Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 700: Buying Points for Day Trading!

In addition to index performance, there are popular main lines in major markets.

The main line of 'Military Industry' led the gains in both cities, whether it is the 'National Defense Military Industry' industry sector or the related 'Military Industry Asset Reorganization', 'Military Industry Asset Securitization', 'Domestic Aircraft Carrier', 'Beidou Navigation', and 'Domestic Large Aircraft' and other concept sectors are all at the forefront of the growth list.

Industry sectors and concept sectors related to the main line of 'big infrastructure', as well as relevant industry sectors and concept sectors in the main line of 'big finance', especially industry sectors and concept sectors with a relatively high proportion of large-cap weight stocks, such as banking, insurance, Securities, commercial real estate, architectural decoration, building materials and other sectors have completely given up the initial gains in the call auction at 9:15, and the major related sector indexes are all fixed near the flat position.

As for the main areas of ‘technological growth’ and ‘big consumption’.

Among the industry sectors and concept sectors related to these two main lines, only the 'film and television media' sector performed relatively strongly, opening higher at 53%. Other related concept sectors and industry sectors basically also showed flat openings. The status is consistent with that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

In the market that is fixed at the opening, the main ones are strong...

It is obviously a group of stocks in the "small and medium-sized board" field.

And branch concepts that were previously on the fringe, such as 'celebrities holding shares', 'sports industry development', 'sub-new stocks', 'smart cities', and 'online education', gathered from 9:23 to 9:25 During the bidding stage, it came out and received aggressive increases in positions from many active financial groups.

In general, from the fixed disks of the two markets, it can be seen that the divergence of core weight stocks is still relatively large at this time. Active funds from all walks of life, as well as short-term follow-up capital groups, are obviously moving towards small caps. Concept stocks gathered, and at the same time, many concept stocks that had previously seriously lagged the market and were relatively sluggish, at this time, also clearly exerted their strength, and there were signs of a gathering of major buying capital groups on the market.

"Sure enough, it opened evenly!" Wang Can stared at the market in the main fund trading room of Yuhang Investment Company and exclaimed in surprise, "At 9:15, it turned out to be a scam."

"It can't be said to be a scam." Zhao Lijun chuckled, "That is also a combined manifestation of the overall market sentiment."

"Old Zhao, according to this opening pattern, compared with the overall bullish sentiment of the market before the opening, it is obviously a little lower than expected, right?" Wang Can pondered for a moment and continued, "There is an obvious downward trend. It feels like the adjustment trend at the end of yesterday , it’s not over yet, so... after the market officially opens, there is a possibility of selling!"

"Well, in this form, after the official opening, it is possible to make a sudden wave of killings." Zhao Lijun nodded slightly.

Wang Can scratched his head and said: "Isn't there no pressure at 3300 points? Why is it so difficult to break through?"

"Can't we just let the index adjust a little?" Zhao Lijun said with a smile, "Even if it's a 'bull market', the continued entry and acceptance of incremental capital groups will take time to react slowly. What's more, the index two days ago , has just experienced a sharp decline, and it is impossible to continue to attack fiercely until the chip structure is completely stabilized.

If we really go that way...

The market's foundation and market outlook support in this index range are not solid.

The chip structure is not solid. Even if the index briefly breaks through the pressure level, it will most likely have to fall back and continue to consolidate under the pressure of concentrated profit taking and unwinding.

This is just like the previous continuous short squeeze on the index, and the accumulation of huge profits and unwinding of arbitrage, which led to the market plummet in the past two days.

That kind of move looks sharp, but in fact it's just an increase in amplitude, and it doesn't necessarily mean a very strong performance. Moreover, in this trend of the index plummeting and correcting after continuous short squeezes, most of the market It is difficult for the investor group to make money.

I don't think there's anything wrong with slowing down and slowly making upward breakthroughs step by step.

The big deal is just a little more patience.

However, the core positions of our current fund have basically been completed. At this time... for us, the most indispensable thing is patience. "

"That's what you said." Wang Can said with a smile, "It seems that I am too anxious, but according to this form, if there is a rush when the market officially opens, it should be a good buying opportunity in today's market. ?At least when you are in a hurry, if you do day trading, your winning rate should be very high."

According to technical analysis.

The situation at the opening of today's market is obviously a continuation of the pattern at the end of yesterday's trading.

Looking at the 15-minute K-line chart, the retracement adjustment that started at the end of yesterday is almost over, so he thinks it is a good buying point for intraday trading.

Zhao Lijun chuckled and said: "You can think of it this way. If there is a low point at the beginning of the market, it is indeed suitable to increase positions within the day."

"However, it shouldn't be too low." At this time, while the two were talking, Zhu Tianyang on the side also answered, "This opening form, although compared with the pre-market sentiment, is slightly lower than expected, but the two markets Of the more than 2,000 stocks, more than 70% of them opened red and higher. Generally speaking, the market's money-making effect is still good, and short-term capital groups, in particular, are following up fiercely.

And in terms of this form and trend...

The speculation of leading concept stocks and popular concept stocks, dominated by short-term capital group speculation, still has a certain driving effect on the entire market.

Therefore, after the market opens, even though the index may fall back with a high probability.

However, driven by a number of core concept leading stocks and popular stocks, the magnitude of the retracement will not be too deep. "

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a relatively low point where you can do day trading." Zhao Lijun said with a smile, "It's okay to make a little profit. This is the time... I don't insist on how cheap and high-quality chips I can buy."

Following a brief analysis and exchange between several people...

Unknowingly, the market trading time has moved from 9:25 to 9:30, and the two cities have entered the formal continuous bidding trading period.

After a brief five minutes of emotional brewing, and a brief analysis of the market by various financial groups.

The two markets have just started to jump.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index all fell rapidly and turned green in a flash.

In the opening results that were slightly lower than expected, those unsteady investors who were slightly disappointed made their choices at this moment and began to take profits in a timely manner and sell the corresponding chips.

At 9:31, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index turned green, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index fell to near the flat position.

At 9:32, the Shanghai stock index's decline expanded to 21%. At the same time, the market's popular main areas, the banking, insurance, and securities sector indexes in the 'big finance' field, all turned green at this moment, as well as the 'big infrastructure' The industry sector indexes in the main areas of construction decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development, machinery and equipment, public transportation, non-automobile transportation, etc. also fell and retreated.

Of course, at this moment as well.

The check of 'Huake Shuguang' temporarily increased its selling volume by about 700 lots, and then quickly shrunk its volume, continuing to maintain an unlimited one-word daily limit trend.

And because of the demonstration and guidance role of ‘Huake Dawn’.

'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' surged straight up at the beginning of the market. Tens of thousands of large buy orders were placed frequently on the market, and they frantically swept through the sell orders in front of them. Within a minute or two, its stock price rose straight up to Near the daily limit.

There are also "China Airlines Heavy Machinery" and "Shanghai Sanmao" which are also popular.

At 9:33, when all three major indexes fell underwater, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' directly and forcefully sealed the daily limit, achieving the third consecutive daily limit after the plunge in the previous two days.

At 9:34, the 'Shanghai Stock Market Sanmao' hit the daily limit. At the same time, the 'Sub-New Stocks' sector index skyrocketed, and the increase quickly exceeded 55%. There was also the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange Free Trade Zone', a concept sector that was hotly speculated last year. , at this moment, driven by the daily limit of the stock 'Shanghai Sanmao', it also quickly broke through the 1% increase position and squeezed into the top three of the conceptual sector increase lists in the two cities.

At 9:35, stimulated by the "Blue Stone Reload" triple board, a number of core concept stocks and leading concept stocks that had rebounded strongly in the previous two days received a large number of active funds to follow up, and the stock prices rioted one after another. , among them, the check of 'Leiman Optoelectronics', which was strongly linked to the check of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' some time ago, increased by 5 points in a straight line in one minute, expanding the intraday increase to 7%. s position.

At 9:36, the change of ‘Leiman Optoelectronics’ brought up the entire concept of ‘sports industry development’.

Within its sector, stocks such as 'Annie Shares, Snowman Shares, Pathfinder, Rhine Sports, Xinlong Health, Qujiang Culture and Tourism...' have followed the trend and risen.

And at the same time.

In the 'film and television media' branch area, the concept of 'star shareholding and participation' is also rising rapidly, such as 'Guangdong Media, Huace Film and Television, Ciwen Media, Tangde Film and Television, Guangguang Media, Huayi Brothers...' Stocks have also received the attention and acceptance of a large number of active financial groups.

At 9:37, the Shanghai Stock Index fell further to a 53% decline.

In addition, the intraday decline of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also expanded to about 2%. Only the small and medium-sized index rose against the trend, and even expanded the increase to 89%.

And amid the rapid decline in the index.

The main lines of "big infrastructure" and "big finance" that supported the Shanghai Stock Index's continued upward trend in the early stage, and their related core weight stocks, basically all stalled at this moment.

‘China Railway’ fell nearly 1 point in early trading.

"Huaxin Securities" also fell sharply to 78% at the beginning of the trading day.

'Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo MCC, China North Locomotive, China South Locomotive...' and other heavyweight core stocks with 'China' prefixes, at this moment, there was relatively fierce selling. There are relatively few active buying orders, and most of the buying orders are passively placed below.

And the ‘Internet Finance’ concept sector was extremely active in the past two days.

There was also an obvious correction trend at the beginning of today's trading. Active buying was obviously unable to handle the concentrated selling.

While the heavyweight stocks of 'big infrastructure' and 'big finance' have fallen one after another, the trend of heavyweight core stocks that have surged sharply in the past two days in the main areas of 'technological growth' and 'big consumption' has also slumped, such as 'LeTV. , Wangsu Technology, Huaguo Software, Inspur Software, Inspur Information, 2345, Qianzhou Moutai, Midea Electric Appliances, Gree Electric Appliances, Haier Electric Appliances, Changan Automobile, Great Wall Motors...' and other stocks, the current market trend and intraday decline , basically larger than the Shanghai Composite Index.

Overall, in these 7 minutes.

The overall active capital flow within the market is basically following up on small and medium-cap concept stocks that have strong demand to make up for the increase, or that have strong buying orders.

At 9:38, ‘Western Securities’ exploded in volume, reaching a 3% intraday decline.

And under the sudden trend of ‘Western Securities’.

A number of stocks such as 'Orient Securities, Huatou Securities, Huazhong Capital, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, Huashang Securities, Founder Securities, Pacific Securities...' also followed the trend and fell. Among them, the check of 'Huazhong Capital' , and in an instant, all the gains from the high opening were completely given up.

At the same time, the securities sector fluctuated and fell, and naturally the 'Internet finance' sector was also inevitable.

I saw that 'Flush' also fell sharply by more than 2 points, and the intraday increase fell back to 2%.

As for the "Oriental Fortune" check that was originally opened at a significantly higher price due to the huge increase in positions in the "Jiefang South Road" seat, at this moment it not only gave up all the gains in the higher opening, but also turned green.

At 9:39, with the rapid decline of the "Securities" and "Internet Finance" sectors, and the follow-up decline of the "Banking" and "Insurance" sectors, the stock index's decline further expanded to 76%.

And also at this moment.

‘Chengfei Integration’, a popular stock in the market that has attracted much attention in the two cities, has seen its stock price plummet and has hit its limit.

The rapid sales of 'Chengfei Integration' also caused the 'military industry' sector, which once led the gains at the beginning of the session, to fall sharply.

At 9:40, the Shanghai Stock Index fell close to the 1% mark. At the same time, the index point suddenly fell below the 3250 point mark. It seemed... as if the plummeting trend of the previous two days was repeated.

"Holy shit, isn't it? After failing to break through 3,300 points, is there going to be another plunge?"

Seeing the rapid expansion of the Shanghai Stock Index's intraday decline, and the violent rebound in the previous two days, the core main lines of the market, as well as related core concept sectors, all fell into a state of malaise with rapid corrections at the beginning of today's trading, as well as a number of short-term active funds in the market, They also began to intensively flow into the 'sub-new stock' sector for hedging.

At 9:43, in the Magic City, Yinghui Fund Company, 'Yinghui No. 2' fund product trading room, fund manager Shao Xiaoyun stared at the market and felt his scalp numb. He had just belatedly realized what he had missed yesterday. The position was filled up, and at this moment, the market fell into a violent correction again. Wouldn't this cost him his life?

"What the hell, what about the full bull market that was promised?" Shao Xiaoyun frowned and complained, "Is it so difficult to even break through 3,300 points? Can we continue to be optimistic about 3,500 points?"

"The market trend does seem a bit bad." Liu Changling, the fund product trading team leader sitting next to Shao Xiaoyun, also frowned at this time and responded, "It's really strange. Logically speaking, 3300 points in the past two days The selling pressure nearby has been released on a large scale, why is it so fierce at this moment...?"

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