Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 691 Anticipation of counter-packaging!

Similarly, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also rose by more than 3% and closed near the highest point of the day.

Moreover, when the three major core indexes in the market have stepped out of the big positive line of holding high and hitting high, showing a comprehensive counterattack to yesterday's plummeting trend.

The turnover of the two cities has not dropped at all.

Today's transaction volume in the two cities also exceeded the 700 billion mark, with a total transaction volume of 9.8 billion, which is almost 20 billion less than yesterday.

Although this volume performance is not as good as yesterday, it is well beyond the expectations of the majority of investors in the market.

Moreover, in addition to index performance and volume performance.

The performance of today's major core lines in the market, major popular concept sectors, major weighted stocks, and major leading concept stocks is completely beyond the expectations of most investors.

After all, under the panic and plunge yesterday.

Even though there are a lot of positive news in the after-hours market, and with the help of external market trends, everyone's expectations for today's market are generally not very positive and overestimated. Everyone thinks that it can be maintained. If it opens high and fluctuates, it will be good if it doesn’t fall.

Few people could have imagined that the market could predict such a sharp rebound.

Among the major core main lines and popular sections.

In terms of closing results, the main line of 'Big Finance' is still leading the overall rise, and whether it is the securities, Internet finance sectors, banking, or insurance sectors, they have completed the recovery of yesterday's plummeting trend, and all major related Many of the core concept stocks and weighted stocks within the sector have reached new highs.

After "Big Finance", it rebounded strongly today and outperformed the index by a large margin.

There are also 'national defense and military industry' sectors, 'Internet software', 'Internet applications', 'film and television media' sectors, as well as 'sub-new stocks', 'Internet e-commerce', 'high-speed rail', 'white goods', and 'liquor' concept sectors. .

Among them, the 'sub-new stocks' sector is the only concept sector that did not fall yesterday and can still lead the rise of the two cities today.

The continuous strength of the 'sub-new stocks' sector, especially the performance of newly-listed new stocks that have exceeded 10, 12, or even 15 consecutive price limits, is enough to illustrate the active capital groups in the market and their risk preferences for investment and speculation. Not only did it not decrease over time, but it continued to increase.

In addition to these related main lines, related industry sectors, and related concept sectors that significantly outperformed the index.

Others, such as architectural decoration, building materials, commercial real estate, steel, and cement sectors in the field of 'infrastructure', as well as 'non-ferrous cycle', 'petrochemical industry', 'coal', 'pharmaceutical business', and 'power equipment' Industry sectors and main areas that basically keep up with the gains of the broader market.

In terms of performance, although there are signs of differentiation, it is still remarkable.

And as the main selling forces in yesterday's market, the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and 'Yangtze River Delta Economic Belt' , 'Pearl River Delta Economic Zone' and other conceptual themes have also rebounded relatively strongly today.

In general, these mainline areas.

All the shortcomings have been exhausted, the stock prices have plummeted, and the main financial groups have begun to pay attention again to the signs of increasing their positions.

Of course, there are also sectors that continue to be weak, such as animal husbandry, agriculture, fishery, communications, electronic information, etc., as well as many marginal concept sectors.

That is, the market is rebounding strongly.

According to its intraday market trend, the three main lines of 'Big Finance', 'Technology Growth' and 'Big Consumption' have basically been formed. The adjustment of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' has ended, and the main funds have re-intervened to assist. Other main lines, various The branch line follows the rising pattern.

The real driving force for its market upward trend is mainly provided by these three core lines.

It's just that among these three main lines, the most powerful one, and the accumulation of active capital groups and main capital groups is the most serious. The area where investors from all parties are most eager to follow the trend is still mainly the main line of 'big finance', especially securities. sector and the Internet financial sector.

Under such a closing situation...

After the market closed, a large number of investors both on and off the market, including large hot money players and major institutional investors, showed positive long investment sentiments that completely swept away the gloom of yesterday and filled major online stock discussion platforms and financial media communities. , in the internal discussion group.

As the saying goes, there is no belief that cannot be changed by a big positive line.

Today, the market's absolute counterattack is to change the beliefs of potential short-sellers who have been shaken by yesterday's market crash. It also reaffirms the beliefs of many long investor groups who have hesitated under yesterday's market crash. .

"Haha, what am I talking about... It's really a full-scale counter-insurgency trend."

Discussions among investor groups inside and outside the market were intense, and when related stock investment topics were rapidly refreshing on the Internet, the main hot money group in Yuhang, where Su Yu was located, was also in full swing.

“The majority of the capital groups that either took profits or stopped losses and sold off yesterday must have regretted it today, right?”

"Needless to say, especially those investors who left the market at the end of yesterday and hesitated to cover their positions today should be so regretful that their thighs are broken today."

"Fortunately, I held back and the main position did not change."

"To be honest, the market trend in the past two days is really unpredictable, and the market turnover in these two days has also been larger than before. This shows these two days, there has been a lot of free funds and The floating chips have been washed!"

"Actually, today's market trend is still quite dangerous after the sharp surge in early trading, which over-consumed the concentrated bullish energy in early trading. Fortunately, after the opening of trading in the afternoon, 'Western Securities' took the lead in raising the limit, which completely drove it up. Being bullish in popularity has allowed major indexes and major core lines to attack strongly in the follow-up."

"Speaking of which, the funds that closed the stock of 'Western Securities' this afternoon... are a bit fierce!"

"Indeed, in that case, it takes a certain amount of courage to take the initiative to ban this leading stock with a market value of tens of billions of core weights."

"Guess who is the main force in the market for the stock of 'Western Securities' today?"

"Do you still need to guess? At this position, it is unlikely that new main funds will enter. Generally, those who dare to pull the market like this are most likely main funds that have already held a large number of positions in this stock, and this main force Funds and early positions should have a relatively low holding cost in this stock and a large floating profit, so we dared to pull the market like this."

"I agree. At this time, if you dare to buy this stock, the possibility of new main funds coming in is indeed very small."

"In the early stage, the holding costs are convenient and the main funds have a large floating profit... Then there should be only Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' and Alliance Leader Zhang's 'Chunhui Road', right?"

"It should be either 'Fortune Road' or 'Chunhui Road'!"

“Whether it’s President Su’s ‘Wealth Road’ or Leader Zhang’s ‘Chunhui Road’, today’s daily limit of ‘Western Securities’ is definitely the soul board of the market.”

"Yes, the rising limit of this check represents the confidence and belief of the main funds in the market to go long!"

"Well, as soon as the check came on the board in the afternoon, I knew that... the corresponding leading stocks of the major main lines would definitely be in trouble. My subsequent positions were also entered at that moment."

“This is where the confidence in the market lies!”

"In fact, the check of 'Hua Investment Capital' was quite strong today. It hit the daily limit early in the morning, but it was not completely sealed in the morning."

"In terms of the entire securities sector, the position of the 'Hua Investment Capital' check is still relatively low."

"The position is low enough, but the market size is not small. Even though on the surface, the market capitalization is smaller than that of 'Western Securities', the circulation market is larger, and this check...looks at the chip structure, is it still If it has not broken away from the heaviest hold-up area, there will be great pressure from above, and the subsequent trend may not be as strong as that of 'Western Securities', 'Oriental Securities', 'Southwest Securities', and 'Pacific Securities'."

"What's going on with 'Founder Securities'? While the securities sector has surged today and has almost completely recovered yesterday's decline, this check is only barely turning red, with an increase of only 32%, and the recent trend can be said to be significantly underperforming the sector. index, as well as the broader market index.”

"It seems like this check has potential downsides, right?"

"Yes, I heard that this check had some disputes over equity distribution during the previous reorganization of 'National Securities'."

“You want to say that the ‘Hongyuan Capital’ capital that previously held a large number of shares of ‘Minzu Securities’ later made huge profits when Founder Securities merged with Minzu Securities and became the second largest shareholder of Zheng Securities after the merger, right?”

"Yes, I heard that the 'Hongyuan Group' capital is competing with the 'Yuan Founder Group' for control. It seems that there are secret reports on each other on the Internet, so... I have to avoid this check in the short term."

"No wonder the trend is so weak. The securities sector index has gone up more than ten points, but this check still doesn't move at all."

"The capital of the 'Hongyuan system' is really incompetent!"

"No, it was not a glorious thing to seize the shares of 'National Securities' by force, and now they actually want to compete for the control of Founder Securities."

"Hey, let's not talk about this. In fact, today the main line of 'technological growth', as well as the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that led the market down yesterday, have rebounded well. I feel that the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have rebounded well. The big core main line, it seems that this time, it really seems to have completely fallen, and it can be re-established!"

"The 'military industry' sector seems to have fallen a bit, but the core sectors of the 'infrastructure' main line of building materials, architectural decoration, steel, commercial real estate development... It seems that we need to continue to observe to be sure? And today' The check from Chengfei Integration is still stuck at the limit."

"The main line of 'big infrastructure' is a bit divided."

"The main line of 'technological growth' and even the main line of 'big consumption' have obvious signs of differentiation between strengths and weaknesses!"

"In general, today's strong rebound shows the counter-packaging trend and expected core lines, as well as the corresponding industry sectors, concept sectors, as well as a number of conceptual core stocks and weighted core stocks, which are all worthy of a high look. If we want to do subsequent trading... we have to start from these stock areas."

"Well, after the market fell yesterday, the main trend of the entire market has become significantly clearer today. I briefly summarized it and found that it is based on 'big finance', 'technological growth' and 'big consumption'. 'The three main lines are rising in core weight, and 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are temporarily following the rising market trend."

"After a brief review, I came to the same conclusion."

"Obviously. The main line of 'Big Finance' is still the market leader. As for 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', these lines also outperformed the market today and showed a strong rebound. The main line of the situation, we have to look at the continuity tomorrow, whoever is stronger can take advantage of them."

"Look at the balance of financing and financing announced by the two cities. Damn has increased by more than 11 billion!"

"It's over 1.12 trillion! The growth rate of the financing balance is like a rocket. It's really... beyond imagination."

"Who would have thought before that the financing balance of the two cities would exceed one trillion yuan so quickly?"

"Today's market has obviously shrunk compared to yesterday. How come the financing balance is still rising so fast?"

"This shows that those who have reduced their positions are all unstable floating chips, short-term profit taking and settlement of arbitrage. The group of investors who are truly optimistic about the market are still increasing their positions on a large scale."

"The performance of the after-market financing balance greatly exceeded expectations again!"

"I just asked about such a radical trend in financing balances and the incremental entry of so many capital groups. How could the index fall?"

"Obviously, today's big positive line has pointed out that the Shanghai Stock Index will not drop any further and will seek support at a lower level. The profit taking and unwinding of selling pressure that have continued to accumulate in the past two weeks have already occurred yesterday. In that plunge, it was completely cleaned up, and there is only one way for the market to follow... and that is to continue to rise."

"I agree. It's obvious that after the past two days, the expectations of a 'bull market' have not dissipated, but have become stronger and stronger."

"The market itself is driven by funds. Since funds are still aggressively increasing positions, we cannot be bearish."

“Continue to maintain an aggressive position-holding strategy and continue to maintain an aggressive trading strategy, which is the right way!”

"The growth of the financing balance in the two cities has exceeded expectations. I feel that today's dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities... I am afraid it will also exceed expectations. Today's market environment is so bad, the dragon and tiger ranking data are not bad. Today, the market has gone out of the comprehensive The rebound trend and the performance of main funds should be better."

"I also feel that today's data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings of the two cities will not be different."

“We look forward to President Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ or Leader Zhang’s ‘Chunhui Road’ being on the list again.”

"I want to see what funds have taken over the chips of the stocks of 'Western Securities, Huazhong Capital, Flush, and Oriental Fortune' today."

"Well, by looking at the data on the Dragon and Tiger List of leading stocks, we should be able to roughly determine how the market will behave tomorrow."

Along with the rapid refresh of news in the internal group, as well as the in-depth analysis and discussion of the market by major hot money investors.

Before I knew it, the time had slipped to 5:30 pm.

I saw that under the spotlight, the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were refreshed, just as the big hot money investors in the group expected during the review stage.

Among the trading seats disclosed on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities.

The 'Fortune Road' seat represents the funds of the 'Yuhang Clan', the 'Chunhui Road' seat represents the leader Zhang, and the 'Jiefang South Road' seat represents the funds of the 'Zexi Clan'...a number of top hot money seats and seats for major institutions. , are all on the list again, showing their true appearance.

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