Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 786 Potential new incremental energy risks!

Finally, when 11:30 arrived, the two cities ushered in the midday closing time.

I saw that the Shanghai Index was at a 52% increase, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index rose by 26% and 19% respectively. Among them, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index rose by 96%, and the A50 Index remained at an increase of 11%. Overall , the market pattern of the two cities, while maintaining a general upward trend, is still biased towards the direction of the main board market, especially the direction of market-weighted large-cap stocks dominated by A50 index constituent stocks.

In addition to the performance of major core indexes...

In terms of transaction volume in the two cities, the half-day transaction volume exceeded RMB 550 billion. Compared with yesterday, the transaction volume continued to show a trend of amplification.

Moreover, in the two cities for half a day, including the stocks with daily limit on the one-line board that are good for resumption of trading, and the stocks with daily limit on the one-line board that have not been listed on the market, the total number of stocks in the two cities with daily limit has exceeded 105. 'It seems to have become the norm in market performance.

As for the performance of the core main lines of the market.

The three core main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ still maintain the trend of leading the market.

After that, the performance of ‘sub-new stocks’, the core branch of concentrated speculation by short-term funds, and the ‘film and television media’ sector in the main line of ‘technological growth’ also performed very well.

Faced with the closing situation of the two cities, the vast number of investors both inside and outside the market.

Naturally excited and excited.

And just after the market closed, countless investors on major stock discussion platforms across the Internet began to show off their profitable accounts and further aggressively bullish the market outlook.

Moreover, discussions among many market institutional groups are intense at this moment.

Countless asset managers and well-known fund managers are aggressively bullish on the market at this moment, and have made corresponding aggressive trading strategies.

“The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once again set a new intraday high this year!”

After the market closed at noon, during a short break, in the main fund trading room of Jingda Investment Company in Shanghai, Gu Chijiang, as the general manager of the company, stared at the fixed market prices of the two markets, reviewed the market slightly, and said happily : "Looking at this trend pattern, I am afraid that the market will not encounter too heavy market pressure before 4000 points. After all, the market's unanimous long sentiment and the money-making effect are too strong, and the increase in volume and energy is obviously Much exceeded expectations, which shows that the incremental capital group outside the market is still entering the market more aggressively and eagerly under the influence of the market's continued strong performance and many positive factors inside and outside the market.

Hehe... Fortunately, our company has two main fund products.

Under Tingzong's correct strategy, you can increase your position in a timely manner and fill up the position weights of the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'. Otherwise...if you want to pursue the chips now, , it’s really not easy to choose the time to enter. "

The overall market trend today was obviously beyond his expectations.

In particular, the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' can continue to drive higher and reach new heights at relatively high positions. They have no intention of stopping at all. It surprised him even more.

Originally, he thought that after the Shanghai Stock Index fully exceeded 3,500 points, it was to consolidate the chip structure of the market.

At the same time, in order to further clean up the short-term excessively heavy profit-taking and unwinding of arbitrage, as well as some loose hold-up orders, it will definitely rise slowly in small steps, or continue to fluctuate slightly for a few trading days, but I did not expect... With the external trend After a reversal, the entire market actually continued to be short-squeezed, continuing the main attack of the big positive line.

But this is fine...

At least the market continues to rise due to short squeezes, especially around the major themes of "military industry," "big infrastructure," and "big finance."

This is very conducive to the continued breakthrough of the net value of their company's main fund products.

It will also allow their company's two main fund products to get a good ranking in this year's industry private equity fund products, especially the performance rankings of industry private equity fund products of the same scale, and have a net value that is much higher than expected. Performance will further deepen the trust of fund investor groups in their companies.

All this... is very conducive to their business development next year.

It is also very conducive to their subsequent development of new fund products and their leap to a larger scale of asset management.

Of course, in terms of net worth performance alone.

The two main fund products of their company are not very prominent when compared with the performance rankings of all private equity fund products in the entire industry, especially compared with fund products such as the 'Yuhang Series' fund products and the 'Zexi Series' fund products. The net values ​​of the 'Manniu series' fund products and the 'Anzhao series' fund products are quite different.

However, Gu Chijiang feels that being able to continuously surpass his previous self, being able to continuously outperform the market index, and accurately guessing the main market rhythm is already a huge improvement. Therefore, even if the performance of fund products is currently He has not yet reached the first echelon in the industry, but he already has a high sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, he believed that with the efforts of him and Lin Tingzong.

Sooner or later, their 'Jingda Investment' company will step into the 'Ten Billion Asset Management Scale' club of private equity funds, and will be closer to the 'Yuhang Group', 'Zexi Group', 'Minghui Group', and 'Man Niu Series', 'Anzhao Series'... and other well-known private equity institutions in the industry.

"The position of 4,000 points... is still a bit too far away for the current Shanghai Stock Index." Lin Tingzong saw the excitement on Gu Chijiang's face, stared at the fixed disk of the two cities, thought for a moment, and said, "Although the market is still The trend of breaking through the big positive line and continuing to squeeze out the market seems to be getting stronger and stronger, but there is actually a problem with the market's volume performance."

Gu Chijiang was slightly taken aback and said: "550 billion energy is achieved in half a day. This amount of energy is still amplified month-on-month. What's the problem?"

"It's a matter of month-on-month amplification!" Lin Tingzong said, "The volume of 550 billion in half a day is almost 40 billion more than the same period yesterday, 40 billion... The market volume has increased too fast. .”

"Isn't it bad that quantity can rise too quickly?" Gu Chijiang asked, "It's called 'volume and price both rise'!"

Lin Tingzong responded: "It is naturally not good if the volume increases too fast. The market volume can increase, and it takes time to react to the huge amount of funds outside the market. Today, the turnover of the two cities has basically stabilized at 900 billion. Up or down, the amount of energy is 900 billion... Basically, the performance of this amount of energy should be close to the limit of market capital.

In other words, short- to medium-term investment logic.

At present, the capital groups that are eager to enter the market have basically entered the market on a large scale.

The main sources of subsequent incremental funding groups should be the potential off-site investor groups, as well as the continuously increasing financing balance, as well as some major institutions that have just issued new fund products and have not yet had time to build positions, or in other words, there are Some self-operated institutions such as securities firms, insurance companies, and banks with insufficient positions.

But in any case, there is no obvious significant change in the overall macro capital situation.

A large number of active financial groups inside and outside the market have entered the market on a significant scale.

The incremental effect of subsequent incremental capital groups will continue to decrease, and there will also be more time for the capital groups to enter the market to react.

At exactly this time, the market was in a strong and continuous upward attack and continued short squeeze trend.

This means...

If the market continues to rise in this form of strong short squeeze, then more incremental capital groups will be needed to support the market.

Today, the Shanghai stock index rose by 5% in half a day, which requires a new increase of 40 billion to support it.

Tomorrow, the Shanghai stock index will rise by 5% in half a day, which may require a new increase of 50 billion to support it.

In other words, the faster the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index moves upward, the greater the amount of new funds required and the greater the demand for incremental funds.

And as I just said, based on the current macro capital analysis.

As well as an analysis of the market turnover status of the two cities, which has reached more than 900 billion.

The new capital groups in the market and their new incremental performance are difficult to continue large-scale expansion at this point in time.

In other words, the current position of the Shanghai Stock Index is the current market development node.

There are not that many potential incremental funds inside and outside the market that can continue to support the outbreak of the entire market and the continued short squeeze and rise of the index.

But when the volume cannot support it and the newly added bull power cannot fully undertake the selling.

In fact, it is not far from market adjustment.

The current market situation is like this. It seems to be extremely hot and the money-making effect is overwhelming. In fact, the inherent potential risks are still obvious.

Of course, if the market's macro-financial aspects change rapidly in the short term.

That will definitely release a greater amount of incremental capital into the market.

This change in quantity and energy brought about by the rapid changes in macro-capital conditions should be able to support the major market indexes and even the entire market to continue to break upward. "

After listening to Lin Tingzong's analysis, Gu Chijiang pondered for a moment and said: "You mean that if the market continues to develop with this large positive line of heavy volume and continues to make an upward short squeeze breakthrough, there is a high probability that this market will soon It will come to an end, and if the macro capital situation changes clearly, can the trend of upward short squeeze continue for a longer period of time?”

Lin Tingzong nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I mean."

"Then according to what you mean...are we going to cut our profits?" Gu Chijiang asked.

Lin Tingzong replied: "There is no rush to stop profits. The main thing is... we need to pay careful attention to whether the news circulating in the market that the central bank will cut interest rates and reduce reserve requirements is true or false."

If the expectations of this news begin to weaken significantly, or the probability of good news in this regard is decreasing.

Then, we have to sell part of the position to reduce potential position risks.

Of course, if the expectations of this news continue to increase, and the probability of its positive implementation continues to increase, then we can continue to maintain static positions and let the performance and net value of our company's two main fund products , further ran at full speed. "

"Yes!" Gu Chijiang nodded and said, "Okay, then I will use my connections to inquire carefully after the market closes today.

But I think..."

When Gu Chijiang said this, he obviously paused, and then continued: "With respect to the market turnover of 900 billion, the incremental capital group that has entered the market cannot keep up with the increasing number of concentrated sales on the market. Many smart money in the market should be aware of this situation.

We are not sure about other main funds.

But major funds like the 'Yu Hang Group', which have a very keen sense of market changes, must also have the understanding you just mentioned.

However, there is still no movement in the main capital of the ‘Yuhang Department’.

In the entire market today, many component stocks related to the 'Yu Hang Series', although some of the stocks have slightly changed, but overall, these stocks are still in a continuous short squeeze, and the situation is high and high. , and at the same time, there is still no trace of the main fund of the 'Yuhang Department' on yesterday's Dragon and Tiger list.

This shows that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' have definitely not yet reduced their positions.

And this... I'm thinking that it should also explain that the rumors circulating in the market about "the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios in December" are probably not groundless, but have a high probability of being true. "

"It would be best if this piece of good news can be clearly implemented." Lin Tingzong nodded slightly and said, "But regardless of whether this piece of good news is true or not, at this time, although we can still maintain A more aggressive position position, but still cannot be taken lightly. You must know that in trading, when your heart is inflated, it is precisely the time when you are most likely to make mistakes!"

When Gu Chijiang heard what he said, he laughed and said, "This is natural."

After saying that, he patted Lin Tingzong on the shoulder again, then looked at the time and found that it was still early, so he suggested going to have lunch first.

Then, without waiting for Lin Tingzong to answer, he pulled him out of the company's main fund trading day.

Similarly, at Jingda Investment Company, two fund product managers actively discussed the current market conditions, made corresponding predictions about the subsequent market conditions, and further reviewed the trading strategies...

Yuhang, inside Anzhao Fund Company, the main fund trading room.

As the company's general manager and asset management business manager, Qin Qiuyue stared at the fixed prices of the two cities and exclaimed in amazement: "New highs and new highs. The trend of the main line of the market of 'big finance' is really explosive. In just half a day, there was another net inflow of nearly 4 billion main funds."

"Not only the trend of the market index, but also the main trend of the 'big financial' market has exploded." Next to Qin Qiuyue, Zhou Hui, the main fund product manager, said with a smile, "The net value performance of several of our main fund products has also been quite explosive recently. Moreover...all of our currently operating fund products are making real-time has officially exceeded tens of billions of floating profits."

"The floating profit of our company's fund products has exceeded 10 billion?" Qin Qiuyue became even more surprised when she heard Zhou Hui's words, "Oh my god, so fast... The floating profit of our fund's stocks has If the profit exceeds 10 billion?" (End of this chapter)

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