Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 646: The ‘Yu Hang System’ caused a huge shock to the entire market!

"Hehe..." Liao Guanghua smiled and said, "This can only show that the main capital of the 'Yuhang Department' has long ago reduced its positions and retreated from the main fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and its layout is in 'Brokerages', or 'big finance', are on the main line. The purpose of this wave of pullbacks is not to build positions, but to arouse market sentiment and countless follow-up funds to converge on the 'brokerage' or even 'big finance' main line areas, so that The market has formed a core main line of 'high and low switching' market trends."

"When did the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' withdraw from the main fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'?" Wu Dayong said in shock, "We didn't notice it either?"

Liao Guanghua said: "Their transactions in our company's business department are no longer as concentrated and frequent as before. We can't observe and detect them every time, and the main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have fluctuated sideways. It took almost a month, which was enough for them to adjust their positions calmly and avoid the Dragon and Tiger list perfectly."

"It's really awesome." Wu Dayong had to sigh, "This kind of capital is really violent in the market, but what logic do they follow? In the brokerage sector, they even lead the market's active capital groups to fully converge into the 'big finance' field. What? According to the current analysis of the main line of 'big finance' by many institutional groups in the industry, there are certain differences in everyone's expectations and investment logic on this main line.

In fact, the previous month.

Funds have also tried several times in the direction of "big finance", but they have not been able to form a unified force.

Why is the capital of the 'Yu Hang Group' so determined in the 'big finance' line, and able to step out and perfectly undertake the popular main line markets such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'? "

"I don't know!" Liao Guanghua said, "The trading ideas of the 'Yu Hang Department' funds have completely deviated from everyone's expected ideas and expected directions. In fact, you can really guess the trading ideas of the 'Yu Hang Department' funds. If we don't think about it, it is impossible that only the 'Yu Hang Group' funds in the entire industry market can achieve market performance several times higher."

"Is it... the logic of 'bull market expectations'?" After a pause, Wu Dayong said again.

Liao Guanghua thought for a while and responded: "The fundamental logic that led the 'Yu Hang Group' to invest such a huge capital flow to stimulate the 'brokerage' sector is unlikely to be as simple as 'bull market expectations'. The logic is very uncertain, and the current large investor groups on and off the market do not have high recognition of the logic of 'bull market expectations'. Using this logic as the basis for core market making will not form a unified market force. of."

"What is that?" Wu Dayong was puzzled.

Liao Guanghua shook his head and said, "I don't know. We can only wait for further market reaction and further clarity on the news."

"Then... should we follow now?" Wu Dayong looked at the increase in the 'brokerage' sector index, which has now risen to about 8%, and asked, "Mr. Liao, what is the sentiment of the 'Yuhang Group' funds towards the market?" The influence, as well as the corresponding main line driving effect, are extraordinary. According to the concentrated buying volume of this stock in the 'brokerage' sector today, the afternoon's Dragon and Tiger list data shows that it is definitely on the list.

By then, market sentiment has intensified.

What if, after the market closes, there is a concentration of corresponding positive stimulus in the market news.

If we don't follow the trend at this time, we are afraid that it will be very difficult to follow up and get chips with appropriate costs. "

Liao Guanghua nodded slightly, agreeing with Wu Dayong's logic. He pondered for a while and said: "Following up some positions, although there is no clear news on the current internal news, but tomorrow, there will be another There is an internal central bank meeting, and I don’t know what news will come out.

Now that the funds of the ‘Yuhang Department’ have moved.

Moreover, according to the funds of the ‘Yuhang Department’, the past historical performance.

There is also the sensitivity of this capital to market conditions. At this time, we can only believe in its existence rather than its non-existence. We have no choice but to follow the trend of some positions. "

"Yes!" Wu Dayong nodded and quickly began to give instructions to the traders.

Liao Guanghua looked at the securities sector, which was still continuing to surge and fluctuate upwards, and sighed helplessly: "There must be many institutions that have the same psychological changes as us at this moment. The funds of the 'Yu Hang Group', today... it's really... He single-handedly turned the entire market around, and he really single-handedly made all institutional groups that lacked positions in the 'big financial' field helpless to follow suit and intervene."

When Wu Dayong heard Liao Guanghua's emotion, he felt a burst of sadness in his heart. He had to sigh: "Is this the influence of the top main funds in the market? It's really... amazing!"

Through intuitive disk experience.

Wu Dayong sensed that the ‘Yu Hang Group’ had hundreds of billions of capital in hand and had never failed.

Although it is not a 'national team', its influence on the entire A-share market has far exceeded that of the 'national team', and this... is an extremely terrifying and shocking thing.

The two of them were analyzing the board.

When predicting the main financial intentions of the brokerage sector, and even the basic logic of the brokerage riots.

At this moment, inside the regulatory authorities, there are magic cities, market exchanges, trading centers, and supervision departments.

As the director of the Supervision Department, Yang Guochang also made countless phone calls.

Some of these phone calls were from friends who were inquiring about information, and some were from leaders within the China Securities Regulatory Commission. They all had one purpose in calling.

That is to ask about the reason for the extreme riot among ‘brokerage firms’ today.

After all, the last time there was a full-scale riot on the main line of 'big finance' was when Guangda Securities made an own mistake.

That time, Guangda Securities borrowed the ETF channel and spent more than 10 billion in just a few minutes to pull the stocks of the four major banks, core insurance companies, and securities firms to the daily limit, causing extreme unrest in the market. Good influence, so... this time, after the extreme riots at the securities firms, the leaders within the China Securities Regulatory Commission also felt threatened after seeing the abnormal market trends, and asked the supervision department of the trading center if there were any changes that did not comply with market rules. Condition.

Then, when these people ask.

After learning that all market transactions were normal, the shock in my heart became even heavier.

After all, if it is a compliant transaction and someone is really using real money to push up the market, the results and the logic behind it will be shocking.

"'Yu Hang Group'..." As the director of the Supervision Department of the trading center, Yang Guochang could naturally see the composition of the funds that concentrated on buying securities firms' stocks. At this moment, he couldn't help but sigh, "As quiet as a virgin, as dynamic as a virgin. Lei Ting, with such tyrannical trading techniques and such incredible trading ability, is indeed the smartest and most legendary main fund in the market. It’s amazing, amazing.”

He knows that the current regulatory authorities and the entire China Securities Regulatory Commission are shouldering heavy responsibilities.

It shoulders the important task of guiding the market to bullish, making better use of the capital market to activate the macroeconomy, and stimulating the real economy.

Therefore, seeing that the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' can use real money on a large scale to move the market in a good direction at the most appropriate time, reducing the burden on their shoulders and reducing their work pressure, he naturally I was also very happy.

Except for him, of course.

Except for their Transaction Monitoring Department.

At this time, the Fund Management Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission also detected anomalies in the extreme buying of stocks by the "Yu Hang Group".

However, after everyone discovered that the purchase of the "Yu Hang Series" was in compliance with market regulations and there were no illegal operations, they were naturally shocked and pretended as if nothing had happened.

But as the market trading time goes by...

When the market trading time entered 11 o'clock, after the brokerage sector increased by more than 4%, the intraday amplitude was close to 10%, and the trend began to stabilize. In the case of intraday high fluctuations, it also rebounded in the deep V of the Shanghai Index. , when it recovered all the sharp losses in early trading and barely managed a red session.

Institutional groups both inside and outside the market are concerned about the main capital component of the 'brokerage' sector that was previously focused on the market.

There are more and more guesses.

When the market closed at noon, the brokerage sector led the market overall, closing at a 22% increase. The half-day turnover reached 9.5 billion. The Shanghai Stock Index turned red and rose, closing at a 79% increase.

During the lunch break.

Discussion on the logic of the riots in the brokerage sector, and discussion on the main capital components of the brokerage sector.

It becomes more and more intense.

At the same time, many people are also looking forward to the news at noon, which will contain major news about "securities" and even the main line of "big finance".

However, throughout the afternoon, the news was quiet.

There are different opinions, and there is no clear result in the discussion on the main financial components and motivations of the brokerage sector.

Finally, after everyone’s good expectations were disappointed.

In the afternoon, the market reopened, and the index gains of the brokerage sector began to gradually fall.

However, even if many funds that were not expected to be realized began to take profits in time and close when the gains were good, overall, after the emotional stimulation in the morning, the capital acceptance effect of the brokerage sector, and even the entire "big finance" main line, still performed relatively well. Good. At the same time, thanks to the huge shock of the two leading concept stocks of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' and 'Leiman Optoelectronics', the short-term speculation mood of the entire market, and the intensity of hot money following the trend, have also recovered relatively well.

And the combined force of these factors.

This also supported the index, and in the afternoon trend, it still maintained the trend of red plate shock.

Finally, at 3 p.m.

When the two markets closed, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index still closed in the red, with a gain of 52%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index also recovered all intraday losses, with gains of 42% and 39%.

In particular, the market A50 index rose by 89% today, leading the gains in the core indexes of the two cities.

As for the core main lines of major markets that have attracted much attention.

The industry sectors and concept sectors related to the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the hype surrounding concepts such as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', There are a number of turbulent concept sectors, as well as core stocks in these main areas and leading concept stocks.

Although most of the intraday losses were recovered, the overall trend was still weaker than the performance of the broader market index.

The performance of low-level main lines such as 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', and 'Nonferrous Cycle' is slightly better than that of 'Infrastructure', 'Military Industry' and other high-level main lines with the most drastic adjustments. They basically keep up with the index, but there is no performance. A relatively independent trend emerged, as well as traces of concentrated trading by the main funds.

‘Sports industry development’ and ‘sub-new stocks’ sectors.

Today, it managed an epic and extremely volatile trend, but in the end, it generally closed higher. Its related core concept stocks, as well as leading concept stocks, all closed sharply higher, significantly outperforming the index.

Among them, there are two checks, such as ‘Leiman Optoelectronics’ and ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’.

Even though the daily amplitude reached more than 15%, it still closed at the daily limit.

In particular, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' has completed the feat of 22 consecutive daily limit, further refreshing the height of the market's capital relay speculation, and further stimulating the market's hype sentiment, as well as the high-level undertaking of hot money from all walks of life. Willingness directly opens up the risk awareness of the entire market in short-term speculation.

It gives the market a further upward attack and provides an emotional basis in disguise.

At the same time, the extreme profit-making effect of individual stocks continues to stimulate potential investor groups outside the market, and they are as bold as ever in their willingness to enter the market.

As for the ‘brokerage’ sector that saved the entire market today.

Under the extremely high level of attention, the transaction volume of the sector has also reached a new high for the year, and even a new high in recent years.

Finally, it closed at a 98% increase in the market.

This market increase, compared with the increase at the highest intraday point of the brokerage sector, although it has fallen back, it has not fallen back much, and it still maintains a relatively strong profit-making effect of the sector.

Moreover, there are stocks within the entire brokerage sector.

A total of 5 brokerage stocks have hit the daily limit today, especially large-cap brokerage stocks such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, and Huatong Securities', which have completely broken out of the trend of heavy volume reversal at the bottom, and their closing gains have all increased. It exceeded the increase in the sector index and reached more than 5%.

Among them, the check from Huashang Securities almost hit the daily limit during the session.

There is also the "Huaxin Securities" check. The daily transaction volume reached 2.9 billion, setting a new high for individual stock transactions in the recent market.

After the market closes...

Everyone discusses today’s market trends and the overall changes in the ‘brokerage’ sector.

It became more and more intense.

Among them, many major financial institutions with internal network information have begun to receive news that the main funds that focus on the 'brokerage' sector during the day are the 'Yu Hang Group'.

Of course, although the news about the "Yu Hang Group" focusing on the brokerage sector and large-scale building of positions and increasing positions in "big finance" continues to ferment in the market.

But without seeing the real disclosure of the market’s dragon and tiger ranking data.

Everyone is still skeptical.

But when 5:30 pm arrived, the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced.

Everyone has seen that on the buying seats of several securities stocks on the list, such as Guangda Securities, Western Securities, Orient Securities, and Pacific Securities, there are also the seats of "Fortune Road" and the seats of two institutions related to "Fortune Road". Then An extremely shocking emotion that reaches deep into your heart.

In an instant, it swept the entire domestic financial circle crazily.

No one thought that ‘Wealth Road’ would suddenly appear after being invisible for several months, and it would actually be in securities and stocks.

No one thought that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' would once again sweep the buying seats in the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities under such extreme market fluctuations. (End of chapter)

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