Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 760: The overall recovery of the core plot!

"Hey... the market conditions in these two markets actually recovered in the second half of the call auction."

Facing the fixed call auctions of the two cities, at 9:26, Yu Hang, inside the Yinhua Public Fund Company, in the 'Value Investment Mixed Selection' product trading room, Zhu Peng, the trading team leader and assistant to the fund manager, stared at Looking at the market, he was slightly surprised: "It seems that the market is still stronger than everyone expected. This opening form has a high probability of turning red after the market officially opens for trading."

"Mainly the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have fully recovered in the second half of the collective bidding process." Sitting behind Zhu Peng, his eyes were fixed on the two cities. On the trading board, Zhou Yang, a fund manager, squinted his eyes and said, "The check for 'Huagong International' was opened at an increase of more than 5%. I really didn't expect it."

Hearing Zhou Yang mention the check 'Huagong International', Zhu Peng immediately pointed out the market trend of this check on the computer interface and responded: "The check 'Huagong International' has been going very strong in recent times. , and even if the market adjusts, its trend is obviously refusing to adjust.

As the saying goes, if you don't fall when you should, you are strong.

Judging from its market trend, this check seems to have signs of becoming a new core-weighted leading stock in the "big infrastructure" line.

However, our fund currently has no position in this check.

Mr. Zhou feels...should we adjust our positions appropriately? To increase the bargaining chip of the stock of ‘Huagong International’? "

The core main line of 'big infrastructure', under the background of the macroeconomic strategic planning of the 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', has been continuously hyped by the main financial groups of all parties for more than half a year, and looking at the entire main line As for the market trend, it is obvious that there is no end in sight so far.

And the weighted leading stocks within this big main line.

In the continuous hype market, one after another.

From the initial 'China Metallurgical Corporation', to 'China Railway Construction', then to 'China Communications Construction', and then to the recent 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation', even though the trends of these leading stocks have been worse than It is not as good as concept monster stocks such as 'Beijiang Communications Construction, Shibei High-tech, Shanghai Construction Engineering, Dachang Heavy Industry, Yingkou Port...', but its performance is still far better than the performance of the market, so once you find such a stock , especially when there is an obvious opportunity to build a position, special attention should be paid.

"Let's take a look again!" Zhou Yang replied, "The entire 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' main lines are still oscillating within the box, and the 'Huagong International' check, although the incoming trend is obviously stronger than the index and the corresponding sector The index is much higher, but it is not completely out of the previous box range.

In this case, it cannot be said that this check has made a breakthrough.

The best time to increase positions is when its stock price makes a full breakthrough, so that the certainty is highest. At present... it's still a little short of a success.

It’s the line of ‘big finance’.

Whether it is the two heavyweight sectors of banking and insurance, or the two popular sectors of securities and Internet finance, it feels like they cannot fall any further.

Since the core line of ‘big finance’ cannot fall.

The large number of active capital groups in the market will inevitably continue to converge towards this major main line area. "

"What Mr. Zhou means is that the 'high-low switching' logic that previously supported the rise of the market for these core lines of 'big consumption', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet' will probably not continue. Established, and within these main market areas, active short-term funds and speculation funds will also be siphoned off by the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', resulting in the market being unable to continue, right? ?" Zhu Peng responded with a smile, "I think so too, so we have to reduce the positions in the core main lines of 'big consumption', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'mobile Internet' in the past two days, and then Invest in the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', and return to the strategy of concentrated holdings."

Zhou Yang nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you really have to do this."

When the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index approached 3,500 points last week, but failed to break through, they predicted that the market might adjust. At that time, they decisively opened positions and stopped losses in some fund products. ', 'Big Infrastructure', and 'Military Industry' are the core stock chips in the main line areas, and I bought some stocks in the low-level main line areas of 'Big Consumption', 'Smartphone Industry Chain', and 'Mobile Internet'.

In an attempt to create a wave of "high and low switching" in the market.

At the same time, I also want to avoid the core main line-related industry sectors and concept sectors such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', and the stock prices of many core stocks have fallen sharply.

Facts have proved that their choice at that time was right.

Although from the current perspective, the logic of 'high-low switching' in the market's main market trend is still not unanimously recognized by various financial groups, in the past two trading days, they have still avoided at least one problem by timely reducing positions and taking profits. 5% retracement.

Now, it is natural and logical to buy back the chips that were sold before.

As the two briefly discussed the market situation, they made subtle adjustments to the trading strategy.

At this time, the trading time of the two cities had unknowingly arrived at 9:30. The brief 5-minute suspension time passed in an instant, and the entire market once again ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period.

I saw the stagnant disk start beating again.

Along with the beating of the market, countless financial groups are buying and selling fiercely on the market.

At 9:31, in just one minute, the major weighted indexes of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and ChiNext Index all turned red and rose, opening low and moving high.

At the same time, "Huake Shuguang" continued to seal the one-word daily limit after quickly trading more than 1,500 lots.

As for the check of 'Huagong International', the increase has further increased in a straight line to close to the 2% increase mark, as well as 'Oriental Fortune, Flush, Great Wisdom...' and other popular stocks in the main line of 'big finance', They also pulled up in a straight line simultaneously and moved higher quickly.

At 9:32, 'Flush' turned red and rose, swallowing up all the low opening range.

At 9:33, the A50 index turned red. The two major weighted industry sectors, banking and insurance, rose by about 2% during the day. At the same time, the 'Securities' sector index pulled sharply, with 'Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huazhong Capital, Huazhong Capital, and Huaxin Securities' Xin Securities, Western Securities, Southwest Securities, Xiangcai Securities, Founder Securities, Pacific Securities... all the constituent stocks have risen rapidly and headed straight for the red market.

At 9:34, ‘Quantong Education’ hit the daily limit.

At 9:35, 'Quantong Education' closed its daily limit, forming a three-consecutive daily limit trend. The demon stock pattern began to appear. At the same time, the 'Internet Online Education' concept sector index also followed the trend and rose rapidly. Many players in the sector Component stocks also followed suit and rose rapidly.

At 9:36, following the 'Quantong Education', 'Shanghai Steel Federation' followed the trend and rushed into the market. At the same time, 'Shanghai Sanmao, Shanghai Construction Engineering, Beijiang Communications Construction, Leiman Optoelectronics...' and other early players The old demons followed one after another.

At 9:37, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union hit the daily limit.

At 9:38, the stock price of "Shanghai Steel Union" was at its daily limit. In the early stage of the market, the "Old Demon Stock" line was recovering and rising at the same time as the core main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" , not only did it not turn off, but the hype became more and more intense.

At 9:39, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ turned red and rose, and the stock price rose by more than 1%, fully liberating the bargain hunting funds that accepted the check yesterday, and once again demonstrated an extremely strong money-making effect.

At 9:40, driven by the sharp rise in the red market of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', the intraday decline of 'Chengfei Integration' also narrowed in a flash, pointing directly to the red market state. At the same time, amid the continuous changes in these two checks, as The sector to which these two checks belong, the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector has also skyrocketed into the red.

At 9:41, ‘Huaxin Securities’ surged, with an intraday trading volume of around 1.5 billion.

At 9:42, the intraday increase of 'Flush' reached 5%, and on the market, there was an endless supply of buying orders following the trend.

At 9:43, the intraday increase of ‘Huagong International’ reached 2%.

At 9:44, the indexes of relevant industry sectors such as machinery and equipment, non-public transportation, construction decoration, building materials, steel, etc. in the field of "big infrastructure" all turned red. After two consecutive days of adjustment, the entire' The main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" have once again demonstrated a strong money-making effect and a tyrannical trend attitude.

At 9:45, the increase in the Shanghai Index expanded to more than 3%. At the same time, the Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index began to lag behind the Shanghai Index. Of course, at the moment when the Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index lagged behind the Shanghai Index, that is, the overall market pattern was changing. , when the core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' began to shift, the 'film and television media' sector still performed strongly and still occupied the first position in the industry sector growth lists in the two cities.

At 9:46, the A50 index rose by more than 1%. At the same time, the intraday increase of its main stock index futures contract still caught up with the Shanghai Composite Index.

At 9:47, the number of red stocks in the two cities once again reached around 1,500.

At 9:48, the number of industry sectors in decline in the two cities was already less than ten. Among them, the securities and defense industry sectors, which were once the leading decliners in the two cities, were relatively weak during call auctions. Now they have all turned red.

At 9:49, 'Fushun Special Steel' surged straight up, with its stock price reaching more than 5%. At the same time, the steel sector, nuclear power, and special steel sectors moved simultaneously.

At 9:50, the intraday increase of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ expanded to about 5%, and it continued to rise.

At 9:51, the Shanghai Stock Index rose by 4%, and a number of industry sectors and concept sectors in the three core main areas of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" have all achieved red and rising prices.

"Damn it, it opened low and moved high, and the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' have all picked up and risen. The two cities have seen explosive trends at the same time." 9 o'clock At 53 minutes, Yuhang, inside the Yuhang Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Zhou Kan stared at the market trends of the two markets. Seeing that the market suddenly made a strong counterattack under the low opening pattern and turned red in an all-round way, he couldn't help but exclaimed with excitement. Said, "It is indeed a bull market. This trend pattern is not too strong at all. Fortunately...Fortunately, our main positions have not moved. Today, the net value of our main fund products should finally have a big counterattack trend!"

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