actively participate."

"Me too, I feel like there will definitely be a big wave of market trends at the end of the year."

"Is there another big wave of market trends? Isn't the current wave considered fierce? There has never been a stock in the market that has hit the daily limit for 18 consecutive times before!"

"The check for 'Blue Stone Reloading' is destined to set many market records."

"It is estimated to be more than 20 boards, and as this stock continues to hit the board, the market's overall investment sentiment and speculation sentiment will definitely become crazy."

“The price limit order has been placed and we will continue to snap up the ‘Blue Stone Reload’ chips.”

"Awesome! So decisive."

"Needless to say, the check for 'Blue Stone Reload' will definitely be delayed after the market opens, because the expectations of the vast investor community in the market for this check are too strong, and there are really a lot of funds willing to accept it, which makes no sense. If we don’t continue to block the market, at least yesterday’s market divergence has turned back to the main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, and a new consistency has just been formed. At this time... it is definitely far from the time of divergence. In this case , then there is basically no big risk.”

"I'll follow Yishou and see where this leader can go in the end."

Along with the rapid refresh of news in the group, there are also intense discussions and adjustments to trading strategies among the hot money players in the group on their views on market conditions.

Time moved forward rapidly, and before I knew it, it was 9:30.

I saw that the time hand passed 9:30, and the two markets had just experienced changes.

'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', a leading stock with a core concept that has attracted the attention of the whole market, and countless investor groups have aggressively followed suit and rushed for chips, has rapidly risen due to the huge amount of funds it has received, and has gone straight up the market. Within 15 seconds, it continued to forcefully seal the daily limit.

"It's an instant seal. It's an instant seal. The market hype is really crazy."

Seeing that the check for 'Blue Stone Reload' was unexpectedly closed at the daily limit immediately after the market opened, the hot money players who participated in the discussion before in the group couldn't help but express excitement.

"Haha, 'Blue Stone Reload' continues to create continuous upward space. At this time, it can make up for the growth of other related stocks."

"Damn it, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Fushun Special Steel, Aviation Development, and Hongdu Airlines are all on the rise."

"In the main line of 'big infrastructure', many old leaders in the early stage are also making frequent changes."

"Chasing, what are you waiting for? The hot spots in today's market will definitely continue to focus on the main sectors such as 'military industry' and 'nuclear power'."

"We must chase positions and take arbitrage without risk."

Everyone was speaking radically...

Within the market, countless active capital groups, as well as short-term capital groups, at this moment, when 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has reached the daily limit again and closed the 19th daily limit, they are also mindlessly moving towards the fields of 'military industry' and 'nuclear power'. The sectors are converging. Among them, the check of 'Dalian Heavy Industry', for example, has risen directly from around 1 point. Within half a minute, it has reached the limit of explosive volume and quickly reached the daily limit.

Similarly, when the main financial groups gather together to pursue concept stocks in the fields of "military industry" and "nuclear power", and focus on speculating on these main line concepts.

Countless retail investor groups inside and outside the market.

This moment was extremely exciting, and everyone had an excited look on their face.

Everyone mindlessly chases positions and actively goes long. It seems that they have completely forgotten the so-called "risk awareness" and only think that as long as they buy, they will make money.

In this emotional interpretation.

And the main financial groups concentrated on speculation, and a large number of retail investors actively followed suit.

The conceptual main lines of 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' have once again formed the main lines of the two cities leading the gains due to the rush for large amounts of funds from the beginning of the market opening, and have frequently driven the main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'Asia-Europe' Conceptual themes such as "Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" have broken through upward, further condensing and intensifying the market's hype and investment sentiment.

As for the interpretation of this market situation.

The low-level main lines of ‘technological growth’, ‘big consumption’ and ‘big finance’.

At this moment, the main internal active capital groups were once again withdrawn, and the market showed a relatively weak situation, with the increase clearly lagging behind the broader market.

It's as if the market has been going sideways for a month.

Now, it has returned to its original market trend and market pattern.

Under this pattern, at around 10:40 in the morning, the daily growth rate of the main 'military industry' related sectors exceeded 3%. Among them, the 'national defense and military industry' industry sector index refreshed at this moment. The staged height of the previous adjustment refreshed the annual rebound high and the trend high, setting a new annual high on the index.

The ‘National Defense Industry’ sector index performed strongly.

It has also made the main line of 'military industry' become the core main line with the hottest market trends, the most profitable effects, and the highest increase in the entire market this year. Among them, monster stocks and bull stocks are emerging one after another, and they are like 'flying' stocks. Technology, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, China Airlines Hi-Tech, Aerospace Development, and the newly listed Bluestone Heavy Equipment' and other stocks have basically reached 5 times the height of the speculation space.

This has affected the entire market and the broad investor base, including institutions.

The market expectations for the main line of 'military industry' and the effect of following the trend can be said to have reached a very crazy level.

Of course, compared with the main line of 'military industry', the market trend of the main line of 'big infrastructure' is not bad, and the consensus expectations are also very strong.

As the market develops with increasingly fanatical capital speculation and retail investors following suit.

At around 11 o'clock in the morning, the growth rate of the 'military industry' mainline sector, which is the core of the market, and its related concept sectors further refreshed the intraday high, reaching an intraday increase of 4%, and all 'military industry' popular concept stocks were at this moment. They all rose sharply, and there was a trend of daily limit in the main line area. (End of chapter)

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