Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 775: Break through 3500 points again!

At 11:05, the main areas of 'big consumption' that had fallen in early trading, such as 'automobiles', 'food and beverages', 'retail' and other industry sectors, began to turn red, and the main net funds of the corresponding industry sectors were in the red. , also gradually reduced from large outflows to small outflows, which shows that there are main funds at this moment continuing to increase their positions in this direction.

At 11:10, the check of 'Huake Dawn' continued to explode in a straight line, the stock price turned red, and the entire 'sub-new stock' industry sector index, after the extreme shock in the early trading, was rising steadily at this moment, and had already risen to 1% within the day. The increase is above the mark.

At 11:15, the intraday increase of 'Huake Dawn' continued to rapidly expand to 5%. However, when its stock price rose linearly and the intraday amplitude exceeded 10%, the long and short differences on the market once again increased sharply and concentrated. The selling power also surged out again.

At 11:20, in the main line of "big finance", "big wisdom" hit the daily limit.

At 11:21, 'Great Wisdom' hit the daily limit. However, the rising limit of this check did not further drive the rise of the 'Internet Finance' sector index, and the entire 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', and 'Military Industry' several popular core lines, At this moment, it is already in a pattern of intraday highs and sideways fluctuations.

At 11:25, the stock price of 'Huake Dawn' was quickly dropped back to near the flat price under the fierce long-short differences on the market. However, the drop in the stock price of this check did not affect the craziness of the 'sub-new stocks' sector. Even as its stock price fell rapidly, the 'sub-new stocks' sector index was still rising amid a series of near-end sub-new stocks going wild, setting a new intraday high for the day.

At 11:26, the daily increase of 'Huagong International' briefly broke through the 5% increase mark, and a group of major financial groups in the market seemed to want to use this check as a breakthrough to drive the entire 'New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road' 'The main line of conceptual themes has led the Shanghai Stock Index to break through the 3,500-point limit at this point in time.

At 11:27, 'Huagong International', which broke through the 5% increase mark, quickly retreated under the heavy selling pressure, and quickly lost the 5% increase mark position.

At 11:28, when 'Huagong International' rose rapidly and did not drive the core concept theme of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', a large number of financial groups in the market, in the 'Big Finance', The continued acceptance and pursuit of positions in the core main areas of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have subsided somewhat.

The fever-reducing mood has also led to a number of industry sectors and concept sectors in these main areas.

In the last two minutes before the midday close, there was a significant pullback.

Moreover, the falling trend of these major main-line related industry sectors and concept sectors also instantly dragged down the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index. As a result, these two major market indexes also showed a significant downward trend in the last two minutes, and the Shanghai Stock Index also fell again. Once again, it lost the 3490 point position.

Finally, when 12 o'clock noon comes, the two cities usher in the noon closing time, and the market of the two cities is fixed.

I saw that the Shanghai Index rose 41% during the day, almost reaching the 3490 point mark, while the Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index rose 23% and 08% respectively. Although the increase was not as high as the Shanghai Index, compared with the sluggish state in the early trading stage , it can be regarded as a reversal.

As for the A50 index.

Although this index showed an obvious correction and decline in the last few minutes before the midday closing, based on the midday closing results, this index is still the strongest index among the two cities, and it is also the strongest index among the two cities. It is the only core index in the city to achieve a 50% increase.

As for the performance of other market core main lines, core industry sectors, and core concept sectors in addition to the performance of major indexes.

On the whole, the core main lines of the two cities led the gains.

It is still the three core main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Although other non-core main lines have kept up with the market index, in terms of the net inflow of main funds, as well as the market's discussion enthusiasm, money-making effect, and long sentiment... these, compared with 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', The three core main lines of 'military industry' are obviously not as good as before.

Of course, among the three core main lines leading the rise, the strength and weakness patterns are also obviously hierarchical.

In general, the main line of 'big finance', both in terms of the daily growth performance of relevant industry sectors and the net inflow of main funds, is stronger than the two main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', especially among them. 'Securities' sector and 'Internet Finance' sector.

The two major sectors still maintain their overall leading position in the entire market.

Moreover, in the "Internet Finance" sector, there are already more than 5 stocks with daily limit concepts, and there are strong signs of a resurgence of daily limit trends within the sector.

However, despite the growth performance of the two major weighted industry sectors of banking and insurance.

Compared with the 'Securities' sector and the 'Internet Finance' sector, it is not as good as the 'Internet Finance' sector, but it clearly outperformed the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. Especially the 'Commercial Bank' check, which rose by nearly 5 points near midday. The increase showed a trend of leading the rise in the banking sector.

Faced with such a closing situation at midday.

Although the Shanghai Composite Index did not match the expectations of the most optimistic and aggressive investors in the market, it quickly crossed the 3,500-point mark.

However, the two city indexes all turned red.

In addition, a total of more than 1,500 red stocks in the two cities rose, and more than 70 stocks reached their daily limit, creating a hot profit-making effect.

It still makes the majority of investors, especially the retail investors, inside and outside the market feel excited and excited, and feels that it has exceeded expectations.

“How come every time the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hits the 3,490-point line, it doesn’t continue to attack higher?”

When the market was settled and the broad investor groups inside and outside the market began to review the morning market, during the lunch break, countless retail investors gathered in the stock discussion areas of various trading platforms on the entire network. Some people pondered for a while and couldn't help but think. Ask a question.

"Besieging but not attacking, you must be accumulating strength, right?"

“I also think that the bulls are gathering strength, which is a bit similar to when the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points. I remember that the Shanghai Stock Index also hovered below the 3,000-point mark and fluctuated for a long time, and then everyone thought that the Shanghai Stock Index was still there. It will continue to linger and will not easily attack 3,000 points. Suddenly, the main line of 'big finance' broke out, and the Shanghai Stock Index passed the 3,000 point mark like lightning..."

"The shock is for a better follow-up attack. Don't worry, the pressure mark of 3,500 points will definitely not be able to stop the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and it will definitely break through within a day or two. After all, if the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index does not want to break through the pressure mark of 3,500 points, , there is no need to pull back the increase so quickly.”

"Yes, since it can't go down, it can only continue to rise. This market shape and such a radical performance of volume cannot be contained."

"Just be patient. Today's market trend has actually exceeded expectations."

"'s indeed beyond expectations."

"Based on the prevailing market sentiment before the market opened and everyone's opinions at the time, few people thought that the Shanghai Stock Index would be able to trade red today, right? But as a result, the Shanghai Stock Index not only opened lower and went higher, but also continued to hit a big positive line. For the first three transactions The daily correction and decline have achieved a comprehensive counter-insurance.”

"The external market has fallen for 4 consecutive trading days, but our Big A has counter-balanced the surge and continued to hit new intraday highs. It feels like...our Big A has finally stood up, and is finally different from the global financial market. The trend has developed its own independent trend pattern.”

"This is a bull market!"

"Moreover, today's transaction volume in the two cities, compared with yesterday, still showed signs of a slight month-on-month increase."

"It feels like the turnover of the two cities is almost reaching the 900 billion mark."

"This growth trend in transaction volume is really good. Only since November, the growth curves of the transaction volume in the two cities have been even better than the index trends."

"900 billion has already arrived, and the volume of transactions reaching one trillion in the future should not be far away, right?"

"Before, I couldn't have imagined that the market would reach this level of transaction volume."

"Indeed, it feels even stronger and faster than the bull market of 2007. Market transactions are indeed too active. On the Dragon and Tiger list, the main funds have generally evolved to the point of buying and selling billions of dollars. If the size of the company is bigger than before, it would have been a super main force."

"Compared to the first half of the year when the Shanghai Stock Index was still around 2,000 points, the trading volume of the two cities has increased by nearly 6 times, right?"

"Well, it has indeed increased by almost 6 times."

"The trading volume of the two cities has increased sharply by 6 times, so the performance expectations of securities stocks must be at least 6 times, right? And if the performance growth expectations start at 6 times... stocks should generally have an increase of at least 6 times. Calculate this way If so...the current core securities stocks in the 'securities' sector are still super cheap!"

"The performance has increased by 6 times, and the stock price should be at least 10 times as expected."

“We don’t require 10 times. If we can increase it by 6 times, we will be satisfied.”

"Has everyone continued to pursue securities today? I think that in the 'Internet Finance' sector, a number of high-quality growth stocks with Internet finance concepts should be stronger in terms of performance flexibility and stock price flexibility. It is a pity that 'Flush' is on the board. Too fast and couldn’t keep up.”

“I didn’t pursue securities, nor did I pursue the ‘Internet Finance’ sector. I pursued some ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, and also bought some chips from the ‘Huake Dawning’ check at the bottom.”

"Awesome, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' sealed the board in almost seconds in the early trading. This hand speed is quite impressive!"

"There is no problem with the check for 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', but for the check of 'Huake Dawn', I feel that the risk is still quite high if I buy it at the bottom today, right?"

"I made a bottom near the daily limit in early trading, and now I have a floating profit of 10 points. It should be... difficult to lose, right?"

"Unless it drops to the limit in the afternoon."

"The market situation is so good today, it is impossible for 'Hua Ke Shuguang' to fall to the limit again in the afternoon."

"As long as 'Blue Stone Reload' can completely seal the daily limit, today's 'Hua Ke Shuguang' should be able to maintain a red closing price at worst. After all, the 'sub-new stocks' sector has completed the market adjustment from divergence to consensus this morning, and The intraday increase has exceeded 2%.”

"However, those who bought the bargain yesterday to accept the check from 'Huake Dawn' did not get much meat."

"Yesterday it was so close. I feel that the selling pressure on 'Huake Dawn' today is still very high. There were so many locked-up orders yesterday. If we want to clear them today, the turnover rate must be at least above 50%." OK."

"The turnover rate of the 'Huake Dawn' check today is not bad. Even the main funds on the market are still showing a net outflow today. This shows that the large capital groups holding shares in the market are still continuing to sell, and If big funds continue to sell, can we retail investors push up the stock price?"

"It's difficult. I can only say...Fortunately, the market situation is not bad today, otherwise the check of 'Hua Ke Shuguang' will most likely hit the limit today."

"The leader of 'Huake Dawn' has turned from strong to weak. It is not recommended to intervene at this time."

"Under the trend of the sky and the earth, the risk of Bolong turning around is really high. It is better to follow the trend of other leading concept stocks that are going strong."

"Yes, according to the previous trend of 'Blue Stone Reload', it will take at least a week to adjust before it regains momentum."

Along with countless retail investor groups, there are intense discussions in the stock discussion areas of major trading platforms across the Internet, as well as interpretation and analysis of the market according to their own perceptions.

The one-and-a-half-hour break at noon passed by in a blink of an eye.

Soon, 1 p.m. arrived.

The stagnant markets in the two markets resumed trading.

I saw that after an hour and a half of bullish sentiment brewing at noon, and after everyone's analysis, it was further influenced by expectations for the market.

As soon as the two cities opened, the Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index quickly resumed their upward trend.

At 1:01, the Shanghai Stock Index regained the 3,490-point mark, and the intraday increase jumped to more than 5%.

At 1:02, the securities and Internet finance sector indexes rose again. Among them, the core weight stock 'Huaxin Securities' intraday increase once again exceeded 4%, and the intraday turnover also exceeded the 5.5 billion mark again, still ranking among the top two. Ranked first in terms of market turnover.

At 1:03, the number of stocks hitting the daily limit in the two cities exceeded 80, and in just three minutes, the number of new stocks near the daily limit reached 4.

At 1:04, the 'sub-new stocks' sector index rose sharply to more than 2% during the day, and within the sector, in addition to new stocks that have not yet been listed, more than 10 stocks in the near-end and far-end sub-new stocks have reached their daily limit. The hot money-making effect of its sector has transformed into a more popular state after a brief period of disagreement.

At 1:05, 'Hengsheng Electronics' rose by 5% during the day. At the same time, the two industry sector indexes of 'Internet Software' and 'Internet Applications', which were leading the decline in the two cities, also increased.

At 1:06, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3495 points, getting closer and closer to the 3500 point mark.

At 1:07, the 'Internet Finance' sector index's intraday increase reached 3%, while the securities sector index's intraday increase also exceeded 89%.

At 1:08, the stock price of Huagong International returned to the 5% increase mark.

At 1:09, with the hot bullish sentiment continuing to play out, and with the hot money-making effect of the market continuing to increase, there are also a number of popular main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', as well as their related Driven by the sharp rise across the board, industry sectors, concept sectors, leading heavyweight stocks, and popular concept stocks exploded.

At this time, the Shanghai Stock Index hit the 3,500-point mark in a straight line.

At 1:10, with the eyes of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of investors in the entire market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index touched the 3,500-point mark. After a lapse of 6 years, it once again touched this point. At the same time, it also Once again, it set a new high for the year.

At the moment when the Shanghai Stock Index touched 3,500 points.

The market's time-sharing capacity also exploded rapidly. In one minute, the capacity increased several times compared to the previous minute. (End of chapter)

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