Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 728: ‘High-low switching’ within the main line!

"Yes, when the bull market expectations are getting stronger and stronger, and the overall bull market pattern of the basic market has been recognized by the majority of investor groups inside and outside the market, looking at the entire market, there should be no core main line that has the current 'big financial' This line is such a certain future expectation." Zhao Lijun took over and said, "Moreover, the 'big finance' line is actually a relatively strong future expectation. Although it has risen rapidly in more than half a month, it has The overall increase is actually not very large. At least compared to the main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have been rising for more than half a year, the valuations of the corresponding weighted stocks in each sector are still low."

"The short-term gains of the securities and Internet finance sectors are still quite large." Zhu Tianyang said, "However, the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance have just embarked on an obvious upward trend. Not only have they not hit a new annual high, but they have even reached a new high. The high point of half a year has not been crossed yet.

Let’s look at the trends of the two major weighted sectors: banking and insurance.

Under the magnificent pattern of a comprehensive bull market in the market, it can be clearly felt that the market trend of the core line of "big finance" is far from over at present. "

"Although the major sectors of securities, banking, insurance, and Internet finance are the core sectors of the entire 'big finance' main line, based on the core expectations of the bull market, these major sectors have different market trends and sequences. , there should be a relatively big difference, right?" Wang Can thought for a while and said, "The securities and Internet financial sectors rose before the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance. They should realize their expectations and the high points of the market. , will also obviously precede the banking and insurance sectors.

I think... we can compare the market trends of securities and Internet financial sectors.

It serves as a leading indicator for the subsequent trends of the banking and insurance sectors.

This will help us judge the main market trend of the entire "Big Finance", as well as changes in positions and trading strategies. "

"Well, you can refer to it accordingly." Zhao Lijun said, "The principle of 'the strong will always be strong' is definitely useful in the development stage of the core main line market."

"In fact, in addition to the core main line of 'big finance', as the market turnover and liquidity are getting higher and higher, the two core main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have performed strongly in the past half year or so. , and gradually came out again." Zhu Tianyang stared closely at the changes in the two cities, and said, "Looking at the market trend, it is obvious that multiple main lines have formed a development route that intertwines with each other and moves forward together."

Liu Yuan heard Zhu Tianyang's words and responded with a smile: "Under the long-term favorable conditions of the two major macroeconomic strategic plans of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', as long as the 'big infrastructure' The market valuations and fundamentals of a number of core stocks in the two main areas of , and 'military industry' have not significantly deviated from the market's average valuation level. Then... I think these two core main lines will become more and more popular. Under the influence of more abundant market liquidity and turnover, it continues to perform.

However, it can still be seen...

After more than half a month of adjustments, the main lines of this round of "big infrastructure" and "military industry" have regained momentum, and the core stocks leading the gains are still significantly different from before.

The entire main line area has a bit of a "high and low switching" meaning. "

"Not only in the main areas of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are signs of 'high-low switching' stock rotation speculation." At this time, Zhang Guobing from another trading group suddenly answered, "If you look carefully, in fact, the entire 'big infrastructure' Within the main financial field, there are also signs of this kind of 'high-low switching'.

Today, whether it is the securities sector or the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance.

The main buying funds attack the most aggressively and aggressively. Basically, they are all stocks in the previous heavyweight sectors that are relatively sluggish, but their fundamentals are not much different from the stocks that led the gains in the past. And A large number of stocks such as 'Southwest Securities, Pacific Securities, Huaxin Securities, Xiangcai Securities, Minsheng Bank, Ping An Bank...' seem to contain the logic of low-price stock speculation.

At present, the concept of low-priced weight stocks has not yet fully appeared on the market.

We have to look at the subsequent changes in the market and the changes in the trajectories of various financial groups to follow suit before we can make an accurate judgment.

But anyway...

Under the current situation of the market, in fact, the long-short differences still exist. It cannot be said that the entire market has fully entered the stage of a "comprehensive bull market". "

"From the analysis of the overall market situation, we can see that there is still some shortcomings in the form of a 'comprehensive bull market'." During the discussion, the general manager of the company's asset management business and the general manager of the Yuhang department looked around with a smile. "Li Meng, the product manager of several major funds, said with a smile, "But as long as the core main line development direction of the market does not break away from the lines of 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and Internet finance', for the core positions of our institution, That said, the problem is not big. Everyone still needs to pay a little attention to the market performance traces of the 'high-low switching' within the core main line mentioned by Guobing just now. You can use small positions and try to adjust positions in this direction. "

"Relatively speaking, within the main line of 'big infrastructure', the signs of this 'high-low switching' are more obvious." Zhang Guobing received Li Meng's approval, paused, and then said, "I think we can follow the previous Su Some of the strategic opinions put forward by the general manager are to start from the main line of "big infrastructure" and adjust positions to some hot stocks that are performing strongly at the moment, and the main financial groups are following up fiercely. The stocks are low-priced core stocks within the sector without much difference, thereby seeking some market excess profits.”

"I think it's okay!" Zhao Lijun agreed.

Liu Yuan thought for a while and said: "I have no objection to starting with individual stocks that have obvious market performance. However, in the main direction of 'Big Finance', our core positions and current corresponding expectations are far from being fulfilled." , but it’s not advisable to act blindly. In this part... I think we can continue to maintain static positions.”

"In the direction of 'big finance', we are currently experiencing a radical market breakthrough trend, so it is naturally better to be quiet than to move." Zhao Lijun said, "As for the main direction of 'big infrastructure', the overall 'high-low switching' situation is still relatively obvious. , then we can’t continue to be indifferent.”

Following his words, several other major trading team leaders nodded.

Then everyone agreed with Li Meng.

They made corresponding adjustments one after another, actively reducing their holdings and taking profits on some relatively stagnant high-level core "infrastructure" stocks, and then used the funds from reducing their holdings and taking profits to buy on the market. The performance was relatively strong, and the main force The buying capital group followed up the core weight stocks vigorously.

Among the main fund products of the "Yu Hang Series", there is a slight adjustment of positions.

As market trading hours progress.

After 10:30, the hype of low-priced stocks in the core main line of the market mentioned by Zhang Guobing began to become more and more obvious on the market.

Among them, there are a number of mainline core weight stocks with stock prices between 1 and 5 yuan.

Especially in the banking, insurance, steel, non-public transportation, securities, and machinery and equipment industry sectors, low-priced and low-priced stocks have moved one after another.

At 10:35, the stock price of Huaguo Baosteel rose by more than 5% during the day.

At 10:36, a number of steel stocks with low prices such as "Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Hegang Co., Ltd., Shougang Co., Ltd., Qilu Iron and Steel..." followed the trend and rose.

At 10:37, MCC, which is also a low-priced popular core stock in the main theme areas of "big infrastructure" and "new era roads and maritime Silk Road" concepts, also experienced a linear increase in volume. Following the trend, the stock price jumped straight up to a 5% increase within a minute or two.

At 10:38, a number of low-priced and low-priced stocks in the commercial real estate sector also moved similarly.

At 10:39, the "Pingjiang Bank", which was priced at a low price and had a relatively small circulation, suddenly surged in volume, and its stock price hit the daily limit in one fell swoop.

At 10:40, ‘Pingjiang Bank’ reached its daily limit.

At 10:41, in the field of securities sector, 'Founder Securities', which had been lagging behind the sector's growth before and was suppressed by equity disputes within its company, was also under pressure at this time, supported by the logic of speculation at low prices and low prices. Attacked by a large number of major buying capital groups, the stock price rose linearly, exceeding the 5% increase in one fell swoop, and ranked at the top of the sector's growth list. At the same time, it also swept away the previous haze of sluggish stock prices, significantly outperforming the securities sector index.

At 10:44, 'Sany Heavy Industry', the core stock of construction machinery, also jumped to a 5% increase. At the same time, Hualian Heavy Industry, Xugong Machinery, Liugong Group... and other similar main business stocks , followed suit one after another.

At 10:45, China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.'s two checks increased by more than 7% during the day, and they had the momentum to hit the daily limit. In addition, the entire non-public transportation sector and other concept stocks also followed suit.

At 10:46, the check from 'China Construction' hit the daily limit again.

At 10:47, under the spotlight, the check for 'China Construction' hit the daily limit, and the day's turnover reached 6.7 billion.

At 10:48, ‘Huagong International’, a low-priced infrastructure stock, quickly followed suit.

At 10:49, the increase in the check of ‘Chemical International’ broke through the 5% mark in a straight line.

At 10:50, the check price of ‘Chemical International’ once again exceeded the 7% mark.

At 10:51, with everyone almost dumbfounded, the check of 'Chemical International' exploded to more than 200 million in time-sharing, rising rapidly and touching the daily limit.

At 10:52, without waiting for anyone's reaction, "Chemical International" quickly sealed the daily limit due to the continuous large orders of 10,000 buyers.

And the moment when ‘Huagong International’ sealed the daily limit.

In the entire market, there are two major sectors: "big finance and big infrastructure" such as 'securities, banking, insurance, construction decoration, building materials, machinery and equipment, commercial real estate development, public transportation, non-public transportation, steel, cement...' Among the industry sectors in the core main line areas.

All the core-weighted stocks that meet the low-end and low-price standards have received frantic rushes from major financial groups.

In particular, the "steel" sector, which has a strong "low position and low price" attribute, jumped directly into the top three industry sector growth lists in the two cities, replacing the banking sector's intraday growth.

Then, when the market trading time passed 11 o'clock in the morning.

This "low price, low price" hype has begun to spread from the two core main lines of "big infrastructure" and "big finance" to the main lines of "military industry" and "technological growth".

At the same time, the "high-low switching" market within this strong core main line is evolving.

The Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index, several major market core indexes, also continued to rise, showing a consistent trend of continuous breakthroughs.

"Damn it, today is the day when low-priced stocks are subject to intensive speculation!"

After 11 o'clock, when the market performance of the two cities became more and more obvious, and the overall market speculation style became more and more clear, many in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located had already understood the logic of today's market speculation and the logic of market evolution. I can't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's right, this is called the market's 'high-low switching' trend. What was it called yesterday?"

"Hey, did anyone mention this logic in our group yesterday? I didn't expect... the market situation would develop like this today. Damn it... it's really hard to buy. If I had known it!"

"It's true that money can't buy it. I'd have known it before. In fact, the market's logic line is moving like this, which is unexpected and reasonable. Those core-weighted stocks that have surged rapidly in the short term have experienced a surge in market pressure. Funds must be used for this kind of 'high-low switching'."

"It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to react and make immediate arrangements!"

“Today’s ‘low price, low price’ logic line speculation, the most core stock should be ‘Pacific Securities’, right?”

"Well, this stock was the first to hit its limit, so it should be considered the leader."

"Why do I think it's the check from 'Huagong International'?"

"I also think it's the 'Huagong International' check. It's obvious that the market performance before the check's daily limit and after its daily limit are two watersheds, two completely different signs."

"Is the check from 'Chemical International'... considered the core stock of 'Big Infrastructure'?"

"It definitely counts, and it is also a standard leading stock with a macroeconomic strategic weight on the 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road'. If nothing else happens, this check should have been intensively speculated by the main financial groups of all parties for a period of time. Having said that, When Check was listed that year, it was a popular stock!”

"That's not... a famous monster in the history of our Big A."

"Hey, I didn't expect that after going around in a circle, the market has returned to a market pattern in which the core main lines of 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technological growth' have comprehensively led the rise and breakthrough."

"There is no way. At present, only these core main lines have the strongest expectations and can best condense the market's money-making effect."

"If nothing else happens...this market pattern will continue for some time."

"It does not continue for a period of time. At least until the end of the year, that is, before the news about the central bank cutting interest rates and reserve requirement ratios that everyone has heard about comes to light, this market pattern will not change much."

“The central bank cuts interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, but I don’t know if they are true or false?”

"It shouldn't be groundless."

"Whether it's true or not, the 'big finance' line is already in full swing with such strong expectations for a bull market, and it won't be able to stop in the short term."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth analysis of the market by the big guys.

As trading time passes.

The two core themes of 'Big Finance' and 'Big Infrastructure', as well as core conceptual themes such as 'Internet Finance', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' Overall leading market trend.

It is still continuing to strengthen, and as these main lines of market conditions further intensify.

The core indexes of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index have also continuously set new intraday highs under the attack of the main group of buying funds.

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