Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 785: More blooming market hot spots!

At 10:07, the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector index stood at an intraday increase of 23%, ranking second in the two cities' industry sector growth lists after the 'Securities' sector.

At the same time, the main conceptual themes of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' are also changing across the board, and the corresponding concept sector index increases are also rising. They have outperformed the market index one after another, showing an extremely strong money-making effect.

At 10:08, the 'Port Shipping' industry sector index also rose by more than 5%. At the same time, the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Group' surged by more than 5%.

At 10:09, 'Huake Shuguang' rose by more than 1% during the day. On the market, the active buying force began to exceed the concentrated selling force. At the same time, the main fund buying and selling pattern on the market has also begun. From the large net outflow at the beginning of the market, it turned into a small net inflow.

At 10:10, the number of stocks in the two cities that are not on the daily limit reached 45. Counting various stocks with daily limit on the one-word board, the number reached 76, and the number of stocks in the two cities that rose by more than 7% during the day , has reached more than 150 stocks, and almost all of these stocks with an increase of more than 7% have a chance to hit the daily limit.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, today will be another extremely profitable trading day with the daily limit of 100 stocks.

At 10:11, the Shanghai Stock Index's intraday increase crossed the 4% mark and quickly approached the 5% increase mark. At the same time, the A50 Index's intraday increase reached 12%.

At 10:12, the intraday gain of ‘Flush’ expanded to 7%.

At 10:13, the intraday increase of the check ‘Great Wisdom’ also expanded to more than 5%, showing a trend of catching up with the ‘Flush’.

At 10:14, when the transaction volume of the two cities exceeded the 300 billion mark, many major funds gathered in the market began to overflow from the core main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', and turned to Attack the 'film and television media' industry sector that also has strong future expectations.

At 10:15, the ‘Film and Television Media’ industry sector index showed changes.

At 10:16, the stock price of ‘LeTV’ increased rapidly, breaking through the 2% increase mark.

At 10:17, stocks such as ‘Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television, Enlight Media, Huayi Brothers...’ all rose rapidly.

At 10:18, ‘Chinese Media’ came from behind and suddenly emerged in a straight line.

At 10:19, the stock price of ‘Chinese Media’ hit the 5% intraday increase mark.

At 10:20, the stock price of "Huawen Media" hit the 7% intraday increase mark, and the volume of one minute exploded to more than 27 million.

At 10:21, under the attack of four consecutive large buying orders of 10,000 lots, the stock price of 'Huawen Media' went straight to the daily limit in an instant.

At 10:22, without waiting for the reaction of many investors who were paying attention to this check, there were another continuous large purchase order of 10,000 lots, directly blocking the buying channel of this check and completely sealing its stock price at the daily limit.

With the straight-line daily limit of ‘Chinese Media’, it has become stuck as the leader of the ‘Film and Television Media’ sector.

The next moment, 10:23.

'LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Guangguang Media, Huace Film and Television, Huawen Media, Ciwen Media, Guangdong Media...' and other constituent stocks in the same sector and with the same concept have all surged in volume. Among them, 'Huace Film and Television' has even risen linearly to an increase of more than 5%.

Moreover, with the sudden change in the ‘Film and Television Media’ sector, the market has risen.

The 'mobile game' concept sector, which is related and often linked to the 'film and television media' sector, and the 'Internet online education' concept sector are also moving simultaneously. The corresponding component stocks, such as 'Quantong Education, Huaqingbao, Stocks such as Changqu Technology, Yaoji Technology...' also moved higher one after another.

At 10:24, under the ultimate money-making effect, the check of 'Chengfei Integration', which originally fell against the trend, also passively rose due to the continuous sharp rise in the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector, and its stock price rose from deep water. , was gradually pulled up, and at this moment, the red plate rose.

At 10:25, the stock price of 'Huake Shuguang', which had already reversed the market situation, continued to rise, with the market increase reaching 75%. At the same time, the 'sub-new stock' sector index also continued to climb, closely chasing the 'Internet Finance' Sector index gains are moving forward.

At 10:26, ‘Quantong Education’ hit the daily limit in a flash. Within one minute, the stock price increased by more than 8%, which shocked the market.

At 10:27, the 'Internet Online Education' concept sector was also favored by funds despite the flash limit of 'Quantong Education'. The growth rate of its concept sector instantly squeezed into the top of the growth list of concept sectors in the two cities, attracting More and more investor groups inside and outside the market are paying attention.

At 10:28, in the 'sub-new stocks' sector, the number of near-end sub-new stocks once again exceeded the 10 daily limit, and the entire sector once again set off a daily limit trend.

At 10:29, the Shanghai Stock Index officially stood at the 5% increase mark for the day.

At 10:30, after an hour of early trading, the trading volume of the two cities successfully exceeded the huge volume mark of 350 billion, and more than 1,900 stocks were listed in the two cities. The profit-making effect of the two cities has almost reached a level of one in the past week. Extreme.

"Damn it, this market trend... is really crazy!"

With the entire market holding high for an hour and the main funds from all walks of life continuing to bombard us, I saw that the money-making effect of the two cities has almost reached an explosive state, and the phenomenon of 100 stocks rising to the daily limit has once again Appeared, in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located, among the hot money groups participating in the market discussion, some of them couldn't help but sigh in shock.

"I really can't stop for a moment. Almost every moment, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is setting a new yearly high. Is this a bull market? It's crazy!"

"Today's index increase is actually not an exaggeration. Up to the current position, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has only increased by about 5%. The most exaggerated performance is the performance of the A50 index, as well as a number of concept stocks in the core main line fields, as well as 'sub-new stocks' The performance of individual stocks in this branch area.”

"Up to now, none of the top 20 popular stocks with the most attention and discussion in the market have fallen, and all of them have maintained an upward trend. This situation... is really exaggerated. I feel that I have never seen such an explosion before. market trends.”

"Yeah, I've been doing this short-term job lately... it's so exciting!"

"It just exploded. The check of 'Huake Dawn' was already a death sentence. I didn't expect that after it opened low by nearly 5 points, it could be pulled back and become popular."

"Haha... Is it a miscalculation? The check for 'Hua Ke Dawn' looks like this. The market has reversed. Maybe... not only can it maintain a red closing price, but the daily limit is also not certain. Yesterday's check failed. , maybe, if the market sentiment is so good today, there will really be another drama."

"Hey, when the market opened, I saw that the check was written too low, so I bought some chips. If it can really reach the limit, then it will be a big bargain today."

"There shouldn't be anyone in the group who suffered a loss today, right?"

"It's true, it's hard to lose money with this kind of market trend. Even if you suffer a temporary loss, you can definitely make money eventually by staying patient and holding on to more chips."

"A total of 83 stocks fell in the two cities. It is really difficult to lose money within a day."

"I really didn't expect that the market could continue to be so high today. I originally thought that after going against the trend for two consecutive days, there was a high chance that today's good news would turn into bad news."

"I had the same idea as you, so I didn't take a big position in Panchu. Now... I really regret it."

"The gap in the Shanghai stock index in early trading today...should have to be filled in the future, right?"

"This gap is not big, and it will most likely be covered."

"Even if the index has a high probability of covering up, the stock prices of many popular stocks and core weight stocks may not necessarily cover up. Generally speaking, if you don't chase at this time and lose your chips, it's still a bit outweighed by the gain."

"Opportunities are everywhere. If you are hesitating at this time, you really shouldn't do it."

"Is the Shanghai Stock Index going to go straight to 4,000 points? It really won't stop. It's clear that the technical situation has been diverging for a while, but it just can't fall down."

"I'm afraid it will go directly to 4,000 points."

"The expectations for the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media' are so strong, how could the index fall to the ground? What's more, after the Shanghai Index broke through 3,500 points, the market's bull market The pattern has basically been determined. At this time, how many financial groups are there in the market who want cheap chips? With so many funds waiting to buy, how can the market go down?"

"If you have money, chase it. With such a strong market profit-making effect, chasing high prices cannot trap people."

"A truly strong stock has no high point."

"Haha, this makes sense. Take a look at the trend of the stock 'Flush' in the past month. Where is the high point? Every high point has been quickly broken."

"The 'flush' check is so powerful!"

"Yes, and this trend pattern is still in the stage where capital groups are aggressively chasing and building positions. It is far from reaching a stable stage, let alone the stock price peaking."

"I feel like the 'flush' check will become the first 10-fold stock to start the bull market!"

"'Tonghuashun' is not the first one. The previous 'Shanghai Steel Union' and 'Chengfei Integration' are also considered 10 times leading concept stocks."

"Yes, 'Shanghai Steel Union' is truly the first 10-fold stock in the bull market."

"Speaking of the 'Shanghai Steel Union' check... In the past few days, the trend of this check has been bizarre. It is really a mindless trend."

"The logic line of 'Old Demon Stock' is indeed a bit nonsensical."

"The underlying logic of the 'Shanghai Steel Union' check should still be the concept of 'Internet finance', right?"

“Not only that, there are also concepts of ‘venture capital’ and ‘Fosun’ series concepts.”

"However, this check was highly hyped last year, and its internal chip structure is not very good. Relatively speaking, the logic of the 'Flush' check is clearer and more certain."

"The market is in a bullish state, and there are already many themes and conceptual lines for speculation."

"Indeed, now I feel that as long as there is a little bit of emotional support, retail investors will follow the trend in large numbers, and it will be much easier to block and pull the market with funds than before."

"However, we still need to keep an eye on the concept leader and follow the main line to make the market, which is safer."

"In the entire market today, hot spots should be breaking out across the board, right? Finance, infrastructure, military industry, 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', Eurasian Economic Belt, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, film and television media, Internet online education, Lao Yao stocks, port shipping, Northeast revitalization, sub-new stocks...there are just too many.”

"Indeed, I followed the trend of 4 stocks today, and without exception, they all reached their daily limit."

"But today, the key holdings of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' stocks seem to have a somewhat divergent trend. I don't know what's going on."

“‘The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak’. It’s the original law of the market. I don’t think there’s any need to make too much of a fuss. Just continue to place orders with peace of mind.”

"I originally thought that today's core themes of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' will continue to hold high, which will create a certain siphon effect on the overall capital side of the market. But now... the overall capital side of the market still needs to be It is more abundant than everyone expected, and even with several core main lines frantically absorbing main funds, it can still bloom more and form a comprehensive market trend of rising prices."

"With 350 billion yuan of energy in one hour, do you think the funds are sufficient?"

"It feels like the trillion-dollar transaction volume in the two cities should not be far away."

"According to this trend of continued growth in transaction volume, I think we will see a trillion-scale market transaction volume at the beginning of next month at the latest."

"Why do I think I might be able to see it today?"

"Today? Isn't this too optimistic? In fact, as long as the market turnover continues to grow month-on-month, the market's money-making effect will remain the same."

"The month-on-month increase in transaction volume shows that there are enough incremental capital groups continuing to enter the market, and the market's money-making effect will naturally not be bad."

"The check of 'Huagong International' has gone straight to the 5% increase position again."

"The trend of this check in the past few days is really ridiculously strong, and it is really a bit like the trend pattern of President Su's main focus on the stock of 'Huaguo MCC'."

"Does the check from 'Huagong International' have any potential benefits?"

"I don't know, but institutions really love this check very much recently, and they have been buying it on a large scale."

"The check of 'Huagong International' seems to be the core leading stock in the entire 'big infrastructure' main line field. According to normal logical analysis, if institutions continue to buy so aggressively, I am afraid there is some potential good news. After all, A stock with a market capitalization of tens of billions can continue to skyrocket, and the logic behind it is certainly not simple."

"How about... follow Yishou?"

"This is a weighted trend stock. I don't have any preference for this type of stock."

"However, if this check can become the leader of the Chinese military in the entire 'big infrastructure' main line and create a new level of space... it will still have huge benefits for the entire 'big infrastructure' main line field and the hype of various conceptual themes. At the same time, it can also expand the speculation space of corresponding concept stocks."

"That's for sure! So it's okay not to participate, but you can't not pay attention."

"This is just like the check of 'Huaxin Securities', which plays a central role in the entire securities sector and even the entire 'big financial' main line sector."

"Don't be too slow to bet on the check of 'Huaxin Securities'. The trend is slow, but throughout November, the absolute growth rate of this check is not low."

"Although everyone looks down on this big stock, the absolute growth rate of this check this month has indeed outperformed the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index by a large margin, and is significantly stronger than 80% of the stocks in the entire market. Moreover, this kind of stock has higher liquidity on the market. The higher the value, the more stable the stock price becomes. If you are not pursuing absolute excess profits, it would be a good choice to take a heavy position in this stock."

"It must require excess returns. With such a hot market making money, if we don't take a radical approach... the opportunity will be missed, but it will never come back again."

Along with the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth analysis of the market by the big guys in the group.

The market trading time has unknowingly entered after 11 o'clock in the morning, and at this time, the two cities have officially entered the last half-hour of the morning trading session.

I saw that the time entered after 11 o'clock.

Regardless of the time-sharing performance of the two cities, or the trend performance of the major weighted indexes such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index, they are no longer as intense as the first hour of the session.

However, even if the time-sharing amount can gradually decay and stabilize.

The money-making effect of the two cities has not been reduced much. A number of popular main lines, popular industry sectors, concept sectors, and a number of popular stocks still remain in the corresponding intraday high range, or continue to fluctuate and gain momentum, or remain slow. The ground oscillates upward. (End of chapter)

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