Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 708: Falling, just to rise!

Wang Can thought about it for a while and replied: "That's true. We finally broke through the 3300 point mark. There is no reason to fall back! And' securities, Internet finance, military industry, film and television media, sub-new stocks, Shanghai stock market Free trade zones, reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises are popular main sectors. At this time, the trend is indeed obvious and the follow-up expectations are very strong. Its main upward trend has already been achieved by the concerted efforts of funds and the majority of investors in the market. group recognition.

Logically speaking, there are no extreme negative blows.

These popular mainline trends that have already emerged are unlikely to be cut off so suddenly.

It seems... I am indeed worried blindly. I hold a large amount of chips in my hands and already have sufficient cost advantages. Why do I feel that the market is rising and I am timid? "

Hearing Wang Can's last muttered words, Zhao Lijun chuckled and said, "It's normal to be timid as the price rises. This is also the psychological reaction of the vast majority of investors in the market. Otherwise, where would there be so many investors?" Profit-taking and arbitrage selling? How can such a large market change hands?

Only when people suffer huge losses will they break the pot.

If you have sufficient profits in hand and feel that the market is at risk of a downward correction, it will be difficult to restrain the strong desire to stop profits.

This is the weakness of human nature and the source of market profits and losses. "

"Yeah, my determination is still not good." Wang Can smiled helplessly, "If the boss hadn't been asking us to hold positions firmly, we were not allowed to trade in the core main positions. Faced with such a huge profit scale in the account now, I I must have been unable to bear it for a long time."

If Su Yu hadn't formulated an investment strategy and trading strategy of holding firm positions and doing T with small positions.

If you let them play freely...

Perhaps during the extreme market plunge on Monday, he sold off all the chips in the account he operated and the chips held by the group he was responsible for.

However, facts have proven that in the current market stage, a certain degree of determination in holding positions is still needed.

This also shows that there is still a clear gap between his understanding of the market and trading knowledge compared with Zhao Lijun, Zhu Tianyang, Zhang Guobing, and Liu Yuan.

Therefore, Yu Su Yu did not promote him to be the fund manager of the main fund products.

He also made sense in his heart.

"If there are no accidents, today's core market trend will still focus on 'securities, Internet finance, military industry, film and television media, sub-new stocks, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', which have produced sufficient profit-making effects yesterday. On the popular sector." While the two were talking, at this time, Zhu Tianyang from another trading team also said, "I thought that today's 'Hua Ke Shuguang' check should be able to be opened, but I didn't expect that it would still be shrinking. If the trend of the stock market exceeds expectations, the continuous trend of this check has frequently exceeded the expectations of the investors in the market who pay attention to this check."

"Indeed, 16 consecutive boards, who would have thought of it before releasing it?" Liu Yuan also nodded at this time, "Logically speaking, if the check of 'Huake Dawn' has reached this point, it should drive its related There has been a wave of speculation in the concept sector, and I feel that there are certain speculative opportunities in the 'technological growth' concept stocks associated with this stock today."

"In the electronic information field, or in the 'mobile Internet' field?" Wang Can paused and asked.

Liu Yuan thought for a moment and responded: "Look at the direction of the active capital groups in the market after the market opens. Any direction is possible."

"The check for 'Chengfei Integration' was a bit lower than expected today." Zhao Lijun took over and said, "I feel that the check is still not too bad. I'm afraid Rongchao Business Center will have to cut off its flesh today."

"'Chengfei Integration' is related to the line of 'Military Industry Asset Reorganization'." Zhu Tianyang said, "In the field of military industry sector, the opening of 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' today is not very satisfactory. After the short-term emotional recovery of this line, this position , there is a high probability that there will be another wave of serious disagreements.”

"The military industry line should still be lacking in space and time during the previous adjustments." Seeing several people discussing this point, Zhang Guobing on the side also took over and said, "In terms of the current explosive power and market sustainability, the military industry Not as good as securities, Internet finance, and the film and television media sector in the main areas of 'technological growth'."

"Speaking of the 'film and television media' sector, it feels like it should be considered a reversal, right?" Wang Can continued, "'LeTV' has been really strong recently, and the box office of this year's National Day season, as well as the recent film market The box office performance has exceeded expectations, not to mention that there will be benefits from national subsidies in the future. I feel that the entire 'film and television media' field should be entering a golden stage of development."

"The logic of the 'film and television media' sector is there, but how to estimate the valuation is a problem!" Liu Yuan said, "When emotions and expectations rise, it can rise to the sky, but in extreme cases, even if it falls by twice the price, it cannot be said to be cheap. Ah, take the check of 'LeTV' as an example. The future expectations are still unclear. Its current valuation is already more than 100 times, and its market value is tens of billions. I am thinking, even if it is an optimistic expectation, How much room does this check have to go up?”

"Taken together, the logic of securities and Internet finance is still the clearest and clearest, right?" Zhao Lijun said with a smile.

Zhang Guobing nodded slightly and responded: "You can say that."

"In this case, we don't need to think too much." Zhao Lijun said, "Just continue to implement Mr. Su's trading strategy."

After saying that, he turned his attention back to the trading boards of the two cities.

While a few people were talking, the market trading time had moved to 9:30.

The markets of the two markets, which had been briefly suspended, started to beat rapidly again at this moment, and with the official arrival of the trading time, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of buying funds have also crashed onto the market, brazenly competing with the short-selling funds. Confrontation.

At 9:31, in just one minute, the new market increase can exceed 5 billion.

At 9:32, the Shanghai Stock Index fell back, and the day's gain quickly shrunk to less than 4%. At the same time, in terms of popular stocks, 'Chengfei Integration' opened low and fell, and the day's decline expanded to 23%. Similarly, Flush and Western Securities, Shanghai Sanmao, Huazhong Capital, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics...these popular stocks have also seen their market gains fall, and their volume can increase rapidly.

At 9:33, 'Huaguo Shuguang', the current leading stock in the 'sub-new stock' sector, quickly increased its trading volume by more than 4 million. However, its daily limit was closed, and there was no obvious change under the short-term increase in volume at this moment. , there are still more than 300,000 main buying orders.

At 9:34, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell further to 23%. At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index had almost swallowed up all the gains at the opening and returned to near the flat position.

At 9:35, the "Chengfei Integration" index fell to around 3 points, and the "small and medium-sized board" index turned green.

At 9:36, the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' also swallowed up all the gains from the higher opening. Affected by this, the rise of 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' fell back to less than 5%, and 'Leiman Optoelectronics' swallowed up the gains at the opening of the day. , fell back to a flat position, and the entire 'sports industry development' concept sector turned green.

At 9:37, the daily increase of 'Flush' narrowed to 13%. At the same time, the index increase of securities sector and Internet finance sector has fallen back to within 5%.

At 9:38, the Shanghai Stock Index continued to fall back to near the flat position, giving up all the gains during the day and completing the trend of covering the opening gap.

At 9:39, when the Shanghai stock index fell back to the flat position, the intraday decline of the small and medium-sized index had expanded to more than 5%. Yesterday, in the field of small and medium-sized concept stocks, a number of concept stocks that performed extremely strongly experienced serious losses in early trading today. The trend has diverged, and profit taking has become more serious.

At 9:40, the number of red stocks in the two cities fell back to more than 1,200.

At 9:41, the intraday decline of 'Chengfei Integration' expanded to 4%. At the same time, the stock 'Huake Shuguang' also began to continue to increase in volume, with the intraday trading volume reaching tens of millions.

At 9:42, the daily increase of ‘Western Securities’, the leading stock in the securities sector, has shrunk to less than 5%, and the increase of the entire securities sector index has shrunk to 35%.

And the performance of the popular leading sectors, which are chased and taken over by various active financial groups, is still like this.

The performance and decline of other popular Feixin core sectors is even more obvious.

In just 12 minutes, the entire market showed no signs of rising enthusiasm. Instead, what emerged was a rapid retracement and diving.

At 9:43, ‘Huazhong Capital’ reached the flat position. At the same time, the intraday gains of stocks such as ‘Oriental Fortune’ and ‘Hengsheng Electronics’ were completely swallowed up, and they also fell back to the flat position.

At 9:44, only half of the top 20 stocks with the most attention and discussion in the market can still maintain their red market status.

Just when everyone thought that the Shanghai Stock Index would quickly return to the 3300 point that it broke through yesterday.

Many stocks will continue to fall to an intraday low.

The next moment, at 9:45, 'Flush', the core leading stock in the Internet financial sector, and even the conceptual leading stock in the entire 'big finance' field, suddenly saw a continuous influx of thousands of buying hands on the market. The large order pushed its stock price up in a flash.

At 9:46, ‘Flush’ rose straight up, and the intraday increase returned to the 3% mark.

At 9:47, the gains of 'Flush' continued to expand, once again breaking through the 4% increase mark and returning to near the high point of the day's trading.

And with the straight-line rise of "Flush", and the huge orders of Tianliang main buyers, assists.

Its related similar stocks, such as 'Oriental Fortune, Great Wisdom, Jinzheng Shares, Yinjie Technology, Hengsheng Electronics, Changliang Technology...' and other stocks, also followed suit, and the buying volume could follow the trend in an instant.

In addition to the sudden changes in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector.

At the same time, the securities sector index also rose simultaneously. The two most popular securities stocks, 'Western Securities' and 'Hua Investment Capital', also received a large wave of active buying from major funds. In an instant, the stock prices rose straight up. Recovering the early retracement losses.

At 9:48, the ‘Internet Finance’ and ‘Securities’ sector indices rose, returning to the 1% intraday increase mark.

Seeing that the two core popular sectors of the market cannot fall at all.

Others, such as 'military industry, film and television media, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, sub-new stocks, reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, high-speed rail...' and other main areas where the main funds have been deeply involved and the internal chip structure is relatively stable, have also followed suit in an instant. Rebound, buying volume can increase rapidly.

At 9:49, as the popular mainline sectors bottomed out, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index were driven along.

At 9:50, the three major indexes all turned red and rose again.

At 9:51, after several major indexes had completed the replenishment and reshuffle at the beginning of the market and showed a strong upward trend again, in the field of popular concept stocks, the main hot money gathered on these concept stocks began to fully assist in pulling up the market.

At 9:52, with a violent change of hands of nearly 20%, the "Shanghai Sanmao" once again pulled up the board in a straight line from the daily increase of 6% that continued to fluctuate.

At 9:53, the "Shanghai Sanmao" hit the daily limit due to the crazy increase in the main funds of super large orders exceeding 100,000 consecutive lots.

At 9:54, the "Shanghai Sanmao" closed the daily limit and became the main concept area of ​​"Shanghai Free Trade Zone". It was the first stock with four consecutive daily limit stocks and became a very recognizable one in the entire market. As the main concept leader of Du, its popularity continued to surge at the moment it was closed, and it ranked among the top five hot stocks in the two cities.

At 9:55, driven by the higher-than-expected daily limit of "Shanghai Sanmao", a number of stocks in the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept have changed. For example, "Shanghai Construction Engineering" has soared by more than 3 points. In terms of increase, 'Pudong Jinqiao' rose by more than 2%, while 'Shanghai Steel Federation', under the influence of the two popular concepts of 'Internet Finance' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', rose by more than 5%. The increase jumped from near the flat position to an intraday increase of 6%.

At 9:56, when the concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" changes rapidly, the relationship between "military industry", "military industry assets reorganization", "reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises", "new era road, maritime Silk Road" The main lines of conceptual themes have also been driven up one after another. Among them, the two concept stocks of 'Dalian Heavy Industry' and 'Yingkou Port' have shown signs of rising in a straight line in an attempt to close the market.

At 9:57, under the strong counterattack of a number of conceptual themes such as 'Internet finance, securities, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, New Era Road, and Maritime Silk Road', 'Film and Television Media' has also received heavy investment from the market. The core main areas of concern among the audience have also suddenly changed. These areas are biased towards the concept of "star ownership and participation", and at the same time have the expectation of "recovery and reversal of the film industry". Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television, Huayi Brothers, several stocks have shown signs of frequent large orders of 10,000 lots rising in a straight line to grab funds.

At 9:58, I saw market investment sentiment rising again.

The sector of ‘sub-new stocks’ has also begun to move rapidly.

Among them, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' also rose from the bottom of the water again, jumping to the 2% increase mark during the day and returning to the high point of the day.

In addition to the changes in the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector.

At the same time, a series of markets such as 'sports industry development', 'automobile consumption', 'white goods consumption', 'steel', 'real estate', 'cement', 'liquor', 'petrochemical', 'coal'... The main line areas that have received less attention have also launched a strong rebound at this moment.

And when the market trading time officially passed 10 o'clock in the morning.

It can be seen that the Shanghai Stock Index has returned to the opening position driven by many conceptual main lines and core main lines, completing another market washout.

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