Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 710: When the daily limit of 100 stocks becomes the norm!

The next moment, 10:35.

"China Airlines Heavy Machinery", which has a strong correlation with the trend of "Chengfei Integration" and was obviously weak in early trading, also rose in a straight line and quickly hit the daily limit.

At 10:36, ‘China Airlines Heavy Machinery’ successfully sealed the daily limit.

At the same time, in the 'military industry' sector, the related conceptual sectors such as 'domestic aircraft carriers, Beidou navigation, military asset restructuring, military-civilian integration, military asset securitization, nuclear power...' also moved up one after another. Dozens, Hundreds of concept stocks are frantically absorbing the influx of large amounts of buying capital.

At 10:37, the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector index skyrocketed, rising by more than 5%, and the one-minute increase exceeded 1%, ranking among the top three industry sector gains in the two cities.

At 10:38, after China Airlines Heavy Air, Hongdu Airlines also rose in a straight line.

At 10:39, ‘Hongdu Airlines’ was rushed to raise funds by Tianliang’s main buying funds, and it skyrocketed.

At the same time, "Fushun Special Steel", the early leading stock in the concept sectors of "nuclear power" and "special steel", ushered in strong buying funds.

At 10:40, ‘Fushun Special Steel’ surged to its daily limit.

At 10:41, the check for "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment", a sub-new stock that also has the concepts of "nuclear power" and "military industry", also faced a large amount of buying funds.

At 10:42, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ violently hit the daily limit.

At 10:43, this stock of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', which is still the number one monster stock of the year, strongly sealed the daily limit and achieved four consecutive daily limit since Monday's limit reversal. At the end, after a huge correction and a sell-off, there was another wave of smooth and continuous gains that boosted people's hearts.

And this daily limit has also caused the popularity of this check to skyrocket again, attracting the attention of countless investors.

At 10:44, the time-sharing capacity of the two cities expanded again, and the changes in the 'military industry' sector began to fully spread to the main line of 'large infrastructure' that had previously been strongly linked to the 'military industry' sector.

At 10:45, the two major weighted conceptual themes of 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' and 'New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road' rose rapidly, forming a coordinated rise with the main concept theme of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' Dancing together, core concept stocks with corresponding weights have risen one after another.

At 10:46, the ‘Hua Guo MCC’ ​​check, which had been adjusted continuously for more than a month and a half, saw a series of strong main buying orders exceeding 200,000 lots.

At 10:47, the stock price of MCC rose sharply, and it seemed that the leading trend was back.

And at the time when the volume of ‘Huaguo MCC’ ​​is increasing explosively.

Previously, there were a number of core stocks in the main line of "big infrastructure", such as "Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo China Railway, Huaxin Cement, Huaxin Building Materials, Conch Cement, Bayi Steel, Beijiang Communications Construction, Dozens of stocks such as Shanghai Construction Engineering, Beixin Road and Bridge, China South Locomotive and China Railway Co., Ltd., etc., made changes one after another.

At 10:48, "Beixin Road and Bridge" rose straight up, rising by more than 7%.

At 10:49, China South Locomotive and China Railway Co., Ltd. and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. once again joined forces to make changes, and their sales volume increased by more than 3%.

At 10:50, the commercial real estate sector also ushered in a riot. China Fortune Land Development and Gemdale Group both surged straight up, with tens of millions of funds exploding in time.

At 10:51, the two early popular themes of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have completely reversed their decline and returned to strong growth, keeping pace with the leading securities and Internet financial sectors.

At 10:52, when the "infrastructure" and "military industry" were in full riots, the bullish sentiment in the entire market continued to rise to an extremely hot state.

There is a main force of hot money in the market, and it starts with ample market liquidity.

Actively market and sell core concept stocks in the "film and television media" and "domestic software" sectors in the main line of "technological growth".

All of a sudden...

A number of concept stocks with "obvious equity participation, film and television production, online education, online TV, Internet applications, and Internet software" also experienced large-scale changes. Among them, "Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television, Guangdong Media, LeTV, Hua A number of concept stocks such as Yi Brothers, Wangsu Technology, Inspur Information, Huaguo Software, 2345, Ren Zixing, Quantong Education... have all shown a straight upward trend.

At 10:53, ‘Quantong Education’ took the lead and closed the daily limit, becoming the conceptual leader of the entire ‘online education’.

At 10:54, Ciwen Media closed its daily limit.

At 10:55, 'LeTV' attracted 500 million yuan in buying orders in two minutes, and the intraday increase rapidly expanded to more than 2%. At the same time, Netspeed Technology also surged in volume, and also expanded the intraday increase to 3%. More than %, and the stock price has basically repaired the decline in the first half of the year, returning to near the high hit last year.

At 10:56, the number of stocks in the two cities exceeded the daily limit, breaking through to 86.

At 10:57, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to set a new intraday high and a new yearly high, refreshing the point to near 3370 points, with great momentum to directly break through 3400 points in one fell swoop.

At 10:58, the intraday trading volume of "Huaxin Securities" reached 6 billion again, with an intraday increase of more than 4%.

At 10:59, "Pacific Securities" closed its daily limit. Within the entire securities sector, low-price securities stocks and small-market securities stocks were favored by major funds.

At 11 a.m., the A50 index once again rose by more than 2%, also setting a new intraday high and a new yearly high.

At 11:01, "Hua Guo MCC" rushed upward, and a series of super large buy orders of 50,000 and even 100,000 lots appeared on the market.

At 11:02, the stock price of MCC hit the daily limit.

At 11:03, MCC's daily limit was closed. At the same time, the number of daily limit stocks in the two cities once again exceeded 100. The three major core indexes in the market all increased by more than 2% during the day. Among them, the A50 index increased by more than 2% during the day. The increase reached more than 5%.

Along with the daily limit of ‘Huaguo MCC’.

The main line of 'big infrastructure' includes architectural decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development, steel, cement, machinery and equipment, public transportation, non-public transportation... and a number of related industry sectors and concept sectors have once again exploded in volume. Pull up and continue to expand the money-making effect of the market.

And when the main financial groups focus on the fields of 'infrastructure, military industry, securities, Internet finance, film and television media, and domestic software', the amount of buying funds obtained in other non-popular main line fields, as well as other marginal main line fields, will increase. Relatively few.

Regardless of the strength of their fundamentals, these mainline stocks can barely keep up with the index.

Unable to outperform the market strongly.

That is to say, in the midst of a huge rise in the market, although the vast majority of individual stocks are continuing to rise, the specific differentiation is still relatively obvious.

That is to say, the situation where the strong becomes stronger and the weak remains weak is very obvious.

And due to the continuation of this differentiation trend.

As a large group of retail investors who originally like to chase the rise and fall, in such a market trend situation.

In the popular main areas of 'infrastructure, military industry, securities, Internet finance, film and television media, and domestic software', the prices have surged for many days in a row and have continued to be strong. A large number of retail investors who lack chips in this area have begun to be impatient. Resist the temptation to sell a large number of weak stocks, and fully pursue these hot stocks.

Under this kind of main capital flow and retail investors following the trend.

After 11 a.m., during the half hour before the midday closing.

Popular main areas such as 'infrastructure, military industry, securities, Internet finance, film and television media, and domestic software' are attracting more and more funds, and the trend is getting stronger and stronger. However, as these popular main lines continue to rise, other types of marginal As for the main line concept, stagflation began to appear. At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Index also began to encounter strong resistance near the 3370 point, showing signs of a short-term rise and fall.

Finally, when 11:30 a.m. came, the two markets were set.

I saw that the Shanghai Index stopped at 49 points, while the gains of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index also fell back to 12% and 16% respectively. As for the strongest A50 Index, it still maintained its growth rate. A 36% increase.

In addition to the performance of the index...

The core main lines of the two cities, as well as the performance of popular main lines.

The main market trends are still concentrated in the fields of 'infrastructure, military industry, securities, Internet finance, film and television media, domestic software, and sub-new stocks'. Other non-core main lines such as 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'coal', In main areas such as 'pharmaceutical', 'petrochemical' and 'animal husbandry', the intraday increase is basically within 1%, and there is no obvious increase in volume on the market.

This illustrates the major changes in market volume.

It is obviously still concentrated in the popular main areas that have performed strongly in the past few days.

It also shows that the market pattern of 'the strong gets stronger and the weak stays weak' has not changed, and the market has no trace of 'from high to low' speculation.

Even though many low-level concept stocks staged a beautiful counterattack yesterday.

But today, these concept stocks in non-core main line areas have not shown continued strong momentum.

Even many concept stocks in non-core main line fields that rose sharply yesterday, or even hit the daily limit, are significantly weaker than the market in today's trend.

This shows that the active capital group jumped ahead yesterday and wanted to follow the "from high to low" idea to speculate.

After not getting the unanimous support of the market capital group.

They all chose timely profit-taking operations to re-focus funds on popular main lines and popular stocks.

Of course, even though the market's overall trend pattern and differentiation are still relatively obvious, the daily limit of individual stocks is still maintained at the daily limit of 100 shares.

Faced with this midday closing situation...

The investor groups inside and outside the market, whether they are retail investors, large hot money investors, or major institutions, are still very excited and happy.

After all, the index can reach high levels one after another and will not go back to the 3300 point of breakthrough.

It is an extremely strong continuous short squeeze trend, which also shows that the power of the market bulls has not exhausted at all, and there is still some room for the continuation of the market to come out.

"Damn it, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is crazy! I won't go back to 3300 points."

During the break after the market closed at noon, in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located, among the discussions among the big hot money investors, someone exclaimed.

"This trend is indeed crazy!"

"No matter how optimistic I was, I never expected that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index would force an upward move and break through continuously."

“The trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index this week is indeed fantastic.”

"On none of the five trading days this week, the trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index followed normal logic. No one thought that the market would plummet like this on Monday, right? No one thought that the market would violently recover most of Monday's losses on Tuesday, right? No one would have thought that on Wednesday, when the stock price was about to recover its losses, it would go on a frightening rise and fall, right? The sharp drop to the bottom on Thursday morning was also scary, right? The gap-covering trend in today's early trading stage should also be... It scared away a lot of people, not to mention that the market closed with a huge increase every day..."

"The range from 3000 to 3500 is the most serious range for hold-ups in market history. Only if the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index does not follow normal logic can we achieve the purpose of a comprehensive washout. If we do not completely clean up the hold-up orders in this range, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will break through later. After 3,500 points, there will still be huge market pressure."

"Indeed, this week's trend can be regarded as a wash."

"It's simply a violent washout mode."

"Whether it is violent or not, the final trend shape and market pattern are still beautiful."

"Yes, although the overall index has not increased much this week, the money-making effect is really not bad, such as 'Flush, Oriental Fortune, Western Securities, Huazhong Capital, Shanghai Sanmao, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment...' This batch The cumulative gains for stocks this week are all over 20%."

"The strong are always strong!"

“It’s been really cool to rely on the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance to make orders recently.”

"Hehe, don't tell me... In the past half month, I have made 60% of the profits. It's just that I sold out the 'flush' check on Monday, which is a bit difficult to deal with."

"Holy shit, half a month, 60% profit?"

"My record should be average among the group. Everyone should be making a lot of money recently."

"Although it's a lot of money, it's not as exaggerated as you!"

"I have to say that Mr. Su's Yuhang Department's funds are really accurate in judging the main market trends. Looking back now, the 'Securities' sector and the 'Internet Finance' sector have really come together. The previous market patterns of the two main sectors of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure'."

"It is not that the market pattern of the two main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' has followed the previous market pattern. It is obviously stronger than the trend of the two main lines of 'military industry' and 'infrastructure'."

"Haha, indeed..."

“But I feel like today’s market is almost at its high point around the morning’s closing price, right?”

"I feel that it should be like this near the closing in the morning. After all, the emotional response is almost there, and the good news that everyone expected will be realized next Monday. In order to prevent the market from going out of the situation of 'good news turning into bad news', this afternoon, There will definitely be a lot of funds that will temporarily stop profits at high levels and wait and see the subsequent changes in the market."

"There are also two days on the weekend, and there is a certain degree of uncertainty in the news."

"It is mainly due to the influence of the market trends on the weekend of last week and Monday this week... Due to these influences, this afternoon, all funds took profits to avoid the negative consequences of uncertainty in the market outlook, which is also a relatively normal trading operation behavior. "

"Regardless of whether the position that fluctuated this morning is an intraday high or not, I have no intention of reducing my position anyway."

"Hey, I won't stop. As long as the market trend is positive and the market trend is short-lived for one or two days, I won't bother to bother."

Along with the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the heated discussions about the market among the big guys in the group.

Around 12:30 noon, new developments emerged in the market news.

I saw a lot of non-popular mainline stock companies starting to issue announcements and cooperating on a number of popular mainline concepts that have been continuously speculated by the market.

At the same time, many major corporate shareholders are dissatisfied with the stock price.

When we see that the "bull market" pattern of the market is becoming more and more obvious, and the shape of the "bull market" is becoming more and more certain.

They have also made moves to increase their holdings at the bottom.

And the regulatory authorities are still more or less continuing to release benefits to the market, which shows that the regulatory authorities care for the trading market.

And it is within these emotional changes and the dynamic impact of the news.

When 1 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two cities ushered in the reopening of the market.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index, after a brief upward surge at the opening of the market, did not continue to advance as they did in the morning. Instead, during the upward trend, active buying increased. Weak, active selling is increasing, and the market is gradually coming under pressure.

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