Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 636: There is resistance above and support below!

"The big news is positive and exciting?" Gao Xiang pondered, "According to the current positive attitude of regulators towards the market, this is possible, but which direction will it be?"

At present, the main holdings of their funds have been transferred to the low-level 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' fields.

But in the end, it will be able to take on the main line market of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and be able to realize the 'high-low switch' of the market. Will the next core main line that can really come out be in the two main lines of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption'? Neither he nor Chen Yihe had much confidence in the matter.

"Who knows?" Chen Yihe pondered for a while and said, "The direction of the policy cannot be predicted. However, according to the future economic recovery and industry development, the fundamentals of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' areas are certain It will get better, and at the same time, there should be no shortage of stimulus benefits from the policy.

As for other directions...

In the direction of 'big finance', banks are in the overall stage of off-balance sheet assets, and there is no trace of the insurance industry's reversal. As for the securities sector, thanks to the good performance of the market this year, there should be a certain degree of performance growth expectations. However, Generally speaking, its future expectations are still somewhat inferior compared to 'technological growth' and 'big consumption'.

And although the Federal Reserve is currently slowing down the pace of raising interest rates.

But it has always been on the path of raising interest rates, and the monetary easing policy has basically ceased to exist.

In this way, it is difficult for domestic monetary policy to shift from monetary tightening to monetary easing. The constraints on monetary policy have led to the line of 'big finance'. Even if there are certain expectations, it is also difficult. Create a big space.

What's more, the Shanghai Stock Index is currently controlled below 3,000 points.

It is difficult to say whether a breakthrough can be achieved and whether the bull market expectations can be unified.

If the bull market expectations decline and the market enters an adjustment channel, then the future expectations of "big finance" will weaken, and there will be no market at all.

Furthermore, there are too many hold-up orders on the line of 'big finance'.

At the same time, there are also too many large state-owned institutional groups lurking.

With such a heavy holdup, when the expectations are not very strong and the market volume is very likely to decline, who will take the initiative to lift this extremely heavy sedan?

I think no one among the main institutional groups in the venue would be willing, right?

Let's talk about the main line of the 'non-ferrous cycle'. Although there are signs of the current global economic recovery, there are still huge uncertainties about the strength of the recovery. Moreover, in the 'non-ferrous cycle' industry, the problem of overcapacity is quite serious. Seriously, according to the current analysis reports of various industries, the cycle is far from bottoming out. At least the problem of clearing excess production capacity has not yet been solved.

In general, its investment logic has certain flaws.

This big main line, its future expectations and investment logic are worse than those of "big finance".

Therefore, comprehensively speaking, in the entire market, there are really only two main lines of "big consumption" and "technological growth" that can undertake the two main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry". Conceptual themes such as the European Economic Belt, the New Era Road, the Maritime Silk Road, and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises have the ability to siphon past funding groups.

Our layout...

Although it is a little ahead of the market, but from the current point of view, the overall strategy is not wrong. "

"Yeah!" Gao Xiang nodded, "I hope the macro policy news we are waiting for can come soon. Otherwise, if the market continues to fluctuate like this, I am afraid it will gradually exhaust the patience of the currently active and radical investor groups. The so-called investment confidence in the market is very difficult to build, but very easy to destroy.”

In the current market, through the core main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", the market prices have surged for a consecutive quarter.

It was not easy to build investment confidence in the two cities.

It took a lot of effort to bring the transaction volume of the two cities from about 150 billion to 200 billion a few months ago to almost 500 billion now.

It took a lot of effort to completely activate the market sentiment.

If the market continues to maintain a volatile pattern as it did for more than a month.

If the main institutional groups in the market still have large differences in main-line investments, they cannot unanimously open up the market situation and form a new market to continue to make money.

Well, that's predictable.

When the overall money-making effect of the market is gradually lost, hot spots are scarce, and the money-losing effect is gradually obvious.

At present, these large incremental capital groups, which have finally been attracted by the main market trends of "infrastructure" and "military industry", may have no choice but to reduce their positions or clear their positions and flee the market.

And when the entire market begins to ebb, volume begins to continue to decline.

Then, without the support of the amount of funds, the market may be even more difficult to sustain in this position.

At the same time, it may be even more difficult for the main financial groups in the market to pull off a continuous wave of market prices and maintain the continuous profit-making effect on other low main lines.

So, Gao Xiang thinks.

If regulators want to fully protect market conditions.

So, when the market shows that it has been unable to break through and the main line market transition is not smooth, then it should be possible to push the market at the critical moment.

Of course, this is just his personal thought and speculation.

Whether the regulatory authorities will do this, and whether the market can rely on its own endogenous capabilities to complete the switch of the core main line... these all have to be based on the actual market trends.

Before many things actually happen.

No one knows exactly how the market will go next.

"Yes!" Chen Yihe said with emotion, "I am also worried about this. It is difficult for the market to heat up, but it will cool down very quickly. If we don't take advantage of the fact that the fire is still burning, we can find a way. Expand the fire. When the fire burns out, the market's continuous profit-making effect will completely decline. I am afraid that the market's subsequent volume and trend will continue to decline. Like last year's GEM market, it will fall back to the original point and adjust for a year and a half. It is not impossible.

I just hope that at this time, there will be wise people in the regulatory authorities who can take advantage of the market's enthusiasm, which has not yet subsided, and continue to push the market when it is obvious that the market is exhausted. "

Gao Xiang nodded and said: "Based on the previous attitude of the regulators towards the market and the ecological changes in the entire market, I think it is entirely possible for the regulators to further stimulate the market."

"Hopefully!" Chen Yihe said with a smile, "The only thing we can do at this time is to wait for new opportunities in the market to appear."

With the two people analyzing and discussing the market conditions.

At the same moment, a group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform saw the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the entire market, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New Era Road', which once had a money-making effect yesterday. The core themes of the Maritime Silk Road, the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, etc., all opened high and moved low. Not only did they fail to expand the profit-making effect, but they also showed a strong intraday money-losing effect.

For a time, everyone felt a little down and depressed.

"Hey, I thought I would be able to achieve a successful breakthrough this time, but I didn't expect... it was a false breakthrough again!"

Some people sighed helplessly.

"Why hasn't Mao been able to rise? Bluestone Heavy Equipment's daily limit is already 20, so why can't the military industry sector make a move? Even such a strong leader can't take it?"

"There are too many funds to smash the market. The opening situation that was so good in the morning was suddenly ruined."

"At a glance, the two cities can only see the hot spot of 'sub-new stocks'. It's really miserable."

"I'm speechless. Damn it, I just chased the China Airlines Heavy Machinery check in the early trading. It hasn't closed this morning and I've already lost almost 5 points."

"Hey, if you can't break through, you can only continue to look for support upwards."

"Is it still a market wash? Let's take a look in the afternoon. Maybe we can recover the intraday decline in the early trading?"

"The volume in early trading can be so large, it will be difficult to recover the decline in the afternoon."

"Why is 3,000 points so difficult? Recently, as soon as the Shanghai Stock Index crosses the 2,900 point position, it will inevitably adjust. The main funds of all parties are really brainless to smash the market at this position!"

"The 3,000 point position can be regarded as the dividing line between bull and bear in the market. Can it be difficult?"

"The key is just a few points of space. It shouldn't be possible to break through."

"The amount of energy is already 500 billion. I really don't know why it is so difficult to break through. I feel that the hold-up plate at this position should have been almost digested after more than a month of cleaning up."

"It doesn't seem like it's a lock-up problem, right? It's a problem that profits keep falling."

"They are all a group of institutions without structure. If these large institutions could imitate Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' funding, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index might have passed 3,000 points long ago."

"Indeed, I am really speechless!"

"It's not a big deal that the market has been stuck here. As the saying goes, it will fall after a long period of time. I'm afraid if it continues to be difficult to survive, the index will adjust downwards!"

"Hey, why can't I open the space?"

"At this time... we need Mr. Su to appear."

"Yes, if Mr. Su can come out, concentrate on pulling up the market, and show his face on the dragon and tiger list, maybe the index can pass. As long as the index exceeds 3,000 points, hehe... the incremental funds will flood into the market. , I’m afraid there will be more, and when I feel that, the market will definitely explode.”

"Pull on the core heavyweight stocks in the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' fields such as China Metallurgical Corporation, China Railway Construction, China Airlines Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, China Airlines Optoelectronics, and Aviation Engine, and the market will rise immediately."

"But Mr. Su hasn't shown up for a long time recently. I'm afraid I won't be able to count on him in the short term!"

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Let's do sub-new stocks first. As long as the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is still strong, then I feel that the 'sub-new stocks' sector can still set off a rising trend."

"The entire 'sub-new stock' sector is following the trend of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. To buy other sub-new stocks, why not buy the leading stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'?"

"It makes sense. We will continue to accept the check for 'Blue Stone Reinstallation' tomorrow."

"Is it going to be difficult to 'Blue Stone Reload' tomorrow? After all, the market trend today is really bad. All major lines have basically shown a trend of adjustment."

"It's not necessarily true. Originally, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is the overall leader in the current market, so the impact should not be big."

"Like this kind of big monster stock, it is it that affects the market trend, not the market trend. Moreover, the overall market trend is not good. In theory, isn't it a leading stock with the core concept of the main capital group dating and concentrating? I think The check for 'Blue Stone Reload' has definitely not reached the end of the market, and even for the 'sub-new stocks' sector, the mood may continue to rise tomorrow."

"Is it because of the full-scale explosion of 'sub-new stocks' that the 'military industry' line has stopped going? After all, the 'sub-new stocks' sector has also absorbed a lot of funds today."

"How is it possible? How big is the size of the 'sub-new stocks' sector?"

"To be precise, I think that the main funds of all parties in the market have obviously inconsistent expectations on the main line of market conditions. Even though the market has ample liquidity and high transaction volume, the financial power cannot be concentrated on one point, resulting in the market being unable to Effective and sustained upward breakthrough.”

"It makes sense. I also think that the market is too divergent on the main line of prices, which prevents the market from breaking through."

" to solve this problem?"

"There is no solution. We can only wait for the market to adjust itself and funds form a consistent direction at a certain node."

"There is no problem in waiting, but I am afraid that the market will adjust suddenly and violently!"

"Probably not. After all, the index did not fall deeply during the adjustment more than a month ago. It only fluctuated between 2800 points and 2900 points at most."

"Well, as long as the market volume does not decline, the index will not fall deeply."

"As long as the index doesn't fall too deep, it doesn't matter. Let's shake it. Anyway, we retail investors have plenty of time and are not afraid of shocks at all."

"As long as there is no leverage, the main force can shake the position."

"'I'm determined not to let go'. Anyway, I'm determined to cover the stock. I won't sell until I reach the target price and see the Shanghai Stock Index break through 3,000 points."

"I just want to see how long the main force can shake the position? I won't sell it anyway."

"Lock the position, lock the position, again, if I don't see Mr. Su's main sales seat on the Dragon and Tiger List, I will lock the position firmly and never sell a share."

"We must lock up the position above 3,000 points on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index..."

In the discussion, although there were many voices of complaining and depression, there were not many pessimistic people.

On the whole, with the market opening high and going low, the volume is still increasing, and the market investment sentiment has not declined much. Everyone still maintains a relatively optimistic spirit, and they all believe that this is still the main force to shake the position. , which is a healthy adjustment of the market at this position.

And also under the support of this emotion.

During the session, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, as well as related core stocks on the main lines of "military industry" and "infrastructure", and corresponding leading concept stocks.

Once a sudden sell-off trend occurs, the holding power under heavy volume will inevitably increase simultaneously. As a result, relevant individual stocks, sector indexes, and even the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, etc., although they continue to fluctuate downward, are obviously unable to break out of the panic market and also kill the stock market. Not too deep.

This proves the overall pattern of the market.

There is still a huge main force at the top and strong support at the bottom. It is difficult to break through, but it is equally difficult to plummet! (End of chapter)

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