Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 690: A strong counterattack at the end of the game!

Chapter 691 A strong counterattack at the end of the game!

As 'Hua Investment Capital' closed the daily limit, at the same time, the stock price of 'Western Securities' hit the daily limit, completing a complete reversal of yesterday's trend.

The next moment, 1:33.

Throughout the market, a number of leading heavyweight stocks and main-line popular stocks moved across the board.

Among them, the securities sector index and the Internet financial sector index have exploded in volume in an instant.

At 1:34, driven by the sudden rise of many leading heavyweight stocks and mainline popular stocks, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index also surged upward. In two minutes, it brought the intraday increase back to the 2% increase mark. At the same time, , the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also rose rapidly.

At 1:35, ‘Western Securities’, which hit the daily limit, completely blocked the daily limit.

Subsequently, driven by this leading stock, the daily limit was sealed.

In the previous market performance, there were a number of strong leading stocks, as well as popular stocks, such as Orient Securities, Hengsheng Electronics, Oriental Fortune, LeTV, and Wangsu Technology, as well as mainline popular stocks that were obviously oversold in the short term in the early stage, such as China Airlines. Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Aviation Power, Northern Navigation, MCC, Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, China CNR, China South Railway... these tickets have all received a large amount of main funds. Continue to follow up by buying dips.

At 1:36, the Shanghai Stock Index continued to pull up to the 11% position.

At 1:37, the securities sector index surged to 11%, recovering the intraday decline in the morning correction and returning to the intraday high. It also showed an attitude of fully countering yesterday's sharp decline. Among them, Western Securities Two checks of Oriental Securities, Pacific Securities, and Southwest Securities rose by more than 5%. The stocks of China Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, and Huashang Securities...the weighted stocks of a number of core securities firms also rose by more than 5%. %, even the check of 'Founder Securities', which bucked the trend today, has risen linearly at this moment, approaching the flat position, and has recovered all the intraday losses in a straight line.

At 1:38, the Internet Finance Sector Index jumped by more than 4%, surpassing the gains of the 'Internet E-commerce' and 'Sub-New Stock' sector indexes before it, ranking first in the conceptual sector gainers of the two cities. At the same time , among the constituent stocks within the sector, two stocks have closed their daily limit, making more than 5 stocks in the entire sector reach their daily limit.

At 1:39, when the main line of 'big finance', especially the two popular sectors of securities and Internet finance, continued to return to the market's main attack position, becoming the core driving force for the market's rise, originally the market continued to fluctuate and decline during adjustments. The large group of retail investors who hesitated, especially those who lacked OTC positions, couldn't help but start to follow up and grab funds again.

At 1:40, as these investor groups with insufficient positions outside the market continued to follow up and rush for funds, in the early trading stage in the morning, a number of main line areas showed a strong rebound trend, such as 'technological growth', 'infrastructure', ' A number of industry sectors and concept sectors such as "military industry", "automobile", "white goods", "liquor", and "retail"... all followed the trend and rebounded quickly. At the same time, the time sharing of each main line, each industry sector, and each concept sector The amount of energy also began to increase rapidly.

At 1:41, the 'National Defense and Military Industry' sector index rose sharply, and China Airlines Heavy Machinery's check closed the daily limit.

At 1:42, the two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Railway Co., Ltd. in the "non-bus transportation" sector rose hand in hand, exceeding the 5% increase in the day, thus quickly driving the rise of the "high-speed rail" sector.

At 1:43, 'Huaguo Railway Construction', 'Huaguo Communications Construction', and 'Huaguo China Railway', these heavyweight stocks in the main line of 'large infrastructure', also began to quickly recover their trends and became the vanguard of the market rebound. At the same time, In the main concept area of ​​'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', which suffered a sharp decline yesterday, a number of core concept stocks also showed a large-scale bottom-buying trend by main funds and a strong counterattack by bulls.

At 1:44, 'LeTV' quickly rebounded to the intraday high, and further hit a new intraday high, with the intraday increase rapidly expanding to 75%.

At 1:45, thanks to the fierce attack of 'LeTV', the 'Film and Television Media' section went into riot across the board.

At 1:46, 'White Power' and 'Liquor' also ushered in a large number of bullish capital groups to rush for bargain hunting. Among them, heavyweight core stocks such as Qianzhou Moutai, Wuliangye, Gree Electric Appliances, and Midea Electric Co., Ltd. all returned to their intraday highs. , fully recovering the previous intraday correction losses.

At 1:47, "Huaguo Petroleum" also rose with volume, and the intraday increase expanded to 11%.

At 1:48, Oriental Securities closed its daily limit and became the third stock in the securities sector to hit its daily limit.

At 1:49, the securities sector index's intraday increase further expanded to 66%, breaking through the previous intraday high and setting a new intraday high, while continuing to lead the rise in the industry sectors of the two cities.

At 1:50, amid the rapid surge in the securities sector, the banking and insurance sectors also fluctuated and followed the rise, and the intraday increase returned to the intraday high. At this point, no matter it is the banking, insurance, securities, or Internet finance sectors, The weighted sectors of several major 'big financial' sectors have fully countered yesterday's plummeting trend.

And this is also the first core line in today's market to form a comprehensive counter-attack on yesterday's trend.

At 1:51, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index's increase expanded to the 20% mark. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index's intraday gains also exceeded the 2% increase mark.

At 1:52, the intraday increase of 'Oriental Fortune' expanded to 7%, and the intraday transaction volume reached about 2.5 billion, showing great momentum to hit the daily limit.

At 1:53, the "Shanghai Steel Union" rose by the daily limit, and the Internet Financial Sector Index expanded to around 5% during the day.

At 1:54, ‘Huaguo Software’ hit the market, and the entire ‘Internet Software’, ‘Internet Application’, and ‘Internet E-commerce’ sectors were driven by it, and returned to near the intraday high.

At 1:55, the turnover of the two cities exceeded 430 billion. Although compared with the volume performance during the same time period yesterday, the volume shrank a lot. However, in the morning, the volume performance was already lagging behind by more than 30 billion. After the market opened in the afternoon The market volume can be expressed, but it is completely maintained.

At 1:56, the market's rapid upward trend began to slow down.

Then, when the time reached 2 p.m., the entire market entered the last hour of intraday trading.

When the major core indexes of the Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index successively rebounded to near the intraday highs in the morning, the selling volume of popular stocks and core weight stocks in the market also began to increase, and profit orders , unwinding orders, and stop-loss orders taken at yesterday's high level... all suppressed the market.

However, the index's rise has slowed down.

However, it is still in the fierce long and short trading, continuing to fluctuate upward, refreshing the intraday high bit by bit, and slowly repairing yesterday's plummeting trend.

At 2:21, the Shanghai Stock Index reached an increase of 83%.

At 2:22, more than 2,000 stocks participating in transactions in the two cities also returned to the red market with 91% of stocks rising.

At 2:23, the daily limit of stocks in the two cities exceeded 62.

At 2:24, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index all continued to hit new intraday highs. At the same time, the A50 Index rose by more than 5% during the day.

At 2:25, the general rise in the two cities was fully formed, and the short sellers began to be fully suppressed by the continuously increasing bull power.

At 2:26, ​​the "Internet Finance" sector set off a daily limit trend. More than 8 stocks in the sector hit their daily limit. Among them, the check of Oriental Fortune hit the daily limit.

At 2:27, ‘Oriental Fortune’ sealed its daily limit when its daily trading volume exceeded 3.3 billion.

At 2:28, the intraday trading volume of the stock ‘Huaxin Securities’ exceeded the 8.5 billion mark, still ranking first in the two cities’ trading volume rankings. At the same time, the intraday increase expanded to 75%, also hitting a new intraday high.

At 2:29, the securities sector index surged to 53% during the day. Not only did it fully recover from yesterday's plunge, but it was also only one step away from the index's new high.

At 2:30, the 'National Defense Industry' sector, which had the largest decline yesterday and completely led the decline in the two cities, continued to advance by leaps and bounds, expanding the intraday increase in the sector index to 88%, becoming the leading sector in the two cities after the securities sector, and within the sector The daily limit stocks also broke through to more than 5.

And when the time entered the last half hour of the late trading after 2:30.

The two cities are continuing to expand in terms of volume.

Under the pressure of the remaining short-term profit orders, unwinding orders, and stop-loss orders that took over the trap at yesterday's high level, etc., it not only stabilized the situation without diving, but continued to impact upward step by step, heading towards the day. The higher the position, the higher the room for growth.

"Wow, sure enough, in a bull market, the market trend cannot be inferred based on common sense!"

Seeing the Shanghai Stock Index approaching the 3% increase mark again, at 2:35, inside Yuhang, Anzhao Fund Company, in the main fund trading room, fund manager Zhou Hui stared at the completely unexpected market trend in the afternoon, with a smile on his face , turned his head and glanced at Qin Qiuyue, who was aside, and said happily: "I originally thought that in the early trading, the market was eager to hit high, and after using too much force, there is a high probability that today it will go back to yesterday's intraday low, seeking strong support from below. , I didn’t expect... the market trend in the afternoon actually changed from the weak trend near the midday session in the morning, and stepped out of a comprehensive upward attack with volume, forming a strong counter-package expectation to yesterday’s plummeting trend.”

"This is the charm of the 'bull market'!" Qin Qiuyue heard Zhou Hui's words and sighed with a smile, "All declines are opportunities to increase positions and buy."

Zhou Hui nodded and continued: "It's really scary to continue to follow the incremental capital groups in the market. No matter how much selling force there is, it can't dispel the enthusiasm of the over-the-counter capital groups to follow suit and do more. I thought the market exploded yesterday. The 760 billion energy produced is already a huge amount.

Looking at it now...I am afraid that the amount of energy of 760 billion will become the norm in the market in the future.

Moreover, according to this form of follow-up by long funds.

Yesterday, after a large amount of profit-taking funds and the group of unwinding funds panicked and sold, I felt that the pressure above the index had been relieved. "

"That's right." Qin Qiuyue said with a smile, "Now we can see that yesterday's plunge was the result of a concerted effort by the main financial groups to wash the market."

"According to this trend, I feel that tomorrow's major market indexes will be able to completely repair yesterday's plummeting pattern." Zhou Hui said, "Especially the 'big financial' line, it is really ridiculously strong. Yesterday's huge decline, today Not only is it a complete counter-insurgency, but it’s reaching a new high.”

"As long as the logic of the 'bull market' exists, then in the short term, the line of 'big finance' will be the strongest main line of the market." Qin Qiuyue said, "Moreover, after yesterday's wave of panic, the line of 'big finance' will The upper pressure on the line should also be reduced, and the subsequent upward trend should also be smoother!"

Zhou Hui nodded and continued: "From this point of view, I really have to say that Mr. Su's vision and determination are really good. In addition to the 'national team' lurking in the main field of 'big finance', Probably our 'Yu Hang Group' funds are the biggest beneficiaries of this round of mainline market."

"The biggest beneficiary may not necessarily be the biggest beneficiary." Qin Qiuyue said, "The entire main line of 'big finance' has a market value of close to 10 trillion, and there are many super major institutions in it. Although the capital volume of our 'Yu Hang System' It’s not small anymore, but it’s not a giant. It can only be said that... in terms of fund net value performance, we should be the best in the entire domestic asset management industry!”

"That's for sure." Zhou Hui said proudly.

Without making too precise predictions, she could imagine that at the end of the year, when several major fund products announced their results again, they would once again blind the eyes of investment institutions and investor groups in the market. , allowing the investment legend of the 'Yu Hang Series' to continue.

As the two of them talked...

The market trading time has reached the 2:50 mark.

The two cities entered the final ten-minute trading period. At this time, the Shanghai Stock Index has crossed the 3% increase mark, refreshed the point above 3250 points, and has recovered most of yesterday's plunge. The point lost ground, showing a relatively clear counter-contract market trend.

And because the market trend is getting stronger and stronger in the late trading stage, the power of bulls is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of shorts is getting weaker and weaker.

Regarding the "bull market" pattern, as well as the confidence and enthusiasm for the continuation of the "bull market", the confidence and enthusiasm for the continuation of the "bull market" have returned to high levels. At the same time, the counter-contract market situation and counter-contract expectations are becoming increasingly clear and obvious.

Those potential investors with insufficient positions or short positions on the sidelines.

As well as those investors who finally managed to stop profits and losses yesterday, and then shorted today's market.

At this moment, more aggressive buying and following the trend began.

In this way, the market still maintained the upward trend of the index in the last ten minutes, and continued to refresh the daily high without any hesitation or pause.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets closed.

The Shanghai index was set at 49 points, up 27%, almost closing at the highest point of the day, and recovering most of yesterday's losses.

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