Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 825: Market differentiation intensifies!

There are very few investors who are bearish on the market, or are aware that the market may have the risk of continuous severe corrections, or only a few investors think so. Si.Rabbit 520 reads the latest error-free novel chapters

It seems that the market has experienced a strong short squeeze for one consecutive month and has continued to set new annual highs.

Everyone has begun to ignore the so-called investment risk issue.

It seems that everyone already thinks that after the stock market enters a bull market structure, it will only rise and continue to rise.

Moreover, except for the majority of investors, they are blind to the possible risk of continued market correction, and can only see the good news but not the bad news, or subconsciously ignore the bad news.

5:30 p.m.

With the refresh of the data on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities and the disclosure of the balance of the two financings, the market's long sentiment and bullish sentiment are still rising continuously.

And based on disclosed market data.

I saw that the balance of market financing increased by more than 4 billion compared with yesterday.

As for the disclosed Dragon and Tiger ranking data.

I saw that the number of stocks on the Dragon and Tiger lists in the two cities today remains at more than 40, and stocks such as Huake Shuguang, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment, Great Wisdom, Flush, Huake Financial, Yingkou Port, Shanghai Sanmao , China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Fushun Special Steel...' and many other popular concept leading stocks in the market are all on the list.

Based on the trading data of these popular stocks.

It can be seen that although the buying and selling volume of these tickets continues to increase, the overall net buying amount still shows a net buying trend.

Among them, when the stock price of 'Flush' was at a high level, institutions actually bought more than 30 million net chips.

There is also the check of 'Yingkou Port', which is at a high position with continuous heavy volume, and institutions are also buying in large amounts.

In the Dragon and Tiger List data of the two core leading stocks in the market, ‘Huake Dawn’ and ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, a large number of active hot funds in the market are still continuing to do long relays.

Moreover, the data of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ is shown.

The ‘Rongcheng Gang’ who had been taking out positions and taking profits in the past two days did not continue to reduce their positions today. Instead, they made a T to reduce their own position costs.

There is also the check of "Shanghai Sanmao".

‘Changhong Road’, the main hot money stock, directly bought 54 million yuan in one go.

Of course, the two checks of ‘Huagong International’ and ‘Hua Guo MCC’, which fluctuated violently during the day and saw large volumes, were not able to make it onto the Dragon and Tiger list today.

However, even so, the net inflow of main funds at the closing of these two checks.

We can also know that the market trends of these two popular heavyweight stocks are still not over.

Faced with the good news revealed by the dragon and tiger lists in the two cities, as well as the continuously growing financing balance data, discussions among a group of investors inside and outside the market continued.

The bullish sentiment in the two cities continues to soar.

And, at night.

Regulators are also continuing to deliver good news to the market. At the same time, on the evening news, good news about the core concept theme of "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" is also coming one after another.

Then, late at night, U.S. stocks opened and continued to open higher.

Whether it is the domestic financial market environment or the external financial market environment, at this time... almost everything we look at is in a negative state.

In this form, the market is bullish and bullish.

Naturally, it's going crazy.

Finally, the next morning, Tuesday, December 2nd.

The two cities have not yet opened, and the expectations of the vast number of investors inside and outside the market have soared to the collective daily limit of the stocks they hold, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has already begun to hit 3,700 points.

However, when the market really opens.

After 10 minutes of continuous collective bidding, the final market opening situation was significantly lower than the expectations of the majority of investors both inside and outside the market.

I can see that it is under the extremely high emotional expectations of the entire market.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index only achieved a slightly higher opening in the red.

The relatively weak Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium Enterprises Index only achieved a flat opening.

Of course, as the industry sectors and concept sectors related to several popular main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', which are directly affected by the positive impact, as well as their related major popular stocks and concept leading stocks, they still show Leading the gains in both markets.

It's just that this leading trend is still far from everyone's general expectations.

Faced with such an opening situation in the two cities.

Facing the major core indexes, under extremely high emotional expectations, the opening trend was once again less than expected.

The vast number of investors inside and outside the market, while slightly frowning and surprised, still did not consider the so-called risk issues. They just felt that the market was too heavy on profit taking and unwinding, and the index and individual stocks needed to change hands and fluctuate, but they would definitely fluctuate. After that, you can break through quickly.

Under this still high-pitched and intense long sentiment.

At 9:30, the two cities officially opened for trading.

As soon as the market opened, stimulated by the high-pitched bullish sentiment, the new capital groups swarmed in and once again rushed to raise high-quality chips for core main lines such as "big infrastructure", "big finance", and "military industry".

At 9:31, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index all moved higher.

At 9:32, securities, Internet finance, banking, insurance, construction decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development... and other popular industry sector indexes and concepts in the main fields of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' Sector indexes also rose one after another.

At 9:33, two big monster stocks, ‘Huake Dawn’ and ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, also hit record highs and new market highs.

At 9:34, 'Yingkou Port', the leading concept stock in the core concept field of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', once again rushed to the daily limit under the attack of a large number of thousands of main buying orders. .

At 9:35, ‘Yingkou Port’ reached its daily limit, while the ‘port shipping’ sector followed suit.

At 9:36, after 'Yingkou Port' reached its daily limit, the stock 'Shanghai Sanmao' also moved accordingly.

At 9:37, the stock price of "Shanghai Sanmao" rose by more than 7%.

At 9:38, the "Shanghai Sanmao" hit its upper limit again, and the stock price reached a new high for the year, and it set a new height of speculation for this check last year when the concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" broke out.

At 9:39, as the stock price of "Shanghai Sanmao" reached its daily limit, the entire concept theme of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" was driven up.

At 9:40, the Shanghai Stock Index rose to a 5% increase.

At 9:41, the A50 index, driven by the trend of weighted stocks in the two main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', headed towards a 1% increase.

However, just as the A50 index hit an intraday increase of 1%.

After the entire market greatly consumed the long-term capital that poured in at the opening, as well as the incremental capital that poured in from the sidelines, the long-short forces on the market suddenly reversed again. Many 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', Component stocks in the main line of 'military industry' began to dive one after another.

At the same time, a number of popular stocks and leading concept stocks were on the market.

The divergence between long and short has also increased sharply, the time-sharing trading volume has increased rapidly, and the power of active selling has also increased rapidly, suppressing buying orders, and driving the stock price to gradually rise and fall. (End of chapter)

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