Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 709: New high, still new high!

"Sure enough, every intraday drop is an obvious buying point!"

Seeing that the Shanghai Stock Index once again quickly retracted its intraday decline and surged upwards, once again setting a new yearly high. At this moment, among the vast group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform, countless investors also once again Expressing emotion, it can be said that I am extremely excited about the market trend.

“New highs, new highs, is this a bull market?”

"The index has reached a new high, but my stocks don't feel like they have risen much?"

"Actually, the main ones that have gone up are 'securities, Internet finance, military industry, reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, film and television media...' These popular sectors, other sectors and component stocks have not risen much, hey. ...Had I known it, I should have adjusted my position."

"Strong stocks will always be strong stocks, junk stocks will always be junk stocks!"

"I originally thought that after a number of heavyweight stocks in popular sectors rose, other low-priced stocks would start to make up for their gains, but I never thought... the main funds have been making orders around these popular sectors."

"I would say, don't be too smart to predict the market trend, and follow the market trend directly."

"Should we just pursue these hot spots from a high position?"

"Don't you want to chase them? The current stock prices of these popular stocks are a bit high, but if the index continues to break through, this current high may be the next low."

"Yes, they all say that the 'bull market is gaining momentum'. What is 'momentum'? Isn't it an area where capital groups are concentrated?"

"If you hold weak stocks, it is the last word to change positions as soon as possible. Think about it, why every recent market adjustment, such as the securities, Internet finance, and film and television media sectors, can have stronger trends after a short correction. It’s not just that every time the market adjusts, many of the main funds in the market continue to adjust their positions from weak sectors and weak stocks into these popular sectors.”

"Yes, although the transaction volume of the two cities has generally reached 700 billion, it is obvious that the core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'technological growth' have a negative impact on other main lines of the market. The capital siphon effect is still very obvious.”

“Often the more people don’t dare to buy a ticket, the more it goes up.”

“The more I feel that a stock with a very low stock price, the less money will pay attention to it, the weaker it will be compared to the market.”

"Hey, I feel like this is a common problem among retail investors, right? I've been looking at the Flush check for many days. In fact, there are opportunities to buy every day, but I just don't dare to buy. Instead, I think the K-line trend is very good. Well, the check of Changqu Technology is at a low level, but... the check of Changqu Technology has been completely motionless recently. On the contrary, the stock price is either rising sharply or hitting the limit. Since I paid attention to it, the stock price has almost doubled again. "

"It's the same... Between the two checks of 'Western Securities' and 'Hua Qingbao', I chose 'Hua Qingbao'. Damn it... I feel regretful in my intestines."

“I am heavily invested in ‘Hua Guo Construction’, and it has been underperforming the market overall recently!”

"It would be good if it goes up. The 'Jinxi Coal Industry' I bought, damn... it has fallen a lot recently. The coal sector is obviously at such a low position, but it has not risen at all."

"Yes, even Huaguo Petroleum has rebounded by almost 10% recently. Non-ferrous metals and coal have really not moved at all."

"This shows that even if the market is bullish, you may not always make money!"

"They say that in a 'bull market' you need to cover stocks, but in my opinion... you still have to chase market hot spots."

"This legend of 'covering stocks in the bull market' should be talking about covering up the popular leading stocks on the popular main lines, right? It doesn't mean that you should buy the junk stocks on the fringe main lines that you have no funds to pay attention to."

"Yes, this is the correct understanding of 'covering stocks in a bull market'."

"Hey, you really have to cover stocks to make big profits. I grabbed the check from 'Oriental Fortune' early. In the past three months, almost all the stocks held by Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Group' were speculated by the market. At that time, I had a heavy position in the stock 'Oriental Fortune', but when the securities and Internet financial sectors really started to gain momentum, that is, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 3,000 points, I lost all my chips. I couldn't take it back, and I bought Qianjin Pharmaceutical later, but it didn't go up at all."

"I also had a heavy position in Flush. I originally wanted to hold it firmly, but the limit fell on Monday and I was wiped out."

"I have to say that the trend of many popular stocks hitting the limit on Monday was really fierce."

"It was that wave of market wash that caused me to lose my chips. Later, when I saw the stock rising sharply, I wanted to buy it back, but I was afraid that it would fall. I kept hesitating, and I kept missing out."

"This shows that even if you buy a good stock, it is difficult to make a lot of money!"

"It is quite difficult to really make money in this market..."

"That's right. Otherwise, why would there be a market pattern of seven losses, two draws, and one profit? Even if you get a good stock, if you don't have a firm belief in holding shares, you will be washed away by the main funds."

"Hey, can I still accept 'Flush' and 'Oriental Fortune' now?"

"This position... I really can't handle it!"

"I think there is no problem if you don't take over the whole position at once. Buy half a position first. If it subsequently retraces and falls, you can buy another half position at a low point. If the stock price continues to rise, after breaking through the new pressure position, wait until the right When the opportunity arises to increase the position, you can also continue to fill up the remaining half of the position.”

"Yes, I think buying and selling stocks cannot be done directly at one go. It is better to separate positions, so as to reduce the error rate."

"The main thing is to have a good attitude. If you panic or get anxious, something will go wrong in an instant."

"Taken together, the securities and Internet financial sectors are still in a very strong market trend!"

"Let me tell you, no matter how high the current positions of the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance and their core popular stocks are, when we look at the market, we still have to look at the subsequent expectations. We cannot just focus on the current stock price. As long as there are future With expected support, no matter how high the stock price is, it can continue to rise.”

"But how to judge the follow-up expectations?"

"This is a matter of benevolence and wisdom."

"It's very simple. As long as we admit that this is a bull market, then according to the historical trajectory, the securities sector will at least double the increase. Has the current entire securities sector index doubled? If not, then be bold Just increase your position. In the continuous short-squeeze market, whether it is 'oversold' or when the K-line deviates too far from the moving average...these technical indicators do not work well."

"Simply put, just use the check of 'Huaxin Securities' as the standard. In the bull market, the starting valuation of this check is at least 350 billion. With its current market value of more than 200 billion, there is obviously still room. , if you only require outperforming the market and do not require excess profits that can be doubled at every turn, I think this large-cap stock is very good, and its trend is very stable, and it can basically keep up with the sector index."

"Huaxin Securities has more than 100 billion in circulation. Can the trend be unstable?"

"Actually, the easiest thing, I think, is to directly follow Mr. Feng Su's "Yu Hang Group" to buy new stocks. It's the easiest, and you have the courage to cover the stocks."

“It’s hard to find the stocks held by Mr. Su’s ‘Yuhang Department’ now.”

"Yes, Mr. Su's seat does not often appear on the Dragon and Tiger list now. It is not easy to find new target stocks for the 'Yu Hang Group'."

"Isn't this the check from 'China Railway'?"

"According to Mr. Su's current medium- and long-term position thinking, after Mr. Su's recent intervention in the 'China Railway' check, he will definitely not be able to exit the position so quickly. It can be taken at least for more than a month, and The trend of this check’s K-line pattern is also pretty good!”

"The trend of the 'China Railway' check is actually a bit weaker than that of core stocks in the securities and Internet financial sectors."

"Previously, Mr. Su's main investment in increasing positions seemed to be in the fields of securities and Internet finance. This time he increased his position in the 'China Railway' check. Why? The 'Huaguo China Railway' check does not seem to belong to the current Is it a hot sector and a hot concept main line area that is hotly speculated on in the market?"

“The logic of the ‘China Railway’ check is considered a ‘big infrastructure’? Or is it the concept of a ‘new era maritime and road Silk Road’?”

"It can be considered a 'big infrastructure'!"

"The current trend of 'big infrastructure' can only be said to be average, barely keeping up with the market."

"I feel that the internal logic of this check will not be so simple. When Mr. Su is digging for individual stocks, he usually can't see anything in the early stage, but without exception... every stock that Mr. Su has a heavy position in will basically be hotly speculated in the market. Big bull stocks.”

"In fact, the positions held by Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department", regardless of the specific stocks held, the theme direction of the layout is still very obvious, which is the four major sectors of securities, Internet finance, infrastructure, and military industry."

"There are also banks and insurance companies. With such a large amount of capital, it is impossible not to allocate these two core weights in the main line of 'big finance'."

"Banks and insurance companies must have positions."

"The two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance are only suitable for large capital groups, not for us retail investors."

“That’s right, it’s better to buy bonds than to buy banks.”

"Bank stocks are too weak. I feel that the market turnover is not in the trillions, and it is impossible to attract these heavyweight bank stocks."

"If bank stocks want to move like securities stocks, can't two to three hundred billion of funds be too much? When there is no deviation from the main line, the priority for position adjustment is to look for main line leading stocks with relatively high elasticity. , In fact, when it comes to the size of the circulation and market capitalization, the 'flush' check is really suitable, and this check is indeed the leading stock that has been intensively attacked by the main financial groups in the market recently. "

"Well, the circulation and market value of 'Flush' is not very large, but not small. Under the current market liquidity, it is indeed suitable for the main funds of all parties to continue to relay and enter and exit at will."

"This is the real dragon!"

With this exclamation, the discussion about the "flush" check further increased.

At 10:21, after the violent fluctuations, the check "Flush" changed hands, and was once again placed on a continuous large order of thousands of hands, and was sealed at the daily limit. The stock price hit a new high since its listing, and its market value also hit a record high. The record high since then has once again attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of investors in the two cities.

With the "flush" check rising to the limit.

At 10:22, the entire 'Internet Finance' sector rose linearly again, corresponding to other core stocks, 'Oriental Fortune, Great Wisdom, Hengsheng Electronics, Tianyu Information, Yinjie Technology, Jinzheng Shares, Changliang Technology, Shanghai Stock Exchange Steel Union...' The attention and discussion of the stock market also skyrocketed, and the stock prices showed a straight-line upward trend. Among them, the check of 'Great Wisdom' was directly bought by tens of thousands of consecutive major orders that appeared on the market. It violently swept through all the selling orders on the market, raising its stock price from about 3% to more than 8%, approaching the daily limit.

At 10:23, only one minute before the change, the check of 'Great Wisdom' sealed the daily limit without hesitation.

At the same time, this moment.

The Internet Financial Sector Index rose by more than 3%, surpassing the "sub-new stocks" sector that continued to be strong, and once again became the conceptual sector leading the gains in the two cities.

And when the ‘Internet Finance’ sector once again surged across the board.

As the ‘securities’ sector that has a strong correlation with it, it is impossible not to follow.

At 10:24, "Huazhong Capital" experienced an extreme buying situation with an explosion of 100 million funds in one minute. Big funds fully converged on this check, which also pushed its stock price straight up to near the daily limit.

At 10:25, ‘Hua Investment Capital’ reached its daily limit, while the securities sector index rose by 63% during the day.

At 10:26, driven by the daily limit of Huazhong Capital, the rest of the securities stocks also experienced a surge in volume, and their stock prices continued to rise, reaching new intraday highs.

At 10:27, driven by the securities and Internet financial sectors, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by more than 1% during the day, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index rose by more than 5% during the day.

At 10:28, as the market's bullish capital groups continued to rush for funds and increase their positions, the weak 'small and medium-sized board index' recovered its intraday losses and achieved a red rise.

At 10:29, a large amount of buying funds overflowed from the securities and Internet financial sectors and began to attack military industry, high-speed rail, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, venture capital, New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road, film and television media, online education, Sub-new stocks, sports industry development...' and other relatively popular concept sectors.

At 10:30, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index stood at 3360 points.

At 10:31, more than 2,000 stocks and more than 1,700 stocks in the two cities achieved red market gains, and the market's money-making effect was once again overwhelming.

At 10:32, the transaction volume of the two cities exceeded the 300 billion mark, and the time-sharing volume is still increasing across the board.

At 10:33, the check for "Chengfei Integration" suddenly shot up into the sky from a drop position of more than 1 point, with a concentrated volume of more than 400 million, and headed straight towards the daily limit.

At 10:34, ‘Chengfei Integration’ sealed the daily limit.

And this is also the first daily limit since the reorganization of the check failed and trading continued to fall by the limit.

At the moment when the "Chengfei Integration" line was strongly closed, its related "military industry" sector suddenly received a huge amount of main buying funds.

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