Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 818 The expectation of a ‘good start’!

In the evening, the bullish sentiment in the market continued to ferment, and the development of external market conditions further added fuel to the flames.

Subsequently, in the two days over the weekend, various positive news continued to appear in the market, which continued to boost the market's bullish sentiment and investment confidence.

At the same time, the market’s bullish sentiment and investment confidence continue to rise.

The entire country and the asset management industry.

Many newly issued stock-oriented fund products and hybrid investment fund products are also increasingly appearing in "day disk". Moreover, outside the market, those who have not paid much attention to the stock market in the past, or have not paid much attention to the potential The investor group, through various online information, financial media, investment advertisements from fund institutions, as well as the inducement and encouragement from surrounding relatives, friends, and colleagues, or in many early admissions, has personally verified that the current market is relatively easy to make money. Under the influence of easy profits, investor groups have also begun to pay more attention to the stock market.

At the same time, many radicals are already preparing funds and preparing to pour into A-shares, which are experiencing a booming money-making effect.

As this bullish sentiment continues to ferment, there are favorable incentives both internally and externally, and the market's valuation itself is not high.

Monday, December 1st comes.

At around 8:30 in the morning, A-shares had not officially opened for trading.

The entire Asia-Pacific stock market, and other stock markets that opened for trading before A-shares, all opened sharply higher under the guidance of U.S. stocks that continued to open higher last Friday.

"It seems that the late market plunge last Friday did not actually affect too many changes in market sentiment." At around 8:45, inside Yanjing Yihe Investment Company, the main fund trading room, as the company's capital, Chen Yihe, general manager and main fund product manager in the management industry, said happily, "According to the pre-market sentiment performance of the two cities, there should be no major problems for the market to achieve a good start this month."

"With good internal and external stimulation, coupled with the fermentation of bull sentiment throughout the weekend, there is definitely no problem with a good start." Hearing Chen Yihe's voice, he sat next to Chen Yihe, who was doing pre-market data compilation and transaction preparations. Fund trading team leader Gao Xiang responded, “Moreover, after last month’s monthly chart ended, looking at it now, whether it is the monthly cycle K-line chart of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the A50 Index, or the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index, technically... gold The cross pattern is becoming more and more obvious. If nothing unexpected happens, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely continue to rise above 4,000 points this month."

Chen Yihe chuckled and said: "I think so too, but although there is nothing to worry about in terms of market sentiment and investment confidence, the turnover of the two cities has been stuck below the trillion mark, and I always feel that there are some hidden dangers." , I just hope that the emotions will brew for two consecutive days over the weekend.

Potential investor groups outside the market further entered the market and went long.

As well as many stock-oriented and hybrid day disk fund products in the industry, under the new demand for building positions.

The market's turnover can quickly cross the trillion-level threshold. Like the spreading bullish sentiment, it continues to advance vigorously, building momentum and creating a clearer bull market trend and atmosphere. "

Gao Xiang responded: "In fact, the increasing rate of market transaction volume is already quite high. Even if the increasing rate of market transaction volume maintains the trend of last week and increases to 10 billion per day, it should be possible to see the increase this week. The two cities created transaction volume history and crossed the trillion mark.

And, amid the news rumors over the weekend.

Aren’t the expectations that the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios at the beginning of the month become more and more intense and clear?

This should be able to further stimulate the market's long-volume capacity and drive the market's turnover to further increase and continue to skyrocket. "

"That's true." Chen Yihe nodded, "Originally, there were rumors that the central bank would cut interest rates and reserve requirements this month. Since there has been no further update on internal information, I no longer had any expectations. But the result is On Friday, the Federal Reserve's public speech was still very dovish, which fully gave the domestic central bank room to cut interest rates and lower reserve requirements. Naturally, the implementation of this favorable rumor is even more worthy of expectation."

Gao Xiang nodded and said with a smile: "If the news of the central bank's monetary policy shift can be successfully implemented, it will be another major benefit to the core line of 'big finance' in the market.

I feel that next, before the news of the central bank cutting interest rates and lowering reserve requirements is confirmed.

The market development direction and the main line market direction.

It will continue to revolve around the main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, ‘military industry’, ‘sub-new stocks’, and ‘film and television media’.

Especially the line of ‘big finance’.

The stocks with core weights in the 'Securities' sector and the 'Internet Finance' sector, as well as the corresponding leading concept stocks, will most likely continue to rise due to aggressive short squeezes.

After all, under the direct influence of positive expectations, funds want to buy core stock chips in these two sectors.

In terms of the current market capital environment and the liquidity of funds on the market, it is still too much. Its related chips are still quite scarce in the current market situation, and there is no reason why it should not continue to rise. "

"The market development direction you mentioned will continue to revolve around the popular themes of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media'. It should be quite probable." Chen Yihe added, “But now, what I am worried about is that individual stocks in other main line areas continue to be sucked by the heavyweight popular stocks and concept leading stocks in these core main line areas.

You must know that once the market experiences a serious 28-20 split,

If the ticket suffers severe blood loss and has a more obvious and consistent money-losing effect...

Then, as the core main line weighted large-cap stocks that support the market's rise, I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to open up space and reach new stock price heights. "

Gao Xiang thought about it carefully and said, "There shouldn't be a serious 28-point split."

"Why?" Chen Yihe asked.

Gao Xiang thought for a moment, organized his words, and replied: "It's very simple. In the current market, a large number of non-popular mainline tickets did not rise at all during the aggressive short squeeze trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index last month.

This shows that there is no profit-making funds at all on these non-popular mainline tickets.

Furthermore, the three core main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" have broken through trend patterns and have a strong profit-making effect on the main line sectors.

It didn’t come out recently at all.

These three main lines began to skyrocket when the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index exceeded 3,000 points and the basic logic of the bull market was confirmed by many investor groups.

In fact, the market prices for the two main lines of "big infrastructure" and "military industry" have started.

It can be traced back to April in the first half of this year, when the Shanghai Stock Index started to rise from around 2,000 points.

In other words, the main line market has continued for such a long time.

The funds that should be siphoned off from these small tickets in the non-popular main line field have actually been siphoned away by the three core main lines.

Now, the small tickets in these non-popular mainline areas are in the internal chip structure.

Basically, they are all stubborn deep lock-ups, that is, they are basically all inactive chips, and the positions held here are basically retail investors.

After all, the agency had long since retreated.

Take the stock holding thinking and trading thinking of retail investors.

There are not many, or even very few, investors who can decisively stop losses, or decisively adjust positions, and timely embrace the market's hot main lines despite being deeply locked in.

And this... also means that the selling pressure on these small tickets is limited.

Not only is it limited, but the selling pressure may be very light.

Therefore, when these deep holding chips have accumulated and there is no strong desire to sell, even these stocks in non-popular main line areas still do not receive the concentrated attention of the active capital groups in the market and cannot produce a strong money-making effect. .

But it will never be when the overall market trend is upward.

It will become a drag on the development of the entire market, let alone a huge disk pressure that suppresses further rise in the market.

These active capital groups cannot pay attention to, or are not currently interested in, fringe mainline component stocks that do not have strong expectations and positive drivers. The worst-case scenario is that they will continue to make unlimited investments at the current position while the index continues to rise. It's just a sideways oscillation.

The downward momentum of these small tickets has long been exhausted in the bear market of the past few years.

There is simply no incentive to continue falling, and there is no need to worry that their decline will drag down the market.

Therefore, as long as the core and popular main lines of the market such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks' and 'film and television media' can still maintain a very strong money-making effect, at the same time, market news is still If there is continued positive stimulus, then I think... it is entirely possible for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to continue to open up space and continue to hit 4,000 points.

As for the specific trading operations of our fund products...

Our current most suitable trading strategy.

Naturally, we still maintain relatively high positions, and further concentrate our positions on the popular weighted stocks of the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', so as to maximize the share of the market's main uptrend. Profit is the most appropriate trading strategy. "

After listening to Gao Xiang's analysis, Chen Yihe thought about it carefully for a while and found that there seemed to be no logical problem with Gao Xiang's analysis. The non-popular mainline tickets he was worried about had not increased much in the first place. Indeed, there is no motivation to sell off.

"It seems... I'm worrying too much." Chen Yihe chuckled and responded, "In that case, let's maintain the current trading strategy and position position first, and see how the market will perform this week. Will the changes hit the trillion dollar turnover mark as we expected and open up new room for growth?"

After saying that, he turned his eyes to the computer interface in front of him again.

As time goes by, various information in the early trading of the two cities is still being broadcast. At the same time, through the still heated discussions among the majority of investors on the entire network, it can also be seen that with the opening of other markets in the Asia-Pacific stock market, Market trading, the bullish sentiment in the entire market continues to rise.

Finally, during the short wait, the two of them were preparing for the transaction.

With the entire network of investors paying close attention, time passed by 9:15, and the two cities once again ushered in collective bidding.

I saw that the market, which had been stagnant for two days, suddenly began to change. Countless popular stocks, as well as various leading stocks that were highly concerned by the investor community, all went straight to the red market.

At 9:16, after a minute of intense market beating.

The performance of the two cities has become clear.

Affected by the extremely high bullish sentiment in the entire market, nearly 93% of the more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities opened red and opened higher.

Among them, it was as everyone expected before the market opened.

The core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media', as well as their related industry sectors and concept sectors, as well as a number of popular market stocks associated with them, The leading stocks in terms of weight still lead the market in all aspects.


The securities sector index initially opened higher with a 12% increase.

The Internet Financial Sector Index initially opened higher with a gain of 395.

Architectural decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development, banking, insurance, machinery and equipment, national defense and military industry, film and television media...all of the industry sectors initially opened higher with an increase of more than 5%; while the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', ' Sectors with related concepts such as "New Era Road", "Maritime Silk Road", "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises", "Sub-New Stocks"... also basically opened higher by more than 5%.

As for the specific related main line popular stocks.

In particular, the performance of the top 20 popular stocks that have attracted the most attention and discussion among market investors.

The two sub-new monster stocks, ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ and ‘Huake Dawning’, both opened higher with an increase of more than 5%, and the real-time stock prices of the two checks also set new highs since their listing.

'Great Wisdom', 'Flush', and 'Oriental Fortune', the three 'Three Musketeers' stocks in the Internet financial sector, all opened higher with an increase of more than 2%. Among them, 'Great Wisdom' is still the strongest, with an initial high increase. , reaching a position of 78%.

‘Shanghai Steel Union’ and ‘Hua Ke Financial’ are two popular stocks in the same sector but with different speculation logics.

Both opened higher at a 3% increase.

'Huaguo International', 'Huaguo MCC', 'Xiangcai Securities', 'Harbin Investment Capital', 'Western Securities', 'Huaxin Securities'... these popular mainline weight stocks opened higher at 5 The increase ranges from % to 3%, which is slightly weaker than a number of small-cap mainline concept stocks, but stronger than the performance of the corresponding sector index to which each stock belongs.

As for the market, there are many non-popular main line areas.

Such as 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'petrochemical industry', 'coal', 'medicine', 'animal husbandry'... and other main areas, and their related industry sectors and concept sector indices.

Then slightly maintain the red plate state.

There was no obvious concentrated selling pressure at the beginning of the market, but there was no obvious active buying attention either.

Many of the component stocks in these marginal main line areas are in a state of unlimited status on the market, and even some stocks have no bidders at all at the moment when the call auction begins. (End of chapter)

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