Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 667: Profit-taking selling pressure!

"Suddenly, why are there such big differences on the board?"

Seeing the rapid plunge of the two cities, and the continued increase in volume, at 9:35, Yuhang, Yinhua Public Fund Company, 'Value Investment Mixed Selection' fund product trading room, fund manager Zhou Yang visibly frowned: "Is it possible that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index Do you still want to go back to the 3,000-point support level?”

"It's possible to reverse the pressure." Zhu Peng, the trading team leader and assistant to the fund manager, stared at the market and responded, "The market has surged for many days in a row, and its short-term profit taking in the short term is still very heavy. Once this position is reached, There is a divergence between the long and short forces on the market, and the index will most likely fall back."

"Hey..." Zhou Yang sighed helplessly, "It seems that our timing of adjusting positions and changing the main line is still too aggressive!"

Just yesterday, the two people were responsible for the "Value Investment Mixed Selection" fund product.

The large-scale transfer of positions just now has increased the main line of "big finance", especially the core stock chips in the securities sector and the Internet finance sector.

Its institutional seats were on the Dragon and Tiger list of two stocks, Huaxin Securities and Hengsheng Electronics, yesterday.

There is their Yinhua Public Fund.

Unexpectedly, after the position adjustment was completed, the market would likely encounter a retracement.

Zhu Peng thought for a while, then took over the words and said: "As long as our position adjustment is in the right direction, the market situation will still develop around the main line of 'big finance', and the future expectations and fundamentals of the securities and Internet finance sectors have not changed." If there are any unusual changes, then I think there is no problem with our position adjustment strategy.

Short-term market adjustments are certainly inevitable.

However, it is obviously foreseeable that even after the index falls back to 3,000 points, with the help of the current hot market sentiment and the interpretation of market confidence, it will definitely rise again soon, recover the decline again, and hit a new annual high. and this round of rebound to new highs.

At most, we can only bear the short-term retracement that may occur in fund products at this stage.

Moreover, isn’t there a saying that ‘in the bull market stage, all corrections are high-quality buying points that cannot be missed’?

Although most of our fund's current positions have been transferred to the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance, if there is a clear retracement of the market in the future, then we can still continue to buy at dips to further increase the growth of securities and Internet finance. The bargaining chip of the sector will lower the cost of opening a position.

So I think……

Although our choice to increase fund positions is relatively radical, we still have the initiative in the market. "

Zhou Yang felt a little better after hearing Zhu Peng's analysis and said, "I hope it's as you said!"

After a brief exchange, the two turned their attention back to the trading boards of the two cities.

I saw that at this time, the time had slipped to around 9:40. The major indexes of Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index were rapidly diving, swallowing up all the gains from the higher opening. After hitting the intraday low, they had gradually stabilized at this moment, and then It began to slowly rebound.

And the major core popular main lines in the market...

The securities sector fluctuated sharply. The share prices of corresponding core stocks, such as Huaxin Securities, Western Securities, Orient Securities, etc., fluctuated near the opening price. Although the long-short gap was still huge, selling was no longer able to suppress active buyers. The stock price dropped further.

The Internet financial sector, at this moment, is even more volatile and rebounding. The corresponding core stocks, such as Huashun, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Yinjie Technology and other stocks, have been taken over by countless companies after a sharp plunge at the beginning of the market. The buying orders have pushed up to above the opening price again, and are about to reach a new intraday high.

The film and television media sector, at this moment, is also following the rebound of the Internet financial sector. Corresponding core stocks, such as 'LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Enlight Media, Huace Film and Television, Guangdong Media...' and other stocks have also recovered. The price dropped sharply in the first few minutes of the trading session.

As for other main areas such as ‘big consumption’, ‘non-ferrous cycle’, ‘petrochemical industry’… etc.

Basically, it fluctuates with the market, and there is still no relatively independent trend, nor does it show a strong state that the main funds are focused on.

‘Infrastructure’, ‘military industry’ and other early popular mainline sectors.

As 'Blue Stone Reload' plunged at the opening, and within these 10 minutes, it was still unable to rise higher to recover the impact of the intraday plunge, and the trend was obviously weaker than the broader market.

It has become a clear drag on the market index and the weak leading main line sector that drags down the market conditions of the two cities.

"Today's market trend is much weaker than yesterday!"

Seeing that even if the market rebounds after a plunge, several core and popular mainline sectors are no longer able to attack as strongly as they did yesterday and lead the market to a breakthrough. At this moment, people gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform and on the online stock investment discussion platform. Among the retail investor group, some people expressed emotion.

"The volume performance is similar to the same time period yesterday, but the strength of the market performance is far behind."

"The differences between long and short are not small. I feel that today's index... it should be difficult to make room for it, right?"

"The check for 'Blue Stone Reload' hit the daily limit yesterday. I thought it would be a dragon turning around today and continue to hit the daily limit and hit a record high. I didn't expect that after the market opened, it would bury people alive again."

“It’s really difficult for ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ to turn back and hit a new high.”

"Yes, on the day of the 'Blue Stone Reload' sky and floor last week, the intraday exchange rate was over 70%. You can imagine... how much money was buried on that day? If you want to turn back the contract and hit a new high, then We have to fully liberate the locked-up market on that day. More than 70% of the circulating orders have locked chips. Which main force will pick up the chips?"

"It's basically impossible for the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' to turn back what it was like that day."

"The main thing is that the 'Rongcheng Gang' structure is far inferior to Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' and other first-class hot money seats in the market. In fact, the current market sentiment is still very good. If 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' can reach new highs in one go, , has produced a hot money-making effect, and there will definitely be no shortage of funds to follow the trend in the market.”

"I agree. Looking at yesterday's Dragon and Tiger ranking data of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', the purchase proportion of 'Rongcheng Gang' is not high. It is mainly due to the combined force of the market."

"No matter what, if the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check cannot make room today, it is completely dead, and the subsequent trend will only become weaker and weaker."

"The key check has brought down the two major sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' today."

"The two major sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are already weak, right?"

"Sectors that have already surged in the early stage must be avoided. The two major sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are destined to follow the adjustment of the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' Path, look at the previous trend of the entire 'technological growth' main line. It has been adjusted since the end of last year and has not completely slowed down yet. I think the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are similar. At least within half a year, there will be no change. There will be a relatively large and continuous market.”

"The main line of 'big finance' is still safe. Even if the market trend weakens, it can maintain a strong and volatile pattern."

"'Big Finance' is still the core of the market, there is no doubt about it."

"The line of 'big finance' is the relative position in the short term, which is a bit high."

"'The strong will always be strong'! Can the position of the core main line not be high? As long as the main financial groups in the market continue to flow into the main line area of ​​'big finance', I think we can continue to buy."

"When buying stocks, you can't just look at the stock price position. You have to follow the main funds. As long as the main funds continue to take over, I think no matter how high the position is, you can buy it, and whether the stock price is high or low. Low, the most fundamental measurement standard is based on future expectations. As long as future expectations are strong and the motivation for performance growth is strong, and the market valuation is lower than the expected performance growth rate, it is absolutely underestimated."

"According to this standard, the current core stocks in the main line of 'big finance' should still be completely undervalued, right?"

"It must be completely underestimated. The performance of securities stocks this year has definitely skyrocketed. Let's look at the current PE valuations of various securities stocks. Most of them are still in the range of more than ten times. This is true against the expected performance growth rate of these stocks this year. It is still the main line area with the lowest valuation in the market.”

"Anyway, in short... it will be difficult for the stock price to fall before the securities sector index doubles."

"Even if there is a short-term adjustment, what are you afraid of? This is a bull market!"

"Yes, it's already a bull market, and a pullback is a buying point."

"It's better to drop a wave, so that I can be at a lower position and add leverage, haha..."

"The Shanghai Stock Index will only fall back to 3,000 points at most. Anyway, I don't believe that the Shanghai Stock Index can fall below 3,000 points again."

"I agree. Also, Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' has heavily stocked up on the main line of 'big finance'. With Mr. Su as a guiding light, there is no need to panic at all."

"Why do I feel that although selling is fierce on the market, it is difficult for the index or individual stocks to fall?"

"The performance of market volume is obviously still on the rise. As the saying goes, 'where there is volume, there will be market'. I think even if the index adjusts, it will only be sideways at best. It is basically impossible to go back and fall again. You must know... etc. below There are still a lot of funds rushing to raise funds at low levels and funds waiting to enter the market outside the market. In addition, the main funds have already established large-scale positions at this position. The cost advantage of their main force does not exist at this position. If it is completely beaten out, I think the main holders will not let the market fall back again, causing more funds to enter the market at a low level."

"Never mind it, as long as the market's 'bull market expectations' are still deepening, just one word, buy!"

"Hey, the securities sector and the Internet financial sector have completely pulled up. Sure enough... let me just say, neither the core index nor its corresponding core stocks can fall at all."

"Awesome! It looks like... this 'flush' check is going to hit the daily limit!"

"There is a saying, if there are three, there are five, and if there are five, there are seven. I feel that 'Flush', the current concept leading stock in the 'Internet Finance' sector, can get out of the 7-game board, of course... The check from 'Western Securities' is not bad, but its circulation is relatively large."

"It seems that the securities and Internet finance sectors, which are the main lines of 'big finance', have to carry the flag!"

"Isn't that right? These two concept sections must carry the flag."

"Buy! If you don't pursue the position at this time, what are you waiting for?"

"Damn it, it's another big order with tens of thousands of orders. The funds received are so fierce. Many core stocks in the securities sector and Internet finance sector are changing at the moment!"

"Sure enough, 'the strong always remain strong'!"

"Sure enough, only by following Mr. Su can you have something to eat. The market trends of the two core sectors of securities and Internet finance are really strong, and they have completely bucked the trend and soared!"

"This is not called a big rise against the trend. The market trend of these two core sectors is the general trend of the market. In other words, the index is completely following these two sectors."

"Well, indeed, the index fluctuates completely with the market trends of these two sectors."

"The trend of the securities sector is really boundless. The check of 'Western Securities' has set a new intraday high. If this check reaches the daily limit again today, it will be 7 consecutive days."

"I have a full position with checks from 'Western Securities'. These days, it feels like a dream."

"What a strong bull market!"

"Haha, no matter where you buy it, it's hard to trap."

"Add positions, continue to increase positions and go long. It can be foreseen that as more and more funds enter the market, the core stock chips in the subsequent securities sector and Internet financial sector will become increasingly scarce, and the stock prices will become increasingly scarce. high."

“The ‘film and television media’ sector is also on the rise.”

"In the second half of this year, especially the National Day that just passed, the box office performance of the market is very good, and 'film and television media' can definitely make a move."

"The main reason is that the follow-up expectations of the 'LeTV' check have reversed, which has fully promoted the entire 'film and television media' sector."

"It's not just that. There are still many substantial benefits for the 'Film and Television Media' sector. The six ministries and commissions have jointly announced benefits. Isn't it currently in the process of fermentation?"

"Haha, that's it..."

"In short, the current market trend is completely different from the previous month or even before. At this time, we should not be pessimistic under any circumstances."

"Still pessimistic? At this time, we should be optimistic."

"Looking at how many new people have entered the forum in the past few days, you know that the market has just begun."

"Yes, the current bull market has just begun."

"3000 points is the starting point of the bull market!"

"3,000 points must be the starting point of the bull market. Looking at the market trend, even if there are differences now, adjustments are basically completed within the day."

"In a word, just buy it with your eyes closed."

"Yes, at this stage, even if you buy blindly with your eyes closed, you can still make money."

Amidst the intense discussions among the retail investors and the still very positive emotional reactions...

Unconsciously, the market has passed the first half hour of trading at the beginning of the market, and the core indexes of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and ChiNext Index, after half an hour of violent fluctuations, have all returned to the same level at this moment. It was close to the opening position, fully recovering the early plunge.

Among them, the securities sector index and the Internet financial sector index once again surged by more than 2%.

Its internal core stocks, which have attracted a lot of market attention, such as Western Securities, Flush, Oriental Securities, and Jinzheng Shares, have all increased by more than 5% during the day, all of which have set new intraday highs and annual new highs. Even 'Huaxin Securities', whose market capitalization is approaching 200 billion, saw its price increase fluctuate up to the 3% mark at this moment. Active buying on the market was as strong as ever after experiencing the relatively concentrated selling attack at the beginning of the market. .

As for the ‘film and television media’ sector, which also showed a strong rebound and outperformed the broader market index.

At this moment, the growth rate of its sector index has exceeded about 5%, and the core stocks within the sector, 'Huace Film and Television' and 'Ciwen Media', have been rising in a straight line, with explosive volume, upwards. It hit the daily limit and was completely sealed.

Thanks to the main gains in core popular sectors such as the securities sector, the Internet finance sector, and the film and television media sector.

Other popular sectors and conceptual sectors in the main areas were also encouraged. Following the trend, buying funds emerged one after another, suppressing the buying once again and driving up the corresponding sector indexes and corresponding core stocks. , bringing it back to the beginning of the session, or the rebound to a new high position.

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