Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 638: Fake breakthrough, fake switch!

"At present, the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the main lines of concepts surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', are shaking. The corresponding theme sector is indeed a bit like a false breakthrough." Liu Changling, the trading team leader who was sitting next to Shao Xiaoyun and watching the changes in the market prices of the two cities, pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "However, the market's 'high-low switching' trend, currently From a glance, it is not very obvious that the line of 'technological growth' is mainly driven by the sudden and favorable conceptual theme of 'sports industry development'.

However, the main conceptual line of 'sports industry development', the corresponding stocks involved, and the amount of funds it can carry are, after all, very limited.

It is impossible to stimulate the two main lines of "military industry" and "infrastructure" like the "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises". Comprehensively promote the line of 'technological growth' and achieve continuous breakthroughs.

At present, although the active financial groups on the market are constantly flowing into the main line of 'technological growth'.

At this moment, concepts such as ‘film and television media’, ‘electronic information’, and ‘domestic software’ are also being promoted by the influx of active financial groups.

However, overall, there are still big differences in the funds on the market!

'Big consumption', 'big finance', and 'non-ferrous cycle' are low-level main line fields. At this moment, with the intraday correction and decline of the two main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure', they are also rebounding in shocks, absorbing many from the market. The capital groups retreated from the popular main line areas in the early stage.

So, looking at it all.

I think we can't be too happy at this time.

We need to continue to observe and see if the market driven by the positive concept of 'sports industry development' can really leverage the main line of 'technological growth' and create a sustained money-making effect, so as to make the market's expectations and The follow-up effect of funds continues to converge in this field.

If it can, then the main line of the market will not be far away. "

Shao Xiaoyun saw that Liu Changling did not fully agree with his market judgment, and still believed that the market changes on the main line of 'technological growth' at this moment were just rebounds, not reversals. He smiled, but did not rush to argue. He paused for a moment and continued. Said: "Although it is not yet certain that the market has formed a main line of 'high-low switching', it is also not certain that the 'technology growth' line can get rid of the bottom shock pattern, find a breakthrough trend, condense the market's unanimous expectations, and attract the entire market." The active capital groups in the market concentrated on placing orders.

But, at least it can be seen.

'Infrastructure' and 'military industry' were two popular main themes in the early stage, as well as the main themes surrounding the concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', which have been subject to turmoil and speculation. A number of concept sectors and their corresponding popular stocks.

It should be that the chip structure has become fragmented, expectations and emotions have both declined, and it is no longer possible to create upward room for growth and make money.

Now that these early popular main lines have turned from strong to weak.

It is basically certain that the trend is about to enter the adjustment phase.

Then, it means that the market's main trend will inevitably shift and switch. In other words, the market's "high-low switching" pattern and trend change is not far away.

Subsequently, as the market conditions continued to fluctuate.

It just deepens the expectations and results of this trend and makes the market's "high and low switching" trend pattern more clear.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about. At least no matter what, the market trend is gradually changing in the direction we expected.


The occurrence of any main line market.

Generally, it starts from a rebound and gradually turns into a reversal.

After all, no one can directly foresee the long-term market trend, they can only focus on the present.

As long as everyone currently expects the 'Technology Growth' line to rebound, then as the expectations and sentiments of the two main lines of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', and the money-making effect weaken, the 'Technology Growth' line will rebound. In the market trend, expectations are bound to increase, and similarly... there will be more and more funds and incremental funds entering this field.

At that time, possible positive market news will be added.

Not being afraid of rebound cannot turn into a reversal. "

Seeing Shao Xiaoyun's positive and optimistic attitude, Liu Changling nodded slightly and said: "That's true. At the beginning, no one would think of the main line of the market as a reversal. All market trends basically start with a rebound and gradually follow the trend. As expectations increased, a reversal occurred.”

"In fact, as long as there are active capital groups in the market, they are gradually abandoning the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and focusing on the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'" 'These conceptual themes will suffice as the main line of speculation." Shao Xiaoyun continued, "As long as the market flows out of these main line areas that have been frequently speculated in the early stage and are already at a relatively high level in the market, then the funds that come out will inevitably choose other main line areas. Inflow into the market.

And on the market, the current stage.

In other main line areas, although there are many main line areas, there are still certain future expectations.

But in general, the one with the strongest expectations and the strongest logic is the line of ‘technological growth’.

I believe that all active funds in the market, as well as the main financial institutions of all parties, as long as they are not blind, will definitely discover "technological growth" without continuing to speculate on the early main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" This line of opportunity and enter the market.

And, the line of ‘technological growth’.

After these few months of continuous adjustments, the floating chips of the wave of speculation in June have been completely digested. At the same time, in the past few months, the overall trend of the main line of 'technological growth' has completely lagged behind the overall market growth. Yes, in the main line of 'technological growth', the future expected logic of many popular core stocks is still strengthening, and their performance continues to explode.

A number of core stocks in this main line area obviously have a need to make up for their gains.

I firmly believe that our ‘high-low switch’, from early popular main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, to profit-taking and switching to the main line area of ​​‘technological growth’ is a completely correct strategy, and we will definitely get huge profit returns in the future. "

Originally, yesterday we saw explosive breakthroughs across the board in the popular main lines of the early market such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

He was still a little depressed and dissatisfied.

But today, he saw that the early hot topics of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' were essentially 'fake breakthroughs' to lure bulls. After careful analysis, he felt even more confident.

"I hope so!" Liu Changling nodded slightly.

Although his confidence in his heart is not that firm, he still has strong expectations for the future for the fund to cut profits from the early popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which have loosened its chip structure, and to enter the relatively low position of 'technological growth'. He still very much agrees with the layout of the core main line, and also very much agrees with this trading strategy.

During the discussion between the two...

When Shao Xiaoyun showed excitement and excitement, he greatly appreciated the changes in the current market conditions.

Same company, next door to the trading room of the 'Yinghui No. 1' fund.

Trading team leader Yu Lei carefully stared at the changes in the two markets, but frowned slightly. He glanced at the fund manager Liu Guanhai and said, "Mr. Liu, I feel that today's market trend is not good," The net outflow of main funds in the popular main lines of infrastructure and military industry is a bit excessive. It feels that the funds holding positions in these main lines are obviously taking profits and selling frantically.

Of course, we can only look at the performance of the amount of funds and the flow of main funds.

That's not the biggest worry.

The most worrying thing is that the core stocks with heavy holdings of the 'Yuhang Group', such as 'Huaguo MCC, China Airlines Optoelectronics, Huaguo Communications Construction, China Airlines Shenyang, Aircraft Power...' and other core stocks are all today. There is an obvious trend of high opening and rapid volume killing. Compared with the previous period, these stocks have shown the characteristics of the market trend obviously changing from strong to weak.

At present, we definitely don’t know whether the ‘Yu Hang Department’ has come out or not.

But these tickets saw this move at a high level.

Even if there is no disclosure of the Dragon and Tiger list, even if the ‘Yu Hang Series’ does not clearly appear on the Dragon and Tiger list, it has not shown its attitude of reducing its positions to the market.

But other funds in the market will always make random guesses.

Once everyone has concentrated guesses and expectations in this regard.

Then, more and more funds will start to be snatched away from the heavily held stocks of the 'Yu Hang Group'.

However, only stocks in the core main fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which were heavily held by the 'Yu Hang Group', were intensively smashed by funds from all parties, and the market trend turned from strong to weak.

Then, the popular main trend trends of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ may be very dangerous.

After all, the "Yu Hang Group" heavy holdings of stocks and their consistent market trends are the core force supporting the continued strength of core popular stocks such as "infrastructure" and "military industry."

Once these stocks weaken.

News of the "Yu Hang Group" large-scale reduction of positions and profit taking, or such rumors, will quickly spread to the market.

And once expectations in this regard are fully formed.

These stocks have encountered extreme selling pressure, so given the extreme influence of the 'Yu Hang Group' on the market, it is estimated that the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' will definitely undergo further drastic adjustments, and there is a possibility of a collapse across the board. It’s not that there is none.

On the other hand, at this time, stocks such as China MCC, China Airlines Optoelectronics, China Communications Construction, China Airlines Shenyang, Aircraft Power... were concentrated in the decline and weakened.

Let’s think about how funds can form a unified force in the popular main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

The hope of continuing to trade upward is actually very slim.

Also, as the saying goes, "one rush, then decline, three times it will be exhausted", the same is true for the emotional reaction of the stock market and the market speculation.

Yesterday, the core main lines of the market, such as 'military industry' and 'infrastructure', have shown a comprehensive breakthrough. Many investor groups in the entire market have sufficient expectations for the continued upward breakthrough of these popular core main lines. Now Market trends...not at all.

The breakthrough trend that was supposed to occur has turned into a trap trend of high opening and explosive volume and then falling.

This is seriously below expectations.

This will greatly dampen the investment sentiment and speculation in the core main areas of "military industry" and "infrastructure", and will also weaken the enthusiasm of the main financial groups active in the market for concentrated trading in these areas.

In this way, on the one hand, there are worries about the large-scale reduction of positions of the 'Yuhang Group' to stop profits, and there are also the stocks of 'Huaguo MCC, China Airlines Optoelectronics, Huaguo Communications Construction, China Airlines Shenyang, Aircraft Power...' These stocks continue to fall, which has a negative impact on 'infrastructure' ', 'military industry', these popular main lines have essentially caused market suppression, and the expected impact.

On the other hand, there is a decline in investment sentiment and speculation sentiment caused by market performance that is seriously worse than expected.

There are also the popular main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", which are currently showing a weak money-making effect.

I estimate that the investment performance-price ratio of the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' at this position is no longer as good as that of many stocks in the low-end main line fields. At the same time, its gaming value and profit-loss ratio are also declining rapidly. I am afraid that at this position ...It has really reached a selling point suitable for reducing positions and taking profits. "

Liu Guanhai listened to Yu Lei's analysis, pondered for a moment, sighed helplessly, and said: "What you said makes some sense. I thought that after yesterday's wave of stimulation, today's 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and so on The popular main line of the big market can reach a higher level under the influence of positive emotions, continuing yesterday's money-making effect and further pushing the index to above the 3,000-point mark.

Now it seems that this good expectation has completely come to nothing.

It is indeed because this expectation was completely disappointed that today’s main capital outflows in popular main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ are so terrifying.

Reduce your position and take profit!

This position, since expectations cannot be realized.

At the same time, the Shanghai Composite Index is indeed facing tremendous pressure at 2,900 points. There is no hope of exceeding 3,000 points in the short term, which will penetrate the "bull market expectations" into the hearts of the main financial groups of all parties in the market and the majority of investors.

In this way, we can only give up when things are good, and we cannot expect that the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" will continue to weaken and become strong.

However, since you have to choose to reduce your position and take profits at this position.

So, under the strategy change, if we do a 'high-low switch', which main line area in the low position do you think we should adjust our positions and focus on? "

Yu Lei thought for a while and said: "According to the current market trend reaction, today's main line of 'technological growth' has been directly stimulated by the concept of 'sports industry development'. There have been general changes, and many core stocks have , stocks such as 'LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Enlight Media, Internet Speed ​​Technology, Anshuo Information...' are also continuing to strengthen, and continue to attract huge main funds that follow the idea of ​​'high-low switching'. .

But, I always feel that ‘technological growth’ is the main thread.

In this adjustment trend of just over a quarter, the internal chip structure has not been consolidated.

You must know that in June, the hot main market trends of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', driven by the continued tough attack of President Su of the 'Yu Hang Group', were also affected by the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime' Stimulated by favorable macroeconomic policies and strategies such as the Silk Road' and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, it continues to make a strong upward move and embark on a sustained breakthrough trend.

The main line area of ​​‘technological growth’.

The overall position level of the main financial institutions gathered is at the highest position in the market.

Nowadays, although many major financial institutions have underperformed the market and underperformed the market on the line of 'technological growth' for one consecutive quarter, they have made strategies to adjust and reduce their positions, but overall... Given its almost bright future prospects.

There are still many major institutions that are struggling in this field.

They are waiting for the main line of the market to change, and for the "technological growth" line to make up for the increase.

In general, I think that the time and space for adjustment in the line of 'technological growth' are not enough at present. The financial groups on the market do not actually have a high degree of recognition of this line and are willing to enter this main line. field, given a large number of main funds lurking in this field, there is not much money to lift the sedan chair.

Therefore, I think of the line of ‘technological growth’.

There is momentum for a rebound, but if we want to see such a strong explosion like the previous outbreak of the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and go out of the magnificent and continuous breakthrough market like last year, as well as the concentrated market speculation, I think whether it is expected , or logically, there are still some shortcomings. "

"Since you are not optimistic about the 'technological growth' line, then..." Liu Guanhai said with burning eyes and a genuine smile, "we can only turn our attention to the two lines of 'big consumption' and 'big finance'."

Yu Lei thought for a while and then said: "Although the core logic of the 'big consumption' line is economic recovery and consumption recovery, the uncertainty is actually quite large. After all, how far can the economy recover?" It’s hard to say to what extent and what the stimulating effect of relevant consumption policies will be.”

"You mean...we have to move closer to the main line of 'big finance'?" Liu Guanhai said with some surprise.

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