Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 633: Different strategic choices under the daily limit trend!

"The 'Military Industry' main sector index has actually reached a new high."

Seeing that the entire main line of 'military industry' has set off a rising tide, and at the same time, the main line of 'big infrastructure' has also surged across the board. At this moment, inside the Magic City, Yinghui Fund Company, the main fund trading room and trading group of 'Yinghui No. 1' Chang Yulei was quite excited and said: "It seems that the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', induced by the continuous unexpected surge in the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', will have a second wave of main rise in the market, with a high probability." It’s begun.”

Liu Guanhai, who was standing next to Yu Lei, chuckled and said, "The market trend of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check really exceeded market expectations. Who would have thought that this check could be so stable before?"

"Yes!" Yu Lei said with emotion, "It just shocked everyone."

Liu Guanhai paused and continued: "It's still early for us to stick to the original investment strategy and not rashly carry out the 'high-low switch' operation, otherwise at this moment... I'm afraid we will be blinded."

The market as a whole is in an upward trend.

Once the main line chips are lost, it is usually difficult to get them back.

For example, I have previously seen the two main industry lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure', as well as the hype around core concepts such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. A number of concept sectors continued to fluctuate and adjust, thus choosing to take profits, and a large number of funds flowed into the low-level main areas of 'big finance', 'big consumption' and 'technological growth'.

At this time, the main line of 'military industry' hit a new high and once again showed a breakthrough trend.

At the same time, the main line of 'Infrastructure', as well as core concept themes such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', etc., have all recovered and continued to surge in volume. The main line of 'military industry' makes a breakthrough trend.

These groups of funds leave the market early.

At this moment, it is simply impossible to recirculate these core main lines and get back the chips sold before without loss.

"Yes!" Yu Lei said with a smile, "This round of shocks lasted for more than a month. Looking back now, it is obvious that it is another round of main fund laundering process. Now the two main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' are As well as many conceptual leading stocks that revolve around concepts such as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', the internal chip structure may have been adjusted."

"Well!" Liu Guanhai said, "Based on the chip structure of many popular stocks, the holding costs of various internal investors have obviously concentrated in the core range of the recent shocks after more than a month of market fluctuations. That is to say, a lot of profit-taking funds that were previously involved have indeed exited the market. Several main lines and related core stock chip structures have also obviously undergone reasonable adjustments.

When the holding costs of various popular stocks increase across the board.

The chip structure has regrouped.

As long as the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the macroeconomic policy directions of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', the corresponding core stocks will not change. Future expectations and the basic logic of hype are all there.

So, these major main lines clearly have the motivation to continue to promote and speculate.

What's more, the strong money-making effect and extreme speculation space created by the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' have given the popular mainline core stocks in the entire market an opportunity to re-evaluate their value.

After the trend of the check of ‘Blue Stone Reloading’.

Only then did all the funds in the market suddenly realize that the stock price could still be so speculated, that the investment sentiment and speculation sentiment on the market could be so hot, and that everyone's ability to follow the trend was so high.

in other words……

After being stimulated by the check from ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’.

At this moment, the ecological structure of the entire market should have changed.

Whether it is the risk preference of major funds such as hot money groups and institutional groups, or the risk preference of retail investors, they are currently rising rapidly.

And risk appetite across the market has risen sharply.

Naturally, it will quickly push up the valuation of the entire market.

It is obvious that under the logic of increasing risk appetite and rising valuations in the entire market, infrastructure has the greatest synergy effect of funds, the most serious follow-up effect of investor groups, the hottest money-making effect, and the strongest future expectations in the market. ', 'Military industry' industry main lines, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Central-owned and state-owned enterprise reform and reorganization' and other conceptual theme main lines, will definitely be the first to attack and lift the main funds of all parties. The fields have also made these popular main lines continue to be the market leaders. "

"Agree!" Yu Lei nodded slightly, "Actually, the market trend at this moment has gradually become clearer. Everyone can see that funds are concentrating on the popular main line areas of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. The market’s new direction of choice has basically emerged.

That is the so-called ‘high-low switching’ is a false proposition.

What truly suits the market trend and is truly the truth of the market is that 'the strong will always be strong'! "

"Haha... That's right." Liu Guanhai laughed, "In a bear market, you should close when the market is good. In a volatile market, don't be greedy or grab. In a bull market... the best strategy is to cover your stocks."

"Yeah!" Yu Lei continued to nod, his eyes still staring at the market of the two markets, observing the changes in the energy of the two markets, and said with a smile, "This round of the main rising market broke out, the Shanghai stock index broke through 3,000 points, basically nothing Is it suspenseful?"

Such strong market sentiment and hype assist.

Yu Lei feels that the two core main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" continue to rise and change.

The 3,000-point mark of the Shanghai Composite Index should be within reach.

Moreover, based on the current market sentiment and changes in investment confidence, everyone's expectations for the Shanghai Index to hit 3,000 points are also quite high.

The so-called weather, location, and people are all in place.

At this time, if the Shanghai Stock Index cannot break through 3,000 points... then he really doesn't know under what circumstances it can break through?

Liu Guanhai pondered for a moment and responded: "It stands to reason that as long as the 'Blue Stone Reload' check can continue to hit the height of two boards, it will slightly intensify the market's investment sentiment and speculation sentiment, and reduce the investment risks of the two cities." Push your consciousness a little higher.

So, it is basically not difficult for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to break through 3,000 points.

After all, the capacity of the two markets is now approaching 500 billion.

The amount of 500 billion can be expressed!

This volume energy performance is basically equivalent to the volume energy during the hot stage of the bull market in 2007. With the support of this volume energy, as long as the market does not suddenly have a major negative impact, there will be no pressure at all to score 3,000 points. At the same time, After the market has fluctuated and adjusted below 3,000 points for more than a month.

The heavy profit margins in popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been significantly reduced.

After the chip structure was readjusted and the internal holding costs increased significantly.

The pressure of 3,000 points of accumulated chips has also been greatly reduced. Breaking through at this time... should be much easier than it was more than a month ago. "

"As long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index stably breaks through 3,000 points, then the bull market expectations should be fully formed." Yu Lei chuckled and continued, "By then, the entire market, all main sectors, and all stocks should benefit, right? After all, once the entire market investor group forms a unanimous 'bull market expectation'.

Then, it is time for the valuation level of the entire stock market, as well as risk appetite, to increase significantly.

When the valuation level of the entire stock market is rising.

Naturally, all stocks will experience a sharp rise.

And obviously, I feel that this stage is very close to us. At least the current market investment sentiment, investment confidence and risk awareness preferences are not much different from the bull market stage. "

"This is natural!" Liu Guanhai nodded, "I just hope that the core stocks of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' held by our fund will rise far beyond the broader market, and go out a wave of rising market trends compared to the first round. , more sharp market conditions are coming, in this way... we can completely make up for the operational mistakes in June."

Yu Lei chuckled and said: "There should be no problem. Thanks to our firm shareholding and continuous increase in positions in the recent quarter, the current net value performance of our 'Yinghui No. 1' fund product has returned to normal. When our institution ranks first, the net value of the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund has fallen behind us in the past two days."

As the two people discussed excitedly.

As the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" surged, the net value performance of the "Yinghui No. 1" fund product managed by the two men once again set a new high in recent times and a new high in the year.

At the same moment, they were in the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund product trading room next to the two of them.

Shao Xiaoyun, the fund manager who is the manager of the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund, is frowning at this moment, and his mentality is almost bursting.

After their funds significantly reduced their positions in core main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry".

Based on the idea of ​​"high-low switching", the position has been significantly adjusted to the low-level main line of "technological growth". At this time, not only has the market completely gone short, but the position has been adjusted to the main line of "technological growth", and the main funds are still flowing out significantly. , its core component stocks are also continuing to adjust downward.

In other words, when the index rises sharply, the money-making effect of the entire market becomes more and more popular.

Not only were their funds unprofitable, they were also losing money.

This was hard for Shao Xiaoyun to accept.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the idea of ​​'switching high and low' in the market would not work at all." Shao Xiaoyun said helplessly, "Under the continuous funding differences on the core main lines of 'technological growth', 'big finance' and 'big consumption' , the main financial groups on the market actually returned to the main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to do trading, and returned to the market trend of 'the strong will always be strong'.

Our previous position adjustment was based on the idea of ​​'high and low switching'.

What a mistake.

Factors such as the differences and emotions of the market itself, the hype effect, and the difficulty of making money are not taken into account! "

Seeing Shao Xiaoyun's rather remorseful look, Liu Changling, the trading team leader who sat next to Shao Xiaoyun and remained silent the entire time, staring at the trading boards of the two cities seriously, replied: "Actually, I don't think we chose the idea of ​​'high-low switching'. Wrong, it's just that funds have been unable to form a synergy on the low main line. We didn't think of it in advance. Of course... Also in the current macro news, there are no low main lines of 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' The big positive news in the direction provides timely stimulation.

This further induces speculation in these low-level mainline areas.

Otherwise, the main financial groups in the market will not have no choice but to turn around and return to the high-level main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" to continue to speculate.

in other words……

I think the main funds are once again converging on the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry".

It's just an act of desperation.

After all, the current core market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', continue to expand the space and height of speculation, and continue to stimulate the hype and sentiment in these core lines. The fund-following effect guides the capital groups to continue to gather in these popular main lines to undertake speculation.

As for other main areas, the current mood is still significantly worse.

However, I feel that the "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" check will only stimulate the popular main lines of the "infrastructure" and "military industry" markets for a short period and will not make these core main lines move forward. The quarter's continued main rise is, after all, what this check induces is only a short-term change in sentiment, not an increase in expectations and further changes in fundamentals. "

After listening to Liu Changling's words, Shao Xiaoyun pondered for a moment and responded: "So, you think that we follow the idea of ​​'high and low switching' to make the market. In fact, you are not wrong. We also think that 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are the core main lines of the market. , it’s just a rebound now, not a breakthrough?”

"Yeah!" Liu Changling nodded and continued, "Judging from the expected direction, the current core expectations for 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been almost fulfilled in the recent quarter's continuous rise. Although Under the macroeconomic policy strategies of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', these two main lines still have no strong room for imagination when looking to the future.

But analyze it at the current point in time.

Among them, the short-term expected difference intensity space is significantly lower than the main lines of "technological growth", "big consumption" and "big finance".

There is not enough room for expectations.

I don't believe that the internal chip structure of these core main lines is obviously loose, and the space and time for adjustment are actually not very sufficient. , how high can these core main lines be promoted?

As long as these main lines are present, it is not a breakthrough, but a rebound.

Then, as long as the emotions that these major main lines converge for a short period of time fall back.

The internal profit orders will be issued faster, and the funds will return to the low main line area to make orders.

Furthermore, the so-called strong crossbow cannot pierce through Lu Huan. Without the strong driving force of stronger expectations, the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' want to go further and complete substantial breakthroughs, leading the Shanghai Stock Index to break through the 3,000-point barrier. Basically, , is unlikely.

So, Mr. Shao...

I don't think we can afford to get into trouble at the moment.

We cannot rashly adjust positions to pursue stocks in the main fields such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" just because of the short-term downturn of the low-level main line, thinking of chasing higher to get back the chips we have already reduced our positions.

Wait, we can only wait patiently at this time.

If it is true that the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" have made substantial breakthroughs and formed a second wave of main upward trend, it will completely exceed our expectations and make our previous strategy bankrupt.

So, our correct approach to position adjustment.

The lowest risk operation method should be to wait until these core main lines lead the Shanghai Stock Index to actually break through 3,000 points, and then adjust positions in the right direction. "

"Okay!" After Liu Changling said this, Shao Xiaoyun felt a little better. He nodded slightly and replied, "Then just wait patiently."

After careful consideration, he also felt that he should adjust positions to pursue the Shanghai Stock Index near 2900 points.

The risk is not small.

At the same time, there is also the possibility of being slapped in the face on both sides.

After all, judging from the current situation, the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have increased. Although there are signs of a breakthrough driven by the continuous unexpected trend of the stock of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', it is still there after all. If there is no substantial breakthrough, the certainty is not very high.

As the two of them discussed comprehensively, they continued to firm up their previous trading strategies and position policies.

At this time, the market trading time has also reached 11:30.

The two cities closed at noon.

After half a day of trading, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 2,900 points. In the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', Driven by the explosion of concept sectors such as 'nuclear power' and 'Shanghai free trade zone', the stock price surged by more than 1 point.

At the same time, the transaction volume of the two cities also saw a sharp month-on-month increase today.

In just half a day, the transaction volume of the two cities reached more than 270 billion. If there are no surprises, it should be a certainty that the transaction volume of the two cities will close at a new high again today.

It was also driven by the higher-than-expected daily limit of ‘Blue Stone Reload’.

In the entire market, the sub-new stocks listed in the past two months have also received direct stimulation and been intensively speculated by a large number of short-term main capital groups, setting off a rising limit trend. (End of chapter)

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