Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 635: False breakthrough under intense emotions!

Later, driven by the money-making effects of several popular main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Active capital flows within the market have begun to accelerate their inflow into these popular main areas, causing further bleeding in low-level main sectors such as 'tech growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance', and also causing the core of the market to lose money. Hot spots, as well as market trends, are further concentrated in these popular main lines.

Finally, under this market trend pattern.

When the market closed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed 89% higher, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index remained almost flat, with the Small and Medium Enterprises Index falling slightly.

After the two markets close.

Facing today's market, the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' industries, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', etc. The popular main lines in the early stage have rebounded and broken through across the board.

The vast investor groups in the two cities are excited and excited.

After all, after these popular main lines have continued to have strong trends for several months and have a strong money-making effect, the retail investors currently gathering in these popular main lines have already occupied a large share of the investor group in the market. In other words, in the current market, the main places where active retail investors gather their positions are in the popular main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

In this way, when the popular main areas of "infrastructure" and "military industry" have surged across the board.

In the natural market, the majority of retail investors make money.

And everyone is happy to see the early popular main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" continue to rise violently.

However, from another aspect.

After the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have gathered the positions of most retail investors, it also means that the chips of these popular main lines. Compared with before, as the majority of retail investors continue to pursue higher prices, undertake and buy On the contrary, it was scattered a lot.

Similarly, compare the current weak "technological growth", "big consumption", "big finance" and other low-level main areas.

These main-line areas that have been fully adjusted and continue to show money-losing effects, and are continued to be stopped and sold by the majority of retail investors, at this time point, the chip structure has tightened up a bit and has become more condensed.

In different main areas, different chip structures have changed.

Naturally, this will give new opportunities for the subsequent changes in the main line of market conditions.

However, before the new main line change of the market actually occurs, the vast majority of investors inside and outside the market can only see the current market changes, and most investors will only follow the market sentiment to adjust positions and chase. Among the vast group of investors who are chasing the rise and killing the fall.

Even if we had previously realized that the chip structure of core popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' was loose.

Thus the position adjustment was carried out.

Many major financial institutions have adjusted their main positions to relatively low levels in the main areas of 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance'.

At this moment, staring at this closing situation.

Looking at the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', driven by the continuous daily limit of the big monster stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', it launched a comprehensive counterattack and set new rebound highs and annual highs. Under the trend, I began to doubt the previous position adjustment strategy.

I’m not sure whether the market will take the path of ‘high-low switching’.

Even during the day, some of the main funds that had previously cut profits in advance and intervened in the low main line found that the low main line could not condense emotions and form a consistent capital force, forming an upward breakthrough trend, and then replaced the relatively high "infrastructure", " After waiting for the main line market of "military industry", it returned to the popular main line fields such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", and regained some of the chips that had been thrown away before.

In short, under the seemingly hot money-making effect of the market.

Popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have shown signs of another upward breakthrough.

Within the large capital groups of all parties in the market, and in the minds of the hot money groups active in the market, everyone's opinions on the market trend are still very different.

Of course, on the surface.

Inside and outside the entire market, facing the Shanghai stock index which has almost stood firm at 2900 points, facing the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' once again showing a hot profit-making effect, facing the terrifying trend of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' in the 19 consecutive days, the mood is... The consistency and the concentrated bullish power of the bulls are still very strong.

At the same time, the overall transaction volume of the two cities in today's market once again reached a new high.

It has reached the point of 8.9 billion.

Basically, this volume energy has been the highest in recent years. Looking back, the last time this level of volume energy appeared in the market was when the bull market reached its peak in 2007.

Therefore, many people saw that the market volume and price were once again rising.

At the same time, the financing balance of the two cities has further reached 870 billion.

Everyone believes that it is not difficult for the Shanghai Stock Index to continue upward and break through the key position of 3,000 points.

However, the actual trend is often far from everyone's expectations.

The next day, Friday, October 24th.

The market opened higher overall, driven by fiery sentiment and under the dual influence of good external trends.

Among them, the main lines of the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' industries, which are the core main lines and core hot spots of the market, as well as the main lines surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Shanghai A number of mainline sector indexes that have been hyped up by the "City Free Trade Zone" and "nuclear power" concept sectors have opened higher than 1%, and funds are fiercely chasing them. The situation of rushing to raise funds is self-evident.

Moreover, like ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, a leading concept stock that is highly concerned by the whole market.

It even opened higher at a 7% increase. The willingness of all parties to accept funds is still very strong, and it fully demonstrates the excitement of hitting the 20th daily limit.

However, such a hot opening situation.

After the market officially opened, in addition to the "Blue Stone Reload" check, it continued to hit the daily limit upwards and continued to seal the daily limit.


The entire main line of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

As well as a number of popular concept stocks that are hyped and shaken around the concept sectors of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and 'Nuclear Power' , as well as the concept leading stocks that clearly had a strong money-making effect yesterday.

Then they opened high and went low.

After attracting a wave of aggressive capital commitments at the beginning of the trading session, it plunged sharply, and lightning swallowed up the gains that opened higher.

Of course, at a time when these mainline concepts are starting to dive higher.

There are also main lines that opened up the money-making effect yesterday and showed a strong state. They have maintained their strong momentum, continue to expand the money-making effect, and continue to gather the combined force of funds to do long effects.

That is the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector that showed strong performance yesterday.

After the official opening today, as the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' continued to hit the 20th daily limit, it quickly rose again. The corresponding component stocks, especially the sub-new stocks listed in the past two or three months, even more so. Their volumes exploded rapidly, directly hitting the daily limit.

10 minutes after the official opening...

Popular mainline areas of the market such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ have all fallen back below the opening position.

At the same time, it also dragged down the index to open higher and move lower, once again losing the important position of 2900 points, which it broke through yesterday.

The ‘sub-new stocks’ sector, on the other hand, showed a leading trend, wildly attracting the main funds within the market to follow suit and speculate, once again setting off a rising trend.

As for yesterday's weak shock, there was basically no low main line area that showed any money-making effect.

In the main areas such as 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', and 'Big Finance', today's popular main lines such as 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' opened higher and then fell back, barely keeping up with the market, showing a relatively resilient attitude. Among them, there are also a few concept stocks that have surged higher.

However, a few concept stocks surged higher.

Despite the overall trend of the market opening high and moving low, it has not been able to further intensify the investment sentiment and speculation sentiment in these low-level main line areas, causing the active main capital groups in the entire market to further converge from high-end and low-level areas to these low-level main line areas, condensing a More and more intense money-making effects.

In general, after the market showed signs of a comprehensive breakthrough yesterday.

The market failed to continue its strength today.

The popular main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ that everyone is looking forward to have not shown the same continued hot money-making effect as before.

And these popular main lines open high and go low.

This directly poured a basin of cold water on the investors who were chasing higher prices yesterday and in early trading.

"How do you feel that the trend of the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' is a scam?" I saw that under the extremely high expectations of the majority of investors, the market opened high and went low, and continued to sell off and bury people. In the popular main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', a number of core component stocks and leading concept stocks are seeing higher selling prices. At this moment, inside the Yanjing Yihe Capital Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Trading team leader Gao Xiang stared at the market and frowned visibly, "Mr. Chen, do you think so?"

Fund manager Chen Yihe was standing next to Gao Xiang. Hearing Gao Xiang's words, his sharp eyes clearly showed a trace of helplessness, and said: "Today's volume performance of the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' is obviously It's bigger than yesterday, and it looks like... it does seem like a sign of rush to sell, but it's not necessarily 100%. After all, there are no popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that can undertake adjustments in the market. Low main line market.

The conceptual theme of ‘sub-new stocks’ alone cannot attract much funds at all.

The concept of "sub-new stocks" alone cannot stabilize the market.

Therefore, whether it is a scam or not depends on the final closing result of today's popular main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" after violent intraday fluctuations. It is still too early to draw conclusions at the moment. "

"Hmm!" Gao Xiang nodded and said with some confusion, "At present, except for the hot spot of 'sub-new stocks', the market has indeed not shown the joint direction of other core main lines, hey... low-level ones, such as 'technological growth', It is also strange that in the main areas such as 'big consumption' and 'big finance', there has been no synergy of funds.

It stands to reason that in the core main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", the pressure on the market has obviously become heavier.

At a time when profits are fleeing on a large scale.

There should be other low-level main lines coming forward, siphoning the retreated profit-taking funds, and completing the rotation and conversion of the main lines, but I didn't expect...

For such a long time, the market has still been circling around the lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', 'Big Finance', and 'Non-ferrous Cycle' are the main sectors with severe stagflation at low levels. Even if some funds were gathered to go long for a while, the result was only a short-term rebound several times. It has not been able to activate the sustained money-making effect and form an effective breakthrough.

This resulted in the main funds from all walks of life having no choice but to turn to popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

However, the internal chip structure of the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' has long been obviously loosened. The funds that have been sent out will re-turn on a large scale at this relatively high position, take back the chips, and continue to focus on the rise. The main thread of these huge volumes?

I think... the probability should be very small, right?

Moreover, after the chip structure is dispersed, the differences in this position are also large.

It is possible to rely on short-term hot emotions to follow the market trend for a day. If you want to continue to create space, it is simply impossible without adequate adjustments in time and space.

And I think this is only possible with such a high market turnover.

After yesterday's heated emotional reaction, today's main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' opened high and dived, which is why stocks opened high and went low.

Such a large market transaction volume cannot promote the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" to continue to rise.

Then I think that in the short to medium term, these popular main lines of the market are unlikely to be successful.

Without the assists from several popular core main lines such as "Infrastructure" and "Military Industry", if the index wants to continue to hit the 3,000-point mark, it must rely on other low-level main lines with strong expectations to provide relay assists. "

"This is the truth." Chen Yihe nodded slightly and said, "But the market is always on the main line at a low level. There is no way to form a unified force. Too many funds were rushed away in advance before, and everyone understands the market conditions. The trend will definitely undergo a 'high-low switch'.

Therefore, many funds that thought they were smart made the switch in advance.

They lurked early in low-level mainline areas such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', 'big finance', and 'non-ferrous cycle'.

Waiting for the funds to be withdrawn from the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" to follow them.

But before there are huge changes in the market macro news, how can many major financial institutions that currently hold large-scale positions in the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" be so easy and willing to carry the sedan chair for others?

Therefore, this has caused market divergence. At this position, it has always been relatively large and difficult to translate into a consistent direction.

In other words, at this time, there are no major institutions with big funds willing to take the initiative to guide the market and provide wedding clothes for others. Of course, this is also due to the fact that there are a lot of funds lurking in the low-level main sector at this time, and many funds are worried about guiding the market. He was pulled up and smashed, but the funds that had been lurking before took advantage of him.

Therefore, I have been unwilling to focus on market pull, quickly gather funds, and forcefully market the market.

This has led to the embarrassing situation that the main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" have not been able to rise, and other low-level main lines have not been able to rise, which has kept the index stuck at this position.

Also due to this situation of huge differences.

Other short-term capital groups can only take an eccentric approach to make scraps such as "sub-new stocks". "

"So... Mr. Chen is not optimistic about the next market trend? Do you think the Shanghai Stock Index will probably go back to 2,700 points, or even the lower support edge of 2,500 points?" After hearing Chen Yihe's analysis of the market trend, Gao Xiang was probably thinking Understanding what the other party meant, he asked with a smile, "But the changes in market turnover cannot deceive people. The volume of 500 billion is sufficient. With this volume, the market's liquidity is still quite abundant. There will be big differences when the Shanghai Index breaks upward." , but if it falls, it will be taken on very hard, so I guess it won’t fall anymore, right?”

Chen Yihe responded with a smile: "I am not optimistic that the market will break through 3,000 points in a short time, but I am not bearish on the market either. I guess the market will continue to maintain a volatile pattern. As for when it will change, I guess it will have to be macro. On the news, it is only possible if there is a major positive stimulus, otherwise the main funds of all parties in the market will continue to compete. I am afraid that in the short term, it will be difficult to eliminate this huge difference and concentrate financial power in one direction."

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