Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 645: A full-scale riot among brokers!

In a flash.

The core stocks of the brokerage sector such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, Everbright Securities...', which were originally under full suppression of selling, quickly received a continuous flow of large orders of 10,000 orders. .

These thousands of people who poured into the market bought big orders.

Regardless of the cost, they sweep upward the selling orders of each brokerage stock and push its stock price straight up.

At 10:39, Guangda Securities rose straight up and turned red, and the time-sharing amount within one minute soared to more than 100 million.

At 10:40, the core stocks of seven or eight brokerage sectors, including Huaxin Securities, Huatai Securities, Huatong Securities, Huashang Securities, Orient Securities, Founder Securities, etc., all moved simultaneously. The huge amount of active buying funds drove these stocks The stock prices have all risen and turned red from a drop of about 2% to 4%.

At 10:41, under the concentrated movement of the stocks of these core brokerage firms, the brokerage sector index also passively rose in a straight line and turned red.

At the same time, it was driven by the brokerage sector.

The stock index's decline also narrowed rapidly, quickly shrinking to less than 3%.

Of course, at this moment as well.

The brokerage sector index rose straight from underwater to red, directly squeezing into the top of the industry sector gain list in the two cities, madly attracting the market's attention.

There are also a number of core component stocks of brokerages.

At this moment, Qiqi climbed to the top of the instant gains list of the two cities.

Looking around, the top ten stocks on the real-time gain list page of the entire market have all become securities stocks.

Similarly, at this moment, the brokerage sector, which had a net outflow of more than one billion yuan a few minutes ago, has changed from an outflow state to an inflow state, from negative to positive.

At 10:42, when the entire market investor group was shocked, their attention turned to the brokerage sector, which was in full swing.

Su Yu stared at the securities companies that were in full swing and continued to issue instructions: "Guangda Securities has little pressure on the market. Let's break through this stock first. Before everyone can fully react, concentrate funds to further expand this stock." The stock hit its daily limit and continued to rapidly intensify market sentiment."

"Okay!" Everyone responded.

Immediately, countless major purchase orders for the stock "Guangda Securities" began to be placed in the form of price limit orders, sweeping through all the pending orders above the market again and again.

At 10:43, the market of Guangda Securities continued to explode, and the stock price soared even more rapidly.

At 10:44, the stock price of Guangda Securities jumped from around 1% to around 5%. Within one minute, trading volume exploded, hitting 300 million.

At 10:45, the stock price of Guangda Securities did not stop and continued to soar, further setting a new high on the market to an increase of 88.

At 10:46, the stock price of Guangda Securities rose to the daily limit in one go.

At 10:47, more than 500,000 hands and 700 million in funds directly swept away all selling orders on the daily limit board, sealing the daily limit board with an unrivaled force.

The whole process took Guangda Securities stocks from moving in deep water to reaching the daily limit.

Only 10 minutes.

And in these 10 minutes, the amount of funds on the market of Guangda Securities increased sharply from the previous 8.9 billion to 8.9 billion, with an explosion of 700 million in 10 minutes, and it can be seen from the capital flow that Guangda Securities The main capital flow, in this 10-minute period, has gone from a net outflow of about 25 million before to a current net inflow of 8.3 billion.

This proved in these 10 minutes.

Basically, the main funds are on this stock, and they are attacking fiercely regardless of the cost. They will absorb as many selling orders as there are. It is basically a brainless way of grabbing funds and making orders.

Same, in these 10 minutes.

Along with Guangda Securities' continued rapid increase in volume, the stocks of various securities firms such as Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, Orient Securities, Founder Securities, Western Securities... are also continuing to increase in volume. , and at the moment when Guangda Securities reached its daily limit.

There are three securities companies: Western Securities, Orient Securities, and Huashang Securities.

The stock prices also all exceeded the 5% increase, and the amplitude in just ten minutes exceeded 8%.

At the same time, in these 10 minutes, the entire brokerage sector index also increased by about 2%, and the net inflow of main funds reached about 2.5 billion.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was also driven by the brokerage sector's continued rise of more than 4%.

The market decline further narrowed to about 5%.

"Fuck, are you crazy?"

Seeing the extremely explosive increase in the entire brokerage sector, the entire market investor group was completely stunned and confused.

Among them, the retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform were even more shocked at this moment. They couldn't believe the sudden change in the market.

"Ten minutes, 5 points, what's going on with the brokerage sector? Is it profitable?"

"The entire brokerage group has changed. Guangda Securities has been rising by the daily limit. Today's wave of brokerage stocks is concentrated. Doesn't it look like a fake?"

"It's really shocking. The entire brokerage sector index is as strong as small-cap stocks."

"Look at the daily limit closing orders of 'Guangda Securities'. There are 10,000 main buy orders in the front, as well as the stocks of major brokerages such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huatai Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatong Securities, Western Securities...' There are endless big orders from tens of thousands of owners on the market, it’s simply terrifying!”

"This trend is so fucking explosive."

"Not only did it explode, within 10 minutes, the net inflow of main funds in the entire securities sector exceeded 2.5 billion, and the new transaction volume exceeded 6 billion!"

"The entire real-time gainer lists of the two cities are all dominated by brokerage stocks. This kind of grand situation... I haven't seen it for a long time, right?"

"Indeed, I haven't seen him for many years!"

"The Shanghai Stock Index has begun to recover its intraday losses quickly, with popular main lines such as 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', 'Non-ferrous Cycle', 'Secondary New Stocks', 'Sports Industry Development' and so on. The main line, various concept sectors, are also driven by the 'brokerage' sector that is rioting across the board, and are rebounding rapidly..."

"The brokerage firm is riding alone as a savior today, trying to turn the tide!"

"Such a large-scale concentration of main funds to raise funds will definitely be beneficial. Chasing positions. Everyone, if you don't buy now, when will you wait?"

"The Shanghai Stock Index rebounded and returned to 2,800 points."

"This is the bottom position for adjustment and shock. 2800 points is the strong support level of the index. Buy...the market is definitely in a deep V trend today."

"Banks and insurance have also begun to undergo comprehensive changes."

"China Pacific Insurance has risen by more than 5%."

“Today’s ‘big finance’ is going crazy. The main funds are pouring into the main line of ‘big finance’ like crazy. It’s really... it’s just a mindless rush to raise funds regardless of the cost.”

“It’s definitely going to be good, ‘big finance’ is obviously gaining momentum!”

"Huaxin Securities has increased by more than 5%, and the daily trading volume has quickly exceeded the 1 billion mark. Damn... the active buying orders are so strong. I just saw 20,000 selling orders appearing on the market, and I was instantly overwhelmed by the buying orders. It’s gone, it’s crazy, it’s crazy…the main funds are absolutely crazy today.”

"The index fell sharply in early trading today. Is it a wash?"

"It's still going strong, Western Securities is going to hit the daily limit!"

"Oh my God, I just said that Western Securities will directly hit the daily limit."

"Damn it, the owner of 500,000 hands buys the queue and blocks the board directly? This is... only for the 'national team', right? Strong, so damn strong. How can this be protecting the market? This is trying to blow up the market. Index!”

"The decline of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has almost shrunk to 1 point. Oh my god... the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is really going to go into a deep V."

"The securities sector's intraday increase exceeded 3%, and the intraday turnover exceeded 10 billion. This explosive power should be the strongest in the past five years, right?"

"Absolutely! The fierce attack of the main funds is really unparalleled."

"'Big Finance' has begun to lead the gains in both markets."

"There is a siphon of funds. Countless main funds are following the 'brokerage' sector. The entire brokerage sector is still exploding in volume. My God... If this volume can continue to explode, the brokerage sector index will still skyrocket!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go after the brokers. Yesterday the brokers made a sudden move. After the sharp decline today, they turned back in huge amounts. This is a sign that the brokerage market has started to concentrate!"

"Pursue the whole warehouse, you must pursue the whole warehouse."

"Oriental Securities, look at Oriental Securities, this check is going straight to the daily limit."

"It's crazy, it's crazy, the entire securities sector is going crazy."

"It should be driven by huge benefits, right? Otherwise, there wouldn't be such extreme riots. What kind of benefits are there? Has the stamp duty been paid?"

"It may not be a stamp duty reduction, but there will definitely be other major benefits."

"It's really scary. It feels like all the active capital flows in the entire market are flowing into the brokerage sector."

"With explosive energy and explosive trends, the brokerage's explosion was so swift and unexpected that it completely saved the market!"

"Not only that, it has driven the entire market."

“Funds hunting for the bottom have also poured into the market on a large scale.”

"In almost all sectors, major capital flows are gradually flowing in, and many stocks that fell rapidly in early trading have also opened their lower limits."

"The Shanghai stock index's decline has shrunk to less than 1%."

"The transaction volume of the two cities is also increasing rapidly. At the same time, it increased by almost 20% compared to yesterday."

At a time when countless retail investor groups were having heated discussions, they were both shocked by the trend of collective riots in the brokerage sector and at the same time puzzled about the reasons for the collective riots by securities firms.

Same moment.

Su Yu is in the main hot money group of Yuhang.

Many hot money players are in the midst of heated discussions.

Regarding the collective changes in the brokerage sector and the sudden explosive trend of the main line of 'big finance', I was puzzled. At the same time, I was also extremely shocked and shocked.

"A cloud-piercing arrow brings thousands of troops to meet each other. Today's brokerage is this cloud-piercing arrow."

"It's really an explosive trend."

"This main force of capital that drives securities companies, damn... it's really shocking."

"This main force of funds driving securities companies should be the main institutions of large funds in the state-owned assets system, right? After all, hundreds of millions or billions of funds are really just like happy beans, throwing money at the market for free. It's really The momentum was like a thunderstorm, sweeping away all selling orders on the market.”

"This kind of skill in pulling the pan is really explosive to the extreme."

"Yes, billions of funds have really pulled the index back from the abyss of panic."

"The key is this intensity, it's really unmatched."

"The riot by the brokerage companies today is really admirable."

"Today, the general trend of the brokerage sector has been established, and active funds in the entire market are converging on the brokerage sector. The deep V trend of the market today should be promising."

"It's totally promising!"

"The entire market capital has temporarily formed a synergy in the extremely riotous field of securities firms. However, what is the logic of the extreme riots among securities firms today?"

"Who knows? It's everyone's guessing at the moment."

"However, there should be some potential big benefits, right? Otherwise, how could the brokerage be like this?"

"Such an extreme riot... I remember it happened once before, right?"

"That time it was Guangda Securities' own mistake."

"Isn't it the wrong thing this time?"

"How is it possible? The huge buying bombardment lasted for more than ten minutes. Oolong refers to this kind of thing. It is just a momentary instruction error. It is absolutely impossible to form such a continuous huge buying attack. It is obvious. This means that there is a huge main financial group that is focused on vying for chips.”

"I agree, the Oolong index will not trend like this at all."

"The big money main force's method of pulling the market is really violent!"

"The mood of the entire market today is very bad. If we want to reverse it, we will need such a violent pulling method."

"Everyone, follow the trend and attack the brokerage sector. With such a huge amount of funds involved, the market cannot last only half a day."

“It feels like ‘big finance’ will become the next core theme of the market.”

"I feel the same way about the brokerage's move."

"Push the whole position in. At this time, there is no need to hesitate."

"It's a pity that I didn't catch up with the 'Western Securities' check just now, so I had to catch up with the 'Oriental Securities'."

"Damn it, Oriental Securities has reached its daily limit?"

"It's terrible. The pending order didn't come through. Why don't you be so violent? You directly place an order of 700,000 lots to seal the market. Today's main funds of the brokerage are really crazy, right? How can there be such a rush for funds?"

"Buy 'Huashang Securities', this check may hit the daily limit later."

"No way? The checks from Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, and Huatong Securities are all stocks with a market value of 100 billion, with a circulating supply of 70 to 80 billion, or even more than 100 billion. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for these checks to reach the daily limit. .”

"Just watch, I have a hunch."

"You can also take advantage of the extreme changes in the 'brokerage' sector and the emotions aroused to buy other concept leaders."

"Yes, yes, at this time, the winning rate of the leader in the concept of bargain hunting is quite high."

"Damn it, your sister has already got the funds to take the lead. I originally wanted to buy some of the 'Blue Stone Reload' chips at the bottom, but I didn't expect that this check has already become popular due to the continuous action of buying the bottom."

"Hurry up and buy the check for 'Leiman Optoelectronics'. There should be a chance with this check."

"We have already started to invest, and there are also newly listed concept stocks in the banking and insurance fields. At this time, I feel that we can do it."

"'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', these early popular mainline concept stocks, were the strongest in the early trading. However, now that brokers have begun to siphon funds from the entire market, these early high-level mainline stocks with heavy profit margins may not necessarily rebound as expected."

"It will definitely not go as expected. The market panic and decline in early trading were caused by popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry.' The rebound of these main lines should lag behind, and the emotional digestion will be slower."

“I think it’s more reliable to go after the brokerage directly.”

"It's a pity that stocks in the brokerage sector have rebounded by an average of 4 or 5 points from their intraday lows."

"Let's take a look at the movement of the main funds in the brokerage sector and see if there is any definite good news after the market closes at noon. It won't be too late to start in the afternoon."

"Your sister, what's the purpose of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'?"

"Isn't it going to hit the daily limit?"

"The 22nd daily limit, who will seal it?"

"The market is in a deep V reversal. At this moment, the sentiment is rising from the trough. The stock price of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has really hit the daily limit at this time. There should be no shortage of funds that dare to block it."

"I agree. I also think that the amount of funds I dare to seal will not be small. After all, this is the overall concept leader of the two cities!"

"I assisted."

"I also assisted and watched the 'Blue Stone Heavy' once again set a new high and connect the board space."

"The huge shock of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has hit the daily limit, which is absolutely beneficial to the market trend. If this check reaches the daily limit, other tickets will naturally become easier to do, and I will follow suit."

"Your sister, there are so many people following you, so I'll give it a try."

"It's too late, it's already hitting the daily limit."

"It's so strong. It's indeed a great monster."

"Damn it, who is the master of sealing? 100,000 hands of single master sealing, awesome!"

"You just bought the blue stone heavy equipment at a low position. Did you make a lot of money now? Your sister, in ten minutes, you made a profit of 15 points!"

"Haha, it's all because of the 'brokerage''s concentrated riot, which brought a wave of emotions, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to buy the check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' at the bottom."

“With 22 daily limits, it’s the first in A-share history, right?”

"Almost, we are witnessing history."

"Damn it, the market trend today is so violent."

"I stopped my loss in early trading, but it seems that I was washed out. What should I do now?"

"Hurry up and buy 'Huaxin Securities' to get back. Hey... maybe it's okay to ignite a wave of 'Huaxin Securities'."

"With this sentiment, it would be good to ignite CEFC Securities, but the funds are not enough. If I had the financial strength of Alliance Leader Zhang, I would have ignited it long ago."

"Today, in the brokerage sector, there are super main forces guiding the trading, and it is not our turn."

"As for the brokerage sector, just watch the show."

"Today is the time for securities companies to set up a platform to gather emotions. Let's just do a small ticket rebound."

"That's true. I really didn't expect that the market would be such a volatile trend today."

"I guessed the opening, but not the process."

“I didn’t even expect it to open.”

"I guessed that the market would probably open sharply lower today, but I didn't expect that it would panic and fall to more than 3% at the beginning of the market, and directly break through 2800 points in one go. Of course, I didn't expect that 2800 points would be reached. The point actually broke and then stood up, and under the uprising across the board in the 'brokerage' sector, it actually recovered again."

"Who could have guessed today's market trend in advance?"

“The amount of money that was panicked in the early trading was really quite a lot!”

"I have to say, looking back now, this is really a wave of extremely sharp and sharp dishwashing behavior."

"It can be regarded as the joint efforts of funds in the market to wash the market. After all, no one can control this kind of market trend. In fact, I feel a bit strange. Why did the 'brokerage' line suddenly pull up today and form a market so quickly?" The concerted efforts of the active funding community.”

"Because... there may be potential benefits!"

"In fact, the potential benefits of the 'brokerage' sector have always been there, but before... everyone's attention was basically on the early hot topics of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and there was a certain bias against the brokerage sector. , now the entire market is panicking and falling, and brokerage firms are rioting. The attention and the intensity of the fund's continuous pull have reached the extreme. While everyone is following the trend, they will naturally analyze and speculate in depth, which makes The potential benefits of the brokerage sector are better recognized by everyone."

"It seems...that's indeed the truth."

"Anyway, today's riot in the brokerage sector has done a great job."

"Yes, if it weren't for the concentrated riots in the brokerage sector and the rapid reversal of market sentiment amid extreme panic and selling, I'm afraid that if the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to sell off today, there would have been a drop of 4 or 5 points."

At a time when the news in the internal group of the main hot money players was refreshing rapidly, everyone followed the trend and speculated, and they were equally shocked and confused...

Within a large institutional group with various financial backgrounds.

Especially asset management institutions such as banks, securities firms, and insurance companies that are well-informed and have inside information channels.

At this moment, while I was shocked and surprised, I also had doubts in my heart.

For example, in the main fund trading room of Huashang Securities' self-operated investment department in Yanjing, General Manager Liao Guanghua is holding his mobile phone and is constantly inquiring through personal connections to see if there is any relevant major news that is beneficial to 'big finance'.

However, no matter how he inquired.

All industry insiders, including regulatory insiders, said they have not heard of any major good news about to be released, nor have they heard of any obvious loosening of policy direction by senior officials.

"It's really strange." After making a few calls, Liao Guanghua frowned, turned his eyes back to the trading boards of the two cities, and said, "No one knows the reason for the concentrated riot in the 'brokerage' sector today."

"Could it be a spontaneous behavior of the market?" said fund manager Wu Dayong.

Liao Guanghua glanced at Wu Dayong and said: "It's not impossible, but in a short period of time, billions of funds have intervened. With such a huge main capital flow, there must be a clearer logic and reason, right? If not With sufficient positive support, how can subsequent funds form a sustained follow-up effect in this field?

If there is no sustained follow-up effect.

There are no more follow-up capital groups that recognize the fundamental logic of the riots in the brokerage sector.

Then the market will slide down even if it is pulled up. And when the market falls back, aren't the billions of funds involved in vain?

Therefore, there must be certain logic and reasons for such a huge amount of funds to take the initiative. "

"Mr. Liao, we figured it out." While Liao Guanghua was secretly wondering why the brokerage firms were rioting, his assistant knocked on the door of the trading room, walked in, and reported, "According to our monitoring, ten minutes ago,' The trading seats opened by Yuhang Department in our company's sales department have seen huge changes in buying volume. As of now, the intraday buying amount reported to the trading center by our Yuhang sales department has exceeded 3 billion. "

"Is it the 'Yu Hang Group' that is buying on a large scale?" Liao Guanghua's eyes widened.

The assistant nodded and continued: "According to our observations, this is only the trading volume of the trading seats opened by the 'Yu Hang Group' in our company. If we include the trading volume of institutional seats that they directly connect to the exchange, I'm afraid... they Today’s buying volume is far more than 3 billion.”

"This basically confirms that today's concentrated changes in the 'brokerage' sector are the work of the 'Yu Hang Group' funds." Liao Guanghua said, "What a big hand, what a tyrannical trading technique."

Hearing that the funds driving the giant 'brokerage' sector were the long-lost 'Yu Hang Group' funds, fund manager Wu Dayong was shocked and wondered: "The brokerage sector was not the core popular sector of the market before. Even if they want to adjust their positions, they don't need to be so aggressive." (End of Chapter)

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