Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 759: All declines are traps!

"It is possible to open lower." Xu Xiang took over and said, "But the probability of quickly breaking through 3,400 points is still small. Although the initial opening of the entire market looks weak, the resilience of active buying is still very high. High, and moreover... After the continuous adjustments in the past two days, a large number of profits and settlements on the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been cleared up. .

Under strong active buying.

This is also the case when the concentrated selling pressure from profit taking and unwinding has weakened.

If these core main lines want to continue to decline rapidly and make deep adjustments, their downward momentum is still obviously insufficient.

And other main lines of the market, such as 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', as well as 'non-ferrous cycle', 'coal', 'pharmaceutical business', 'animal husbandry', 'agriculture' ', 'power equipment'... and other main areas.

It is inherently lagging behind the market’s recent gains.

Moreover, the valuations of a number of core stocks and heavyweight stocks in these main areas are already at low levels in the market, and the corresponding downward momentum is obviously insufficient.

Therefore, overall, the market does not have sustained excessive downward momentum, and there is no possibility of a deep correction in the index.

On the contrary, I feel..."

When he said this, Xu Xiang smiled slightly, glanced at the initial call auction disks of the two cities that were undergoing intense trading changes, and then glanced at Zhou Kan before continuing: "Today's market opened low, which is a good news. With the entry point for increasing positions, the market will most likely open lower and move higher.”

"Open low and go high?" Zhou Kan was slightly stunned, "Why does the boss make such a judgment? The external market has plummeted for three consecutive days. The expectations are very bad, and the position of the US stock market is already at a high level. This year's core technology giants Apple's performance is not very good either. The scale and intensity of the outbreak in the two emerging industries of 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet' are slightly below expectations.

The external market is cloudy.

In the domestic market, several core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have surged again, especially the main line of 'big finance' that supports the index. The technical aspect is in the form of serious divergence. There is a strong demand for continued callbacks.

Under such a situation...

It should be said that the probability of market adjustment is quite high.

Why does the boss think that when the market trend is getting worse and worse on the outside and the overall bullish sentiment has been significantly affected, the market can open lower and move higher, forming an independent trend? "

Faced with Zhou Kan's question, Xu Xiang narrowed his eyes, smiled, and continued: "The trend of the external market has an impact on the domestic market, but it is not a decisive factor.

Don’t forget, this is a bull market.

The fundamentals of the market are actually continuing to improve, and this trend is continuing to accelerate.

For example, incremental capital groups continue to enter the market, various institutional groups continue to increase their positions, and the balance of margin financing continues to skyrocket.

This shows that the financial situation of the market is still in a state of rapid increase.

For the financial market, stock prices are ships and funds are like water.

Since there is more and more water in the entire market, then the rising tide will naturally lift the boat.

Therefore, as long as the financial situation of the market does not change, then the market situation, regardless of the technical shape, will not have the power to adjust to a sustained sharp decline.

Just like November 10th, the market trend on that day.

Even though the sell-off pattern looks scary, it is actually just a trap for short-selling. If it falls, it will rise back quickly. "

"Then let's..." Zhou Kan paused and stopped talking.

Xu Xiang smiled and continued: "There is no need to adjust the position structure, continue to hold positions statically, and just watch the show carefully."

After saying that, he turned his attention back to the two markets.

At this time, the market trading time has reached 9:20.

After the first five minutes of the initial collective bidding, and after a large number of false orders were cancelled, the overall market situation has clearly improved compared to 9:15.

The number of red stocks in the two cities has jumped to more than 1,100 at this time, accounting for almost half of the market.

The core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as related industry sectors and concept sectors, have also rebounded, and the range of low openings has narrowed.

However, while the declines in the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', related industry sectors and concept sectors have narrowed, 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' The performance of call auctions in related industry sectors and concept sectors in several major main areas has actually fallen back a bit.

As for other marginal main lines, they are not popular main lines.

It still maintains a flat or slightly downward trend, with no obvious changes.

Among them, a number of popular stocks ranked among the top 20 in terms of investor attention and discussion in the two cities.

‘Huake Dawn’ still maintains the opening form of a one-word daily limit, and the number of closed orders on the daily limit has increased to 390,000 lots.

‘Blue Stone Reload’ has narrowed its lower opening range and has rebounded to a 21% decline.

The low opening range of the "Chengfei Integration" check has also significantly narrowed, returning to the 78% drop position.

The three Musketeers stocks of "Internet Finance", namely Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom, have also narrowed their opening range. Among them, the market decline of "Oriental Fortune" has narrowed to less than 1%.

The check for 'Huagong International' has a high opening margin, jumping to the 1% position.

"Shanghai Steel Union" still opened 5% higher; "Shanghai Sanmao" opened higher by 73%; "Quantong Education" stock opened higher by 87%.

There are also popular securities sectors such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huazhong Capital, Pacific Securities, Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Founder Securities, Western Securities...', as well as 'Hengsheng Electronics, Yinjie Technology, Jinzheng Shares, Changchun Securities...' Liang Technology...' and many other popular stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector have narrowed their opening range.

And 'LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Huaguo Software, Inspur Information, Huayi Brothers, Guangguang Media, Lexun Precision, Changying Precision' and other popular stocks in the main line fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' , the high opening range narrowed significantly, and the market fell back.

That is, after the two cities enter the real, irrevocable collective bidding stage.

It can be clearly seen that the active main financial groups in the market, as well as the core buying power, are once again converging on the core main areas of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry".

At 9:21, the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance showed a red trend.

At 9:22, the securities and Internet finance sectors opened lower to less than 5%. At the same time, the number of red stocks in the two cities has increased to nearly 1,300.

At 9:23, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, non-public transportation, building decoration, and building materials, several core industry sectors that belong to the main line of "big infrastructure", also showed a red market trend, and the core weight of each sector Stocks and market buying power have increased again.

At 9:24, the opening range of the check of 'Huagong International' reached 5%. At the same time, the collective bidding situation of the two checks of 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation' also gradually returned to the flat position.

Finally, when 9:25 arrived, the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

I saw that the Shanghai Stock Index finally settled at a 19% decline, opening only slightly lower, holding the 3,400-point mark, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index basically kept pace with the Shanghai Stock Index, with one opening lower by 12% and the other by 15%. , as for the small and medium-sized board index, it maintains a slightly red trend.

The A50 index opened slightly lower, reaching 37%.

In addition to the index performance, a total of 1,349 stocks out of more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities opened higher, while the number of stocks that fell was reduced to 791.

Overall, this opening situation is good.

Although it is still affected by the trend of the external market, resulting in a lower opening situation, for the majority of investors inside and outside the market, this slightly lower opening trend is compared with the obvious decline in bullish sentiment before the market and the call auction. The initial forms of the two cities were somewhat beyond expectations.

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