Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 637: The news at noon is exciting!

Chapter 638 The news at noon is exciting!

In the midst of this continued weak shock.

At the midday close, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed down 56%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index closed down 32% and 21% respectively.

After the market closed, the discussion among the broad investor groups inside and outside the market was still intense, but at the same time, everyone's opinions on the market situation were also quite different among the debates.

Among them, Su Yu is in the main hot money group of Yuhang.

When everyone talks about the market, there are also huge differences.

"The 'military industry' line, today's market situation, should be abolished, right? It cannot be touched, 'infrastructure', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" , the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and the 'nuclear power' sector should be similar. this time, is the market sector rotating like the low-level main line sector?"

"It's hard to say, isn't it? Isn't the check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' not dead yet?"

"Just relying on the check of 'Blue Stone Reloading' cannot change the situation of the entire market!"

"Looking at the market trend in the morning, a number of popular concept stocks and core component stocks in the main line of 'military industry' are indeed not trending well. Two popular concept stocks, such as 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery and Hongdu Airlines', opened higher. It's close to 4 points, and it can be smashed into the water."

"I have to say that today's funding for the main line of 'military industry' is indeed a bit fierce."

"Originally, the mood at the opening and the ability to undertake funding were still very good, but suddenly, the two checks of China Airlines Optoelectronics and China Railway Construction collapsed, which drove the entire main line of 'military industry', 'infrastructure', and even 'Asia "European Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and 'Nuclear Power' all experienced extreme selling pressure."

"The most important thing is that these two checks are the core stocks held by Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group'."

"I completely understand what the market is worried about, but I think at this time... Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Series' fund has not yet sold out its positions on a large scale, right?"

“Without data support from the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, who knows?”

"Although there is no data support from the Dragon and Tiger List, it is a fact that the recent trend of popular mainline markets such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' has begun to gradually diverge. The chip structure is obviously dispersed, and the major institutional groups that lock positions at the bottom, It is also true that they have cut profits in these two main areas!"

"If the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check and such a much-expected trend cannot drive the main line of 'military industry' to continue to strengthen, then I think there is really nothing to count on in the 'military industry' line."

"I agree. In any case, it should be a fact that the two main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' have seen significant volume growth and stagnant growth recently."

"High volume and stagflation at this position are obviously not a good thing."

"Preliminary judgment is that these two core main lines will never be able to continue to create room for growth without strong new and major positive stimulus."

"Besides, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment already has 20 boards. How else can we push it upward?"

"But depending on the situation, the check for 'Blue Stone Reinstallation' should not be finished today."

"The logic of the follow-up 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check should not have much to do with 'military industry' and 'nuclear power', right? Today's 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check mainly resonates with the 'sub-new stocks' sector Now, what’s left...should also be the logic of the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector.”

"Market funds have concentrated on speculating in the 'sub-new stock' sector. This can also mean that other mainline hot spots are not working, right?"

"Yes, if other mainline hotspots can continue to expand their money-making effects and risk appetite continues to increase, these active financial groups on the market will not concentrate on leftover mainline stocks such as 'sub-new stocks' for speculation."

"In short, at this time, the continued hype on the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' is no longer cost-effective."

"Not only is it not expensive, it is simply not cost-effective."

"However, in the direction of the low-level main lines, the fields of 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' are still not very popular. This morning, it is not that there is no money to do these main lines. Take a look at 'Changqu Technology' ' and 'Tianyu Information', the main funds have obviously concentrated their efforts, but the first board has been smashed, which proves that the combined force of these low-level main lines is obviously weaker!"

"Well, looking at these lower mainline areas, it is true that the funding gap is also huge."

"Then we can only continue in the direction of 'sub-new stocks'."

"But the 'sub-new stocks' line, the liquidity on the market, and the amount of funds that can be carried are really limited. Moreover, as soon as the market opened in the morning, it entered the emotional climax stage. Many sub-new stocks with good quality and high gaming value The stocks are already on the daily limit. Is it difficult to participate in the day? If at this time... you are speculating on marginal new stocks with relatively weak market performance, I am afraid it will be a trap again tomorrow. "

“Isn’t the sub-new stock sector experiencing a second wave of emotions today?”

"After two consecutive days of daily limit fluctuations, it can be predicted that the line of 'sub-new stocks' will probably enter a differentiated situation tomorrow."

"At this time, participating in the sub-new stock sector is not cost-effective."

"Yes, in the sub-new stocks sector, we can only be the first mover, not the second mover. What must be speculated is really just emotions, and the sustainability is not high."

"The key is that tomorrow's check for 'Blue Stone Reinstallation' may not be able to come out again!"

"Today, the main line of 'Military Industry' opened high and moved low, and it can be predicted that the market divergence of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' tomorrow should also be very large."

"It's 20 daily limit, so I'm asking you, do you still dare to accept the check tomorrow?"

"The market attention of this check is so high, and its popularity and market influence are so great. If this check can still be opened at a high price tomorrow, it can still be accepted."

"Yes, if you open the 'Blue Stone Reload' check tomorrow, you will survive if you open it high, but you will die if you open it low."

“I think it’s better to study the low-end main line sectors? Film and television media, e-commerce, Internet finance, smartphone industry chain, Internet software, mobile Internet...are there any opportunities in these fields? After Ali Baba is listed on the US stock market, it should The valuation of domestic Internet companies will increase, but recently the market has been focusing on the hype of the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and this valuation increase has obviously lagged behind."

“I think it’s better to respect the actual trend of the market and the direction of combined funds, and not make assumptions!”

"Yes, it cannot be said that there are no opportunities in these low-level mainline sectors. At least... I think that for these sectors that have not yet formed a synergy of funds, as well as their highly recognizable popular stocks, it is better to have opportunities on the right side. There are no opportunities on the left side. The certainty is simply too great to be worthwhile.”

"On the whole, although the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' has increased the maximum trading space for individual stock speculation in the market and raised the risk awareness in individual stock speculation, the overall market situation is obviously still in the ebb. It can be It is clear that the market direction is decreasing.”

"I agree, it seems like it's all hot, but actually there's an undercurrent surging underneath."

"Yes, let's take another look. If the market still cannot find a new main trend for many consecutive days, then we should really be cautious."

"Hey, it's strange to say that this time, with the support of such a high market volume, the market can't form a unified force. No matter which direction it goes, there are funds holding it back."

"I feel weird too."

"Is it because no one wants to carry the sedan chair and everyone wants to sit in the sedan chair?"

"Haha, what you said makes sense."

"Let's take a look at how the market evolves in the afternoon and see if any new hot spots emerge."

"Hey, there was a change in the news at noon today. The State Council actually issued a document on 'promoting the development of the sports industry'."

"Let's see...hehe, this should be able to form a hot spot, right?"

"It can indeed form a hot spot. How about hot stocks and corresponding concept stocks? Who can compile one? Hurry up and take a look."

"In the market, the corresponding concept comes out after pulling it."

"Annie Shares, Snowman Shares, Pathfinder, Rhine Sports, Xinlong Health, Qujiang Cultural Tourism, Leiman Optoelectronics; China Fortune Land Development, Kewan Real Estate, Guangdong Media, Yuanji Technology, Huace Film and Television... Damn, this is There are quite a few stocks that are good for document correlation, as well as the concept of correlation!”

"Can you bring other main lines forward?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the follow-up of various funds in the market after the market opens in the afternoon."

"Haha, I finally have a new hot spot to make. Hey, the market trend this morning is really... it's killing me."

"The check for 'Leiman Optoelectronics' is quite interesting."

"Well, indeed, I can try to buy some with this check this afternoon."

"I'm afraid it's not easy to buy. We can notice it, and other funds in the market will also notice it."

"It depends on the situation. If you can buy it, buy it. The most important thing is to see whether the main market capital's hype on the 'sports industry development' hot spot can drive other core themes. If the 'sports industry development' hot spot is If the concept can drive a number of core threads such as film and television media, real estate, electronic information, and large consumer goods, then the market will probably turn around and its sustainability will probably start."

"Well, it depends on the situation. I hope this hot spot can open up market space at this time and form an opportunity for the main market to switch."

Along with the rapid refresh of messages in the group, there are also heated discussions on related market discussion topics.

At this moment, the good news about the just-released ‘Sports Industry Development’ policy continues to ferment and spread rapidly to every corner of the market.

A huge group of retail investors gathered on the entire Internet stock discussion platform.

This policy-positive topic is also being intensively discussed, and many quick-thinking investors have begun to sort out corresponding concept stocks and plan to participate as soon as the market opens.

Of course, there are some major groups of big investors who really have a deep understanding of the market.

In addition to focusing on the newly released hot spot of 'sports industry development', we also focus on other main sectors derived from the core stocks of this sector.

And we hope that this hot spot can inspire other main areas.

Drive the market to switch the main line of market conditions.

Just as this mood was brewing at noon, and under the strong influence of policy news.

The one-and-a-half-hour lunch break passed by in a blink of an eye. In the midst of everyone's attention, the time quickly came to 1 p.m., and the two cities once again ushered in a new continuous bidding trading period.

I saw that the market had just opened.

After the mood brewing at noon, and the 'sports industry development' concept sector directly stimulated by the corresponding favorable policies, a number of concept stocks and component stocks in the field were immediately focused on by the active main capital groups in the entire market, and countless main buying funds poured in. Entering this concept sector, pushing up the corresponding stocks crazily, and the rush to raise funds can be described as extremely radical.

Among them, only one minute.

As the core stock in the main line of this concept, "Leiman Optoelectronics" exploded in volume, went straight to the daily limit, and was blocked by big funds in a flash.

Then, 1:02, 1:03.

A number of relatively core concept stocks such as Pathfinder, Xinlong Health, Rheinland Sports, Snowman Shares, and Annie Shares have also reached their daily limit due to rapid explosion in volume.

At the same time, driven by this main conceptual line, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index also symbolically pulled back a little.

Later, due to changes in stocks such as China Fortune Land Development and Kewan Real Estate, the real estate sector in the main line of "big infrastructure" also began to rise rapidly.

However, due to the selling of the entire real estate sector, it is still too heavy.

The time-sharing trend of its sector index only rose slightly for a while, and then quickly fell back.

On the contrary, during the changes in these concept stocks, affected by the sharp rise in the stock prices of 'Yaoji Technology and Huace Film and Television', within the main line of 'technological growth', the two concept sectors of 'mobile games' and 'film and television media' , changes began to occur frequently, and corresponding stocks such as "Huayi Brothers, LeTV, Changqu Technology, Hua Qingbao, Guangguang Media, Ciwen Media..." began to move and rise in concentration.

And with the frequent changes in ‘mobile games’ and ‘film and television media’.

The main funds chasing after realizing that the main concept line of 'sports industry development' is very likely to fully stimulate the line of 'technological growth'.

More and more companies have gone deep into the 'smartphone industry chain', 'mobile Internet', 'domestic software', 'electronic information', 'Internet finance' and other sectors to compete for funding, resulting in these concept sectors, in the main conceptual line of 'sports industry development' After the sharp rise, there were also frequent changes, and within the sector, the main funds gradually showed an accelerating inflow.

"Is this... done?"

We saw rapid changes in the entire main line of 'Technology Growth', and the corresponding stocks exploded in volume. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also rose rapidly under the concentrated riot of the 'Technology Growth' line, and instantly turned red and rose. At this moment , Yinghui Fund Company, which accumulates fund positions in the main line of 'technological growth', in the main trading room of 'Yinghui No. 2' fund, fund manager Shao Xiaoyun said excitedly: "There are many active financial groups in the field. In the 'sports industry Stimulated by the main line of the concept of "development", it is obvious that the main line of "technological growth" has begun to flow. It depends on the situation... The consistent synergy of the main funds in the market is taking shape.

Haha... It seems that our previous position adjustment strategy is completely correct.

Finally, the magpie straw shop and the pond are forgiven.

Let me just say that yesterday's strong trend in the two main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" was just for the retail investors to see, and it was a pure fake breakthrough market trend. "

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