Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 774: Signs of disagreement turning into agreement!

"The 3500 point position..." Zheng Zhongming thought for a while and said, "Actually, it has little impact on the market trend. It is just a psychological point for investors, similar to the 3300 point or 3200 point position. In the short term, At this point, whether it breaks or not, it will not affect the essential pattern of the market's 'bull market'."

"But the impact on sentiment is still quite large." Deng Jialun continued, "If 3500 points are not exceeded, it is difficult to say that the market has entered the right-hand side of the bull market. If this right-hand opportunity is not highlighted, The risk of increasing positions at this position will still obviously exist."

"The higher the certainty, there will inevitably be no good and suitable prices." Zheng Zhongming said, "At this point, the market is still very fair."

Deng Jialun nodded slightly and responded: "That's true!"

"So we should still bear the necessary market risks." Zheng Zhongming said, "The positions of several main fund products under our asset management department are still at a relatively low position so far. In today's market, the entire market has shown With strong bullish resilience and the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' clearly ending the adjustment trend, we should still increase our positions in a timely manner and focus on the several core main lines of the market. To seek corresponding excess profits.”

Although it has benefited from the continuous surge in the market in the past month or so.

In the second half of the year, the main lines of ‘large infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ continued to rise.

Several major fund products managed by their asset management department have initially achieved this year's performance targets by arranging their positions in line with these core main lines.

However, I have seen that the performance of the core main fund products managed by similar institutions in the industry and other competitor institutions has been getting stronger and stronger recently, and the net value performance of the funds has also been rising steadily. At the same time, I have also seen the performance of the main fund products managed by myself. Despite continuous growth, not only did his ranking on the corresponding fund product performance rankings in the industry not improve, but it dropped a lot, which made him somewhat dissatisfied.

Therefore, regardless of whether Deng Jialun agrees with his analysis of the market just now.

He has to further increase the position weight of the main fund products under his supervision to compete for the net value ranking of the main fund products in the industry at the end of the year.

Moreover, this net worth ranking is not just about his personal face.

As long as the performance goals set at the beginning of the year can be exceeded, it will be a great thing for all employees of the entire self-operated investment department.

After all, if performance targets are exceeded, the year-end bonus will naturally not be harsh.

"Yes!" Deng Jialun nodded and said, "I immediately asked the traders to increase their positions in the core weight stocks of the three main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', and continue to increase the positions of several of our main funds. The position level of the product and change the corresponding trading strategy.”

After speaking, he did not wait for Zheng Zhongming to give any more instructions.

He immediately turned around and quickly ordered the trading groups in the trading room to change their trading strategies in a timely manner and follow up to take on the corresponding target stocks.

And as the ‘Huatong Bank Proprietary Investment Department’ continues to increase its positions and go long.

As more and more bullish capital groups are active in the market, they continue to pour into the two cities on a large scale, especially in the core main fields of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', and their corresponding The core weight stocks and popular stocks are on the market.

Whether it is the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index or the A50 Index.

There are also a number of industry sectors, concept sectors, and a number of popular stocks related to these main lines.

Under the influence of the continuous increase in active buying funds in the market, they continue to rise steadily, continue to break upward, and expand the corresponding increase.

And when the market trading time enters 10:20.

As the Shanghai Stock Index continues to refresh its market gains, it is only one step away from the 3,500-point mark.

"It won't just break through 3,500 points, right?"

Seeing that the Shanghai Stock Index is once again approaching the 3500-point mark ahead, and at the same time has fully recovered all the losses from the previous retracement, it is less than 10 points away from the annual new high set in the previous trading days. At this moment, the main force of Yuhang, where Su Yu is located, In the hot money group, all the hot money bosses showed surprise and surprise in their eyes, and at the same time... more expectations arose in everyone's hearts.

After all, the Shanghai Stock Index is at the 3,500-point mark.

It has a huge impact on the trend of the entire market and the sentiment of investors in the two cities.

In the expectations of many investors, in fact, only when the Shanghai Stock Index can safely cross the 3,500-point mark can it be considered to have completely entered the bull market stage.

Otherwise, there will inevitably be worries about rebound and decline and worries about the falsification of bull market logic.

Because judging from the past historical market trends, the range from 3000 points to 3500 points is a large box range with the most serious accumulation of hold-up orders.

If the Shanghai Stock Index cannot completely break through the constraints of this large box range.

And comprehensively liberate a large number of historical hold-up disks in this large box range.

Then, the logic of the bull market and the market trend will not be able to continue to deepen, and the market's overall investment sentiment and investment confidence will not be able to fully shift from the current phase of relative divergence to the phase of consistent expectations.

"Hey, it's completely possible. Today's market trend is obviously better than yesterday."

"The capacity is also greater than yesterday!"

"Mainly on the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', today's active buying momentum is significantly greater than yesterday, and the selling force is concentrated downwards. Compared with yesterday, It has also obviously depleted a lot, which gives the market the opportunity to form a consistent long situation!”

"As long as the 'big financial' line can be sustained, there is a high probability that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will cross the 3,500-point mark today."

"If the main line of 'big finance' is supported, there will be no problem at all!"

"I also think there is no problem at all. The two major sectors of securities and Internet finance have reached new annual highs today."

“The ‘Internet Finance’ index sector is not only at a new high for the year, but also at a record high!”

"Indeed, the line of 'Internet Finance' is so damn... too fierce, especially the check of 'Flush', it's simply..."

"The check of 'Flush' completely proves that there is no highest, only higher trend of big bull stocks."

"The key is this position. The amount of energy is only moderately increased, not a huge amount. This shows that most of the internal capital groups holding this stock are reluctant to raise money. It also shows that the stock price of this check is in As long as there is no significant change in the investment logic of the 'Internet Finance' sector, there is a high probability that it will continue to surge."

“The expectations for the ‘flush’ check have not yet been cashed, so they will definitely have to rise.”

"The 'flush' check isn't all purely conceptual hype, is it?"

"Of course it is not purely conceptual hype. In the past one or two months, with the rapid improvement of market conditions, the investor user base of its platform has skyrocketed, and the rapid growth of the investor user base will naturally push up the price. The revenue and profit scale of its service business have achieved the same rapid growth. I have looked at the market and many institutions have annual performance expectations for this stock. Basically, they estimate that compared with last year, they all have a year-on-year growth rate of more than 200%. ah!"

"With a growth rate of over 200%, this expectation... is really high!"

"With such high market expectations, if subsequent performance fails to meet the target, its stock price will be difficult to sustain."

"It is impossible to fail to meet the standards. Based on the recent activity estimates of investor user groups on its related platforms, a 200% performance growth is already quite conservative."

"I also think this expectation is quite conservative. In fact, if the performance growth is only 200%, the Flush check will have no room to rise at its current position. The reason why this stock is so strong at the moment is that everyone generally knows that it will end the year The performance growth rate is definitely more than 200% growth rate."

"Actually, in terms of full-year performance estimates, a 200% performance growth rate is really not conservative, because the market outbreak time is mainly in the second half of the year, or in the last one or two months, in the first half of the year, According to the semi-annual report data disclosed by 'Flush', the performance of this check in the first half of the year basically has no significant growth compared with the first half of last year. If the full-year performance growth rate is expected to be 200%, it also means that the performance of this check in the second half of the year The performance growth rate must be at least 4 times that of the second half of last year to equalize the annual performance growth to 200%, and the performance growth of 4 times in the second half of the year... this should be quite difficult, right?"

“Whether it’s big or not depends on the monthly user activity data of this check’s trading platform, especially the mobile terminal.”

"According to the number of new downloads of its trading platform, especially the mobile terminal in the past three months, and the growth of monthly active data in the past three months...compared to the previous year, the 4-fold increase is obviously still there. I think it's a 'flush' 'The performance of this check has grown by 200% for the whole year, no matter what. If we continue to intervene at this current price... although we can't say how much room there will be for growth, we definitely can't lose money."

"In fact, there is no need to analyze so much. Just look at the K-line trend of the 'Flush' check, and you can know that the main financial groups who are optimistic about this stock are still pouring in one after another, and dare to take over the fundraising at this stock price position. There are still quite a lot of main funding groups, which shows that everyone’s full-year performance expectations for this check, and even the final performance estimate, are definitely far beyond the expectations given by the institution, otherwise the stock price would not be what it is now. .”

"I agree, we originally had to be well-informed about the institution's information and news channels. Now the main financial groups of the institution are still continuing to chase high-level chips to raise funds for the stock 'Flush', which means that its full-year performance expectations will definitely exceed Expected valuations generally given by institutions.”

"In short, whether it is short-term speculation or medium- and long-term trend investment, the market situation is the result of the joint efforts of the market's financial groups, and it is definitely reasonable."

"Existence is reasonable. In the financial trading market, you cannot go against the trend."

"When personal cognition deviates from market performance, we can only choose to trust the market and adjust our trading strategies reasonably."

"Follow the trend, that's how it is."

"Today's daily limit hit a bit of a 'flush'. Let's see how high this check can go in the end."

"I feel that as long as the 'Securities' sector does not die, the 'Internet Finance' line will not die, and the rising prices of the three Internet financial sectors of 'Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Fortune' will probably not stop. Continue to be optimistic about the two popular sectors of 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance', leading the Shanghai Stock Index to break through 3,400 points!"

"Damn it, the entire 'Big Finance' main line has already absorbed more than 7 billion of the market's main funds at this moment!"

"This is a net inflow of 7 billion in main funds. The actual siphon effect should be even more terrifying. The total size of the main capital groups that concentrated on buying the main core stocks of 'big finance' today should be more than 15 billion, and this The short- and medium-term profit orders and unwinding orders in the core main line areas should be almost cleared at this moment."

“The amount of net inflows of main funds is truly terrifying.”

"It just exploded!"

"In addition to the 'Flush' check, the 'Western Securities' check also went quite explosively today!"

“Indeed, the new highs and the continued closure of the market limit have further opened up the upside space and overall valuation space for the ‘securities’ sector!”

"The check of 'Western Securities' is indeed the core leader of the entire 'Securities' sector."

"The strong will always be strong. The leader will never die. This is really the ultimate expression of the bull market."

"There are also two checks, 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment and Huagong International'. Today's trend is quite strong, which has completely driven the two main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"The two checks of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huagong International' are undoubtedly the core leading stocks in today's market."

"'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has driven more than just the main line of 'military industry'. The entire 'sub-new stocks' sector has been able to recover, all thanks to the driving effect of this check."

"It depends on the situation. In the 'sub-new stocks' sector, there was a little difference today and the stocks have become unanimous."

"It is true that differences have turned into consensus! It is also a good short-term buying point."

“It’s a pity that ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ reached its daily limit in early trading today and did not free up the position. Alas…”

"Other near-end sub-new stocks can also be listed, especially the sub-new stocks that have just opened in the past few trading days. There will definitely be a wave of market action."

"However, there are quite big differences today regarding the 'Huake Dawn' check."

"The check from 'Huake Dawn' should be dead in the short term, right?"

"Yesterday it was all over the place, and today it almost hit the limit again. The correction depth was close to 30 points in one breath. It was really bullish. I continued to buy this ticket in my previous institutional seat and continued to lock up the position. The market was in the subsequent high trend. , I didn’t dare to take it when it continued to shrink and hit the daily limit, and sure enough... this knife cut really deep."

"The short- to medium-term trend of 'Huake Dawn' should be dead."

"But with this check, a lot of active funds bought the bottom today. Its stock price has already pulled back 6 points from the lowest point in today's session, which is near the limit."

"Although the stock price has pulled back a lot as the major indexes in the two cities continued to rise, the main capital flow still showed a relatively large outflow!"

"No matter how this check moves today, it's not worth following the trend and buying it."

"I also feel that it is too risky to accept this check at this time. Of course... maybe this check can turn into a hit today."

With the rapid refresh of messages in the group.

As well as the in-depth interpretation and opportunity sharing of the market by various hot money tycoons.

The market trading time flows forward quickly, and when the market trading time officially passes 11 o'clock, it enters the late trading period of the last half hour of noon.

The market was stormed for an hour and a half.

Whether it is the market trend or time-sharing, it has finally slowed down.

The Shanghai Stock Index hovered within the daily increase range of 35% to 50%, located below 3500 points, and no longer forced an upward move, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index gradually narrowed the gap between the gains of the Shanghai Stock Index and the Shanghai Stock Index. In the early trading stage, the performance of the two cities was weak. A number of industry sectors and concept sectors began to make up for their gains significantly during this period. (End of chapter)

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