Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 679 The index of continuous sun breakthroughs!

Chapter 680 The index of continuous sunny breakthroughs!

1:01, only one minute left to open.

Under the extreme active buying pursuit, the stock of 'Flush' once again flashed upward and hit the daily limit.

At 1:02, the index growth of the entire securities sector and the Internet financial sector once again exceeded the 4% intraday increase mark.

At the same time, in the main areas of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

‘Mechanical equipment’, ‘high-speed rail’, ‘communication technology’ and other sectors have also risen to the top of the conceptual sector growth lists in the two cities, showing an extremely strong compensatory growth trend.

At 1:05, funds overflowing from the main line of ‘big finance’ began to focus on the ‘big consumption’ sector.

At 1:10, the Shanghai Stock Index's intraday increase stood at the 2% mark. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index's intraday increase reached more than 8%. The daily turnover of the two cities was close to 400 billion.

At 1:20, the popular stock "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" launched a major counterattack, and its stock price quickly turned red from deep water.

At 1:30, on the GEM, a stock named 'Langma Information' hit the daily limit, with the stock price reaching 29 yuan, approaching the price of 'Qianzhou Moutai', and it is likely to challenge the highest stock price of 'Qianzhou Moutai' in the market. Meaning, and at the same time, the GEM index rose above the 2% mark and continued to refresh the intraday high.

At 1:40, there was a riot in the Internet software and Internet application sectors. Stocks such as Internet Speed ​​Technology, 2345, Inspur Information, Inspur Software, Huaguo Software, etc., led the rise.

At 1:50, the stock of Oriental Fortune hit the daily limit.

At 1:51, the stock price of "Oriental Fortune" sealed its daily limit, once again hitting a new intraday high and a record high since its listing. At the same time, its market value returned to the top position on the GEM.

At 2:01, the intraday turnover of 'Huaxin Securities' reached around 8.5 billion, and the intraday increase once again reached around 4%. It also continued to hit a new yearly high. At the same time, the intraday turnover of the entire securities sector also increased at this time. It set a new high in transaction volume during the same period, approaching 78 billion.

At 2:10, the popular core stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', after rapidly rising from the depths of the water, continued to rise rapidly, rising by more than 5%, showing signs of hitting the daily limit. At the same time, in 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' When this check surged sharply and skyrocketed, the 'sub-new stocks' sector and the 'military industry' sector were also instantly driven. A number of near-end sub-new stocks, as well as stocks such as 'Hongdu Aviation, Aerospace Development, China Airlines Heavy Machinery' Other stocks followed the riots, and their stock prices skyrocketed, quickly recovering the losses from the previous correction.

At 2:20, in the fields of 'high-speed rail' and 'machinery equipment', there was a large-scale attack on core stocks by buying funds, such as Sany Heavy Industry, XCMG Machinery, Hualian Heavy Industry, Dchain Heavy Industry, Liugong Machinery, Huaguo Machinery, etc. The stock prices of stocks such as China Southern Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, and China Railway Construction Corporation have surged higher.

2:30, when the time enters the last half hour of the last session.

The Shanghai Stock Index rose close to the 5% mark during the day, and all industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities broke out across the board, with no one falling.

At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index rose by more than 2% during the day.

The overall transaction volume performance of the two cities has continued to hit new highs during the same period. At this moment, it has reached a volume of about 650 billion.

At 2:40, the previously weak 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Northeast Revitalization', and 'Yangtze River Delta Conceptual main areas such as the Economic Zone' and the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone have once again welcomed a large number of major funds to buy the bottom and go long. The corresponding concept stocks and core leading stocks have rebounded sharply across the board.

At 2:50, a large number of low and marginal stocks in the market began to make up for their gains.

Even the 'ST sector', which had poor fundamentals and received little attention from major funds, and the 'restructuring and backdoor' concept sector, also experienced rapid gains at this time.

Then, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing moment.

I saw that the Shanghai index was at 97 points, infinitely approaching the 3300 point mark, up 62%, closing the big positive line with almost bare heads and bare feet; the closing intraday gains of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index, although significantly lower than the Shanghai Index, were also They received gains of 21% and 16% respectively.

Moreover, the overall transaction volume of the two cities officially exceeded 700 billion today, reaching 7.6 billion.

At the same time, the most powerful A50 index also rose by more than 3% today, continuing to hit new highs this year, and has recovered the cumulative adjustment decline in the previous two years.

In addition to the index, the core main line of the market and the main concept line.

The securities sector and the Internet finance sector in the main line of 'big finance' still led the gains. The two major sectors rose by 95% and 11% respectively. The main line of 'big finance' has reached this point. The more it goes up, the more space it opens up. Internet finance The elasticity of the sector has also begun to be significantly stronger than that of the securities sector.

Behind the main line of ‘big finance’ are main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ which were relatively weak in the early stage.

Today's two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' can be said to have changed from the weak trend in the early stage. Basically, they are aggressive throughout the day. Moreover, in the two main areas, relatively core industry sectors and concept sectors, After the main funds continued to flow out for nearly two weeks, they once again showed signs of large-scale inflows.

After that, the two main lines of ‘big consumption’ and ‘technological growth’ each took the lead.

In the main line of 'big consumption', the automobile sector rebounded strongly. The entire automobile sector index rose by 83% within the day, successfully squeezing into the top five industry sector growth lists in the two cities, and then 'white goods, liquor, food manufacturing' and other relatively core sectors , also performed quite well, with sector indexes rising by more than 2 points one after another, outperforming the major market indexes.

The main line of 'technological growth' is mainly the two major industry sectors of 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications', as well as the concept sector of 'smartphone industry chain', which has supported the growth of the GEM Index. However, in these At a time when all core industry sectors are exploding, the 'film and television media' sector, which has been strong in the past few days, has indeed significantly underperformed the index today under the influence of relatively heavy volume and sluggish growth in core stocks such as LeTV, Enlight Media, Huace Film and Television... , has become an obvious "lag behind" in the main line of "technological growth".

In addition to these core main line areas that have attracted high market attention.

In the market, the main line sector is relatively not that strong and the main funds do not pay that much attention.

Main areas such as 'non-ferrous metal cycle', 'petrochemical industry', 'power equipment', 'electronic information', 'agriculture', 'animal husbandry', 'coal'... etc. Although there were signs of some fund-raising in the early trading, Taken together throughout the day, the market is still fluctuating closely with the market. There are not too many independent trends, and there are not too many traces of concentrated attacks by the main buying funds.

Of course, although the trends of these main lines are not as smooth as other core main lines, they are not the core areas where the main funds in the market focus.

However, most of the core stocks related to these main lines are still hovering at historical bottoms.

The current stock price has not yet reached the relatively heavy hold-up area.

Therefore, although these core stocks in the main field have not received more attention from major financial groups, in terms of market trends, there is actually not much upward pressure and there is not too much selling pressure.

Just like the check of "Huaguo Petroleum", the most core stock in the main line of "petrochemical industry".

The total trading volume of this super-weighted stock with a market value of more than one trillion yuan during the day only accounted for 600 million yuan, and it rose by about 2 points.

This obviously shows that in this position.

Under the overall pattern where the index trend is relatively radical and the overall money-making effect of the market is very strong.

The active selling force on the market is very weak.

In addition to the overall performance of the main sectors, the two cities have attracted a lot of attention, and retail investors are chasing the trend of the top 20 popular core leading stocks in the two cities that are highly discussed.

Today is also quite explosive.

The entire market discusses the top twenty popular stocks.

Without exception, all stocks closed in the red, with more than 8 stocks hitting their daily limit, almost half of them.

Especially for the five stocks with the highest attention, except for the check of "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" which closed at a 21% increase, the other four stocks all closed at the daily limit.

Moreover, checks like Flush and Western Securities.

It has also opened up a new market space at the annual new high, further opening up the speculation space for the main line of 'big finance'.

At the same time, the market value of the Flush check also exceeded the 15 billion mark, leaping towards 20 billion.

Of course, while its market value has skyrocketed, its dynamic PE valuation and static PE valuation have also reached approximately 500 times at this time.

Faced with this PE valuation that is almost difficult to look at directly.

In the market, some investor groups who still adhere to the "value investment concept" are dumbfounded and unbelievable at such hype.

However, no matter how much this group of people don’t understand.

Neither can stop the stock price of this check from rising, nor can it stop the core main financial groups on and off the market, as well as the majority of retail investors, from pursuing this check.

After the market officially closes…

The vast number of investors inside and outside the market are facing another surge in the market across the board, and facing the extreme money-making effect of the market where you can make a lot of money by buying stocks with your eyes closed. Their inner investment confidence and narcissism about their own investment abilities Emotions become more frenetic and explosive.

For a while, no matter it was within the internal groups of major hot money main players.

It is also a place where various investors gather, including major online stock investment exchange forums, financial media discussion communities, trading platform discussion areas, etc., and it is all a carnival.

And in this carnival.

At 5:30 pm, the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced.

I saw that among the total 44 stocks on the list, according to the disclosed trading seats, we can still see that institutional groups and well-known hot money seat groups are still in a net buying situation, and we can see that the entire dragon and tiger In the trading data of the list, the main funds still show a net buying status.

This shows that with the rapid growth of market index.

With the continuation of the extreme money-making effect of the market, and the continued explosion of major core main lines.

At present, the main selling force is still the retail investors, those who have been trapped in this position for many years and have just solved the large-scale unwinding, and some profit taking.

Such data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings has further stimulated the overall bullish sentiment in the market.

When you see that institutional groups and hot money groups are still making large-scale net purchases, and you see that main funds are still in a net inflow, you know...

Although the market has surged a lot in the past few months and even the past few weeks.

But at this time, the bargaining chips of the major core lines, major popular stocks, and major core weight stocks in the market are still precious.

It is still worth buying, and if you buy it, you will most likely make money.

Of course, in the past month, a large number of new novice investors have poured in. Although they cannot understand the data of the Dragon and Tiger List and do not know how to analyze the market, in the face of real account profits, they can easily get it at their fingertips. In the face of huge market profits, he still has a fanatical pursuit attitude of "unknown and serious".

In short, with the release of the dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities.

The market's bullish enthusiasm continues to rise, and the number of new investors attracted is increasing every moment.

And with all kinds of information and emotions intertwined, the expectations of a ‘bull market’ continue to increase.

Whether it is retail investors, hot money, institutional groups, or institutional analysts, well-known stock commentators, financial media, financial influencers, or even a large number of "stock god" groups that have emerged in the market, at this time, for the "bull market" 'The conclusion is basically consistent.

At this time, no one doubted the authenticity of the ‘bull market’.

No one questions the conclusion that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can continue to rapidly break through 3,500 points, 4,000 points, 4,500 points or even higher.

Even in the midst of this explosion of long sentiment.

Many people want to support their judgments and strengthen their belief in the ‘bull market’.

He began to translate the ‘bull market’ remarks that Su Yu had posted on the online forum and spread them as investment guides.

And in the spread of this kind of remarks.

Su Yu, as well as the main fund products of the "Yu Hang Series" he manages, and even his core trading seat "Fortune Road"... all the information about him is becoming more and more loud among the investor groups inside and outside the market. Its 'investment legend' began to have a more profound impact on more investor groups inside and outside the market.

At the same time, more and more investors regard him as a beacon in the market and even as an idol on the investment path.

However, in this extremely hot market sentiment.

In the evening, amid the calm news, the "Chengfei Integration" check, which had been speculated to nearly 7 times its height by the market in the early stage, and the "Chengfei Integration" stock, which threatened to be reorganized with the "Chengfei Group", was suspended from trading for nearly 10 years. Two months later, it was suddenly announced that due to the restrictions imposed by some regulatory authorities on restructuring, Chengdu Aircraft Group failed to reach a consensus on its restructuring intention and would abandon the restructuring.

Faced with such a painless stock market announcement.

Although they have worked hard to wait for this check, a large number of investors who hold the chips of this check cannot help but curse in their hearts at this moment.

However, on the whole, other large groups of investors who did not hold this check did not attach much importance to this piece of information.

Everyone thinks that such a piece of individual stock information should not have a major impact on tomorrow's market trend.

However, in fact, this is not the case.

In the evening, when the external market trend continued to open higher and hit a new rebound high in recent times, the bullish sentiment continued to be expressed inside and outside the entire market.

Monday, November 10th.

After two days of emotional fermentation, the market did not open higher again as everyone expected.

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