Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 678 A new group of investors gathered!

Zheng Zhongming, general manager of the asset management business department, sighed helplessly and said: "How could I not know that this position is chasing prices on a large scale and is very passive about our cost of building a position? But the entire market has formed a trend of continuous short squeeze. , especially the securities and Internet finance sectors in the main line areas of 'big finance'.

How much money have these two major sectors absorbed in the past one or two weeks?

Now that the bull market has taken shape, the market's investment sentiment, investment confidence, and investment risk appetite will only continue to rise.

Our current position weight in the main line of 'big finance' is still completely low.

If at this time, we do not chase high prices and undertake purchases to enrich our bargaining chips, the expectations of a 'bull market' will become stronger and stronger in the future, as more and more major financial institutions and investment funds from all over-the-counter parties continue to enter the market. , then it is obvious that the securities and Internet financial sectors, which are the core hot spots in the market and are also the pioneer sectors of the 'bull market', will definitely continue to be speculated by these newly added capital groups.

By then, there is a high probability that the core stocks in the securities and Internet financial sectors will have a higher position.

If we are not more decisive and pursue higher positions at this time, we may not have a suitable opportunity to intervene in the future, and the cost of holding new positions may also be higher.

On the contrary, we intervene at this time.

Even after the intervention, the subsequent securities and Internet financial sectors will usher in adjustments.

In the absence of fundamental changes in the form and logic of the 'bull market', we do not have the advantage of holding positions, and we will not be trapped for a long time.

Moreover, after entering a sufficient position at this time, even if it encounters subsequent adjustments.

We can still continue to cover positions at the relatively adjusted low level and increase the weight of positions in this direction.

Therefore, the current time to intervene in the two core popular sectors of securities and Internet finance, although in terms of trading rules, there is a slight suspicion of chasing highs, but from the long-term investment logic and investment strategy analysis, the direction of the transaction, Still no problem.


The line of 'big finance' is the early stage of the development of the 'bull market'!

If we don't get enough chips, we will easily be left behind by other major institutions in the market performance at this stage. "

Deng Jialun thought about it and felt that what Zheng Zhongming said made sense.

Indeed, the "bull market" pattern of the market has been very clear, and the trend shape and the layering of the main line market are very obvious.

It is far more appropriate to chase high prices and buy chips than to continue to wait and see with a short position.

After all, only when you have chips in hand can you participate in the market game. Moreover, at this time, their fund as a whole still maintains a position weight of less than 50%, which makes people laugh.

Of course, this is also when they suddenly broke out in the "Big Finance", and the Shanghai Stock Index quickly hit 3,000 points.

There was a sudden and violent short squeeze, but the right time to enter the market was never found.

But at this time, Deng Jialun knew that in the face of the core main line of the market, from the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' fields to the main line of 'big finance', and the continued short squeeze and rebound trend, if they still insisted on operating with low positions , especially if you insist on not increasing the chips in the main line of 'big finance', I am afraid that it will not be easy to explain to the company's top leaders.

"Okay!" After thinking for a moment, Deng Jialun nodded, agreed to Zheng Zhongming's proposal, and responded, "Then let's make overall adjustments to the infrastructure position at this position and increase our positions in securities and Internet financial sector stocks on a large scale. But... Mr. Zheng, does he have any opinions on the specific stocks we have added to our positions in these two core sectors?"

"What do you think?" Zheng Zhongming chuckled.

Regarding the specific selection of individual stock targets, Zheng Zhongming felt that it was not appropriate to interfere too much with Deng Jialun. He also felt that Deng Jialun should have sufficient independent judgment in this aspect.

Deng Jialun thought for a while and said: "The so-called 'the strong will always be strong', I think that the continuous short squeeze and rise of the securities sector and the Internet financial sector in the previous stage have actually selected the core leading targets for the market. We should follow the recent market trends." In the two weeks, in the main line of 'Big Finance', we will select the stocks with the highest concentration of funds, the best popularity, and the strongest trend patterns."

"But the performance of the stocks you mentioned after the opening today seems not to be very good?" Zheng Zhongming said, "Like 'Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Western Securities, Oriental Securities, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics... …'These votes all show an obvious adjustment trend, and the differences on the market today are not small."

Deng Jialun chuckled and said: "As the saying goes, 'buy when there is disagreement, sell when there is consensus', isn't the adjustment of core leading stocks exactly the buying point we are looking forward to?

As long as the market’s ‘bull market’ expectations continue to grow.

As long as the fundamental logical expectations of the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance continue to reverse, the volume of transactions in the two cities, as well as the new investor groups and investment funds entering the market, will continue to increase.

Then, the market prices of these core leading stocks will not be cut off.

And I can foresee that as a number of low-level component stocks and concept stocks within the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance have completed their compensatory gains and kept up with the trend of the sectors and indexes, then... a large amount has been cleared These core leading stocks for profit taking and settlement.

There is a high probability that new major funds will be taken over, and the market will probably rise further.

At this time, if we buy these leading stocks that have obvious differences in performance today and are not that strong, the risk should be far better than following up on the low-level concept stocks that have made up for their gains today. "

"'Buy on disagreement, sell on consensus', this saying... is somewhat interesting!" Zheng Zhongming chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

After speaking, Zheng Zhongming turned his head and continued to look at the market performance.

Then, after encouraging all the traders in the trading room, he turned around and left the main fund trading room.

After Zheng Zhongming left, Deng Jialun immediately issued instructions to the various trading groups in the main fund trading room to buy the leading stocks in the securities sector and the Internet financial sector.

With the influx of large amounts of follow-up funds from Huatong Bank’s proprietary investment department...

The originally well-defined market conditions could not help but change again. Stocks that were obviously divergent, such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Western Securities, Oriental Securities, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics...' were following the market. The high level of main buying funds is crazy.

As the trading time went by, it gradually turned into a consistent long and rising trend.

And driven by another surge in volume after these stocks briefly fluctuated, other core component stocks in the main areas of "infrastructure," "military industry," and "technological growth" have also been driven up.

This caused the Shanghai Stock Index to once again break through new intraday highs and new yearly highs at around 10:30.

It brought the intraday increase to 75%.

Similarly, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also rose simultaneously.

After that, wait until the market trading time passes 11 o'clock and enter the last half-hour trading session at noon.

The entire market has once again entered a general upward trend.

Finally, when 11:30 noon arrived and the two cities closed at noon, the Shanghai Stock Index almost reached the 2% intraday increase mark, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also closed with an increase of more than 5%. The entire two cities , the industry sector and the concept sector are all in the red, with almost 2,000 stocks, only less than 300 stocks are in decline, and the vast majority of the rest have risen.

Faced with the market explosion, the extreme money-making effect.

Especially in the face of this money-making effect, which has lasted for two full weeks.

The vast investor group inside and outside the market is full of desire to increase their positions and extreme long sentiment.

"Haha, is this a bull market? Sure enough... the money-making effect is really explosive!"

At a time when long sentiment and desire are overwhelming inside and outside the market, the mood of the vast retail investor groups gathered in the trading platform discussion area and on major stock discussion platforms is equally high.

"The bull market in 2006 and 2007 did not catch up, but this wave... finally caught up."

"This should be a historical bull market. After all, in the last bull market, when the Shanghai Stock Index was at 3,000 points, the market turnover was only about 150 billion to 200 billion. In this wave, the volume has exploded to close to 700 billion. Comparatively At the same position in a bull market, the volume exploded almost three times.”

"The explosion of energy is terrifying, but the number of stocks and the volume of circulation in the market today have significantly increased by at least double compared to that time!"

"But now the market has a killer weapon called Liangfong."

"Yes, financing is a powerful tool to help rise and fall. Now there are no doubts about the 'bull market' pattern of the market. Then, financing will definitely continue to skyrocket, and then further radically promote the market. I think this time …The time period for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to reach 5,000 points is definitely faster than the previous bull market.”

"There is also something called index futures later. It seems that these things also help the rise and fall, right?"

"In short, this round of market capital, with financing leverage, is obviously much more abundant than the previous bull market."

"That's for sure. I heard that the central bank will cut interest rates and lower reserve requirements in the future."

"I won't talk about the central bank's interest rate cuts and RRR cuts. This horoscope has not been mentioned yet, but the opening of the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' has only been a few days. After the opening of the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect', Southern Capital will undoubtedly Faced with a historic market trend like A-shares, there will definitely be a large-scale investment northward."

"Didn't the regulators say that? The opening of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will at least bring more than 100 billion in incremental funds to the A-share market."

"I think the incremental funding of 100 billion is definitely underestimated."

"I also think, hey... it seems that our A-shares are definitely going to siphon off the liquidity of Hong Kong stocks."

"Siphoning is good, I'm already full anyway, let's let the market storm come more violently, after all... I've been waiting for 7 years!"

“It feels like there are still a lot of good things to come at the end of the year!”

"It goes without saying that the expected benefits are much better, and there are definitely more unexpected ones."

"There is no doubt that the market will definitely surge in the two months at the end of the year."

"Most likely, this year will be the best two months at the end of the year in the history of A-shares, right?"

"And the last two months are probably the performance stage for the main line of 'big finance'. After all, the main line of 'big finance', damn... the follow-up benefits and expectations are really too strong."

"The market turnover is 700 billion, and the balance of financing and financing is in the trillions. I really want to see what the performance of securities companies is like in the last quarter."

"The operating data of securities companies, especially the operating data for October, should be available every two days, right?"

"Well, it can be predicted that basically, it should be doubled."

"I think the biggest performance explosion is probably in the 'Internet Finance' sector. This year, the current 'Internet Finance' sector is different from last year. This year, individual stocks in this sector have benefited from the outbreak of the bull market. It’s backed by solid performance.”

"The performance of Flush and Oriental Fortune will definitely explode."

"Yes, just recently, these two major trading software have added many new user groups. What's more, now is the window for the explosion of the mobile Internet."

“Let’s wait for the show at the end of the year!”

"However, the stock price trends of Flush and Oriental Fortune have been really strong recently."

"No, Flush has been on the rise for almost ten consecutive years, and there is almost no daily increase of less than 5%. It is simply ridiculously strong. The recent trend of Oriental Fortune, although the check of Flush is slightly worse than the same period last year, but Oriental Fortune The early adjustments of Fortune Check were not as drastic as Flush. For now, the overall valuation and stock price historical position of Oriental Fortune Check are far higher than Flush."

"Although both checks are core leaders in the Internet financial sector, in terms of flexibility, I think the Flush check is higher."

"No matter which check is more flexible? Take it all... there will be nothing wrong."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is already approaching 3,300 points. According to this rebound speed, there is a high probability that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will hit 4,000 points by the end of the year, right?"

"Yes, I am optimistic that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will reach 4,000 points by the end of the year."

"I am optimistic that the Shanghai Index will reach 10,000 points next year and surpass the Dow..."

"Haha, if it exceeds the Dow Jones Industrial Average, then the overall market value of our A-shares will probably have to go straight to the US stock market."

"Shouldn't it be like this? In the past seven years, the market has been suppressed too hard. This day... should have come long ago, and there should be a big bull market long ago."

"Yes, at this time, we should be optimistic. At this time, if we still sing empty words, we are really uneasy and kind."

"My boss heard that I was speculating in stocks and started asking for my opinion and was ready to invest money in the market. However, my boss didn't know anything about stocks at all..."

"So what if you don't know anything about it? Do you need any skills to buy stocks? How can you make money if you don't buy stocks these days?"

"Yes, you said something about losses before, and you also said that stock trading is difficult, but I didn't feel it. I have only been in the market for 3 days, and the results are all profits. Now I have made 12 points."

"Why do I feel like I can make money by buying with my eyes closed?"

"I also bought blindly, but I didn't expect... I even hit the daily limit. When I asked my colleagues before, they all said that the stock market is a scourge and advised not to touch it, but now... I think they are all liars, what the hell... It’s not too easy to make money, you’ve earned me a month’s salary in just a few days.”

"I am also a novice. Does this market have welfare bonuses and luck bonuses for novices?"

"I also feel that stock trading is not that complicated!"

"I brought my friend in, and he has made almost 10 points recently. I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel that everyone seems to have a deep prejudice against the stock market."

Among the posts that continue to refresh in the discussion areas of major stock discussion platforms and trading platforms.

In the intense and high-pitched discussions among tens of millions of online retail investment groups.

At this stage, it is obvious that many newly registered or recently registered retail investors are speaking more and more actively, and in the entire field of online stock discussion platforms, there are more and more posts about the experience of such novice stock traders. The hotter.

It is different from the deserted situation of major stock discussion platforms half a year ago.

At this time, no matter which stock discussion platform it is, its popularity is booming.

And under this fiery emotional interpretation, there are more and more retail investors placing orders on the Internet, and there are also more and more novice investors attracted outside the market.

In this intense and exciting discussion among retail investors.

The one-and-a-half-hour break at lunch passed by in a blink of an eye.

Even during this one-and-a-half-hour break, no clear good news emerged on the macro news. However, driven by high investment sentiment and investment confidence, countless people were attracted by the market's continuous profit-making effect, attracting new investors. increased attention from the investor community.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the market's two markets had just started to beat.

Nearly all market stocks, assisted by extreme emotions and the incremental funds that followed the trend, continued to surge in volume, further opening up the market's height space, condensing a stronger market profit-making effect, and at the same time forcing The short trend has been interpreted to the extreme.

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