Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 699: The daily limit record of the one-word board is refreshed!

It is different from the hesitation of the ‘E Fund Future Growth Mixed Selection’ fund product to continue to increase positions.

Several major fund products managed by Liu Ziliang have already placed all their positions on the main line of 'Big Finance' since the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index successfully exceeded 3,000 points. They also held on to their positions and did not make any moves when the market panicked and plummeted the day before yesterday. The operation of reducing positions even allowed two newly established fund products to purchase a number of core stocks in the 'big financial' field on a large scale that day.

Now, with the Shanghai Stock Index fully reversing the previous day's decline.

Especially as the core sectors of 'big finance' continue to hit new highs this year.

The radical investment strategy he persisted in finally reaped huge rewards, bringing several of its main fund products back to the top of the performance rankings of the group's asset management department.

Even today, the net worth of several major funds has simultaneously hit annual highs.

"Tomorrow the Shanghai Stock Index will hit 3,300 points, right?" In a happy atmosphere, trading team leader Gao Yixiang said, "Since the index has recovered from the plummeting trend of the day before so quickly, it means that the pressure near 3,300 points has already It’s almost been cleaned up.”

"Whether 3,300 points can be broken tomorrow depends on the fermentation of the news in the evening and the trend of the external market." Wang Jinglun, another trading team leader, said, "Of course, no matter whether this key point is broken tomorrow or not, , 3300 points will definitely not be able to stop the Shanghai Index from rising."

"The rapid diving trend in the market late today still caused some hidden worries for the market." Chen Shen, the main fund manager, said, "I don't think there is a rush to break through 3,300 points. For the market, it is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as the main capital groups in the market continue to increase their positions, as long as the market volume remains at a high level, and as long as the off-market capital groups continue to follow suit and enter the market... then the market conditions will not be cut off, and the pressure position will be broken through. , it will naturally come naturally with the continuous follow-up of incremental funds.”

"What Xiao Chen said makes sense." Liu Ziliang laughed and said, "As long as the market trend remains unchanged and the bull market expectations are still increasing, then we can just hold positions and wait patiently. The market will not change overnight. In the previous long and dark bear market, we all After waiting for it, now...why rush?

As long as our strategic direction is correct, there is no problem with the main logic of the layout.

Then, let the profits run.

Now that we have a large number of high-quality stocks in the market, and at this stage, we already have a certain cost advantage.

Then, we should insist on holding on to Qingshan and not relax.

There is no need to pay too much attention to the market trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index in one or two days. Since the "bull market" pattern has been established, it cannot be the market trend in a few days in the short term.

Therefore, it is of little significance to stick to the index trend for one or two days. "

After successfully keeping up with the market rhythm and reversing the sharp retracement of the fund's net value in the early stage, his entire mentality and mood were completely different compared to before.

Naturally, I have more patience and calmness.

After hearing Liu Ziliang's words, several people in the trading room nodded, and then began to prepare for getting off work.

Then, as time continues to pass.

When the evening time came, the market macro news did not have all kinds of relatively heavy good news like last night. The entire news was calm, and the completely calm news somewhat made those extreme Investors who were bullish on the market and had extremely high expectations were disappointed.

However, the news is somewhat disappointing.

However, late at night, the opening trend of US stocks was somewhat exciting.

I saw that the U.S. stock market continued to trade high despite opening significantly higher, continuing its early rebound trend and continuing to set new highs. Especially the Nasdaq index, with the stock prices of several major heavyweight technology stocks continuing to reach new highs, It can be said to be a meteoric rise, and its upward slope is steeper than the recent continuous short squeeze on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

And due to the strength of U.S. stocks, other European financial trading markets have also been driven higher across the board.

Finally, in the second half of the night, when the external markets closed, the Nasdaq index of the US stock market continued to achieve a feat of rising by 52%, and was only one step away from its all-time high position.

And thanks to the good trends in the external market...

The next day, when Thursday, November 13th arrived, the bullish sentiment in the morning was obviously much stronger than that of yesterday evening.

Then, under the influence of the relatively hot bullish sentiment before the market opened.

At 9:15, when the two cities entered the initial collective bidding period.

Amid the intense attention of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of investors, most of the more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities still achieved an initial high opening.

Among them, the main lines of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', 'Technological Growth', 'Big Finance', and 'Big Consumption' are the main lines, as well as the main lines related to the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'State-owned Enterprises' A number of industry sectors and concept sectors that are closely related to the reform and restructuring of several major concepts and themes, as well as the corresponding core component stocks and concept leading stocks of the "sub-new stocks" sector that have attracted much attention, naturally rank at the top of the growth lists of the two cities.

In particular, ‘Huake Suguang, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Huazhong Capital, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Chengfei Integration...’ are the top ten stocks that have received the most attention and discussion in the market.

I saw that 'Huake Shuguang' still sealed its daily limit at the beginning of the call auction, achieving the fifteenth unlimited one-word price limit since its listing, officially surpassing the record of unlimited one-word daily limit set by 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' not long ago. .

Thanks to the continuous higher-than-expected daily limit trend of ‘Hua Ke Shuguang’.

‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’, a new monster stock in the previous period, opened sharply higher at a 22% increase, and active buying was very strong in the initial market.

'Flush', the strongest leading stock in the Internet finance sector and even in the main line of 'big finance', initially opened 78% higher, with only more than 700 orders to be matched on the market. Even though the stock price once again hit a new yearly high, its initial price The selling pressure on the market is not huge.

The check of 'Oriental Fortune' was stimulated by the continued large-scale increase in positions in the seat of the chief rudder, 'Jiefang South Road'.

The initial market increase at this moment has also reached 11%.

However, on its initial market, the number of orders to be matched reached more than 4,000. This shows that the current stock price position of this stock has a considerable long-short gap, and its market shape is a 'flush' with similar stocks. It can be said that they are completely incomparable.

‘Hua Investment Capital’, a new leading stock in the securities sector, initially opened 79% higher.

In comparison, the initial market shape of the securities sector is obviously not as strong as the 'Internet Finance' sector.

The opening range of the check of 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' is 23% higher, which is likely to have a strong impact on the three consecutive boards. Its compensatory growth trend is obvious, and it also shows that funds are still following the trend aggressively to undertake projects with the expectation of 'military asset restructuring' Core military industry concept leading stock.

The check of "Chengfei Integration" initially opened low by 95%, becoming the only stock that opened low among the top ten core leading stocks in the market, and it opened significantly lower.

This shows that the negative reaction to this stock has not yet been completed.

As for the other three checks of "China Railway, Shanghai Sanmao, and Western Securities".

'China Railway' opened slightly higher, with an increase of 89%; 'Shanghai Sanmao' opened 29% higher, showing a strong trend of a second consecutive market; 'Western Securities' opened higher by 56%, basically in line with the initial higher opening of the securities sector The amplitude is consistent.

Overall, these ten popular core stocks are passing through the market.

It can be seen that the radical follow-up and inheritance effects of active financial groups from all parties have not declined.

At the same time, it can also be seen that, driven by the external market, the extreme decline in the late market yesterday did not have much impact on the opening of today's market.

"The two markets continue to open higher. Will the Shanghai Stock Index directly cross the 3,300 point when it opens?"

At 9:16, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Wang Can stared closely at the rapidly changing call auction trends of the two cities, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "'On the road to the new era, the Maritime Silk Road' , 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', the two major conceptual themes, led the gains in an all-round way, and the 'sub-new stocks' sector shined brightly and continued to be strong, I feel...if we follow this pattern, the opening position will not be bad!"

"It's hard to say, looking at the continued decline of 'Chengfei Integration', the market opening expectations are not strong." Zhao Lijun added, "It is estimated that before 9:20 arrives, many stocks that opened high will be smashed."

"At least the 'Oriental Fortune' check, if it wants to open a 4-point increase, will definitely not be stable." Zhu Tianyang also said at this time, "On the contrary, the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check, and the 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' check Check, the shape and trend of this initial collective bidding stage is a bit unexpected!"

"It must have benefited from the promotion of 'Huake Dawn'." Liu Yuan sat next to her, thought for a moment, and responded, "'Huake Dawn' continued to limit the one-word daily limit. It was obviously much better than expected, and it naturally led to it. 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has the opportunity to hit the third board, and after the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is raised, it indirectly drives the 'National Defense and Military Industry' sector. Together with the 'Military Industry' sector, there are already 'Military Industry Asset Reorganization' and With the expectation of 'military asset securitization' in it, the hype logic of 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' is naturally stronger. Generally speaking... in this scene at the beginning of the market, the paths and traces of various financial attacks are quite obvious. .”

"We have focused on the 'Huaguo China Railway' check. Under such high popularity in the past two days, the opening situation is a bit lower than expected." Zhao Lijun turned to stare at the initial collection of the 'Huaguo China Railway' check The bidding pattern changed, and he continued, "I feel that the capital group in the market is obviously giving up the large-cap weight stocks in the direction of undertaking, and thus converging on the concept of small-cap stocks. This is because the 'Shanghai Sanmao' check has been opened so high. Gao can also see it.”

"The preference of funds for speculation is indeed changing towards small-cap concept stocks." When Zhao Lijun finished speaking, Zhang Guobing also noticed this phenomenon, "The 'sub-new stocks' sector has made a good start!"

"Without the support of heavyweight stocks, it is estimated that the index will not open too high." Wang Can heard the two people's words and responded, "It seems that it is not that easy to cross 3300 points!"

With the voices of several people...

At this time, time has moved quickly to 9:20.

I can see that after a large number of false orders and cancellations in the minute between 9:19 and 9:20, the collective auction price patterns and overall market performance of the two cities are much better than those of the two cities at 9:15. The market situation has obviously dropped a lot.

Among them, there are ten popular stocks.

'Oriental Fortune''s stock price opened higher and has fallen back to less than 1%; 'Huazhong Capital''s higher opening has declined to only 44%; as for the check of 'China Railway', it has fallen back to near the flat position. .

Of course, there are several stocks that continue to strengthen.

For example, the collective bidding increase of "Shanghai Sanmao" has further risen to 56%; the collective bidding increase of "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" has also exceeded 5%, approaching the 6% position; and the check of "China Airlines Heavy Machinery" , its market price increased rapidly, directly approaching the daily limit.

Basically, the two-city pattern is when there is no significant reduction in red stocks.

The popular core and main line related sector indexes have all fallen back a lot.

This shows that the active capital group, focusing on the direction of undertaking, is obviously giving up large-cap weight stocks and concentrating on small-cap concept stocks.

"Looking at this situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the index to open higher." At 9:21, in the trading room, Li Meng frowned slightly and said, "There are a lot of selling pressures, and the 'sub-new stock' sector has stirred up Emotions have caused active capital groups to start speculating on concept small-cap stocks. Several core main lines should not have much performance today. The probability of the index breaking through 3,300 points should be small."

Su Yu heard Li Meng's analysis, raised his eyes to look at her, and nodded slightly: "The vacuum stage of news is indeed not suitable for the index to make a comprehensive breakthrough, but there is no harm in continuing to fluctuate. At present, Friday and next Monday should be the real changes in the market.”

"Agree!" Li Meng said with a smile, "The market should shrink today."

"If nothing else happens, the volume should be reduced." Su Yu responded with bright eyes, "Continue to wait patiently and wait for changes. With our current capital, we cannot participate in this kind of small-cap stock market. Preliminarily, today should be a feast for hot money."

"Only when hot money players work hard can they better guide the market to a higher space, right?" Li Meng said with a smile.

Su Yu nodded in response: "Indeed, the more monster stocks there are in the market, the higher the risk appetite of ordinary investors, and the easier it is for the overall valuation level of the market to rise."

"Mr. Su, with the 'Huake Dawn' check, its path to becoming a monster stock should have already taken shape, right?" Zhang Guobing paused and said, "With such high popularity, basically, everyone has completely benchmarked this check." Bluestone Heavy Equipment's previous trend is now in the market."

Su Yu thought for a moment and replied: "This stock, the institution's reverse trading last week can be called a classic move. Regardless of whether this check can be opened today, whether it can continue to create and refresh the word "listed" According to the Banlianban record, according to the current popularity of this check and the market's risk preference, there is definitely room for 20% to 30% premium speculation after its opening. Although we cannot participate, we can regard this check as a short-term opportunity. Pay attention to market sentiment indicators."

"Well, I also think this check has become a short-term sentiment indicator for the market." Zhang Guobing said, "I hope this check can create a new historical record!"

After saying that, he turned his attention back to the two markets.

At this time, the market trading time has reached 9:25, and the collective bidding in the two cities has ended.

After ten minutes of continuous call bidding, when the market prices of the two markets were finally fixed again, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index almost opened flat, up 09%. The opening positions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index were slightly stronger than those of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, opening higher respectively. 19% and 27%, among which, the small and medium-sized board index opened significantly higher to 43%.

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