Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 778 The arrival of a comprehensive bull market!

Among them, the "Blue Stone Reload" check has received the most attention from market investors.

The seats related to the 'Rongcheng Gang' that were purchased in the first two trading days remain locked, while the two hot money seats of 'Huaxin Securities Shenzhen Branch' and 'Qianzhou Jinhe Road' are the main attack force today. In conjunction with the main cover, more than 53 million were purchased on a large scale.

And the seats on the dragon and tiger list of this check, the seats for buying and selling hot money, still show a net buying status.

The check of "Huake Dawn" is second only to "Bluestone Heavy Equipment" among market investors.

The Dragon and Tiger list disclosed by it shows that the institutional seats that previously dominated the stock market are still selling, and the sales amount is as high as more than 24 million. However, the hot money that undertook the check yesterday has all been cut off today. The net amount of buying and selling funds on the entire list shows an outflow.

According to the data display of the Dragon and Tiger List of these two stocks.

The market expectations of ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ are still in the opposite direction from the ‘Huake Dawn’ check.

Then, the 'flush' check ranked third among investors in the two cities.

In the Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed today, institutional seats have become a new active buying force. The two institutional seats have bought a total of more than 89 million chips, which is basically the core of the stock 'Flush' today. Pull the market and seal the financial power.

And while the two institutions continued to buy on a large scale at high levels.

The trading seats disclosed in its Dragon and Tiger list show that the net buying and selling of the main funds of this check still shows a net buying trend.

And this also shows that the subsequent market expectations for this check are still strong.

Everyone is still optimistic about the subsequent market trend of this check, and its overall chip structure, at this time, still shows no signs of collapse.

Investors in the two cities are paying attention to the check of ‘Oriental Fortune’, which ranks fourth.

According to the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by it, the seat of ‘Leader Zhang’, who had intervened in the previous two trading days, maintained a locked position today as expected.

And, the same…

There are also two major institutional seats on the buying seats of the stock 'Oriental Fortune'.

The seats of these two major institutions bought a total of 5.7 billion chips for this check, ranking first and second in the dragon and tiger list respectively.

However, it is different from the situation of "Flush", where one company dominates the buying volume of institutional seats.

In the 'Oriental Fortune' dragon and tiger list, the difference in buying volume between the two institutions and the three hot money companies behind them is not very big.

Moreover, the trading seats disclosed by ‘Oriental Fortune’.

The total net buying amount, that is, the net inflow of main funds on the list, is obviously more than "Flush" by almost 60 million.

In addition to these two stocks, as the "great wisdom" of the three Musketeers of "Internet Finance", this check.

Today, it is also on the dragon and tiger list.

I saw that the Dragon and Tiger Ranking data disclosed by this check was different from the 'Flush' and 'Oriental Fortune' checks.

The Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed by this check shows that there is no institutional participation, and it is all hot money seats that are active in the market, and they are continuing to speculate.

However, there are similarities.

That is based on the Dragon and Tiger list data of this stock.

The main funds on the list still show a net buying pattern, with the five largest buying seats and the five largest selling seats, with a total net buying of more than 13 million.

After that, the check ‘Huagong International’ was among the top ten most popular among market investors.

According to the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by it, the three institutions bought a total of more than 3.2 billion in this stock.

There is no doubt that they are all adding positions at a high level.

Moreover, the net inflow of main funds on this check's list today has reached as much as 2.4 billion, ranking first in the net inflow of main funds for stocks on the two cities' lists.

And this kind of data performance on the Dragon and Tiger List also completely illustrates the attitude of the main funds towards this check.

It shows that this check has indeed become the absolute core leading stock in the main line of the market's entire "big infrastructure" and the core concept theme of "the new era road and the Maritime Silk Road". It also explains the expected future market trend of this check. , is still in a state of continuous surge.

They are both popular stocks in the field of "big infrastructure" and the main theme of the "new era road and maritime Silk Road" concept.

The dragon and tiger list of ‘Yingkou Port’ is displayed.

This check was strongly attacked by hot money led by the "Magic City Short-term Gang" today. Several hot money seats related to it had a total net purchase of more than 51 million.

This net purchase amount is nothing compared to stocks with a market capitalization of tens of billions like Huagong International.

But for this small-cap stock with a circulating market value of only 2 to 3 billion, it is extremely large, which also shows that this check is firmly optimistic about the hot money of the "Modu Short-term Gang".

There are also checks for 'Fushun Special Steel' and 'Dalian Heavy Industry', which were also on the dragon and tiger list today.

According to the dragon and tiger list data of these two checks.

It can be seen that the well-known short-term hot money players in the market have resumed the theme hype of "big infrastructure" and "new era roads and maritime Silk Road".

In addition to these tickets, it is worth focusing on...

There are also the checks of "Chengfei Integration", the check of "China Airlines Heavy Machinery", and the "Shanghai Steel Union" which created a three-link board. It continues to aggressively rise to the limit and has already set the fifth daily limit since the resumption of trading. Technology' the check.

The data on the Dragon Tiger List of the check "Chengfei Integration" shows that although there are second- and third-rate hot money seats in the market that continue to buy the bottom, the institutional groups as the main funds in the selling seats are still continuing to sell, and their entire transactions The net purchase amount of seat funds is still showing an outflow.

This shows that after the reorganization of this check failed and the resumption of trading, the negative reaction of its stock price has not ended.

It also shows that the stock price of this check at this position is still not unanimously recognized by various financial groups in the market, and there is a high probability that there is a greater risk of decline.

The check of 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' was mainly used as a follow-up stock of the core leader 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' today, and it was completely driven.

According to the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by it.

It can be seen that mainly short-term hot money seats are actively participating in this check.

And these hot money seats, the buying and selling of this check today is very balanced. Basically, the total amount of funds sold is roughly equal to the total amount of funds bought.

Of course, this also shows that this check has no independent market driving ability.

Once there is an abnormal stock price trend of ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’, this check will inevitably be greatly affected.

In other words, comparing the two checks "China Airlines Heavy Machinery" and "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment", from a short-term perspective, it is obvious that the market performance of the check "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" is better.

The data performance of the "Shanghai Steel Federation" check is still very good.

According to the data on the Dragon and Tiger list disclosed by it, it can be seen that the main funds that dominate the market of this stock are mainly the funds of the 'Yuhang Hot Money Gang', among which, 'Yuhang Changying Road', 'Shao Xingbei' Well-known seats such as "Four Seasons Road", "Four Seasons Road" and "Yingchun Road" are all on the list.

Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the main hot money seats involved in the previous trading days.

It is also in a state of continuous lock-up.

Among the disclosed trading seats, the main funds still show a net buying trend.

This shows that the active major financial groups involved in the speculation of this stock are still strongly optimistic about the subsequent market trend of this check.

As for the positive resumption of trading, the check of ‘Xuanji Technology’ has hit 5 daily limits in a row.

Today's Dragon and Tiger List data shows that the main funds participating in this check relay are mainly the well-known seat of "Huashang Securities Shenzhen Jintian Road".

Of course, everyone has different expectations regarding the subsequent market trend of this check.

At the same time, the market popularity of this check is not very high at present. Except for "Jintian Road", the amount of funds involved in the purchase of other hot money seats is basically below 10 million, which shows that everyone is hesitant, and The board obviously still lacks some synergy.

In addition to these relatively popular leading stocks.

Other concept stocks on the list, as well as heavyweight stocks, have continued to increase in discussion and attention.

In general, the trading volume disclosed in the Dragon and Tiger List data of the two cities still shows a large-scale net buying trend, which shows that there are still huge amounts of incremental funds continuing to flow into the two cities, and also This shows that as the most active group of major funds in the market, they are still continuing to increase their positions.

Moreover, in addition to the trading volume of funds, there is a trend of large-scale net inflows.

The number of stocks listed on the two markets and the total trading volume on the list also show a clear trend of amplification.

All of this... shows that the overall money-making effect and hype effect of the market are continuing to deepen and develop in a more popular direction.

Of course, it also illustrates the absolute core direction of market development for the entire market.

It is still a group of related industry sectors and concept sector stocks focusing on the three main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry".

Faced with the latest data on the Dragon and Tiger Lists disclosed by the two cities, as well as the continued surge in financing balances.

Inside and outside the market, a large number of investors who pay attention to these market news and information have their expectations for the market outlook. Supported by these data, their expectations for the future market have also changed rapidly, becoming more and more optimistic, more radical, and more and more aggressive. Become more determined.

Of course, the market trends and various data manifestations are getting better and better.

Investors in the market are not the only ones who are optimistic about this.

At this moment, many market-related financial media organizations are also enthusiastically changing their thinking, reporting on the hot money-making effects of the market, and shouting that a 'full bull market' is coming.

Among them, the Shanghai Securities News issued a front-page headline: "The daily limit of 100 stocks is on again, and the Shanghai Index is pointing at 4,000 points."

The website "Oriental Fortune" published the headline "Shanghai Stock Index has reached 3,500 points again after 6 years, the bull market is back, and the layout is timely."

The first financial media in Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a front-page headline: "3500 points will be the starting point of a comprehensive bull market in the market."

Qilu Financial News published the headline "A-share independent global trend, bull market signs are getting brighter".

The Yanjing Financial Media reported on the front page that "Financial reform is making great strides, and the A-share market will usher in new development."

Even the Huaxin Daily published a headline saying, "The ecological changes in the A-share market, financial reforms are comprehensively changing the market's bullish and bearish situation."

At the same time, there are also a number of well-known investment institutions and securities firms in the industry.

Such as Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatong Securities, Huashang Bank Securities Asset Management Center, Pingyin Asset Management, E Fund Investment Company, Antai Asset Management... and many other industry institutions.

It is responsible for related investment business internally, as well as a large number of well-known fund managers and investment consultants in the industry.

They are also actively bullish on the market.

They all said that the bull-bear trend of the market has completely changed, and the mark of 3500 points will be the starting point of the real bull market.

Faced with the increasingly hot bullish sentiment in the market, and as far as the eye can see, there are all kinds of good news and information, and the retail investors in and outside the market, who are coerced by the bullish sentiment, are also excited at this moment. Incessantly, they expressed their thoughts and opinions on the subsequent market trends on major stock discussion platforms across the Internet.

Moreover, this extreme emotional display was widely reported by many heavyweight media.

This hot money-making effect of the market has also quickly spread outside the market and into the hearts of a large number of potential investors who usually pay little attention to the stock market and the financial market and do not have a deep understanding of it.

Therefore, on various stock discussion platforms across the Internet, and even in major discussion groups.

The number of new novice investors has begun to surge rapidly. At the same time, the number of investors pouring in and the number of new account openings on major brokerage online account opening platforms has also increased significantly.

“As soon as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 3,500 points, the overall bullish sentiment of the market and the expected situation changed significantly!”

At around 5:40 p.m., Liao Guanghua, general manager of the asset management business of Huashang Securities’ self-operated investment department in Yanjing, browsed the news reports of many heavyweight industry media organizations in the after-hours market, as well as the news reports of many industry asset management institutions. Speaking publicly, he couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "Once this key point is broken, the large box shock range of 3000 points to 3500 points is strongly broken, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will completely turn into a bull market state, and the overall bull market situation of the market , and it has almost moved into the expectation of consistency.”

"Yes, it is true." Zhang Guangnian, chief analyst of Huashang Securities, sitting opposite Liao Guanghua, responded with a smile, "I didn't expect this bull market to come so quickly. I originally estimated that with the overall changes in market capital and sentiment, , the Shanghai Composite Index will not touch the 3,500-point mark until the end of the year.

I didn't expect that...

The Shanghai Stock Index has strongly exceeded 3,000 points, establishing a bull market expectation.

In less than a month, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has directly crossed the 500-point range, hitting the 3,500-point pressure mark in one fell swoop.

The range position is from 3000 points to 3500 points.

According to the analysis of market historical trend data, it should be the area with the heaviest historical hold-ups in the entire market and the area with the greatest pressure. was broken through like this.

However, the way the market is going is a good thing for our organization.

After all, our self-operated investment department has laid out its plans very early and has basically seized the opportunity of this bull market. The performance at the end of the year will not be bad. Maybe... Lao Liao, you should change your position next year. "

"Haha..." Liao Guanghua laughed loudly and took over the words, "Changing positions... I really have nothing to pursue. Even this bull market, I always feel that it is too fierce, and the market trading volume has exploded. , and the increasing speed of the balance of the two financings is so fast that people are caught off guard and frightened!" (End of this chapter)

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