Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 677: Bull market, this is a bull market!

With the attack of these main buying funds and the rise of the core main lines of the market such as 'big finance', 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', the core market indexes of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and GEM Index have also continued to rise. , especially the Shanghai Stock Index set a new yearly high within just a few minutes after the official opening. |.Read.COM, read chapters without errors|

"Continuous short squeeze trend!"

Seeing that there is still no obvious sign of a correction in either the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index or the core line of 'big finance', at this moment, in the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yu is located, many large hot money investors are staring at the market, and they are quite shocked in their hearts. The market trend is somewhat unexpected.

"The shape and volume of the market are simply ridiculously strong. There really is no opportunity to buy at a low level with the funds that should not be used up in front of you!"

“The less we give the short-sold funds in the past the opportunity to buy at low prices, the stronger the willingness of those financial groups who were short-sold in the early stage to chase highs and grab funds. After all, there are previous historical trends as a reference, and the short-sold capital groups will , everyone is worried that if you don’t buy it now, the cost of subsequent purchases will be higher!”

“According to the index’s shape, trend and volume performance, the main pressure level should be at 3,500 points, right?”

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is obviously heading towards 3,500 points."

"Well, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index are weaker. The ChiNext Index should first look at the high point hit last year. If it exceeds the high point hit last year, it is estimated that it can keep up with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index."

"Obviously, the core market and money-making effects are still on the main board."

"The GEM index basically follows the main line of 'technological growth'. Now it seems... the GEM index has not completely gotten rid of the adjustment trend. This also shows that at the current stage, the market trend of 'technological growth' is the core main line of the market. Expectation, still can’t have too high expectations.”

"There shouldn't be many people who currently have high expectations for the 'technological growth' line, right?"

"Although the trend of the entire market is still a trend of continuous short squeeze, the specific level of the market performance is still very clear."

"Yes, the strongest core line is still the core line of 'big finance'."

"The securities sector and the Internet finance sector are definitely the strongest hot sectors in the market. There is no doubt about this. It is also foreseeable that the obvious trend of these two core hot sectors is not over yet."

"Stocks in the securities sector are okay, but the core stocks in the Internet financial sector have obviously shrunk and are not easy to handle."

"In the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, it would be difficult to take on this position if there are no positions at all."

"Looking at the situation after the market opened, today's 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' trends are very strong!"

"These two early popular main lines, the buying volume of main funds after today's opening is indeed very strong, but... it shouldn't be the end of the adjustment, right?"

“It doesn’t look like there are signs of the end of the adjustment.”

"I don't think it's the case either. It's more like it's oversold and rebounded more."

"However, for the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are still a lot of positive news expected at the end of the year. It is estimated that even if it cannot continue to rise and resume the same trend as in the early stage, it should not fall too deep, right? Looking at today’s market, in these two main areas, the main funds are already actively taking over.”

"In fact, in the past one or two weeks, the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have not fallen much, but they have lagged behind the index by a lot. In total... the depth of adjustment is definitely not low. After all, under the current market conditions, going sideways means losing money.”

"Well, although the two core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are not the current core hot spots, after such a long period of adjustment, we really should not be pessimistic anymore."

"I see... the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are mostly trading sideways at high levels for the time being."

"It will definitely continue to fluctuate for a long time. After all, the internal chip structure of these two main lines, with the main line of 'big finance' constantly siphoning off the active funds in the market, has completely deteriorated in the past week or two. collapsed, even in this position, many major financial groups are beginning to be willing to take over the chips in these two main areas, but they still have to spend time to re-collect chips and consolidate the chip structure at this stage, and then... these two main lines may See new trends.”

“In general, even the main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, which are relatively weak compared to the entire market, should have passed the dangerous and huge adjustment stage.”

"On the whole, that's true, but in terms of individual stocks... the differentiation is quite large."

"The differences among individual stocks are indeed quite large. For example, checks like 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' will obviously continue to adjust downward, and most of them will adjust downward significantly."

"It is estimated that if the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' pick up again in the future, most of the leading stocks leading the rise will not be the same stocks as before."

"Well, the specific branch lines that should be focused on will change."

"However, if you are looking to do short-term business, it is better to temporarily avoid the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' sectors."

"If you follow short-term sentiment, the main line of 'big finance' must be safe. In fact, at this time, you can switch high and low in the main line of 'big finance'."

"There are already funds doing this. Didn't you see that 'Changliang Technology, Panda Financial Holdings, Huazhong Capital...' these low-level concept stocks of 'big finance' that are relatively backward in the past are all rising on the explosive side? What the hell? In the current market, there are really many smart financial groups!”

"The market turnover has exploded to almost 700 billion. There must be many smart financial groups!"

"In a bull market situation, there is basically no opportunity that has relatively high certainty and is ignored by the main funds."

"I followed the check from 'Hua Investment Capital' with 5 million chips. I hope there will be a good harvest today. I am optimistic about the main line area of ​​'big finance' and the strong compensatory growth of low-level concept stocks."

"I also followed millions of 'Everlasting Technology' chips."

"In fact, you can also try to do it in the direction of 'venture capital'. 'Big Finance' has skyrocketed like this. In the direction of venture capital, there should also be a need to make up for the increase. After all, IPO issuance is so fast now. The fundamentals of investment companies will also improve."

"Not only venture capital, but also stocks related to securities companies and banks. I feel like you can also speculate."

"Yes, if the main line of 'big finance' switches between high and low, funds will definitely speculate from high core weight financial stocks to financial concepts."

"Holy shit, who said 'venture capital'? In one minute, 'Dian Broadcasting Media' went straight up!"

"Xinhu Zhongbao and Lutou Group... are also making changes!"

"Follow me, it's obvious that the market is changing towards low-level concept stocks on the main line of 'big finance'."

"It feels like the market is rotating between 'high and low', and it's not just the core line of 'big finance'. Looking carefully... I found that in the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are also signs of 'high and low' rotation. For example, in the 'machinery equipment', 'high-speed rail', and 'public transportation' sectors that have not been speculated much in the early stage, it is obvious that active buying funds have surged in huge amounts, and related industry sector and concept sector indexes are also pulling in urgently!"

"The same goes for the main line of 'technological growth'. Today, the line of 'smartphone industry chain' is obviously stronger than the branch lines of 'Internet software', 'Internet applications' and 'film and television media'."

"There is also the automobile sector in the 'big consumption' field, which is also significantly stronger than the food and beverage and white goods sectors today."

"The same goes for the petrochemical and power equipment sectors. I feel that these sectors, which previously lagged behind the performance of the market index, have begun to make up for their gains strongly."

"This shows that the core market logic of the entire market today is the rotating trend of 'high and low switching'."

"Okay! Only by rotating can the market go further."

"Yes, rotation can keep the popularity going. After all, only when the market rotates can most investor groups in the market generally make money."

"This also shows that the main financial groups who are unwilling to temporarily pursue higher prices have begun to rush for low-priced stocks, raising the overall valuation level of the entire market!"

"More than that, it also shows that the investor group and investment risk appetite of the entire market are obviously improving."

"Don't look at the market trends of sectors and individual stocks, but look at the changes in the turnover of the entire market. During the same time period, today's market volume can change. Compared with yesterday, it is still increasing!"

"I'm really impressed by how much energy can change!"

"It is estimated that the turnover of the two cities today will touch the 700 billion mark."

"Not only the transaction volume is going to touch the 700 billion mark, but the balance of financing and financing is also going to touch the trillion-scale mark today."

"There is also the 'sub-new stocks' sector, everyone should pay attention to it. I think there is a big monster about to be born in the 'sub-new stocks'!"

“The check ‘Huake Dawn’ already shows a bit of demonic nature, right?”

"Indeed, this check had a transaction volume of several million yesterday. Today, it still only has a transaction volume of several hundred thousand. The shrinkage is serious. It is estimated that there is no third or fourth board behind it, so it will not be opened."

"Wuliang Yiban, how far has the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' gone in front?"

"'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' made 14 infinite straight-line boards, and then after the market opened, it took 11 intraday relay daily limit boards."

"It seems that the number of unlimited one-word boards of 'Huake Dawn' will exceed that of 'Blue Stone Reload'. This check... once the unlimited one-word boards are opened, there is a high probability that it will continue to be speculated by various funds."

"It's not a high probability, but it will definitely continue to be speculated by various funds."

"Yes, after all, institutions have rushed to raise funds early. This expected signal is not ordinary. What's more... in the early stage, there was a high degree of space and demonstration effect created by 'Blue Stone Reloading'. The current market attention and discussion heat of this check have already risen. Yes, once the infinite one-word board is opened, funds from all walks of life will definitely pour in, and the circulation of this check is actually not much larger than that of 'Blue Stone Reload', so it completely meets the conditions for continuous speculation."

"The concept and industry affiliation of the check of 'Huake Dawn' should belong to the main line of 'technological growth', right? It belongs to the 'Internet application' and 'Internet software' branch industry fields. The last 'Blue Stone Reinstallation' Continuous skyrocketing and extreme hype have obviously driven the 'military industry' sector forward. Do you think... this time, will 'Huake Dawn' also drive a number of Internet applications in the main line of 'technological growth'? Is Internet software going to take off?"

"This analysis direction is can try to lay it out."

"Hey, I think it is entirely possible that such a change will happen. I have already bought stocks such as 'Huaguo Software, Inspur Information, Inspur Software, and 2345', and I am just waiting for everyone to pick up the sedan in the future."

"Damn it, Changliang Technology has reached its daily limit?"

"'Huazhong Capital, Panda Financial Holdings, Xinhu Zhongbao, Luxin Venture Capital...' are all on the way to the daily limit. It seems that the trend of high-low switching within the main line of 'Big Finance' is not wrong."

"Damn it, once the logic of the market starts to become clear, the funds chasing are really like crazy."

"That's for sure. Don't forget, this is a bull market, a bull market..."

"Yes, the bull market..."

As the news in the group was refreshed rapidly, many large hot money investors quickly followed suit, attacked one after another, and intensely analyzed and discussed the market conditions of the two cities.

The market trading time has passed half an hour before I knew it, reaching ten o'clock in the morning.

I saw only half an hour of trading at the beginning of the session.

At this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index had once again risen to 13%, further setting a new intraday high and a new yearly high. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also rose by more than 1%.

There is no obvious difference in the trends of the three major market indexes today. They are all upward impacts of chasing each other.

In addition to the index, the performance of the two cities' core main lines, core concept sectors, and core popular stocks.

The securities sector and the Internet finance sector, which are the main lines of 'Big Finance', continue to lead the gains in the two markets. However, within these two popular sectors, stocks such as 'Western Securities and Flush' have continued to surge in front and have reached a certain height in space. The leading stocks are obviously in a state of high-level consolidation and shock today. Instead, they are low-level stocks such as 'Founder Securities, Huazhong Capital, Changliang Technology, Shanghai Steel Union...' that have not kept up with the growth of the sector. , a violent rise and skyrocketing pattern emerged with major funds following up on a large scale.

Other main areas include ‘infrastructure’, ‘military industry’, ‘technological growth’, ‘big consumption’, ‘petrochemical industry’, ‘power equipment’… etc.

Although the overall trend of these main lines and the index growth of related industry sectors and concept sectors are not as good as those in the 'big finance' field.

However, its overall rebound trend, especially the market rotation within the sector and the high-low switching trend, is not essentially different from the performance of the main line of "big finance".


After half an hour of trading at the beginning of the market.

The hierarchy of market conditions and the performance of individual stocks are still very clear and positive.

In this kind of market rotation and "high-low switching" situation changes, both overall and within the core main lines, the broad investor group who pays attention to the market or participates in market transactions, whether it is the investment mood of chasing or following the trend, The investment confidence in holding positions is still rising enthusiastically.

The entire network, major stock discussion platforms, investment communication platforms.

Large swaths of retail investors are showing off their profitable Hongtongtong account holding data, and through this irresistible showing off, they continue to encourage off-site investor groups, as well as potential investor groups, to continue to enter on-site trading. , prompting more OTC capital groups to flood into the market.

It is under this clear-cut and virtuous cycle of market trends.

The market volume is also rising steadily.

When the time reached 10:30, it was exactly one hour before the official opening of trading.

The total transaction volume of the two cities has soared to about 250 billion. Compared with the same period yesterday, the volume has continued to explode to more than 30 billion.

And under the continuous short squeeze situation in the market.

It is not just the retail investors on and off the market who are unable to suppress their desire to follow suit, increase their positions, and increase leverage.

Outside the market, within the core institutional groups, those large institutional groups that have always been relatively conservative, as well as many that have just launched new fund products, originally wanted to wait for the Shanghai Index to fall back to 3,000 points, or for the main line of 'big finance' to be relatively adjusted. Institutional groups that look for opportunities to increase their positions when they return to important support positions and moving averages can no longer restrain their inner urge to enter the market and increase their positions. They can't help but continue to invest huge amounts of funds in the market. The mid-to-high positions take over the chips.

"Boss, are we sure we want to continue to buy chips in the main line of 'big finance' at this position?" At 10:05, Fund Manager Deng Jialun frowned in Shanghai, Huatong Bank, Asset Management Self-operated Investment Department, Main Fund Trading Room After picking it up, he stared at Zheng Zhongming, the general manager of the asset management business department who motioned to him to use the newly established 20 billion main fund product to continue to increase his holdings of the main line chips of 'big finance' on a large scale, "Don't you want to wait any longer? This position... Chasing high is really passive!" (End of Chapter)

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