Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 746: Stop at Qilianyang!

Indices in both cities and one others closed in the red.

After continuing to rise for about a week, the turnover of the two cities finally fell for the first time today, shrinking from nearly 900 billion yesterday to around 870 billion.

However, even if the index closed down across the board, the volume of energy was still in a state of contraction.

However, the money-making effect of the two cities is still not bad, and the short-term capital groups, the enthusiasm for speculation, and the intensity of following the trend and undertaking many small and medium-cap concept stocks are also the same as before.

And the performance of popular stocks in the two cities is not bad either.

For example, 'Huake Shuguang' continues to seal its daily limit, setting a 20th consecutive daily limit since its listing. The myth of continuous trading is still continuing. Moreover, the turnover rate and transaction volume of this check during the day are not significantly different compared to yesterday. The sign of amplification shows that the chip structure inside this check is still stable, and the large number of chips that have made profits on the market have no intention of taking a large profit to exit at this position.

In the field of ‘big consumption’.

The stocks with heavy weights, such as ‘Qianzhou Moutai, Gree Electric Appliances, Midea Electric Appliances, Haier Electric Appliances, Shanghai Automotive Group...’ all rose by more than 3%.

After ‘big consumption’, it also outperformed the index’s main areas of ‘mobile Internet’, ‘smartphone industry chain’ and ‘technological growth’ today.

A number of old stock stocks in the early stage performed even more strongly.

Among them, "Shanghai Steel Union" closed at the daily limit, and its stock price has returned to the halfway point where it was at the peak of last year's speculation.

Among the three stocks of ‘Tianyu Information, Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology’, ‘Tianyu Information’ hit the daily limit, while ‘Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology’ surged by more than 7%.

In the field of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", "Shanghai Sanmao" also closed at the daily limit.

There was some change in the past, and the "Internet online education" field that once showed the continued hype effect, "Quantong Education" also closed at the daily limit.

There are also two early stage monster stocks, ‘Shanghai Construction Engineering and Beijiang Communications Construction’.

Today they also closed at an increase of more than 7%.

There are also ‘Anjie Technology, OFILM Technology, Xinwei Communications, Changying Precision...’ These ‘Apple concept’ core stocks have once again shown strong profit-making effects today, and have surged by more than 4%.

Similarly, the sports industry development field, Northeast revitalization field, semiconductor field, pharmaceutical business field, liquor beverage, retail field, Internet e-commerce, auto parts field...

In addition to the two core main lines of "big infrastructure" and "big finance".

There are many other conceptual themes in the market, and there are many stocks that have reached their daily limit or even risen sharply.

Overall, when the major market indexes closed down across the board, the number of red-listed stocks in the two cities still remained above 50%. In addition to the listed and unlisted new stocks in the two cities, as well as the one-line board that is good for the resumption of trading, In addition to the daily limit stocks, the number of stocks that changed hands during the day still reached more than 50.

Although the closing situation of the two cities was completely lower than the pre-market expectations.

But for many pessimistic investor groups during the session, this closing result was still a bit surprising.

After all, many pessimistic investors had already prepared that the market would replicate the tragic plunge last Monday, but they did not expect that the market's adjustment trend would be much gentler than last Monday.

"Hey...compared to the tragic scene in the early trading, this closing result is slightly beyond expectations!"

After the closing of the two markets, the majority of investor groups were actively reviewing the market. Some people in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located expressed emotion.

"Yeah, looking at the sharp decline in early trading, I originally thought that the Shanghai Stock Index would start to fall by at least two points today!"

"And the volume has shrunk. Today's transaction volume in the two cities has decreased by nearly 30 billion compared with yesterday."

"It's good to shrink the volume. This shows that some of the capital groups that followed the trend yesterday have obviously settled down and are no longer trading. It also shows that the overall chip structure of the market is relatively stable."

"It is the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. Today's trend is really ugly."

"What's ugly is not the trend. In fact, based on the closing results, related core industry sectors in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', such as 'securities, architectural decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development,' etc., actually led the market down. , but the overall decline is not large. Even the weakest securities sector only fell by 33% during the day. However, the amount of main funds flowing out of these two main areas today is quite terrifying. However, in the securities sector, the main force If the amount of funds is sufficient, there will be a net outflow of 3.1 billion yuan!"

"This shows that in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', short-term profit taking and arbitrage, and signs of concentrated selling are still very obvious."

"These funds that have been profit-taking from the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' should have flowed into 'big consumption', 'mobile internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'technology growth', etc. today." Is it the main line area? Many funds failed to 'switch high and low' before, but unexpectedly... today the market really went out of a 'switch high and low' situation in the main line market."

“Not only the ‘high-low switching’ trend in the main line market, but also the ‘high-low switching’ trend of individual stocks within certain main line market conditions, industry sectors and concept sectors is also very obvious.”

"However, some popular stocks are still quite strong today."

"Typically, such as the line of 'sub-new stocks', although many near-end sub-new stocks have differentiated today, it is obvious that the hype has not ended."

"Indeed, especially the check from 'Hua Ke Dawn', it is simply ridiculously strong!"

"The check of 'Huake Dawn' was closed so early in the early trading. I thought that in the subsequent market adjustment, this check was at risk of blowing up the market. Unexpectedly, after the check was closed, the volume of this check continued to shrink until the close. Leading The internal main funds of this check are really strong in determination, and there is no lack of pattern."

"The check of 'Huake Dawn' and the subsequent hot money entering the market should not have much chips. The main core chips are still in the hands of that institution."

“I don’t know the origin of the organization that is leading the ‘Huake Dawn’ check this time.”

"No matter what the origin is, as long as the check of 'Hua Ke Shuguang' is not dead and the benchmark of the leader is there, then there will still be market conditions for the 'sub-new stocks' line."

"It's a pity that I hesitated today and didn't dare to take the check from Huake Dawn."

“According to the situation of ‘Huake Dawn’ closing the board today, this check should still be able to continue to be paid tomorrow.”

"This check is obviously for the record of 23 consecutive boards set by 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' in the early stage."

"However, the circulation of the check of 'Huake Dawn' is still much larger than that of 'Blue Stone Reload'. Can it get out of the 23 consecutive market, set a new market consecutive record, and further create a 'sub-new stock'" The height of the speculation space of this line is really not certain, it is possible... The institutional funds that dominated the check of 'Huake Dawn' are just waiting for everyone to speculate towards this expectation, and then dump their chips in advance. "

"Today's 'Huake Dawn' is already its 20th daily limit. Even if it is aiming for the 23-consecutive record of 'Blue Stone Reload', there will only be room for three or four daily limits at most. From the investment risks of speculation In terms of profit ratio, I wouldn’t dare take it.”

“The check of ‘Hua Ke Dawn’ has been a feast for shareholders until now.”

"If we continue to take over, there is a high probability that the meat will not be eaten, and it will be over."

"In addition to the line of 'sub-new stocks', there is actually a hidden line in today's market that is very worthy of attention."

"Are you talking about the collective movement of 'old monster stocks, old leaders with early recognition'? It seems... there is indeed money, speculating in this direction, and the early high recognition of the early limit is sealed today There are indeed many old demon stocks, but for this hidden line, there should be no consistent hype expectations and hype logic yet, right? Participating now...the uncertainty is still very high."

"Yes, it's this hidden line."

“It is true that no consistent expectations have been formed yet, but if we follow the market’s main trends and hot spots, we should have some certainty.”

"for example?"

"For example, the check of 'Shanghai Steel Union' and today's daily limit of this check are logically, firstly, the hidden line speculation of the old demon stock that was recognizable in the early stage, but also the 'high-low switching' speculation of the 'Internet Finance' sector. There is also the main line of 'mobile Internet', which has almost been adjusted to make up for the increase. In the entire market today, among the stocks that have changed hands at the natural daily limit, 'Shanghai Steel Union' is still very recognizable."

"Well, today's Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit is indeed something."

"There are also two checks, 'Shanghai Sanmao' and 'Quantong Education'. The daily limits of these two checks are also very recognizable. Moreover, the concept of 'Internet online education' feels like a new concept and fits perfectly. As it joins the trend of 'mobile Internet', I feel it has great potential for hype!"

"The 'universal education' check... the fundamentals seem to be too bad, right?"

"The worse it is, the more potential it has for speculation. Otherwise, where would the expected difference come from? This check... I'm quite optimistic about it anyway."

"The check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' collapsed so badly today that it almost hit the limit. The market for 'sub-new stocks' is so divergent today, and this check is also indispensable!"

"The 'Blue Stone Reload' check has been speculated several times recently. I feel that the chips on this check are getting more and more chaotic. It is unlikely that it will continue to have a consistent market in the future, right?"

"It's hard to say, but the market popularity of this check is still very high."

“If we continue to take on this check, we might as well take on ‘Huake Dawn’.”

"I feel that once the two core main banners of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' fall, market hot spots become scattered, and every clear core point becomes scattered."

"Isn't it 'big consumption'? Liquor, white goods, and cars should be the absolute core of today's market."

"These three major sectors are indeed doing well today, but there are no sustained expectations!"

"In general, no matter how you analyze it, the main line of 'big finance' has the strongest expectations. Although the 'flush' check has fallen sharply today, it has not released its capacity. It feels like the check has fallen by the limit since last week. The trend is somewhat similar, maybe this check will be reversed tomorrow."

"Without a round of decent adjustments at the 'Flush' position, I think it's very difficult to rise."

"It's a pity that this check will most likely not be on the list today. I don't know who is selling it."

"However, it is certain that whether it is the securities sector or the Internet financial sector, the rising market trend is definitely not over."

"There is a high probability that we will not finish the journey, but there is currently no good entry point!"

"If you want to get chips, you can only take the initiative to buy a set."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the heated discussions among many big guys in the group.

Within and outside the market, the majority of investor groups are reviewing and communicating with each other one after another, and putting forward new opinions and expectations on the market outlook.

Unknowingly, 5:30 pm arrived, and the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced.

It can be seen that the number of stocks on the list today is significantly reduced compared to yesterday. Only 32 stocks are on the list, and the stocks on the list are different from the previous pattern where constituent stocks in the main line areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' accounted for most of the number. Today The stocks on the list are almost evenly distributed in various industry sectors and major popular main lines of the market.

Among them, the popular stocks that have attracted more market attention.

For example, 'Huake Shuguang, Chengfei Integration, Shanghai Sanmao, Shanghai Steel Union, Quantong Education, Leiman Optoelectronics...' are all on the list.

And through the trading seats disclosed by these popular stocks.

It can be seen that on the dragon and tiger list of the stock 'Huake Dawn', the institutions that previously dominated the stock market still maintain a lock-up situation, with no traces of buying and selling, and those participating in today's trading are mainly hot money seats. Among them, The seat that dominates today's closure is 'Yitian Road'.

‘Yitian Road’ bought this check today with a capital of 35 million.

The check of ‘Chengfei Integration’ was listed on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities in the form of a price limit.

According to the Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed by this check, we can see that the main leading financial force that caused this check to fall below the limit today is the institutional funds lurking in this stock in the early stage. Today, there are three institutions. On this stock, a total of 3.2 billion funds were invested.

‘Shanghai Steel Union’ is an old monster stock that has always been highly recognized in the market.

According to the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by it, it can be seen that both ‘Shaoxing North Road’ and ‘Four Seasons Road’ participated in this check. The two major seats purchased a total of more than 44 million yuan.

As for the two checks of "Shanghai Sanmao and All Access Education".

One is led by ‘Modu Dongpu Street’, and the other is led by ‘Shenzhen Huaxin Sales Department’.

"The Dragon and Tiger Ranking data of 'Huake Dawn' is pretty good!" After the Dragon and Tiger Ranking data of the two cities were refreshed, Zhou Kan carefully studied the Dragon and Tiger Ranking data of the two cities in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai. , smiled and said, "The institutional seat capital that dominates this stock, under today's circumstances, can still resist selling and continue to lock up the position. This determination... is not simple!"

Xu Xiang, who was sitting next to Zhou Kan, squinted at the data on the 'Huake Dawn' check and said: "It is basically certain that the organization that participated in the 'Huake Dawn' check before was probably a fake one. "

"Fake organization?" Zhou Kan was slightly startled when he heard Xu Xiang's words, "Where did the boss make the judgment?" (End of Chapter)

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