Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 745: Disagreements in the Bull Market!

"It's true that the 'Big Finance' line has been a little lacking in news recently." Zhang Jianping responded with a smile, "But the entire main line will retrace quite a bit, especially as the core weight of the 'Internet Finance' main line. Stocks, as well as 'Oriental Fortune', the leading weighted GEM index, will have a deep correction, I think... I'm afraid it's unrealistic."

Liu Changsong was stunned for a moment and asked: "Why do you say that? It is obvious that the 'big financial' line, the short-term accumulated profits and unwinding of arbitrage, is indeed a bit too heavy. Once the good news recedes, in the When the early benefits have been fully realized, it should be a high probability for a deep correction, excessive profit-making funds, and reduction of positions to stop profits. Why is it unrealistic?"

Zhang Jianping responded: "On the 'Big Finance' line, there are indeed many short-term profit-taking and settlement deals, but in the atmosphere of the bull market, especially stimulated by the market's continued money-making effect, there are extreme off-site There are far more financial groups with a strong desire to enter the market than short-term profit taking and settlement of arbitrage.

Moreover, in front of the main line of "big finance", there is a continuous short squeeze and rising trend.

Those financial groups, or potential financial groups, who are hesitant to chase high and are eager for low-level chips on this main line are also very large.

In other words, the potential buying power of the 'Big Financial' line is still the strongest among the popular main lines in the two cities. Even if the concentrated selling pressure from profit taking and arbitrage will bring certain influence to the market trend. influence, but it is absolutely incapable of continuously smashing the market down and forming a sustained and deep correction.

Also, in recent days...

On the main line of "big finance", various capital groups have increased their positions on a large scale.

Although there are many short-term fund groups, most of them are medium and long-term funds led by institutions.

For most of these medium and long-term investment funds, they have obvious position cost advantages, since they have obtained high-quality low-price chips.

At the same time, the "bull market" atmosphere and pattern of the entire market continues to deepen.

Expectations in the main line of ‘big finance’ continue to rise.

So, for these financial groups, they are definitely not willing to give up the chips with cost advantages in their hands easily.

That is to say...

Selling pressure on the core line of ‘big finance’.

On the surface, it is indeed not small, but in actual analysis, it is not as big as we imagined.

Furthermore, for the majority of retail investors, the fixed mindset of chasing ‘securities’ and ‘finance’ in the bull market is actually quite deep-rooted.

As long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and even the entire market, there are no extreme negative blows.

The expectations of a ‘bull market’ will not be broken.

And the entire main line of 'big finance' has not gone out of the continuous money loss effect, so... their selling attitude should not be very positive.

In general, this is the current line of ‘big finance’.

The potential buying capital power is still significantly greater than the potential selling capital power.

This has resulted in the core line of 'big finance', the direction of least market resistance is still upward, and as the market develops, there is a high probability that a wave of more aggressive selling will quickly clear out profit taking and arbitrage chips. After that, choose to continue to make upward breakthroughs. Until the majority of investor groups, as well as most of the main funds holding positions, have reached a peak in their future expectations for the main line of 'big finance', it is possible for the entire main line to usher in a larger and deeper development. Continuous adjustment of space.

Before that, if the stock price falls, buying orders will emerge in an endless stream, which is enough to support the market.

So, in my opinion…

The entire "big finance" main line, not limited to the securities and Internet finance sectors, including the two major weighted industry sectors of banking and insurance, is easier to go up than down, and at most due to the short-term chaos of the chip structure on the market, there will be a Adjustment trend of sideways movement within a narrow range.

Of course, if the market becomes extremely negative, a 'black swan' event will occur.

That's not within normal thinking logic.

As for the specific stock of ‘Oriental Fortune’…”

When Zhang Jianping said this, he chuckled softly and continued: "Although the check of 'Oriental Fortune' seems to have a larger market value and larger circulation, on the surface, when comparing the future development expectations and performance of this stock, It is expected that these superficial shortcomings are not shortcomings.

After ‘Oriental Fortune’ acquired a brokerage company and developed a fund platform sales business.

The growth rate of its revenue scale has changed exponentially compared with before.

And this platform is a pure "mobile Internet brokerage" company. At the moment when the "mobile Internet" user group is exploding, as the only "mobile Internet brokerage" stock in the two cities, its stocks are scarce and backed by Relying on the explosion of 'mobile Internet' user groups, the user groups of this company's platform should also have the potential to explode in popularity.

If you think of 'Oriental Fortune' as a new type of Internet securities company.

Then, its market value can benchmark against first- and second-tier domestic securities firms, and due to its growth rate, it should be given a higher market valuation.

This is based on fundamental logic.

From an emotional and technical perspective, the check 'Oriental Fortune' has already made a substantial breakthrough on its monthly chart, and it is also obvious that this check is currently attracting attention and discussion from market investors. More active funds will be gathered to participate in transactions.

It is supported by the underlying investment logic of the main line of ‘big finance’.

There is also an explosion of "mobile Internet" user groups, and there is also the scarce hype of "the first stock of mobile Internet securities companies".

Taken together, the check of 'Oriental Fortune' has fully formed a breakthrough trend and trend.

Then there is no reason not to rise! "

"You... are still so confident." After hearing Zhang Jianping's analysis, Liu Changsong chuckled and said, "I don't dare to pursue the 'Internet Finance' line anyway, but I agree with what you said. The potential buying capital group in the two cities is greater than the potential selling capital group."

Following the brief conversation between the two...

At this time, the trading time of the two cities has entered 11 o'clock.

As the market enters the last half-hour trading period before midday, the performance styles of the two cities have become increasingly clear.

The main line area of ​​‘big finance’.

Regardless of whether it is the securities, Internet financial sectors, or the banking and insurance sectors, after the correction to a certain intraday low, it began to gradually fluctuate sideways and stopped falling further.

As for the main line of "big infrastructure", there are many related industry sectors and concept sectors.

At this moment, it has even begun to gradually rebound and gradually recover the previous market decline.

Moreover, as the two core main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" no longer adjust downward, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index will no longer continue to fall.

At the same time, the two core main lines are undergoing sideways adjustments.

The time-sharing trading volume energy in the two cities has also gradually declined, maintaining a trend of time-sharing volume energy gradually shrinking.

Finally, when 11:30 arrived and the two markets closed at noon, the decline of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index narrowed to about 1%, while the intraday decline of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index had narrowed to less than 1%. Even for the A50 index, its decline narrowed to 25%.

Except that the main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" no longer continue to fall.

The 'big consumption' sector, which performed strongly in early trading, also continued to rise during the trading period near midday, showing a comprehensive trend of compensating for gains.

Moreover, it is behind the main line of ‘big consumption’.

Concept lines such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'technological growth' have also emerged from market patterns that are significantly stronger than the broader market.

Faced with this midday closing situation...

Although the majority of investors inside and outside the market are somewhat disappointed, their enthusiasm for discussions about the market conditions and their expectations for the market outlook have not decreased at all.

"Although the decline of the Shanghai Stock Index narrowed significantly near midday, the overall pressure on the market is still very obvious. It is estimated that today... the Shanghai Stock Index will not turn red again, and it is unlikely to break through 3,500 points for the time being. Alas... As expected, after the index has had seven consecutive positives, the adjustment has finally arrived."

Among the retail investors gathering in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform, related stock topics are refreshing rapidly.

"But the intensity of this adjustment is gentler than last Monday, right?"

"It hasn't closed yet, so I can't say for sure."

"You don't have to wait until the market closes in the afternoon. As the market closes in the morning, time-sharing energy has already begun to gradually decline. This shows that the two relatively high-level core main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are hot stocks and industries." The concentrated profit taking and arbitrage chips of leading stocks, as well as the funds eager to exit, have almost been sold off."

"In the past few days, the main line market adjustments of 'Big Finance' were basically completed within a day. I wonder if it will happen today?"

"It should be difficult. On today's market, the active capital groups are obviously converging on low-level main areas such as 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'technological growth'. They should not go back to Return and continue to boost the market in the 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' sectors."

"Today, in the main line of 'big finance', the net inflow of main funds reached nearly 3 billion in half a day, which is still fierce!"

"It seems a bit exaggerated, but compared with the previous seven trading days, the total net inflow of main funds in the three major weighted sectors of 'banking, insurance, and securities' has reached a huge amount of more than 30 billion. Today's net outflow, It’s nothing. Generally speaking, many of the main funds that poured into the main line of ‘big finance’ have settled down.”

"According to the previous historical trend of 'Big Finance', today should be a good opportunity to add positions to the two popular sectors of 'Securities and Internet Finance' and related popular stocks!"

"'Flush' is killing very hard today, can you increase your position?"

"I think so. This kind of leading stock is fierce when it adjusts, and when it rises again, it is also fierce!"

"The position is still a bit too high, and I'm afraid this check will usher in continuous adjustments."

"Then buy 'Huaxin Securities'. I think the previous increase of 'Huaxin Securities' is basically completely synchronized with the movement of the securities sector index. Even if it is an adjustment, the amplitude should not be too deep, right?"

"The half-day trading volume of 'Huaxin Securities' today has shrunk a bit."

"The perfect trend is to adjust the shrinkage and increase the volume. I think this trend... there is no problem at all!"

"After careful analysis, I feel that the magnitude of the adjustment in the two major sectors of 'securities and Internet finance' will definitely not be very deep, and they will soon reach new highs."

"How can you see it?"

"In terms of market trading volume, as well as factors such as the continued surge in the balance of financing and financing, what are the biggest benefits of the two major sectors of 'securities and Internet finance'? It is the bull market! As long as the bull market pattern and trend continue, Strengthen, then there are still expectations for these two major sectors, and since there are still expectations, the stock price will not fail to rise."

"Another point is that it is obvious that the 'securities' sector is the most important force supporting the overall breakthrough of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index at this stage."

"Anyway, I don't believe that 3,500 points can block the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index."

"If the adjustments to the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are not sustainable, does that mean that the core main line of 'big consumption' that is changing today does not have a sustainable market either?"

"It's hard to say. According to the logic of macroeconomic recovery, there are still strong expectations for the main line of 'big consumption'."

"But the intensity of the outbreak is definitely not as good as the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

"Anyway, I think that at this time...if you hold securities or Internet financial stocks, there is no need to reduce your positions to chase the main lines of today's changes such as 'big consumption, mobile Internet, smartphone industry chain, and technology growth'. You can just wait for the market to normalize." Just adjust.”

"Yesterday, 'Zhang Zhang' just increased his position in the 'Oriental Fortune' check. I believe that the main line of 'Big Finance' today is to wash the market."

"Let's see how the market trend changes in the afternoon. I also believe that this is a market washout."

In the ongoing discussions and analysis of many retail investor groups...

Time passes quickly.

During the entire lunch break, no clear good or bad news was released.

With the news vacuum period, the long and short sentiments of the two cities continued to ferment and change. When 1 o'clock arrived, the two cities once again entered the continuous bidding trading period.

I only saw the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, the ChiNext Index, and the popular main lines and popular stocks related to the two cities.

Under the selling of some funds whose expectations for the midday news failed, another wave of rapid diving began.

However, the intensity of this round of selling was obviously one level weaker than that in the early trading stage. The diving points of several major indexes were not able to surpass the intraday lows reached in the early trading stage.

And when several major indexes, as well as the popular main lines and popular stocks related to the two cities, once again reached intraday lows.

Extremely strong buying funds also emerged once again.

After that, the overall market conditions of the two cities once again showed a trend of rebounding and gradually retracting the decline.

After 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the two cities entered the late trading stage, the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', which had been weak throughout the day, showed a certain degree of rebound.

Finally, when 3 p.m. arrived.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is set at a 97% decline position, narrowly guarding the 1% decline mark, and stands back at 3,460 points.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index fell 92% and 82% respectively, slightly stronger than the Shanghai Index.

As for the small and medium-sized board index and the A50 index, one fell slightly by 53%, and the other fell by 23%, showing an obvious trend pattern of differentiation.

And this also shows that the overall market performance today is moderate.

Weighted large-cap stocks, especially heavy-weighted large-cap stocks and industry-leading stocks in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', are obviously weaker than a group of small- and medium-cap stocks centered on small and medium-sized board and GEM index constituent stocks. It also illustrates the market conditions and signs of switching to small and mid-cap stocks.

Of course, no one knows whether this switch in market style is sustainable. (End of chapter)

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