Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 747 Analysis of the Dragon and Tiger List!

Xu Xiang responded: "From the beginning to the end, during the period since the stock 'Huake Dawn' was listed on the Dragon and Tiger List, was it only the institutional seat that I bought it at the beginning? Other institutional seats did not participate in the joint participation, and ah , these days, there are several related hot money seats.

It was obvious when this ‘fake organization’ began to undertake ‘Huake Dawn’.

I probably didn’t expect that the market interest in the ‘Huake Dawn’ check would soar so high after everyone saw the institutional seats taking over the chips.

Subsequently, the market popularity of the check "Huake Shuguang" continued to soar.

Everyone’s expectations for the trend of this check are increasingly starting to benchmark against the previous ‘Blue Stone Reload’.

This 'fake institution' began to deliberately use its institutional seat to deliberately guide market sentiment and other fund groups that follow the trend.

Although there is no substantial evidence...

However, according to market trading experience, the hot money seats that have continued to be linked on the list in the past few days should be related to the funds that first intervened in the stock of ‘Huake Dawn’.

This guy used his 'institutional' position to deliberately guide the market and create a situation of continuous lock-up.

While using other hot money seats to conduct buying and selling transactions, the market's hype for this check will be stimulated to the maximum extent, and excess profits can be earned to the maximum extent.

Although the trading methods are a bit clumsy, I have to admit that the ability is still there.

It’s just that there is no pattern.

In the current market, many people compare the main capital that guides 'Huake Shuguang' with the wealth path of the 'Yu Hang Group' that originally dominated the stock of 'Shanghai Steel Union'. In my opinion, the two are the same. In terms of market conditions and emotional node judgments, as well as the understanding of the main concept of the market, and even in terms of trading skills and technology, they are not at the same level at all, and there is no comparability at all.

If it weren't for the regulators' efforts to fully activate the market, they would have created a bull market.

This will comprehensively open up direct financing channels in the market and establish a liquidity foundation for the future ‘registration system’.

As a result, supervision was relaxed on some illegal speculations in the market, and even manipulation of individual stock prices, and began to turn a blind eye and close an eye.

According to the previous regulatory standards, this fund controlled the shares of ‘Huake Sugon’.

Something is probably going to happen.

In essence, there is a clear difference between the hype market of 'Huake Suguang' check and the continuous market trend of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment'.

The check of ‘Huake Dawn’ shows some traces of deliberate channeling by capital to take advantage of the bargaining chip.

The previous ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’ check was basically the result of the concerted efforts of the market.

Moreover, the two checks are obviously very different in terms of expected logic. Can you see that the check "Huake Suguang" has any strong main line conceptual logic support? No!

It's just pure emotional hype and fund control behavior.

With a trend like this check, once the overall market sentiment continues to decline, and the control funds on the market significantly stop profits and exit positions, the trend will reverse, which will be very tragic.

In other words, I dare to take the position of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ with 20 consecutive boards.

But I don't dare to accept this check at all.

As expected... tomorrow the check for 'Huake Dawn' will accelerate and continue to shrink. However, the risk of extreme trend reversal is just around the corner. It can be said that we will continue to undertake the funds for this stock chip in the future... It's really a knife-edge licking blood, and the risk is far greater than the probability of profit.

Of course, there is still no problem with the logic of the ‘sub-new stocks’ line.

No matter what form the check of ‘Huake Dawn’ took, it has reached the position of 20 consecutive boards today.

The market's extreme speculation space created by the two checks of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Hua Ke Dawn' has undoubtedly completely opened up the speculation sentiment and speculation space, as well as the valuation level of the entire 'sub-new stock' sector. Coupled with the unshakable 22 times PE new stock issuance standard set by regulators.

As market sentiment, valuation levels, and bull market atmosphere all continue to rise.

Listed new stocks, as well as near-end sub-new stocks.

Since there is no historical hold-up restriction, the chips on the market are relatively clean, and it is still the market's short-term capital group, the only target and target for speculation.

It is foreseeable that the subsequent hype of the "sub-new stocks" line will continue one after another.

In fact, today, the soul board of the entire market should be the two checks "Shanghai Steel Union" and "Shanghai Sanmao". One represents the dark line of "low-level old demon stocks turn around", and the other represents the The main line of 'big infrastructure' is the hype logic of switching between high and low, and making up for the increase at low levels.

Of course, the check for "universal education" is still good.

I really didn’t expect that the check for ‘All Access Education’ would be the main fund sealer today, and the main buyer who dominated the market would be Mr. Ge.

Based on Ge Laoda’s previous stock trend records.

The rigid logic of the stocks he pays attention to and buys in large quantities is not bad.

I just don’t know if there is any news about the investment direction of ‘Internet online education’? But regardless of whether there is any news or not, since Mr. Ge has aggressively raised funds and increased his position in the stock of "Quantong Education", we should still focus on this check.

You can take a look at the conceptual theme of "Internet online education" and see how it will proceed in the future. "

"Okay!" Zhou Kan listened carefully to Xu Xiang's analysis of the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, pondered for a moment, and then said, "The boss feels that the trend of the 'Huake Dawn' check has reached the end of its strength, so, 'Shanghai Stock Exchange'" What about the trends of the two stocks, Steel Union's and Shanghai Sanmao's stocks? Can they be resolved?"

Xu Xiang said: "Whether these two checks can be realized depends on how the two main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are performed in the future."

"What do you think, boss?" Zhou Kan continued to ask.

Xu Xiang thought about it for a while and said: "It stands to reason that at this time, the line of 'big finance', in terms of news, before the rumored news of the central bank's interest rate cut and reserve requirement ratio cut in December has not become completely clear. There is a certain information vacuum period.

And there is a vacuum period in the news.

It relies solely on the expected logic of the bull market and the bullish sentiment of the market itself.

In the 'Big Finance' line, the short-term surge has been too high, and the technical divergence is very serious. It is still quite difficult to continue to break through the sharp rise.

There is a high probability that it will maintain a sideways and oscillating trend at this position.

After all, there are still a lot of funds waiting to enter the market outside the market. After the loosening of funds, the potential of the incremental funds has not yet been fully demonstrated.

Therefore, as the core main line with relatively high market certainty, it is difficult to fall.

And if the entire main line of 'Big Finance' maintains a sideways oscillation, then... its internal market conditions will definitely diverge, which means that there is a high probability that the previously stagflation concept component stocks will gradually make up for their gains and keep up with the corresponding sector indexes. , and the trend of core-weighted stocks that have completed a surge, whose stock prices are at a relatively high level, and have accumulated a large amount of profits and unwinding of arbitrage, should be relatively weak.

In other words, the "high-low switching" situation in the main line of "big finance".

It should become more and more obvious.

And if this is the case, Internet financial concept stocks that were previously lagging behind, such as ‘Shanghai Steel Union, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial...’ should have good opportunities to perform.

In fact, this can refer to the trend of the main line of "big infrastructure" and the "military industry" sector during this period.

Since the core main line of the market has been transferred from 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' to the main line of 'big finance', the two lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have basically been in a box-shaped shock trend, and the other two lines have been in a box-like shock trend. Various sectors have also undergone a wave of obvious 'high-low switching' market trends.

In short, the market is in a bull market and there will be no major changes.

Wherever there is the highest cost-effectiveness for investment and speculation, it will be where the financial groups will focus on speculation. If you think along this logical line, there is a high probability that there is nothing wrong. "

"What the boss said makes sense." Zhou Kan nodded and asked, "Then, do you want to adjust the position structure of our main fund products?"

Xu Xiang responded: "No, in market transactions, adjustments are often avoided, and profits are also avoided. The core position weight of our fund is already on the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' , there is no need to adjust, such as this kind of 'high-low switching' form transformation in the sideways stage of the main line market.

It's just a compensatory rise for weak stocks within the main market trend.

When the weak stocks make up for their gains, the valuation level of the entire main market will reach the same level again.

As the expectations of the main market continue to change, or the expectations become more and more clear, a large number of profit taking and arbitrage chips on the market have been cleared.

There is a high probability that the market will continue to return to these leading weight and industry leading stocks.

If we adjust the position structure at this time.

Is it necessary to make changes in the subsequent market changes and recover the chips sold?

If the size of our current fund is still the same as it was two years ago, with a scale of only 2 to 3 billion, we can do this. But now the scale of our fund is already more than 20 billion. If we continue to shift and shift in this way, we can grasp Short-term market opportunities.

There is a high probability that the sesame seeds will be lost and the watermelon will be lost!

Just like now, why is it increasingly difficult for the funds of the ‘Yu Hang Group’ to appear on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities.

And why do the individual stocks it trades increasingly favor large-capitalization and industry-leading stocks with a market value of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions?

Is it because they look down on the many concept stocks in the market that have been trading at their daily limit?

No, it's because their current fund size is already too large, and they can't move around as quickly as they did in the first half year of this institution's establishment to chase the short-term market crazily.

It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they can’t do it anymore.

At the same time, even if you use small position funds to chase short-term market trends and earn some excess profits, the impact on the net value of the entire fund will be very limited.

That is to say, the energy investment and profit output are not cost-effective at all.

The larger the amount of funds, the harder it is to touch the short-term market and the more difficult it is to move and convert, so you have to give up some market opportunities. This is the path that funds must go through when growing from small to large, and it is unavoidable.

If you don’t change this investment thinking and trading strategy, you won’t know how to choose opportunities.

It is also difficult to further expand the scale of funds.

Many investment managers, fund managers, and even many large investors in the industry, when the amount of funds was small, they often achieved ten times the performance of institutions like the 'Yu Hang Group'. However... in the end, most of them were just a flash in the pan. Likewise, as the amount of funds continues to expand, it has become mediocre.

And what can ultimately create legends and myths is the rapid expansion of capital volume.

The only legendary organization that has not been severely restricted is the 'Yuhang Department'.

That's why everyone in the industry is so shocked by the organization "Yu Hang Department" and so admires Mr. Su of the "Yu Hang Department"! "

When Zhou Kan heard Xu Xiang's words, he had a slight realization in his heart and said: "Today, the trading seat of Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' from the 'Yu Hang Department' appeared on the Dragon and Tiger List more times than last year." , it is indeed greatly reduced, and the style has also been greatly changed.

However, in the development of the 'Yu Hang Group', the amount of funds is getting larger and larger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to move and transfer.

It feels like it is getting easier and easier to chase the trend of this main force of funds.

Now, the 'Yuhang Group' is an institution that should basically have a well-established position in many of its main fund products. Unsurprisingly, this fund still holds large-scale positions in 'Big Finance', 'Big Finance' and 'Big Finance'. Infrastructure's main line stocks are still in a gradual increase in positions. "

"It is true that tracking is getting easier and easier." Xu Xiang smiled and said, "But this is also the power of this main force of funds!

Everyone knows how to track this main force of funds, refer to market trends, and refer to ideas for building positions.

With so much money chasing the trend and even sniping.

This kind of capital can accurately hit the core market development nodes of the market time and time again, and continue to earn excess profits from the market, which is extraordinary.

You know, it is countless times more difficult to dominate a core market trend than to dominate a stock.

It is necessary to enable the main financial groups in the market, and even the majority of retail investors, to continue to follow the trend in a main direction and form a consistent expected main line market, so that countless funds can form consistent funds in this market direction. Together.

This difficulty is not just as simple as judging the current market conditions and subsequent market expectations.

It is also necessary to fully track the expectations of the market's macro policy direction, as well as the regulatory attitude towards the market, the market's overall investment sentiment, investment confidence and other factors.

At least... we must be half a step ahead of the market and take the initiative to guide the core main lines of the market.

Build a large-scale position half a step in advance and decisively create the main market trend.

I can't do it.

Us... in the final analysis, we can only follow the market trend and be a qualified follower! "

"Boss is so humble." Zhou Kan said with a smile, "In my opinion, boss is already very powerful, but Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' is indeed a bit too evil."

The two of them conducted in-depth analysis and analysis of the dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities.

Various stock investment forums, stock investment communication communities, financial media website comment areas, internal communication groups, and a broad group of investors both inside and outside the market across the entire network.

We are also in an atmosphere of intense communication and mutual discussion.

And in this kind of transaction and discussion.

On the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, there are several stocks with more eye-catching trading capital performance and higher recognition.

For example, stocks such as ‘Huake Shuguang, Shanghai Steel Union, Shanghai Sanmao, Quantong Education...’ have also continued to rise in terms of market investor attention and discussion.

And as the popularity of these tickets increases further.

The "Three Musketeers of Internet Finance" such as "Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Fortune", as well as popular securities stocks such as "Huazhong Capital, Huaxin Securities, Western Securities, and Pacific Securities", as well as "Huagong International, China CNR" , China South Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, Huaguo MCC, Huaguo Construction' and other "big infrastructure" weighted popular stocks, when the money-making effect has declined or even stopped, the market enthusiasm has begun to decline.

Of course, among them, the two checks are ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’ and ‘Chengfei Integration’.

Even though it did not show any money-making effect today and even got out of the tragic limit, the attention and discussion among market investors are still high.

It's just that when people discuss these two stocks, they often use them as negative examples.

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