Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 729: The Shanghai Stock Index continues to reach new highs!

Finally, when 11:30 arrives, the two cities close at noon.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange index was set at a 54% increase, almost closing at the highest point in the session; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index rose by 29% and 19% respectively. Even the weakest small and medium-sized board index also closed with an increase of 89%. , among them, the A50 index, the strongest, closed at a 32% increase.

Moreover, the premium increase at the closing of the main A50 index futures contract reached more than 5%.

As for the performance of major market main lines and the performance of popular stocks...

Among the industry sectors, the industry sectors related to the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' maintained the trend of leading the gains in the two cities. Among them, securities, insurance, steel, banking, machinery and equipment, and non-public transportation Industry sectors led the gains, while non-ferrous metal cycle, coal, and petrochemical industry sectors led the decline in the two cities.

In the concept section, 'Internet finance', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', 'Sub-new stocks', 'High-speed rail', 'Nuclear power', 'Military industry' ' and other concept sectors maintained their leading trend and were among the top gainers.

The concept sectors such as 'medicine', 'coal mining concept', 'chemical industry', 'gold', 'minor metals', 'liquor', and 'white goods' were relatively weak, leading the decline in the two cities' concept sectors. , and the main capital flows showed a net outflow trend.

The performance of core popular stocks and leading stocks with high investor attention and discussion in the two cities.

'Huaxin Securities', which topped the list of trading volume in the two cities, closed with a 39% increase. The half-day trading volume reached a scale of 2.9 billion. As always, it attracted the attention of a large number of investor groups in the two cities, as well as the support of many major financial groups. Desire to trade.

Second only to the ‘Huaxin Securities’ check in the stock market, the ‘Huake Dawning’ check has received the most attention and discussion.

At this moment, it continues to close at the daily limit.

And in the trend of this check hitting the daily limit for 18 consecutive times, today's market turnover rate has not reached an unbearable level. The half-day turnover rate is less than 18%, which shows that although this check has hit daily limits continuously, It has reached 18 daily limits, but the chip lock in the market is still good.

The broad base of investors who currently own this stock.

As for the chips of this check, under the ultimate profit-making effect of this check, I still maintain a relatively reluctant attitude towards selling.

Another popular stock that also belongs to the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector.

‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’, a popular stock that is among the top ten most watched and discussed among investors in the two cities, closed with an 11% increase.

And unlike ‘Huake Dawn’, less than 20% changes hands within a day.

For the check ‘Blue Stone Reload’, within half a day’s trading time, the turnover rate had reached 96%. The trading volume on the market was extremely intense. Of course… the amplitude of the market volume was also extremely high.

This shows that the long and short differences on the board of this check are not small.

Regardless of whether it is a long capital group or a short capital group, there is a certain degree of hesitation about the trend of this check.

Behind the attention of investors of ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’...

'Tonghuashun' maintained the daily limit and closed at the daily limit, 'Great Wisdom' maintained the daily limit and closed at the daily limit, 'Oriental Fortune' maintained the daily limit and closed at the daily limit, 'Huazhong Capital' maintained a 33% increase in closing; 'Western Securities' rose by 11% and closed at the end of the day. China Construction's shares closed at daily limit.

Other stocks in the top 20 that investors in the market pay attention to.

Except for 'Qianzhou Moutai', which belongs to the 'Liquor' sector, and 'Huaguo Petroleum', which belongs to the 'Petrochemicals' sector, which fell slightly, the rest of the popular stocks have maintained an upward trend, and The increases were greater than those of several major market indexes.

Faced with this midday closing situation...

The vast number of investors both inside and outside the market are very excited.

"Haha, new high, new high again. The trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index this month, since it broke through 3,000 points, is really unstoppable!"

In the excited mood, many retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform were filled with emotion.

"The line of 'Big Finance' is really strong. It has been rising for more than half a month!"

"The two major sectors of securities and Internet finance have been rising for more than half a month, but the two major sectors of banking and insurance have only started to gain momentum in recent trading days, right?"

"The market has always been 'the strong will always be strong', and the market has always been based on the blue chip market weight."

"To be precise, in the weighted blue-chip stocks of the two core main line-related sectors of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', weighted blue-chip stocks such as 'Qianzhou Moutai, Huaguo Petroleum, and Shenhua Coal' did not rise much. , completely lags behind the broader market, which shows that the core market conditions are not necessarily limited to blue-chip large-cap stocks."

"You must give priority to the main line, and then choose the style!"

"It seems that the two core main lines of the market, 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', will run through the market trend this year."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who can tell these two main lines have such strong expectations?"

"This year is the first year of the macroeconomic strategic development of the 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road'. The tone of this macroeconomic development has been set. It would be strange for the main market funds not to speculate on the 'big infrastructure', the core main line of the market. This can be seen by referring to last year's 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet' market trends."

"The theme of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' has lasted much longer than last year's 'Smartphone Industry Chain' and 'Mobile Internet'. At the same time... there is also more space, policy support, and continued positive support. , which is also completely different.”

"Yes, the macroeconomic strategic concept of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' can be regarded as a real high-rise building with a commanding height."

"It is said that our A-share market is a policy market, so naturally, can the 'big infrastructure' line not rise?"

"The same is true for the 'Big Finance' line. It is supported by expectations of a 'comprehensive bull market', but there is really no opportunity to buy on a pullback."

“Yes, to say that the area with the most serious short squeeze in the entire market is none other than the core line of ‘big finance’.”

"I have long said that with regard to the two major sectors of 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance', under the vigorous expectations of the 'Big Bull Market', all corrections are excellent buying points. Not many people disliked 'Flush' before. ', 'Oriental Fortune', and 'Great Wisdom', are the three checks high in position? Now... you can't buy them even if you want to, right?"

"People who are afraid of heights are suffering. This sentence... I really don't deceive you."

"The hot market in the securities sector really opened my eyes."

"Have you never experienced the last bull market? In 2007, the market performance of the securities sector was even crazier."

"Indeed, I remember that as long as I had some concept of securities, I could easily see a 10-fold increase. Even Huaxin Securities increased more than ten times at that time, right?"

"That's really crazy..."

"The current trend of 'Huaxin Securities' is quite crazy."

"The key is the transaction volume. I have never seen a transaction volume of more than 10 billion every day, and with such a large transaction volume, the stock price is rising every day."

"For CEFC Securities, which has a circulation of hundreds of billions of checks, the daily turnover of more than 10 billion is not a huge amount, right?"

“I feel that the trading volume of ‘Huaxin Securities’ can continue to rise!”

"Don't worry, as the stock price of 'Huaxin Securities' continues to rise, its circulating market value and overall market value further expand, its trading volume and trading volume will definitely rise. Maybe after a while, we will see A single-day trading volume of 20 billion yuan in individual stocks is nothing unusual.”

"The financing balance in the market has also increased dramatically recently, with an increase of over 10 billion almost every day."

"But I really didn't expect that the scale of financing could easily exceed one trillion yuan."

"With the market conditions at the end of the year, who would dare to think about it at the beginning or middle of the year?"

"It exploded. It exploded. If you look at the recent market trend horizontally and vertically, there is only one word that can describe it, 'bull'!"

"Isn't it a bull market? Haha... I have continued to increase my positions following the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. I have never felt that making money is so easy in our big A market."

"It's really not difficult to make money in the market these days."

"This year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has risen by almost 65% from around 2,000 points to now. If you still can't make money, you can really cancel your account and delist."

"Actually, except for the core weighted stocks and popular stocks related to the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', stocks in other main line fields have not risen much this year, such as the particularly stagflation of 'Guizhou' The overall growth rate of Zhou Moutai and Huaguo Petroleum this year is less than 20%, which is almost 40 points behind the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. Although it is not difficult to make money this year, it is not easy to outperform the market index!"

"It's never easy to outperform the market index."

"If you pursue securities stocks now, you should still be able to outperform the market index and reap at least double the profits, right?"

"Double? Why is there such no pattern? At least 3 or 5 times the market, right? The check from Huaxin Securities, the bull market in 2007, was able to touch the market value of 800 billion or 900 billion. After six or seven years, the market The transaction volume has obviously enlarged again. The peak of this bull market must not touch the trillion mark? The current check is less than the 300 billion market value mark, and there is at least a three-fold increase."

"If 'Huaxin Securities' has at least a three-fold increase, then the stocks of 'Western Securities, Huazhong Capital, Pacific Securities...' will have an increase of at least five times."

"As long as the turnover figures of the two cities can continue to rise, then I think the market for the securities sector will not have a top."

"Yes, guessing the top and bottom is meaningless. Following the market trend is the truly correct thing to do. At this time, just one word, 'buy' is enough. Any other thoughts are meaningless."

"Yes, yes...raise money and buy stocks!"

"Smart people are already adding leverage like crazy. They have been losing money for five years. Why don't they get it back?"

"Compared to the securities sector, the 'Three Musketeers of Internet Trading Platforms' in the 'Internet Finance' sector are really powerful, and they are constantly rising by the limit!"

"Obviously, the check from 'Oriental Fortune' has gone straight to a market value of 100 billion."

“I am also optimistic that ‘Oriental Fortune’ will become a 100-billion giant enterprise in the future.”

"I remember that Mr. Su's main fund of the 'Yuhang System' added billions of chips to the 'Oriental Fortune' at the beginning of the year. It really made a lot of money."

"Indeed, Mr. Su is the bull with the strongest check on 'Oriental Fortune'."

"The performance of this series of main fund products, the 'Yuhang Series', should explode this year."

"Just wait for the next time the 'Yu Hang Department' announces its results. I guess it will definitely blind the eyes of all institutional investors in the market. I still remember that more than half a month ago, Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' funds were aggressively attacked on a large scale. When it comes to the 'securities' and 'Internet finance' sectors, it's really fierce!"

"Also in the first half of the year, when President Su's 'Yuhang Department' launched an all-out attack on 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', it was also a very explosive operation."

"So... Mr. Su has already told everyone the wealth code, right?"

"Isn't it just that, after analysis, analysis... In the end, I found that it is better to just follow Mr. Feng Su."

"In fact, it is true that when the bull market breaks out, it is the first time to buy securities and stocks."

"I will never believe in any bullshit 'high-low switching' next time. I must stick to securities stocks. Counting from this position, I will never exit the position until it doubles."

"Anyway, I have to get the securities stocks above 4,000 points on the Shanghai Composite Index."

Amidst the heated discussions and exciting exchanges and analysis among the investor groups...

The brief break of more than an hour at noon passed by in a blink of an eye. Before we knew it, 1 o'clock in the afternoon came, and the two cities ushered in continuous bidding trading sessions.

I saw that after more than an hour of emotional brewing at noon, and the impact of the news.

As soon as the two cities opened.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continues to rise explosively, and the core main line-related industry sectors and concept sectors of 'Big Finance' and 'Big Infrastructure', which have been intensively discussed by the majority of investors in the market, as well as the corresponding core component stocks, popular stocks, and high-profile The leading stocks in the industry have exploded in volume and continued to rise.

At 1:01, the Shanghai Stock Index hit the 65% increase mark.

At 1:02, ‘Hua Investment Capital’ hit the daily limit. In the entire securities sector, the number of securities stocks with daily limit exceeded the five.

At 1:03, ‘Hua Investment Capital’ sealed the daily limit.

At 1:04, "Commercial Bank" rose by more than 5%, and the time-sharing transaction volume exploded to more than 100 million. On the market, a series of large orders of 10,000 lots appeared on the market.

At 1:05, the three "infrastructure" giants of Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, and Huaguo Construction all rose, setting new intraday highs simultaneously, and the intraday increase in the check of "Huaguo Communications Construction" refreshed to 7 % increase mark, it is likely to continue to rise and hit the daily limit.

At 1:06, the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Group" in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" field rose straight up, with an intraday increase of 22%.

At 1:07, ‘Xinhua Insurance’, a super-weighted stock worth RMB 100 billion, hit the daily limit upwards.

At 1:08, Xinhua Insurance closed its daily limit. At the same time, Ping An Insurance, China Pacific Insurance, Industrial Insurance... and other component stocks all followed the trend and rose.

At 1:09, the securities sector and Internet financial sector index rose to the 4% mark for the day.

At 1:10, the Shanghai Stock Index hit the 2% intraday increase mark in a straight line, and the index point directly broke through the 3440 point, once again setting a new yearly high and a new intraday high.

"Oh my God, is the Shanghai Stock Index crazy? Technical divergence and divergence, and technical indicators are passivated again and again, but they cannot stop the Shanghai Stock Index from continuing to break through."

Seeing that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once again set a new intraday high and a new yearly high.

At this moment, around 1:12, inside the Yinghui Fund Company in the Magic City, in the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund product trading room, Shao Xiaoyun, the fund product manager, was stunned by such market trends and said in surprise: “It seems that the Shanghai Stock Index’s tyrannical breakthrough trend will not stop until it reaches the 4,000-point mark?”

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