Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 698: Missed opportunity to increase positions!

"The chief executive actually continued to increase his position in the stock 'Oriental Fortune' at a high level. It's awesome. The net purchase amount is close to 200 million. Moreover, not a single share of the chips he added to his position yesterday has been sold today."

Seeing the seats on ‘Jiefang South Road’, it once again appeared on the ‘Oriental Fortune’ list.

At this moment, many large hot money investors in Yuhang's main hot money group, where Su Yu was located, showed shocked expressions. At the same time, they secretly admired the courage of the chief helmsman.

After all, the current stock price of the check from 'Oriental Fortune' is indeed not low.

Moreover, it has not been rising recently.

On the market, there are a lot of short-term profit-taking and arbitrage chips accumulated over the past few days. At this time, if we continue to chase positions at high levels, it is very likely that they will be buried in an instant.

"What does this mean? It shows that the big guys have nothing to fear from the current market trends."

"The big guys' views on the market situation should be unanimously turning to a bull market, right? Otherwise, the chief rudder would not continue to increase positions on a large scale at such a relatively high level, at least...the previous historical dragon and tiger list data In the past one or two years, I haven’t seen the kind of operation the chief helmsman did today.”

"It must be a consistent shift to a 'bull market' view!"

"It seems that no matter how the market fluctuates, chips for the most core high-quality stocks and leading stocks are still very scarce!"

"That's natural. Otherwise, would the recent trends of leading stocks such as Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Western Securities be so strong?"

"Today's 'Oriental Fortune' list has indeed exceeded expectations."

"'Western Securities' is not on the list today. I don't know if Leader Zhang is continuing to increase his position. I also don't know if Leader Zhang is selling in today's market trend."

"No need to guess, Alliance Leader Zhang definitely didn't sell out. The big guys still have this pattern."

"Mr. Su's 'Wealth Road' continues to be invisible today. The check 'China Railway' is not on the list either. I don't know the specific purchase and sale of the main funds."

"It feels like after the amount of funds under Mr. Su's control increases, Mr. Su doesn't seem to like doing small-cap stocks anymore!"

"With the amount of funds currently under Mr. Su's control, small-cap stocks are no longer possible. After all, the liquidity of small-cap stocks is really limited and they cannot handle the amount of funds that Mr. Su has."

"Yes, for small-cap concept stocks, long tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds will reach the position limit, and tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds, it should be difficult for the fund products managed by Mr. Su to compare. The net value of fund products has changed significantly, so... it makes little sense to continue to participate in the speculation of small-cap stocks."

"Although Mr. Su's 'Wealth Road' did not appear on the Dragon and Tiger List again today, according to Mr. Su's buying traces yesterday, the entire 'Yu Hang Department' funds must have transferred a lot of positions to 'Infrastructure',' The two main lines of military industry are now on."

"Nothing wrong, the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have gone up really well today!"

"The combination of good news and supplementary gains has completely become an area where all financial groups are following today's trend. However... I am still firmly optimistic about the securities and Internet financial sectors, which are the real core market driving forces in the market."

"With such a high market volume, there is actually no problem if several main lines are advanced in parallel."

"That's true!"

"The key is that the market's upward trend does not break and can be maintained, so no matter how the market changes, it should not be any worse."

“The Shanghai Index can obviously still go up!”

"Not only can it go up, but I estimate that this wave of continuous short-squeezing and rising trend from 2900 points is just the beginning so far, and the follow-up space is huge. In this regard... Look at the two markets today On the Dragon and Tiger list, whether it is the main financial group of institutions or the large hot money group, you will know that they are still in a state of net buying."

"Institutions and large hot money investors continue to make net purchases on the Dragon and Tiger List. This is actually a bit shocking."

"Yes, the index did not rise much today, and it even fell sharply in late trading. As a result, the main financial groups continued to make net purchases. This result... is somewhat surprising."

"Hey, this shows that in the past few days, including today, the main selling force in the market is retail investors!"

"It also shows that in the reverse trend of the index fully recovering the previous day's decline, the overall chip structure of the market is actually continuing to be stable."

"Actually, this is normal. After all, there are many retail investors who have been trapped in the market for several years and suddenly get out of the trap. It is difficult not to sell."

"Yes, we all know that under the trend of human nature, retail investors can hold on to losing stocks, but it is often difficult to hold on to profitable stocks."

"Based on the data from the Dragon and Tiger List, there is a high probability that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will cross 3,300 points tomorrow, right?"

"That's for sure. The 3300 point will definitely be stepped on."

"In addition to the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that are performing strongly today, as well as the securities and Internet finance sectors in the 'big finance' field, there are also the film and television media in the main field of 'technological growth'...these core main lines,' The "new stocks" sector can be regarded as the strongest hot concept in the market."

"Yes, on today's Dragon and Tiger list, it is obvious that the trading position of the stock 'Huake Dawn' is also worthy of note."

"The check for 'Huake Dawn' should be released in large quantities tomorrow, right?"

"It's hard to say. Today's market plunged rapidly in late trading. This stock is still firmly at the daily limit, and there is basically no increase in volume."

"This stock...the institution that intervened last week seems to have been quiet recently!"

"The investors who won the lottery all saw that this stock was a high-quality stock, and there were a lot of funds on the market to raise funds, so they naturally began to be reluctant to sell. Under such circumstances...the institution that grabbed the chips last week must be reluctant to part with it. If it’s sold, what else can happen?”

“Since the check of ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ started the hype of ‘sub-new stocks’, in the past two months, the market of sub-new stocks has really exploded!”

"Yes, when it comes to the market trends in the past two months, the 'sub-new stocks' branch is really not inferior to the market prices of the two major sectors of 'securities' and 'internet finance', and monster stocks appear frequently!"

"The current market discussion of the check 'Huake Dawn' is so hot, is it destined to go crazy?"

"There is a high probability that he will become a monster!"

"This check will be worth 15 coins tomorrow. It's a moment of history for new stock listings. I'll join in to see if I can grab some chips."

"Actually, the fundamentals of the 'Huake Dawn' check are quite average."

"The fundamentals are quite average, but with the demonstration effect of 'Bluestone Reload', with institutions rushing to raise funds in advance, the stock's expectations have been completely raised. Now... in this stock On the market, there are quite a few retail investors following the trend. Regardless of whether the check can be opened tomorrow or whether it can be increased in volume, at least after the check is officially opened, there will still be at least a 20% to 30% sentiment premium on the upside."

"I agree, with the demonstration effect of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', the market's expectation for the check of 'Huake Dawn' should be more than 20 boards. As for whether this stock can surpass 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' It has to wait and see again to create a new market history.”

"Not only the stocks of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn', I think other near-end sub-new stocks can be actively placed and taken over at this time. Tomorrow... I plan to divide some positions. I’ll give it a try on the recent new stocks, and I feel that this branch will still shine at this end of the year.”

"I also think that the 'sub-new stocks' branch will not be bad at the end of the year. After all, when it comes to the most eye-catching sector in the market and the most extreme money-making effect sector, who can compare with the continuous listing of new stocks? If we talk about the new group of novice investors who have entered the market, based on my feeling, the sectors they pay attention to first are definitely the new stocks that are at the top of the gainer list every day. In the 'bull market' stage, the momentum is not heavy, and if you are paying attention, it is There’s a market!”

"The main reason is that the profit-making effect of the 20 or so consecutive board spaces of the previous 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' was too terrifying and the impact was too far-reaching, thus creating the 'sub-new stock' market for more than two consecutive months."

"In fact, the 'sub-new stock' sector is not suppressed by historical hold-ups, but is more prone to speculation."

"As long as the regulatory authorities do not force intervention, I think the financial activity of the 'sub-new stocks' sector will definitely continue to rise. After all, this sector is really suitable for capital relay."

"At this stage, the regulators should not forcefully intervene in the market, right?"

"Definitely not. Looking at the macro policy trends throughout this year, it is obvious...the regulatory authorities also hope to induce a wave of comprehensive bull markets, and they will certainly not intervene forcefully to speculate on the market when the market has just begun to improve. Suppress market hype and money-making effects.”

"Isn't anyone paying attention to the stocks related to the 'auto industry chain' in the main line of 'big consumption'? I think this line... has a good prospect!"

"It's good, but I think the explosive power is still better than the main areas of conceptual themes of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', which are directly stimulated by macro policies, as well as the main areas of 'big finance' securities, If the Internet financial sector is weak, it is not the first choice to follow the trend."

"The box office of this year's National Day movie is also a bit higher than expected. Looking at the trend of the 'film and television media' sector, I feel that the 'Film Industry Revitalization' document jointly issued by seven ministries and commissions in June has clearly been implemented and exerted. This The line... the follow-up expectations are also getting stronger and stronger, especially in the field of 'film and television media', the conceptual branch line of celebrity shareholding and equity participation, there is a faint super main force in operation!"

"Is this a conceptual branch of celebrity stock ownership and participation?"

"Yes, if the expectation of a change in the fundamentals of the industry is combined with the popularity of the star itself, it will become a very good hot spot for speculation. Moreover, the related concept stocks in this branch field are basically small-market stocks. There is no such thing as It is still very easy for a super main force such as Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' to control the market and speculate on it, creating a sustained profit-making effect."

"This branch line seems to have been shown before. It is indeed... worth noting."

"But the core leader of this branch should still be the check from 'LeTV', right?"

"It must be LeTV."

"Speaking of the 'LeTV' check, since Mr. Jia reappeared to clarify the rumors, the check has indeed become a bit reversed!"

"There are big differences over the 'LeTV' check. I think that although the fundamentals of this check are not good, the future expectations are still very good. The 'Internet TV' that Mr. Jia mentioned should still have a head start, right? ? It is suitable for the original users of 'LeTV', and we can still look forward to its future development."

"Well, the future story of 'LeTV' is still very good, but I think the potential is not as good as that of 'Oriental Fortune'."

"The certainty of making a check like 'LeTV' is not as high as making a thing like 'Oriental Fortune'."

"What about the two branches of 'mobile online games' and 'Internet online education'? I feel that with the advent of the 'mobile Internet' era, there is huge space for these two branches!"

"The branch line of 'mobile online games' was highly speculated last year, but the current performance of many concept companies has not kept up. I feel that the investment logic and hype logic of the entire branch line is a bit falsified, and the certainty is obviously not as good as" Internet finance' line, and this is also the fundamental reason why these two concepts that were hotly discussed last year have embarked on completely different trends this year. As for...'Internet online education' line, it seems to be a new concept. If it is followed up Many major funds in the market agree with the hype logic of this branch, so I think we can definitely make a move.”

“In general, although today’s index performance is not very good, there are still quite a few remarkable main-line market trends, branch-line concept market trends, and topics with strong future expectations that have been successively speculated by various main funds. The overall money-making effect of the market has not subsided significantly.”

"Anyway, let's continue to do more..."

"Yes, we continue to be optimistic about the Shanghai Index reaching 3,500 points by the end of the year."

After the dragon and tiger rankings were refreshed, news quickly refreshed in the main hot money group.

In the minds of the large hot money investors, as well as everyone's in-depth market review analysis, it is no surprise... everyone's analysis and judgment is that the market is still in a 'bull market' trend, and they all believe that this time The market is still a very good entry point for adding positions and entering the market.

In addition to the analysis and judgment of these big hot money investors.

In the discussion platforms where other investors gather across the entire network, as well as in internal groups of major institutions, and in the internal investment research departments and fund trading rooms of major major institutions.

Everyone's judgment on the market situation is still long and continue to be long.

Of course, inside and outside the market, most investor groups are still in a bullish and long-doing mood.

There are also many investors who are worried and believe that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will still be trapped under the pressure of 3,300 points in the short term. Most of these groups have positions in their hands, or make short-term profits, or have just unwound investments that have been held for many years. As the saying goes, "The authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear." Those who were in the market saw the rapid decline of the index in the late trading period, and recalled the panic-stricken plunge in the market the day before, and they were always worried about gains and losses.

After all, when it comes to deep sets, many people will choose to break the pot and break the pot.

But when the account makes a profit, you will obviously worry about the profit retracement issue, and worry that the account that finally made a profit will turn into a loss during the hesitation.

And because of the existence of this psychology.

Therefore, in the ‘bull market’, the market’s ‘80/20 rule’ is still valid.

Many people know that in a 'bull market', you need to cover your stocks, try to reduce frequent position adjustments and swaps, be able to endure loneliness, and be able to maintain prosperity.

However, actually participate in market transactions.

In the successive hot spot changes, in the unpredictable main line market rotation, in the extreme or lasting market fluctuations.

Those who can truly abide by these trading rules and truly implement them.

Among the vast number of retail investors, they are still very few.

"Looking back now, the sharp decline the day before yesterday was really a perfect opportunity to adjust positions, exchange stocks and increase positions!"

At around 6 o'clock in the afternoon, after the entire network of investors reviewed the market, there were waves of heated discussions. In the Magic City, within the E Fund Company, the fund manager of the 'Future Growth Mixed Selection' fund product trading department Gao Yirong sighed helplessly and said, "I didn't expect that such a huge drop could be completely reversed and repaired in just two trading days."

Although the Shanghai Stock Index broke through the 3,000-point limit and completed the breakthrough in the large box range of 2,000 to 3,000 points.

He has transformed the fund product investment strategies and trading strategies he manages into a 'bull market' thinking, and has promoted a lot of 'tech growth' and 'big financial' mainline stocks.

However, due to missed market opportunities before, a relatively suitable entry point has not been found.

As a result, their funds always considered cost factors when adding positions, and were not able to fill up their positions on a large scale in a short period of time.

Therefore, in the continuous short-squeezing trend of the market, the market has been short.

As a result, we finally waited for the sharp drop the day before yesterday.

However, he considered that the market index deviated too far from the 20-day line. Once it plummeted, there was a high probability that it would go back to 3,000 points for confirmation. Therefore, he was not in a hurry to increase his position during the plummet. He wanted to wait for the position to be lower, or the Shanghai Index. It was determined to step back to 3,000 points and re-establish support. After the market became more certain, the fund position was filled up in one fell swoop by a large-scale increase in positions.

As a result, I missed an excellent buying point again.

As a result, the current index has completely reversed the sharp decline the day before, and core stocks in the main line field of "big finance" have reached new highs.

They still have nearly half of their positions, missing the market and not making any contribution to the fund's net value.

At the same time, due to the conservative nature of their fund positions, the net value of their fund products has recently lagged far behind the company's other core and main fund products.

This inevitably made him feel a little anxious.

"Boss, look at this situation, there is a high probability that the market will not continue to move back to the 20-day moving average." When Gao Yirong sighed helplessly, Guan Yi, the fund trading team leader standing next to him, hesitated and said, "If the index tomorrow If we continue to open higher and break through the suppression of the 3300-point mark, we are afraid that we will have to make pursuit operations on the right side, otherwise... the longer we wait, the cost of our subsequent position opening will be even higher!"

Since June, I misjudged the main trend direction of the market.

After being strongly interfered by the funds from the 'Yu Hang Group', they basically failed to keep up with the development of the market.

In the past, I hesitated for a lot of time when following the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and finally had to pursue the highs in an all-round way. Now... on the main line of 'big finance', there is a high probability that it will happen again.

Gao Yirong pondered for a while and said: "Let's see tomorrow. If the Shanghai Stock Index really breaks through the resistance of 3300 points in one go, continues to hit new highs, and enters a complete right-side investment range, then we... there will be nothing else The only way is to be forced to increase positions and pursue it.”

One wrong step, every wrong step.

If you fail to keep up with the market at one step, you will fail to keep up with the market at every step.

Faced with the pressure of performance rankings at the end of the year, Gao Yirong thought carefully. If the index really continued to rise due to short selling, he would have to follow suit.

After all, if the index continues to rise, he will still maintain such a position.

By then, the annual performance targets will not only be missed and criticized by investors, but it will also make the fund more and more passive in subsequent investment strategy choices.

And when the two of them were helpless and sighing...

The main fund trading room of Pingyin Asset Management Center in Shenzhen City.

As the general manager of Pingyin Asset Management, Liu Ziliang stood in the trading room and looked around at the main fund manager Chen Shen, as well as the trading team leaders Gao Yixiang, Wang Jinglun and others, but he was obviously smiling.

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