Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 634: Another riot in market sentiment!

Faced with such a midday closing situation, the investor group in the entire market is still quite excited.

At the same time, many retail investors and institutions who have been firmly holding popular mainline stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are also smiling at this moment.

Of course, for some core mainline stock chips such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", profits have been cut in advance.

Or they still hold non-popular mainline stock chips such as 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', 'Big Finance', and 'Non-ferrous Cycle', or they follow the market's idea of ​​'high-low switching' in advance and get involved in low-level mainline concepts. Some investor groups in the sector.

At this moment, he was obviously a little depressed.

"I really didn't expect that the market trend, after a month of continuous fluctuations, would return to the same old path." During the lunch break, Shanghai, Shanghai, inside Principal Financial Investment Company, 'Future Mixed Investment Selection' In the product fund trading room, fund manager Zhao Zhongming complained helplessly, "At this stage, the 'technological growth' line is clearly expected to be better. Why can't it gather funds and form an emotional synergy?"

Beside Zhao Zhongming, the trading team leader Yi Xiaopeng pondered for a moment and responded: "Maybe it is the inertia of the market's thinking. As long as there is no extreme stimulation from external forces in the market news, in the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' and other conceptual themes such as the future expected logic have not collapsed, or the stock price has not fully reflected the expectations.

In these main line areas, profits have been reaped.

In other words, in these main areas, there are many financial groups who make money.

We will still follow the path dependence and continue to market stocks in these major directions, continuing to arouse emotions and speculation space, until all incremental funds in the market are exhausted, until the funds received cannot stabilize the market.

Let’s look at the line of ‘technological growth’.

Due to the effect of continuous money losses for several months in the early stage, even if many core stocks in this line are currently very cost-effective in comparison with the overall market valuation, their future short- and medium-term expected differences are also significantly greater than Popular main lines include infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

However, under the inertial thinking of investors, the line of ‘technological growth’ is still an area with serious money-losing effects.

The so-called seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages...

Without the stimulus of strong macro news, the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have not exhausted the last enthusiasm of investors, have not reached the point where the funds to undertake are completely unable to bear the continuously rising stock prices, and have not produced extremely strong losses. Under the money effect.

It is still difficult for the large number of active capital groups in the market to easily break away from the popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', enter the low-level main line sectors on a large scale, and form a unified force. "

"Hey..." Zhao Zhongming also understood what Yi Xiaopeng said, sighed, and said, "This is the unreasonableness of the domestic market. Determined by emotions and ignoring differences in fundamental expectations, one often catches a main line. , just speculate to death, overdrafting all future expectations."

"After all, the main investment body in the domestic market is the retail investor group." Yi Xiaopeng said, "Since the retail investor group is the leader, the pendulum effect of the market is inevitable, and the market will naturally be dominated by emotions, but I think... in After continuing to consume a wave of expected space.

Nowadays, the hot main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ have room for short and medium-term growth.

It shouldn't be big anymore.

Now, the market's crazy and concentrated speculation on these major main lines is more like the end of the war. It seems crazy, but in fact, the end of this main line market is not far away. "

"It's hard to say!" Zhao Zhongming responded, "Many people previously judged that the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' had not much room for growth after rising sharply for almost a quarter. So the previous one In the middle of the month, there are many capital groups on the popular main lines of profit-taking and take-profit.

But the, you can see it too.

Many major funds that claim to be smart have tried to speculate in low-level main areas such as "technological growth", "big consumption" and "big finance".

However, looking at this for more than a month, funds are on these low main lines.

It is always impossible to achieve the effect of making money.

That’s why funds from all walks of life finally had no choice but to return to the main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ to continue trading and speculation.

in a sense.

The continuous better-than-expected performance of the check of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' is only one factor that stimulates the popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to explode again. The real fundamental logic is that the market cannot form a joint force and cannot form a joint force on other low main lines. Concentrate and create sustained money-making effects.

Like you said……

Now, relying solely on the spontaneous behavior of funds in the market, it may be difficult to reverse the market's focus on 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Central-owned and state-owned enterprise reform'. Reorganize the main line hype pattern of conceptual themes and so on.

I really want to change this market ecology.

It will most likely require further stimulation from macro news.

In other words... core main funds like the 'Yu Hang Group', which have a great influence on market sentiment and trends, can clarify the investment direction on the dragon and tiger list disclosed in the market and further stimulate the change of the main line of the market.

Before these factors occur, it is foreseeable that the market will probably have to focus on the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' The main lines of these conceptual themes continue to be hyped and deepened. "

"But analyzing the macro direction of the market..." Yi Xiaopeng paused for a while and continued, "The two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, and Maritime Silk Road' The chip structure in the main areas of conceptual themes such as "The Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" has indeed been loosened. At the same time, the market is gradually unable to undertake the chips in these main line fields and continues to open up space.

Along with the money-making effects of these core main lines, they are gradually weakened and lost.

The market conditions will definitely flow towards lower mainline sectors with more cost-effectiveness and room for expected differences.

Since we have made the "high-low switching" investment strategy change in advance, our current positions have been adjusted to the main line of "technological growth".

At present, we can only wait patiently for further changes in the market.

Otherwise, if we reverse our positions at this time and pursue popular mainline stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', the risk will be very high. "

In his opinion……

If you lurk and wait patiently, you may miss the current market trend.

But if we radically reverse our positions and continue to pursue popular main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, we may be slapped in the face by both sides of the market.

Therefore, although he was a little surprised and surprised that the market situation had returned to the trend of the main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', he was clearly in this position and opposed the fund to adjust its investment strategy again and follow the changes in the market situation. The strategy is adjusted to the old way.

At the same time, he also believes that trading strategies have changed.

It should be forward-looking and should not follow or lag behind changes in market trends.

After all, there is considerable uncertainty in market changes. If you blindly chase the trend, you will most likely end up standing guard.

And chasing the rise and killing the fall, how is that different from retail investors?

Zhao Zhongming thought carefully for a moment and nodded helplessly: "Since we missed it, now it is definitely impossible to turn around and pursue popular mainline stocks such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. We can only wait patiently... I hope that the market will follow." If the main line is adjusted, the 'technological growth' line will show some performance!"

"I will definitely show something!" Yi Xiaopeng said firmly.

While the two were discussing the market trends in the morning.

At noon, inside and outside the market, a large group of retail investors gathered on the online stock discussion platform were also discussing the market conditions intensely.

Moreover, with the further increase in market volume.

It is obvious that the number of discussion topics in the market and the popularity of related topics are also increasing rapidly.

This shows that the speed of new admissions among potential investor groups outside the market has not slowed down. At this moment, there are still large-scale new investors entering the market, thus providing the market with more opportunities. More funds and corresponding liquidity.

"Haha, feel free, today's full position is at the limit."

"Fortunately, the check for 'Blue Stone Reinstallation' was written in early trading. I hope this check will give a good premium tomorrow."

"Sure enough, the market has returned to its original rhythm. I knew...except for the popular core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', the market cannot gather popularity at all in other fields."

“We still have to rely on ‘big infrastructure’ to improve the index!”

"Facts have proven that the theory of 'the strong will always be strong' is still very effective. In the past few months, if you only trade in leading stocks, you can obviously make a lot of money."

“Guess how many boards there are left in ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’?”

"At least you can still be good tomorrow, right?"

“I really don’t know where the ultimate height of such a super concept leading monster stock will be. After all, it is possible to rise no matter how high it goes!”

"At least 20 boards or more."

"As for the Blue Stone Reloading check, I can only say that the sky is the end of this check."

“I feel that after this check’s continuous daily limit and continuous above-expected performance, the value of the entire ‘sub-new stocks’ and ‘military industry’ mainline concept stocks has been revalued.”

"That's for sure. Aren't the main lines of 'military industry' and the 'sub-new stocks' sector leading the gains today?"

"Throughout the morning, 10 new stocks hit their daily limit. Can you believe it?"

"This is the power of valuation restoration. I've said it before... the market prices of the two core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are definitely not at their peak."

"There should be another wave of main promotions, right?"

"At least we have to wait until this wave of main ascension is over before we can judge whether it has reached the top."

"In April and May, the first concentrated riots on the main line of 'big infrastructure' should be regarded as the first wave of main rises, and then the main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' launched at the end of June should be regarded as the second wave. Now, the 'military industry' is undergoing an all-out riot, and 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' has caused a revaluation of stocks in related fields across the market. This should be considered the third wave, right?"

"You can calculate it this way. According to the wave theory, the three waves have the largest increase."

"Indeed, there is no doubt that we will continue to hold shares firmly and continue to be long on popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry.'"

"Currently, relying on popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to make trading and follow the trend, there is no risk at all. Anyway, just buy without thinking."

"At least until the market trend of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check ends, the main line of 'military industry' and the chips in the direction of 'sub-new stocks' can still be bought casually, and there is a high probability that you can make money."

“Currently, Mr. Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ seat has not yet appeared on the rankings of the two cities, so there is no need to panic.”

"At least we have to wait until the Shanghai Stock Index breaks through 3,000 points."

"Yes, the Shanghai Stock Index has reached 3,000 points. There is no reason not to break through. What's more, the volume of the two markets is now close to 500 billion, and the power of breakthrough is completely sufficient."

"Let's see, this wave of Shanghai stock index will definitely break through 2,500 points like before."

"Obviously, it feels like the bull market is here."

"It's not a bull market, but it's better than a bull market. Anyway, the market's effect of making money is not bad, and there is no need to bury people in the short term."

"That seems to be the case. Even if you make a mistake, the 'nuclear button' won't appear the next day. The one-word soul-severing knife hasn't appeared for a long time, right?"

"There hasn't been a one-word soul-severing knife for several months."

"This is proof that the market is obviously strong. Hehe... At this time, we should boldly pursue hot spots and become the leading stock."

"It's necessary, I've already reached 200% of the position."

"Mancang Manrong has been prepared for a long time, waiting for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to break through 3,000 points, waiting for the big bull market to break out."

"I seem to have been able to see the grand events of 2006 and 2007. I feel that the biggest major uptrend is obviously yet to come. I feel that 'you will make money when you buy it' in the market is almost becoming a reality."

Amidst the heated discussion among everyone...

As the main line of 'military industry' hit a new high for this round of rebound and a new high for the year.

With the main line of "big infrastructure" breaking out in full swing, the hot money-making effect has once again gathered.

As the ‘sub-new stocks’ continued to speculate on the stock ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ and continued to exceed expectations, it created a shocking daily limit trend.

As the Shanghai Stock Index gets closer to 3,000 points.

With the trading volume of the two cities and the trading volume of core stocks, the volume continues to rise step by step.

Under these numerous factors, the excitement, bullishness, and trend-following sentiments of the vast investor groups in the two cities have returned to the peak of the market, once again entering a state of excitement and excitement.

And in this extremely passionate and exciting investment sentiment and hype sentiment.

After the news and emotions brewing at noon.

When the time advanced to 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the two cities ushered in the reopening of the market.

Once the market opens, whether it is the index, or 'infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', 'nuclear power', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'... and other sectors that performed strongly in the morning and received attention from large-scale inflows of major capital groups all showed a further trend of increasing volume.

And at a time when these sectors have made further changes and exploded in volume.

The corresponding core concept stocks, weighted component stocks, leading concept stocks... all set new intraday highs together, embarking on a straight-line rise, with funds from all walks of life swarming to raise funds.

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