Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 824: Differences in trading strategies among institutions!

"Then we still maintain the previous trading strategy in terms of trading strategy?" Yu Lei asked, "While keeping the total fund position level unchanged, continue to remove the weak and retain the strong, and concentrate on holding positions?"

Liu Guanhai nodded slightly and said: "Yes, continue to maintain the previous trading strategy. In the market trend, when you should be greedy, you should still be greedy. Furthermore...we are in 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', and 'Military Industry'" 'These three core main line positions have certain cost advantages.

Also, the overall fund size of the fund product we manage is not very large.

Under the current abundant liquidity in the market.

Even if something unexpected happens and the market moves unexpectedly, we will be able to react in time and make an immediate position adjustment plan.

Therefore, in the current market, many stocks have different market trends.

And the Shanghai stock index has risen and fallen for two consecutive days.

We don’t need to worry too much at the moment. We can just continue to observe the progress of the market’s bullish sentiment and the various positive and negative feedback from the macro news. "

"Okay!" Yu Lei nodded, and the trace of worry in his heart quickly faded away.

At the same time, the two were in the trading room next door.

That is, the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund product trading room. As the leader of the fund trading team, Liu Changling, after a brief review, saw that many stocks in the popular main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' After emerging from the stagflation pattern of heavy volume and the obvious rebound pattern of heavy volume, he frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Shao, have you noticed that the market trend seems to be a bit strong and weak!"

As a fund manager, Shao Xiaoyun was thinking about how to further increase the net value of the fund products he managed. At this moment, when he heard Liu Changling's words, he couldn't help but quickly cast his eyes on the already fixed market of the two markets. After browsing many stocks mentioned by Liu Changling, He replied: "There doesn't seem to be any obvious signs of strength turning weak. Today the entire market is showing a trend of rising and falling. It is normal for these stocks to go out of the stagflation pattern of heavy volume, or to say that they are rising and falling due to heavy volume, right? And ...It can be seen that the overall market turnover is still on the rise, various incremental capital groups are still entering the market, and the long capital groups are still able to hold on to the market situation well, and there are no signs of market weakness!

However, it is true that the strength of the index's upward attack has weakened, and the upward slope of the continued short squeeze has begun to decrease.

According to this trend, most of the market will move closer to the major moving averages that it has been chasing behind, forming a new chip shock platform.

Hey, we are focusing on the trading strategy of adjusting positions in popular mainline stocks and weighted core stocks.

The movement is still too slow.

Now it is obvious that the market is moving towards a more differentiated main line market situation.

That is, for stocks in the three core main fields of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry", I am afraid that the situation of "the strong will get stronger and the weak will get weaker" will gradually be carried out to the extreme. "

"Mr. Shao, looking solely at changes in volume and energy can sometimes be deceptive." Liu Changling said, "Obviously, in the main line of 'big finance' today, the differences between the main funds have already reached the end of the afternoon. It’s too big, and I feel that under such circumstances, it will be difficult for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to continue to make a significant upward breakthrough and open up new room for growth and speculation.”

"The Shanghai Stock Index cannot make a good breakthrough upward, but the main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have already gathered strong bullish sentiment, as well as popular concept stocks and popular weighted stocks from numerous short-term follow-up capital groups. It still has strong breakthrough capabilities." Shao Xiaoyun said, "The annual net value performance of our current fund products is very close to the 'Yinghui No. 1' fund product.

At this critical moment, we cannot be discouraged.

I think we need to further concentrate our positions and concentrate fund positions in popular heavyweight stocks and concept leading stocks in the main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', so as to further capture the market's excess profits. After all, …It’s almost the end of the year.


Don’t you often say that the best defense in the stock market is offense?

If the market gradually moves closer to the moving average, a new chip concentration platform will begin to be built.

Then, there is no doubt that various active capital groups in the market will definitely continue to concentrate on popular heavyweight stocks and concept leading stocks in these major main areas.

After all, these stocks always have the strongest expectations and the greatest room for imagination in the current market.

It is the field that gathers the highest popularity and has the greatest profit-making effect. "

"But what if... there is an extreme and sustained adjustment in the market?" Liu Changling said, "In that case, it is very likely that the net value of our fund products will face a huge retracement, and once there is such an adjustment in the market, A number of heavily weighted popular stocks and leading concept stocks are already at relatively high levels.

With the bullish sentiment in the entire market receding on a large scale, it is bound to become the primary selling target for many short-term capital groups.

After all, these stocks.

It is also the stock with the highest capital liquidity in the current market and the most serious accumulation of profit orders and unwinding orders on the market. "

"What do you think is the probability of an extreme adjustment in the market or a continued extreme adjustment?" Shao Xiaoyun laughed and said, "In the extreme adjustment trend on November 10, the Shanghai Stock Exchange successfully turned around in two or three days. , and hit a new high.

Today, the bull market pattern of the market has been completely established.

And the majority of investor groups, both inside and outside the market, have much stronger expectations for a bullish market than before.

At the same time, both on and off the court.

There are still huge amounts of incremental capital groups that are entering the market one after another, and they want to grab high-quality chips in popular main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'.

In other words, under the established bull market pattern, there are relatively consistent long expectations.

With ample financial liquidity.

The potential market takeover is still much stronger than we imagined.

Under this situation, once profit-taking and unwinding are concentrated on selling, the market will experience a relatively large short-term correction.

Then, it is foreseeable that the bulls will counterattack quickly and frantically scramble to take over.

What's more, market rumors that the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios this month are becoming more and more clear. Once this major benefit is implemented, it will bring an incremental capital group of more than trillions to the market. , there are so many potential incremental funding groups.

At this position, the Shanghai Stock Index has a high probability of not falling.

To the maximum extent, it means sideways fluctuations, digesting the profits gathered in the market and unwinding the arbitrage.

Also, in a bull market, it is easy to sell but difficult to buy!

Whether it is the main line of "big infrastructure" or the two core main lines of "big infrastructure" and "military industry" that have slightly diverged today, there are many component stocks, as well as a number of popular heavyweight stocks. The current valuation level, compared with foreign markets, is Overestimated? Any bubbles?


Compare foreign markets and the rapidly changing fundamentals of these major main areas.

These popular heavyweight stocks that are currently being wildly sought after by funds, as well as a number of other component stocks that are showing slight adjustments today.

The valuation is still quite low, and it still has a very high investment value for money.

In this way, in a bull market where market liquidity will only become more abundant, what reason is there to sell? Here... there is no suitable selling point!

What's more, if we reduce our positions significantly at this position, we want to avoid the risk of a possible market correction.

What if the market continues to rise like before and continues to be shorted, heading straight to 4,000 points?

At that time, it will be basically impossible for us to buy back the chips, especially the original cost, and our position strategy, trading strategy, and even next year's trading plan will fall into a very passive situation.

So I think……

At this time, it is not wise to carry out the operation of reducing positions and taking profits. "

After listening to Shao Xiaoyun's analysis, Liu Changling felt that what Shao Xiaoyun said made sense and was supported by clear market logic.

But he still vaguely felt that at this position of the market, the cost-effectiveness of investment was declining sharply.

At the same time, risks are rising rapidly.

Of course, apart from a vague hunch in his heart, he had no solid logic to support his judgment based solely on the market analysis.

Therefore, I felt hesitant for a while.

"I still don't think it's appropriate to further concentrate our positions and lock in the hot heavyweight stocks that are hotly speculated." Liu Changling was silent for a while and said, "How about... Mr. Shao, we are observing the market in the next few trading days. trend, and then make new trading strategy adjustments? At this time...the trading opportunities on the left are far less cost-effective than the trading opportunities on the right, what do you think?"

Shao Xiaoyun saw that Liu Changling persisted and that the other party rarely made mistakes in his previous judgments of market conditions. He thought that it would be too late to observe the market trends first and then adjust positions to long positions when the market development was more certain. , couldn't help but ponder for a moment, nodded, and said: "That's okay, then let's observe again."

Liu Changling nodded, and at the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As the two discussed the market situation and subsequent trading strategies.

at the same time……

Inside and outside the market, on major stock discussion platforms across the Internet, such as stock discussion forums, trading platform stock discussion areas, financial media discussion communities, stock forums, etc., where major retail investor groups gather, as well as numerous internal groups in the industry, and many institutions Internal market discussion center...etc.

The discussion among a large number of investors is still very intense.

And various discussion topics are refreshing rapidly.

The views of the vast majority of investors are still firmly bullish on the market outlook, believing that the Shanghai Stock Index will not encounter excessive resistance before it hits 4,000 points.

At the same time, today's market index has risen and fallen, as well as the heavy volume and stagflation of many stocks.

Everyone is generally optimistic.

After all, it depends on the market trend.

In the past few days, the market also went out of the trend of rising high, falling back, and then falling in late trading. However, no surprise... the follow-up was just the same rapid reversal, and it also quickly hit a new high for the year, and continued to push forward. The upward trend of short positions will crush any short position in the market without any ability to counterattack. (End of chapter)

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