Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 819 The market’s money-making effect is further concentrated!

At 9:17, in a number of core main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media', the relevant industry sector indexes and concept sector indexes opened higher, and are still at high levels. It continues to strengthen, and its related main line weight stocks and concept leading stocks, as the call auction time goes by, their disk stock prices also continue to rise.

At 9:18, the collective bidding increases of ‘Huake Dawn’ and ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ both exceeded 7%.

At 9:19, the market call auction price of the stock ‘Great Wisdom’ jumped to the daily limit, surprising the entire market with the attention of a large number of investors paying attention to this stock.

However, when 9:20 arrived, the two cities entered the real bidding stage where orders cannot be canceled.

After a large number of false orders were quickly withdrawn between 9:19 and 9:20, the real call auction situation of the two cities finally emerged, but it was no better than the call auctions of the two cities at 9:15 and 9:16. Although it was fierce at the beginning, the entire market fell back.

Among them, many popular stocks rose sharply against the trend from 9:17 to 9:19.

At the moment of 9:20, the market performance fell back to the initial moment when the call auction started. Moreover, companies such as 'Shanghai Steel United', 'Yingkou Port', 'Shanghai Sanmao', and 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' These popular stocks have even fallen back to lower stock prices at the moment when the call auction began.

"The mood of the market call auction and the strength of the initiative to take over the market feel that they are gradually declining after the time enters 9:20!" At 9:21, Yuhang, Yinhua Public Fund Company, 'Value Investment Mixed Essence' Selecting the fund product trading room, fund manager Zhou Yang stared at the changes in the two markets, frowned slightly and said, "Will today's opening be the highest emotional point for the entire market?"

Zhu Peng, assistant fund manager and trading team leader sitting next to Zhou Yang, responded: "It shouldn't be possible. In fact, I think that at this time, the market prices of the two markets have fallen back a little. Don't open too high, which will be more conducive to the official market." The market is up after opening trading.”

"You think so?" Zhou Yang said slightly surprised.

Zhu Peng nodded and said: "The overall bullish sentiment in the market is still very strong, but if the market opens too high and this bullish sentiment is greatly consumed during the call auction stage, then after the market officially opens, Facing the high stock prices of many popular stocks and leading stocks.

Even though the market's bullish sentiment is still strong.

Then, funds that originally wanted to enter the market for long positions will hesitate when faced with the lack of a suitable stock price to participate.

At the same time, the stock price opened sharply higher during the day, and the many short-term funds that participated in the market yesterday will have a greater desire to take profits.

The concentrated selling of these short-term funds will obviously bring corresponding pressure to the market's rise.

Therefore, I feel that the slight decline in the call auction in the two markets is not a sign of a weakening market situation. Instead, it is a better accumulation of long power during the day, laying a better foundation for the market's rise today. The basis and motivation for the rise. "

"So... our fund's positions do not need to be adjusted or moved?" Zhou Yang asked.

Zhu Peng thought for a while and responded: "According to the overall shape of the market, the selling point should be far away at this time, right? In a bull market, due to the relatively abundant liquidity in the market, selling stocks should be easier than buying stocks. More, I think... we can still continue to hold positions statically and let profits continue to run."

"Okay, let's take a look again!" Zhou Yang responded after thinking for a moment.

In fact, he only had a slight feeling that the market seemed to be turning from strong to weak, but there was no specific logic to support or verify his feeling.

On the contrary, as Zhu Peng said...

When he tried to analyze it from the perspective of market sentiment, news, and capital.

It is found that the market is still in a consistent long situation, and the bull factors in all aspects are still strengthening.

There is no logical support for a possible market change or recession.

Therefore, in this case, when Zhu Peng said, "It is much easier to sell stocks in the bull market than to buy stocks," he thought that he might as well wait a little longer and see how the market continues to develop. Then, after the market trend becomes clearer, we will look for opportunities to adjust our investment strategies and trading strategies.

Following a brief discussion between the two.

The market's trading time has rapidly changed to 9:25.

I saw the fierce changes in the two cities were frozen, and the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

According to the fixed market charts of the two markets, it can be seen that... after a ten-minute collective bidding process, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index finally opened higher at a gain of 47%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index opened higher at a gain of 28% and 19% respectively. As for the increase position, as for the A50 index and the small and medium-sized board index, one opened higher at 61%, and the other only achieved a slightly red market, opening higher at an increase position of 08%.

Based on the final high opening of major indexes.

It can be seen that the market trend is still on the Shanghai Stock Exchange main board and a number of heavyweight stocks in the A50 index area.

Moreover, based on the overall long sentiment performance of the two cities before the market opened.

For several major core indexes, such a high opening and growth situation can be said to be completely below expectations.

Fortunately, even though the opening performance of the index was obviously lower than the expectations of the majority of investors, the performance of a number of popular stocks and leading concept stocks that the investor groups of the two cities focused on and discussed in the top 20 in the two cities still performed well. Strong, they have achieved sharply higher openings.

Among them, ‘Huake Shuguang’ opened sharply higher by 21%, directly hitting a record high in stock price in one fell swoop.

'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' opened 11% higher. Although the market increase performance was slightly weaker than that of 'Huake Shuguang', its ability to undertake the main buying funds was particularly strong. In the single call auction process, more than 200,000 yuan were sold. There are tens of thousands of orders, and large funds have already flowed in 1.3 million yuan during the collective bidding process.

‘Great Wisdom’ opened sharply higher with a 39% increase, continuing to hit a new yearly high.

‘Flush’ opened 39% higher, significantly outperforming the performance of the ‘Internet Finance’ sector index.

'Oriental Fortune' opened 73% higher. Although it was weaker than the other two similar stocks, it also significantly outperformed the 'Internet Finance' sector index.

‘Hua Ke Financial’ opened higher again with an increase of more than 5%.

Although there were huge long and short differences in the market during the entire call auction, the Shanghai Stock Exchange still maintained a high opening increase of more than 1%.

‘Jinzheng Shares’, ‘Yinjie Technology’ and ‘Changliang Technology’ are several popular stocks in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector.

They also opened higher with an increase of more than 5%. On the market, during the entire call auction, the buying funds actively accepted were far stronger than the selling funds.

‘Huagong International’ and ‘Huaguo MCC’ ​​are two heavily weighted popular stocks in the main line of ‘big infrastructure’.

It also opened sharply higher with an increase of more than 5%, continuing to lead the gains of a number of heavyweight stocks in the main line of "big infrastructure", as well as related industry sector indexes and concept sector indexes.

‘Xiangcai Securities’, ‘Huaxin Securities’, ‘Western Securities’, ‘Pacific Securities’… a number of popular stocks among brokerages.

They also opened significantly higher than 1%.

Among them, ‘Xiangcai Securities’, a recently popular leading stock among brokerages, opened sharply higher at a 79% increase, leading the gains in other securities stocks.

There are also 'Shanghai Sanmao', 'Yingkou Port', 'Fushun Special Steel', 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery'... and many other 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road' , Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' and other popular concept themes in the main line of concept leading stocks.

They also opened higher than 1% one after another, significantly stronger than the performance of various related concept sector indexes.

Generally speaking, the indexes of the two cities have not opened much higher, and even the stocks in various industry sectors and concept sectors of the market have already experienced a certain degree of long-short divergence.

A number of industry sectors and concept sectors with the three main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ as the core.

Among the popular stocks that attract more attention from market investors.

It still has a very strong money-making effect, and it still continues to stimulate everyone's sentiment of doing long, as well as the nerve to follow the trend and constantly chase its stock price.

"Hey, this opening is a bit lower than expected, right?"

After the time moved to the brief suspension period between 9:25 and 9:30, among the large group of retail investors gathered in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform, some people frowned and couldn't help but complain.

"What do you mean it's not as good as expected? It opened higher across the board, but it's not as good as expected? Anyway, I think this opening performance is very much in line with my expectations."

"Yes, what's wrong with it is not as good as expected? This opening performance is already very strong."

"It seems that the market conditions are further converging towards the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'?"

"Hasn't the market's performance always been concentrated on these main lines?"

"I feel that as long as a number of short-term leading concept stocks can continue to produce the next-day premium effect, the market trend will be strong. And obviously... the top 20 popular stocks in the two cities today, compared with yesterday's closing price , almost all of them have been realized, and the premium has opened up, but this still not as good as expected? Then how strong should your expectations be? Is it expected that the index will rise to the limit when it opens?"

"This is the fourth consecutive trading day in which the index has opened higher, right? That's enough!"

"The magnitude of the high opening is not important, what is important is the high opening. As long as the market as a whole achieves a high opening, then I think it will exceed expectations."

"There is no problem with this call auction result. We are optimistic that the Shanghai Stock Index will continue to break through after it officially opens."

"'Huake Dawn' hit a new historical high before 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment'. The hold-up of 'Huake Dawn''s stock chips has been completely cleared. Today's 'Huake Dawn' is on a new upward journey." It feels like this check has become the card position of 'Blue Stone Reload' and has once again become the overall leader of the short-term market in the two cities."

"I am also optimistic that 'Huake Dawn' can continue to expand its space, and during the call auction, the position has been increased by 10 lots."

"The Three Musketeers of 'Internet Finance' are as strong as ever. 'Flush' is a record high again. Damn it... This check is really magical. The trading volume on the market is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and the differences between long and short are day by day." It’s getting stronger every day, but the stock price of this check can keep reaching new highs amid this divergence. This trend... is really ridiculously strong.”

"There is no doubt that judging from the entire call auction results, the 'securities' and 'Internet finance' sectors are still the absolute core areas of the market."

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with continuing to be long in the securities and Internet financial sectors."

"'Huaxin Securities', the top-weighted stock in the brokerage sector, is getting stronger and stronger. Today's call auction almost opened higher by 1%."

"Yes, it feels like even the upward trend of 'Huaxin Securities' is gradually accelerating."

"A-shares are still the most beautiful scenery in the global financial market."

"Keep going long, keep adding positions!"

"Continue to buy brokerage stocks. I feel that if the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hits 4,000 points this month, it will have to rely on the efforts of 'big finance'."

"Based on the current turnover of the two cities, there is definitely room for securities firms."

"How many times has the market turnover doubled in the past few months? Let me tell you... the securities sector index must continue to be shorted and rise, and double in order to catch up with the increase in the turnover of the two cities. Generally speaking, , before the results of major securities stocks are truly realized at the end of the year, it is expected that the stocks of major securities companies still have room to at least double their growth."

"The core component stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector have the same logic, right?"

"Look, in this year's annual report release, the performance of these heavyweight stocks in the main line of 'big finance' will definitely explode across the board."

"Anyway, just keep going long."

"Full position, financing leverage starts..."

In the extremely heated discussion, everyone's views were still surprisingly consistent.

No one thinks that the market will encounter huge upward resistance here, and no one thinks that the market trend will turn here.

In the rapid refresh of topics, in just five minutes, the bullish sentiment in the market is still continuing to fly upwards, and is still rushing towards the crazy field.

Subsequently, when the short five-minute suspension time passed, the market ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period.

I saw that the time hand had just passed 9:30.

With the strong support of the brewing bullish sentiment, the market prices of the two cities continued to rise rapidly, and the gains of the major indexes also expanded rapidly.

At the same time, almost instantly.

The stock ‘Huake Shuguang’ has attracted the attention of a large number of investors both inside and outside the market.

It ushered in an extremely strong attack of active buying funds, and a series of thousands of major buying orders, without hesitation, pulled its stock price to a position close to the daily limit in half a minute. (End of chapter)

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