Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 666: Unsteady chip selling!

Among them, there are several core popular stocks that have attracted a lot of attention.

‘Blue Stone Reload’ opened 37% higher, almost approaching the 25th intraday height space position set last week.

‘Western Securities’ opened more than 5% higher, with more than 4,300 initial matching orders on the market, and the stock price once again hit a new yearly high.

‘Flush’ opened high, with 30,000 orders closed.

‘Huaxin Securities’ opened higher at 75%, and the initial matching orders on the market were close to 8,700 lots. The buying orders chasing the highs are still very strong.

In addition to these popular stocks, the performance of the major core main lines of the market.

In the main line of 'big finance', the securities sector and the Internet finance sector continued to lead the industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities in the initial stage of collective bidding. Subsequently, the film and television media sector, Internet software, and Internet application sectors in the main line of 'technology growth' ranked second. The securities sector and the Internet financial sector also performed quite strongly after their gains.

After that, main-line related sectors such as infrastructure, military industry, large consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, electric power...

It basically opened slightly higher. At the beginning of the collective bidding in the two cities, it did not show that the main financial groups were paying too much attention and concentrated on raising funds.

"The two cities are opening higher across the board again."

At 9:16, in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan saw the hot initial call auction effect in the market and said with emotion: "The recent trend of the market is really strong. Regardless of whether the news is good or not, second When the market opens, bullish sentiment will inevitably rise, and it has opened higher for the fifth day in a row!"

"The current market has formed consistent expectations for a bull market." Xu Xiang sat next to him and said with a smile, "It is not surprising to have such a market trend."

"I'm just afraid that going too far is not enough." Zhou Kan said.

Xu Xiang responded: "As long as the volume can still sustain it, and there is room for continued upward expansion, and as long as the financial groups outside the market continue to enter the market to do more, then the market will continue to be short squeezed. In fact, There are no problems, don’t worry too much.”

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan nodded and said, "Looking at the trend of the market, I feel that the current line of 'technological growth' has already turned around. In the past two days, 'Film and Television Media' , 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications' are all doing very well, not to mention the 'Internet finance' sector. In a sense, in fact, the 'Internet finance' sector also belongs to It's in the main line of 'technological growth'!

I just don’t know…

As the market of the securities sector extends, the market of the entire "big finance" main line also extends.

Based on the current volume performance of the market, can it support the breakthrough of the two main lines of 'big finance' and 'technological growth', so that the line of 'technological growth' can also break out of the main line of 'big finance', or be like 'military industry' before? , 'infrastructure' are the two main lines of this trend. "

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said: "Judging from the market's financial attention and the intensity of various funds following suit, the main line of 'technological growth' is indeed picking up, but if you look closely, you will find that funds are in this area. The consistency of expectations and funding in the field are still obviously insufficient.

The line of ‘technological growth’ has rebounded across the board in the past two days.

It was mainly driven by the expected reversal of the stock 'LeTV' and the fundamental changes brought about by Mr. Jia's return.

Just look at the line of ‘technological growth’, the sector areas with core changes, and core stocks.

In the past few days, the core main line has seen frequent changes and strong trending component stocks, mainly concentrated in the three major industry sectors of 'film and television media', 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications'.

These three major industry sectors are basically closely related to the "LeTV" check and a number of core concept stocks in the "Internet Finance" sector.

Others such as 'electronic information', '5G concept', 'Apple concept', 'mobile games', and 'semiconductor concept' are all core concept sectors that belong to the main line of 'technology growth', but their trends do not highlight a complete breakthrough. situation, and there is no trace of the main funds’ successive massive fundraising attacks.

In particular, the ‘small and medium-sized board’ index is strongly related to the main line of ‘technological growth’.

Recently, the small and medium-sized board index has seriously underperformed the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 index, and the performance of the small and medium-sized board index and the A50 index is very different. Sometimes the intraday scissor difference can increase by more than 2%.

Looking at these factors…

At present, we can only explain the line of 'technological growth'. It cannot be said that the future expected logic and stock price trends of some strong industry sectors, or corresponding strong core component stocks, are changing from rebound to reversal. The entire main line has such reversal traces.

Taken together, this is the current market performance of the main line of ‘technological growth’.

and foreseeable short- and medium-term market performance.

It will definitely still be significantly weaker than the core main line of the market, ‘big finance’.

Even within the main line of 'Technology Growth', those core component stocks that have shown some reversal signals, such as 'LeTV, Internet Speed ​​Technology, Enlight Media, Inspur Information, Huaguo Software...' and other stocks, have also shown The core industry sectors of the reversal signal, such as 'film and television media, Internet software, Internet applications' and other industry sectors, may not be able to compare with the market trends in the short and medium term, which are highly focused and paid attention to by market investors.' Big Finance's main line of popular core stock trends.

In other words, at this time, the main line of ‘technological growth’ is here.

Still in the trading time cycle on the left.

At this time, since our main positions are already on the line of 'big finance', there is no need to rush to change the trading strategy and actively place orders in the main line of 'technological growth'.

Of course, necessary attention is still necessary.

After all, even if the current chip structure of the main line of 'technological growth' has not been fully adjusted, and the reversal of the entire line has not yet come out, the future expectations for this main line are still there. While the winds from the two major investment outlets of the mobile Internet and the smartphone industry chain are still blowing fiercely as they continue to strengthen, the reversal of this major line and the obvious main upward trend will happen sooner or later under the bull market pattern.

It is very likely that on the line of 'big finance', some positive expectations will begin to be fulfilled, and the stock price will be temporarily speculated to a high platform with huge differences between long and short.

Many active financial groups in the market will further move from high to low.

Continuing like last year, we may continue to speculate on the two major concepts of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain".

Generally speaking, it is okay to pay attention at this time, but there is no need to radically adjust positions. "

After hearing Xu Xiang's analysis, Zhou Kan pondered for a while and finally had a full understanding of the market changes in the 'technological growth' line. He responded with a smile: "The best investment direction in the current market is , the direction of 'Big Finance' is definitely the best. I also have some logical doubts about the strong rebound of the 'Technology Growth' line in recent days... But now that I heard the boss's analysis, it is logically clear. a lot of."

Following the brief exchange between the two, they also analyzed the market conditions and disk.

Unknowingly, the market trading time has quickly entered 9:20, entering the real call auction phase where orders cannot be canceled.

I saw only five minutes of initial collective bidding.

At 9:19, after many false orders were withdrawn, the market pattern of the two cities showed basically no big change from that at 9:15.

Of course, although there are no major changes in the high opening range of many stocks, as well as the high opening range of various industry sectors and concept sectors, the changes are drastic in the matching orders of individual stocks. At this moment, many stocks are on the market. The displayed volume of orders to be matched is several times that of 9:15, and is further expanding as market trading time goes by.

Such a rapidly expanding amount of matching and trading orders can be achieved.

On the one hand, it can illustrate the ample liquidity of the market and the tough attitude and enthusiasm for accepting orders.

At the same time, on the other hand, it can actually be explained that as many popular core stocks have surged one after another, when the stock prices have reached short- and medium-term highs, especially some vague good expectations, they have not been clearly realized, or the expectations can be clearly understood. In this case, the divergence on the market is also increasing simultaneously.

At 9:21, the stock price of Flush, which was originally closed to the daily limit and formed the initial opening of the straight board, began to gradually decline from the daily limit. At the same time, the orders to be matched on the market also expanded rapidly step by step as the stock price fluctuated and fell. , increased to more than 50,000 lots.

At 9:22, the stock price of 'Western Securities' fell back to around 8%. At the same time, the stock price of 'Huaxin Securities' also fell back to around 5%. In addition, the stock price of the two stocks fell back. The number of matching transaction orders is still increasing rapidly.

At 9:23, the stock price of Flush fell back to about 7% and began to fluctuate back and forth. At the same time, on the market, there were plans to match the transaction orders, which further expanded.

At 9:24, the stock price of the "big monster stock" "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" also gradually fell back, and the transaction order to be matched was more than three times larger than at 9:15.

At the same moment, the stock prices of these popular stocks that have attracted great market attention fell back one after another.

Throughout the two cities, a number of core concept stocks that hit the daily limit yesterday, as well as core component stocks of major main lines, and even the corresponding sector indexes also fell one after another.

And in the last ten seconds before 9:25.

The number of trading orders for various popular stocks on the market has been further amplified. The number of red market stocks in the two cities has dropped from more than 1,800 at 9:15 to more than 1,500. It was originally hot at the beginning of the call auction. The market's extreme speculation and rush to raise funds have obviously declined.

Finally, when 9:25 arrived, the two cities ended the collective bidding.

I saw that the Shanghai Stock Index finally settled at a 43% increase, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index opened higher at around 35%, while the A50 Index opened higher by close to 1%, which is still much stronger than other core indexes in the market. On the contrary, the relatively weak small and medium-sized board index is almost flat.

Among them, nearly 2,000 stocks participated in transactions in the two cities.

At this moment, most of the stocks that are opening flat, or opening slightly lower, are fringe concept stocks in small and medium caps.

In addition to index performance, the two cities’ popular main lines are also in focus.

The main areas of 'big finance', the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, still maintain a sustained strong state, leading the market industry sector and concept sector. One opened higher by 05%, and the other opened higher by 93%. Basically, they all outperformed by a large margin. The shape of market indexes.

Of course, compare the securities sector and the Internet financial sector.

The insurance and banking sectors, which both belong to the main line of "big finance", are obviously not so strong.

The opening range of these two major sectors was only slightly stronger than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. One opened 49% higher and the other opened 52% higher.

In the main line of 'technological growth', the main funding force is still centered on the three major industry sectors of 'film and television media, Internet software, and Internet applications' that have obviously made money in this field yesterday, and the three major industry sectors are The increase was second only to the securities sector.

Among them, the 'film and television media' sector performed particularly well, with a high opening range, reaching 91%.

As for other main areas such as ‘big consumption’, ‘non-ferrous cycle’, ‘petrochemical industry’, ‘infrastructure’, ‘military industry’, ‘pharmaceutical business’… etc.

Except for the "military industry", which is under the influence of the "big demon stock" of "Bluestone Heavy Equipment", it has opened higher.

It opened higher at 63%, forming a significant strong opening trend.

The remaining major main lines, as well as their associated industry sectors and concept sectors, basically fluctuate with the index. There is no independent trend, and there is no sign of a major financial group concentrating on taking over the main attack.

Overall, this opening situation of the market is good.

Compared with the extremely hot emotional reaction before the market opening or at the beginning of the call auction, it is a bit lower than everyone expected.

Originally, before the market opened or at the beginning of the call auction, everyone expected the Shanghai Stock Index to at least open higher than 1%. At the same time, the securities sector and the Internet financial sector were the two major market investors that paid the most attention. The sector index with the most active main funding groups in the country can at least open higher in the 5% to 2% increase range.


Judging from the final market opening results, all these expectations were disappointed.

Such market call auction trend performance, although everyone expected to be slightly disappointed, also shows that the index has been rising sharply for many consecutive days, especially in the securities and Internet financial sectors. In the case of rising prices, at this position, the desire of profit-making funds to sell and take profits, as well as the selling funds lurking inside, as well as the accumulated history of holding the market, these potential short forces have become unbearable, and they have begun to sell their hands. The chips suppressed the market and moved on.

In other words, the market has recently reached this position and has begun to experience strong upward pressure.

The long-short divergence has become serious again.

"Today's collective bidding volume can be expressed. Compared with yesterday, it has expanded a lot. At the same time, today's entire collective bidding process, the performance of long and short, is also the opposite of yesterday." At 9:26, Yu Hang, Yu Hang Inside the investment company, in the main fund trading room, after observing the overall market call auction results and the opening performance of the corresponding popular stocks, Li Meng tilted his head and smiled at Su Yu, "The gradually weakening call auction situation is obviously a little bit... The lower-than-expected opening result indicates that at this position, the market's long-short differences are increasing.

It seems that the market has officially opened and entered the continuous bidding trading session.

At least within 10 minutes after the market opens, the two markets will endure a wave of relatively violent selling.

At the same time, many high-priced stocks today may fluctuate even more. Maybe the market's volume performance will be more intense than yesterday. "

"This is normal." Su Yu took over and said, "The range of 3,000 to 3,200 points for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is a historically heavy hold-up area, and the index has never reached an area in the past few years. Even if the bull market expectations are increasing, There are many investors who believe that the market has entered a bull market stage, but the selling pressure is still very high.

There is also the drive of human nature.

For the majority of retail investors, it is difficult not to sell the chips that have been trapped for several years once the trap is released.

There are also short-term retail investors who have intervened in the past few days. After holding a certain amount of profits, they see the index falling under pressure and it is difficult to resist selling without profit.

Therefore, from the perspective of the overall chip structure, it is completely understandable that the index encounters long and short differences here.

In fact, getting rid of part of the profit margin and part of the unstable position chips here is a good thing for the subsequent sustainable development of the market.

The bull market pattern of the market has been established, and large amounts of incremental funds on the sidelines are still rushing to enter the market.

Even if there are violent fluctuations on the market, it will not affect the progress of the trend.

Let's... just hold positions calmly and watch the show slowly. At this time... staying still is the best trading strategy and investment strategy. "

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded, "As long as the volume is still growing, nothing is a problem. Moreover, even if the index is under pressure at the beginning of the market, it is estimated that it will be difficult to fall to the bottom with strong buying. .”

The two of them had a brief discussion.

Soon, 9:30 arrived, and the two cities entered the official trading period of continuous bidding.

I saw that the two markets, which had temporarily stagnated, had just begun to beat.

After just five minutes of emotional brewing, just as Li Meng and Su Yu expected...

A large number of funds holding shares on the market sold off at the beginning of the market after noticing that the opening was lower than expected and many stocks had long and short differences due to heavy volume and sluggish growth.

Almost instantly.

The top five core popular stocks with the most attention in the market, Bluestone Heavy Equipment, Western Securities, Flush, Huaxin Securities, and Hengsheng Electronics all experienced rapid explosions and flash falls.

Especially the check for ‘Blue Stone Reload’.

In one fell swoop, the market opened sharply higher and plummeted to near the flat price. Within one minute, it swallowed up all the gains from the higher opening.

And under the performance of these core popular stocks, all of them have exploded in volume and plunged.

Core popular stocks and weighted component stocks in the main line of 'Technology Growth'; popular concept stocks in the 'Big Consumption' and 'Nonferrous Cycle' fields; popular concept stocks in the 'Military Industry' and 'Infrastructure' fields; and 'Second New Stocks', ' Concept stocks in various straight-line popular concept fields such as "Sports Industry Development'".

Suddenly, extremely violent diving trends also ushered in.

Countless capital groups with unstable positions sold at the beginning of the market.

Moreover, due to the concentrated selling of these funds, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index all fell sharply within one or two minutes of the opening of the market, recouping the gains from higher openings. Among them, the ChiNext Index fell in an instant. In the meantime, lightning entered the water, and the price changed from a rising state to a slight falling state.

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